Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists


Coconut oil is known for a very long time. Its use began in 1500 BC. NS. And successfully continues today. Along with the use of coconut palm trees for construction and fuel, the fruits of the tree also went into the course of food and source of income. Coconut oil was a very common product in Africa, India, Polynesia and Central America.

For the first time, coconut oil began to apply coconut oil in the East. Mitigating properties of this product were described in an ancient Hindu manuscript. India is still one of the main manufacturers of a unique product together with the Philippines and Malaysia.

Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_2


This product is a vegetable fat prepared by hot pressing of a copra. Copra is nothing but a flesh with a white color. It is the result of the thickening of coconut milk. It contains more than 60% of oil essence.

Externally coconut oil is a hardened tight consistency of pearl color, but when the temperature is raised (above 26 degrees), it starts to melting, turning into a transparent liquid with an oily base. Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids, among which:

  • palmitic;
  • Miristinovaya;
  • Laurinovaya;
  • olein;
  • cape;
  • Capril.

Coconut oils are divided into refined and unrefined.

Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_3

Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_4

Unrefined not undergo treatment and contain up to 50% of lauric acid. Such a product harden in a cool place.

Refined oils are obtained by cleansing the product under pressure. The transparency of this oil is higher than that of unrefined.

For cosmetic procedures, an unrefined product is used, since its action is more efficiently on the skin due to the present Laurinic acid. It is perfectly distributed and softens the dry and age-related skin. He does not fit the fatty skin: the product scores its pores that are most often extended on this skin.

Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_5

Coconut oil has a lot of useful qualities:

  • It is well moisturized very dry and dehydrated skin, protects it from the negative impact of the urban environment;
  • It is used as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drug;
  • The coconut component is added in the manufacture of sunscreen lotions and means against burns.

Oil product in pure form is also used for cosmetic hair care products. One of the reasons for hair loss is the loss of protein in the process of their washing. Coconut oil stimulates the process of strengthening hair bulbs and warns the loss of this important substance. The product improves the appearance of the hair, enhances their shine and increases elasticity, preventing the appearance of split tips. It is used in masks against the dandruff and as a regenerating agent for painted hair, as well as for curls, which are often exposed to heat treatment.

Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_6


Cool intake coconut oil is the most natural means due to the saturation of the product with fatty acids.

As part of coconut oil, their large number:

  • Laurin Acid - 39-54%;
  • Kapronic acid - 1%;
  • Miristinic acid - 15-23%;
  • palmitic acid - 10%;
  • Capricic acid - 6%;
  • Capric acid - 5-10%;
  • Oleic acid - 9% (mono-monosaturated acid);
  • Stearinic acid - 5% (monoinsaturated acid);
  • Linoleic acid - 3% (polyunsaturated fatty acid).

The composition contains polyphenols that are responsible for the taste of oil, and derivatives of esters and fatty alcohols. Also in oil there are vitamins K and E.

Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_7

Coconut cold spin oil is obtained from young green walnuts. The quality and characteristics of such a product are significantly higher than that of ordinary oil, which is extracted from mature nuts. The amount of oil in green fruits is less, but more useful components in them more.

It is more than ordinary oil is saturated with vitamin E and antioxidants, which increases its qualitative characteristics.

Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_8


Coconut oil found Application in body care and face:

  • In the cosmetic industry, it firmly occupied its place and is an undoubted leader in the range of hair products;
  • It is used to make detergents, such as gels for the shower and soap;
  • The product has successfully proven itself as the main product for massage;
  • It is often added to moisturizing faces, hands and feet;
  • The tool is recognized as one of the best in care for lifeless hair;
  • It cleans the skin remarkably.

Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_9

Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_10

Thanks to vitamin E, which is an excellent antioxidant, oil is widely used in the line of cosmetic sunscreen, as well as in the means against burns. Fatty acids stimulate the renewal of the epidermis of the scalp, which has a beneficial effect on the hair follicles.

Cosmetologists advise to apply oil not only on the skin of the head, but also to smear the ends of the hair that are subject to systematic cross section.

The regenerating properties of the product exhibit ourselves on problem areas of the skin, stimulating cells to quick regeneration and reducing existing wrinkles.

Coconut oil has been applied in the treatment of acne and acne. The oil is instantly absorbed even in the deepest layers of the epidermis, and the skin instantly receives all nutrients included in the product. True, this method of treating acne is not suitable for each skin type.

Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_11

Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_12

    So that the product does not give a negative reaction, it is recommended to rinse no later than 10 minutes after applying to the skin.

    Included in oil substances strengthen eyelashes and nails, making them with proper use of the means healthy and beautiful.

    Hair beauty helps to gain masks with coconut oil. With their systematic use, the hair cross section is observed less often, and the hair shine becomes brighter.

    Most often, hair masks consist of 100% of coconut oil. In this form, it is used exclusively on her hair.

    This natural product is successfully used on the most dry areas of the body: elbows, knees and feet, that is, where the skin is the most dehydrated. It quickly gives dry skin beautiful view due to instant moisturizing.

    Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_13

    Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_14


    Since the coconut oil is a product created by nature itself, allergy often occurs on it, so when it is directly used, it is necessary to test the inside of the elbow, causing several drops of oil. If after 24 hours the reaction will not be, then it can be used in cosmetic procedures.

    You can not use the oil product on the problem skin.

    Pores on such a leather are most often extended, and the oil clogs them, causing an inflammatory process in the form of acne rams.

    After oil masks, it is recommended to wash your hair very well, and it is better to do it several times. Otherwise, hair after applying the product will look dirty and untidy.

    Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_15

    There is a myth about one negative side of the use of coconut oil. Some Internet users leave negative reviews, which stated that coconut oil dries hair and exacerbates the situation with brittle hair. In fact, this can happen only in one case: the purchased goods are poor quality (is a fake). The qualitative and natural unrefined product has only a positive effect on the structure of the hair, and when it is used, the likelihood of negative consequences on the hair is minimized.

    Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_16

    Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_17

    How to use?

    Oil Essence Coconut - Multifunctional cosmetic, because it is:

    • moisturizes;
    • feeds;
    • cleans;
    • regenerates;
    • rejuvenates;
    • Heals.

    Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_18

    In this regard, cosmetic products on coconut are the great set, but not all of them are effective and have a pronounced effect on the face. It is connected with frequent use in products of low-quality oils.

    There are a lot of facial and body care in cosmetic stores on the shelves. Coconut is based on a coconut oil, but no store consultant will tell about the quality of the oil that was used to manufacture a product. Therefore, the most correct solution will be the purchase of high-quality coconut oil in a specialized store and apply it at home. Thus, you can protect yourself from buying fake and unpleasant consequences.

    Only that cosmetic product is worth buying, on the label of which you can see the inscription Virgin Coconut Oil: It is the least refined and highest quality.

    Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_19

    Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_20

    Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_21

      The first stage of facial care is cleansing. In order to clean the skin of the face with the help of coconut oil, it will be needed only 10 grams. The product must be applied by stroking movements on the skin of the face and neck. During a five-minute massage, the oil begins to take off the skin of the excess fat and the remnants of makeup. After it is rubbing, it is necessary to put a small towel moistened in hot water on the face and thus enhance the efficiency of the product.

      Oil after the procedure should be washed with a gentle agent in the form of a cream or makeup removal foam.

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_22

      After cleansing, you can give a tone of the skin with the help of a scanning. The coconut scrub will be the best skin toning option, which, in addition to exfoliation, moisturizes the epidermis.


      • Coconut oil - 30 ml;
      • Sugar - 20 grams;
      • Olive oil - 2 drops.

      To prepare a coconut scrub, all components are mixed in one container, and then the resulting product is applied by massaging movements to the entire surface of the face and neck. Wash off the product with warm water.

      Sugar perfectly exfoliates dead cells of the epidermis, updates the skin and makes it incredibly smooth. The oil ingredient moisturizes and nourishes it. Cosmetologists advise to use such a product instead of an ordinary scrub no more than 2 times in 7 days.

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_23

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_24

      Oil product is used in the preparation of masks.

      If there are rashes on the skin, then the mask with the oil essence of coconut and lemon will help in the fight against this ailment.


      • Lemon - half of the fruit;
      • Oil component - 40 ml.

      The mask is not used on the whole face, but only in inflamed areas.

      For her preparation, lemon juice and oil essence are mixed. The mixture is applied to problem areas and leave minutes to 20. wash off this mask with cold water. Use such a method of fighting acne is not more often 2 times a week.

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_25

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_26

      If the skin is inflamed or irritated, the oil mask in the composition with honey and aloe faith will help reassure it.


      • Coconut oil - 30 grams;
      • Aloe Vera juice - 30 grams;
      • Honey - 5 gr.

      Aloe Vera cleans and updates the skin, honey is a natural antiseptic.

      To prepare the mask you need to mix the oil component, aloe vera and honey in one bowl. You need to impose such a mask in places of irritation. The face of the face mask is 30 minutes. Then it is cleaned with a wet napkin with a wet cloth, wash and neatly wash the face with a towel.

      Undoubtedly, there is a classic recipe for a coconut oily essence of cold spin. In such a product there are no additional ingredients. It is applied in its pure form, so the result of its use directly depends on the quality of the product.

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_27

      In order not to enter the infection, it is necessary every time before the procedure thoroughly wash your hands.

      First you need to clean your face from all pollution and cosmetics. After dry and clean skin, the product is applied, distributing it in the face by massaging movements.

      Before using this mask, it is worth a test for the tolerability of the oil used.

      If the negative reaction has not appeared, then you can leave the mask on the face for the whole night, however, only if your skin is dehydrated.

      For combined and prone to fatty skin, 10 minutes will be enough. Wash off with warm water. If the remnants of the product are confused on the face, you can use a special gel for washing.

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_28

      Skin moisturizing is the final phase in the face care. The face cream with the oil component as no other moisturizes the skin and nourishes it from the inside. It can well be prepared by himself.

      Universal cream, which is also suitable for young, and for age-related skin, contains the following ingredients:

      • Oil essence of coconut - 5 tablespoons;
      • Minda oil essence - 2 tablespoons;
      • Pink water - 2.5 tablespoons;
      • Lavender essential oil - 10 drops.

      To prepare cream, you need to heat the oil essences to the fluid state and mix. In another container, heat the pink water and pour it into the mixture of oils, while whipping everything with a blender. When the mixture reaches a creamy state, you can add lavender ether, which has a beneficial effect on the skin of any type and age. Store this nutrient cream in the refrigerator short time - just 2 weeks.

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_29

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_30

      The most sensitive skin on the face is the area around the eyes. It is there that first wrinkles appear. To avoid this and delay the moment of the appearance of "goose paws", it is recommended to use the coconut mask.

      It will take 1 capsule of vitamin E and 5 grams of oil product. By connecting these ingredients, the resulting mixture is applied with light stroking movements to the area around the eyes. In the morning remove the masks with a wet napkin. This mask can replace both lip balm that moisturizes well and nourishes his lips.

      Also deal with wrinkles around the eyes Helps skin massage using oil components. The course of such a massage is 15 days.

      Daily before bedtime or late on the cleaning of the eyelid and under the eyes, coconut oil is applied and massage will be massage with your fingertips for 5 minutes (2 and a half minutes per eye). The direction of the tapping movements should be from the nose to the periphery.

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_31

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_32

      If the woman seriously decided to enter into an unequal struggle for the preservation of his beauty after 40 years, then there is a recipe for an anti-aging cream with a coconut aroma.


      • Coconut oil - 3 tablespoons;
      • Olive oil - 6 tablespoons;
      • Bee wax - 10 grams;
      • distilled water - 85 grams;
      • Powder vitamin E, A, C - 1.8 grams;
      • Ilang-Ilanga Ether - 15 drops.

      On the water bath you need to melt coconut oil, add olive oil and wax to it.

      After reaching a mixture of homogeneous consistency, remove from the fire and mix thoroughly. In another capacity, mix distilled water with vitamins with a blender and, without turning off the device, pour the oil mixture into water. In the resulting cream at the end of the preparation of Ilang-Ilanga ether. Store self-preparation cream recommended in the refrigerator.

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_33

      Moisturizing requires not only face, but also the body. Coconut oil is used in the preparation of this cosmetic product.

      To make a body cream, you will need:

      • Coconut oil - 10 grams;
      • Shea oil - 1 tablespoon;
      • Wax - 5 grams;
      • Avocado oil - 5 grams;
      • sesame oil - 10 grams;
      • Olive oil - 10 grams;
      • Wheat oil - 1 teaspoon;
      • Hydrolate chamomile - 10 grams;
      • Mineral water - 3 tablespoons;
      • daisy essential oil - 7 drops;
      • Palmaroza essential oil - 15 drops.

      Melt solid oil and wax in the microwave. Having achieved homogeneity, add to a mixture of avocado oil, sesame, olives and wheat. Then whipped the oil mass by a blender. At the same time, the hydrolates of chamomile and mineral water are mixed and warm up to 40 degrees on the stove. Upon reaching the desired temperature, the liquid is poured into the oil mixture. All mixed well and add ethereal components. At the end shift cream to storage tank. The cream must be in the refrigerator.

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_34

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_35

      Oil product, as noted above, fights perfectly with dry areas on the feet. Prepare the cream for the feet on it will not be much difficult.


      • Coconut oil - 5 grams;
      • Cocoa oil - 5 grams;
      • Shea Oil - 5 grams;
      • Olive oil - 5 grams;
      • Jojoba oil - 5 grams;
      • Oil solution of vitamin E - 5 grams;
      • Bee wax - 5 gr.

      Solid oil ingredients need to melt and combine with the rest. After the mixture becomes white, you need to add a few drops of the orange tree ether to it. The mask is applied to the rough sections of the stop, wrap the legs with a polyethylene film, putting warm socks. Remove the mask recommend after 1 hour. The result will not make himself wait, because from the first use, the skin on the feet will be much softer.

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_36

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_37

      A special role to the oil essence of coconut plays hair care. Fatty acids, which are in its composition, restore the damaged hair structure. If the hair suffers from excessive fragility, the coconut oil is initially warmed up in a microwave to a liquid consistency, and then evenly distributed on her hair from the roots to the tips.

      The hair is covered with a polyethylene film, and on top of a warm tissue and leave in this form for 1-2 hours.

      It is allowed to go to bed in this form and remove the mask only in the morning. After the procedure, the hair is thoroughly washed several times with a shampoo.

      Dry hair, which need constant moisture, recommend combing the comb, pre-pinping a couple of droplets of the oil component. Such a procedure is not applicable to fatty hair: from excessive moisturizing they will look inactively.

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_38

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_39

      Equal milk products are often used in care for fatty hair. Coconut oil in combination with these ingredients gives a stunning effect on her hair.

      To do this, heating 1 tablespoon of oil essence, mix it in one container with 4 spoons of kefir or sour cream and apply a mask along the entire length of the hair. Then shove the hair with warm cloth and wait for 1 hour. After washed with a mask with warm water using shampoo.

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_40

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_41

      With hair loss helps an oil mask with pepper.


      • Coconut oil - 10 grams;
      • garlic - 1 teeth;
      • Gangchoe Pepper - 2 gr.

      First you need to heat the oil. Then the remaining ingredients are added to it and everything is well mixed. Such a mixture is applied directly on the roots of the hair and rub in massage movements. The appearance of burning is a normal epidermis reaction to pepper. Such a mask, if possible, need to keep at least half an hour or at least 15 minutes.

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_42

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_43

      To speed up hair growth, you can prepare a mask based on coconut oil and sea salt.


      • Sea salt - 1 teaspoon;
      • Yolk eggs - 1 pc.;
      • Coconut oil - 3 tablespoons.

      Prepare a mask, mixing heated oil with salt and yolk, and then apply it to the entire length of hair and leave for 20 minutes. To make hair after applying the oil mask seemed dirty, it is recommended to rinse them well with a shampoo.

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_44

      Returns the hair healthy glitter mask from coconut butter, milk and oat flakes.


      • Milk - 1 tablespoon;
      • Coconut oil - 2 tablespoons;
      • Fastened oatmeal - 1 tablespoon.

      In one container, all the ingredients are mixed and the mixture is applied to the hair, covering them with a towel. After half an hour, the mask can be washed off with warm water with shampoo.

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_45

      Make the hair to glisten the mask with rosemary and chamomile.


      • Coconut Cold Pump Oil - 100 gr;
      • Rosemary sprigs - 10 grams;
      • Chamomile flowers - 10 gr.

      To prepare a mask you need to heat the oil for its softening to a liquid state and add prepared dry fees to it.

      Leave a mixture of oil and harvesting on fire for 20 minutes, stirring periodically. Then the oil solution is transfused into a bottle of dark glass and put it in a closet or a bedside end for a week. After the time of time, the oil infusion should again be heated and skip through fine sieve. This infusion is distributed through the hair and leave for 30 minutes.

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_46

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_47

      Reviews of cosmetologists

      Most cosmetologists and doctors positively relate to this product and recognize its benefit. True, they warn that the result from using a natural product is achieved slower than when applying synthetic agents. Before applying oil, experts recommend to check the body's response to the product, applying some oil on the wrist or the inner surface of the forearm.

      Cosmetologists do not advise use coconut oil during pregnancy due to a change of hormonal background Because if earlier the oil was fine, then the body can give a negative reaction to any natural cosmetic product.

      Efficiency and use of Coconut oil for face (48 photos): Application of the product at home and the benefits of face mask, reviews of cosmetologists 4879_48

      In any case, coconut oil is used in cosmetology very widely and has most often positive reviews among buyers.

      For detailed ways to use coconut oil for the face, see the following video.

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