usma oil (29 photos): instructions for use funds from the leaves and seeds, contraindications and reviews


A unique oil usma found its application in our country not so long ago. Consumers are interested in knowing the composition of the product characteristics, usage, expected results, existing contraindications, real people.

usma oil (29 photos): instructions for use funds from the leaves and seeds, contraindications and reviews 4865_2

What it is?

Usma - herbaceous plant of the mustard family. It grows in the Arab countries, Central Asian Republics, China, the Crimea, Dagestan and the North Caucasus. The natural oil of this plant on the Russian counters came from Arab countries in the early 2000s. Later, the production of steel shipped from China and Kazakhstan.

In the countries of Central Asia and the Middle East oil smeared brow just born girls. Lubricated areas gradually overgrown hairs. Later, the girls are beautiful black eyebrows.

Oil exudes spicy herbal aroma, reminiscent of the smell of a mixture of mustard and walnut. In African countries usma does not grow, so the oil produced in Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, made from other plants.

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Extract usma visually resembles castor oil. In cosmetology juice or broth plants are valued less because of fast changing color: green pigment is black within a short time. Fresh juice can sometimes cause a slight burning sensation due to their properties of mustard.

Highly concentrated oil derived from the seeds is used to stimulate hair growth only. The oil from the leaves does not cause a burn, so it is used for the care of eyelashes, eyebrows and hair strands.

The preparation of the seeds and stems of greenish color with a yellowish shade of leaves - beautiful emerald color. The oil has the property of making the hair thicker, so the girls used to strengthen hair follicles and restore the density of the eyebrows and eyelashes.

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The uniqueness lies in the fact that the means for a short period of time, restores the structure of hair. The eyelashes and apply the best juice as a dye for eyebrows.

The drug is sold in small vials with a dispenser in the form of a pipette. The facility has an opaque viscous consistency. Shelf life in a dark place at room temperature, typically 3 years.

Usma acquiring oil in a pharmacy or online store, do not forget to ask a certificate for the products and the data about the manufacturer. The packaging should necessarily be oil production date. Before use, carefully read the annotation.

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usma oil (29 photos): instructions for use funds from the leaves and seeds, contraindications and reviews 4865_6


Oil is pressed from leaves and seeds of a two-year plant under a press or centrifuge. Cold spin allows you to save all vitamins in the original form. The large content of useful trace elements, antioxidants, fatty acids contributes to the stimulation of hair growth. Oil is completely safe for health. Allergic reaction extremely rarely appears even in babies.

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Composition of the healing product:

  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, E, RR rejuvenate the skin, increase the growth rate of hair;
  • Nitrogen, phosphorus, glucose, carbohydrates actively support all the necessary processes, the necessary balance of substances, without which the natural growth of curls is impossible;
  • Alkaloids stimulate the growth of lush hair;
  • flavonoids give impetus to all other components, prevent allergic reactions;
  • Saponins strengthen and feed hair follicles;
  • Hyaluronic acid facilitates skin seal, prevents fading;
  • Oleic acid feeds hair bulbs;
  • Stearinic acid moisturizes and softens the dermis, gives it elasticity and softness;
  • Linoleic acid stimulates the natural growth of hair cover, prevents falling, eliminates curls from fragility;
  • Eicked, palmitic, Arachnic acids contribute to the rapid penetration of funds in the epidermis and ensure the functioning of the bulbs.

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The abundance of nutrients is healing weakened hair. Oil has antibacterial properties, enhances the protective functions of the body

Positive effect

Oil UISs are used in cosmetology for the purpose of rehabilitation. It helps to get rid of dandruff, pigmentation, scars and all sorts of rash. The tool contributes to cleansing the skin, dissolving decorative cosmetics. It contributes to the restoration of eyelashes after painting and extension.

Women with false cilia recommended the use of oil, as the skin around the eyes is softened. Malicious effect of glue is neutralized. Own hairs start growing better and faster. Oil elbows skin from dryness. After the tattoo and frequent embelling of eyebrows, the product contributes to the restoration of the outer horny layer.

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Greater use from oil is to prevent the impassation and incidence of hair. When rubbing the means, the epidermis layers are replenished with the useful substances. The oil quickly penetrates the skin. The blood supply to the cells that begin to share with double power are activated. The rods are compacted, their thickness increases. Hair loss stops, their growth increases, strands are moisturized, roots are strengthened.

First, a small cannon is formed, which over time turns into full-fledged hairs. The recovery process is observed in a short period of time. The hairproker quickly becomes lush, even on the bald sites, asleep on the bulbs are awakened. Short-term use of the means also gives a positive effect.

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The product restores the layers of the epidermis, destroyed:

  • After structural damage to the bulbs in the prenatal and postpartum period;
  • as a result of staining of hair, cutting with a hot hairdryer or chemotherapy;
  • due to partial hair loss due to genetic features;
  • due to transferred stress;
  • As a result of unforeseen hair loss for unknown reasons.

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usma oil (29 photos): instructions for use funds from the leaves and seeds, contraindications and reviews 4865_12

After applying oil on the hair there is no greasy shine, the curls look attractive. The remedy is quickly absorbed into the skin. The natural pigment of the hairproke is intensified.


Oil usm has the following contraindications:

  • The tool is not recommended to use during pregnancy;
  • The presence of skin diseases is an obstacle to the preparation;
  • do not advise to apply the tool if it burns a lot of eyes (easy burning is allowed) or a plump skin;
  • It is necessary to avoid the use of products in individual intolerance;
  • The substance is forbidden to use in eye diseases, inflammation of the eyelids existing wounds on the mucous membrane, the presence of any other form of allergies.

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usma oil (29 photos): instructions for use funds from the leaves and seeds, contraindications and reviews 4865_14

The presence of allergic reactions is checked as follows: a little butter is dripped on the inner surface of the bending of the elbow, a few minutes will wait. With the appearance of swelling or redness, the tool is not recommended for use.

How to use?

Before use of oil, you should carefully read the instructions. The tool from leaves and seeds is applied before bedtime and left until morning. When using oil during the day, the exit to the street is not recommended. It is undesirable to appear in the sun with a substance applied to the hairproof. It is better to wash the oil better.

Mode of application:

  • The brush is washed in the soap solution, then poured by it chlorhexidine of the BigLukonate (0.05%), after 10 minutes, we donate with running water and dried;
  • Remove the makeup, the face wipes the napkin;
  • oil is heated to 45 degrees in the water bath;
  • Carefully apply a pipette to the hairpin.

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usma oil (29 photos): instructions for use funds from the leaves and seeds, contraindications and reviews 4865_16

Oil should be applied evenly on clean skin with special tassels for eyebrows and eyelashes. First, the outer side of the cilia from the roots is processed to the tips, then the inner part. Each hairs must be carefully lubricated. Tassels slightly massaged area. Oil leave overnight.

The eyebrows are combed with a brush in the direction from top to bottom, then from the bottom up. Ends procedure combing hair from the nose to the corners. The substance is left until the morning. You can use Q-tips or brushes instead of brushes.

The oil should be applied daily at bedtime for two weeks, then take a break for a month. With the penetration of substances into the eye is necessary to promptly copious washing with running water.

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usma oil (29 photos): instructions for use funds from the leaves and seeds, contraindications and reviews 4865_18

To prevent hair loss and achieve the desired effect it is necessary to make a 15 treatments: daily during the week, and then the mask is applied every other day. Consumption of oil is small. Vial of 30 ml is enough for 25 masks.

Secrets of the correct use of substances:

  • Oil dripping on dry skin partings, rubbing his fingers, gently massaging;
  • head covered with a shower cap or a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect;
  • towel wrapped in 2 hour or thermal wear cap for about an hour;
  • oil washed off with warm water using a mild shampoo.

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usma oil (29 photos): instructions for use funds from the leaves and seeds, contraindications and reviews 4865_20

As a prophylactic agent for alopecia agent is added several drops of a shampoo prior to application. Prevention is the weekly application of 5-7 drops of oil added during usma linseed, castor or spruce. The same tool is used every day with the appearance of baldness.

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usma oil (29 photos): instructions for use funds from the leaves and seeds, contraindications and reviews 4865_22

To stimulate hair growth using a mask mustard:

  • 2 teaspoons of sugar are mixed with the mustard powder (2 tbsp.);
  • was added to a mixture of 2 teaspoons burdock oil, spoon half usma;
  • the resulting mass is brought to a consistency similar to sour cream;
  • medicinal drug is rubbed into the head before easing burning;
  • means rinsed with plenty of water and shampoo;
  • head covered with cellophane and wrapped a towel to create a thermal effect.

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usma oil (29 photos): instructions for use funds from the leaves and seeds, contraindications and reviews 4865_24

Kefir mask is prepared as follows: take half a cup of yogurt, was added 6 drops usma oil, coconut by teaspoonful and burdock product. The blended mass is rubbed into the head, the rest of the spread over the length of the hair. Duration of treatment was 2 hour. After which the mass is washed away, his head covered with plastic, a towel or a warm scarf.

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Men who want to have a neat and lush beard, you can also take advantage of this therapeutic agent. The method of application is very simple: once a day, the oil should be spread evenly over the chin. The result will be noticeable within a week. Oil is applied to the chin every day for two weeks.

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The preparation is successfully used in combination with any other oil. A mixture of jojoba oil, castor, olive, burdock, coconut, sesame, camphor product is also applied to the desired portion of the brush. It can be used as lotions. Allow to stand for 1.5-2 hours, then wash off.


Persons of old age with pleasure enjoy safe oil, which helps to preserve attractiveness and beauty to deep old age. Numerous reviews of the elderly consumers suggest that the regular use of the agent prevents the appearance of seeds.

The oil loves for the amazing effect of recovery of eyelashes and eyebrows. After staining with their chemicals, the "dandelion effect" often occurs, the hairs begin to crumble, leaving the bald in some areas. If you compare what eyelashes were before and after applying the product, the results are very impressive. Eyebrows and eyelashes grow, acquire natural color.

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usma oil (29 photos): instructions for use funds from the leaves and seeds, contraindications and reviews 4865_28

Consumer feedback testify that the products do not paint the skin and hair. The oil is low-fat - washed off by any shampoo. There is no unpleasant burning on the skin. Some assure that the effect of hair growth is observed after the first procedure. The use of oil eliminates the split tips of strands, contributes to an increase in the volume of hair.

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The result is observed extremely quickly, so the drug is in demand in cosmetology.

On how to use Oil Oil, see the next video.

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