Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes?


Most plants essential oil can be used as one of the best skin care products. They are added to creams and masks, diluted with water and wipe the face to restore elasticity, remove acne and wrinkles. Before you begin to apply such a cosmetics, it will take in more detail to understand, in which case which oil is worth using.


Oils of different plants are actively used against wrinkles, since it is indispensable for the skin. They give it the necessary elasticity. Regular use of such a natural agent smoothes and pulls the skin cover, contributes to the overall improvement of its structure.

Many essential oils possess antioxidant properties which helps to save the skin from harmful substances, due to which the visible signs of wilting and damage from ultraviolet exposure decrease.

One of the advantages of using oils is relatively cheap compared to many other means. They just use.

They improve skin elasticity due to the presence of authane acid in its composition.

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_2

Regular use of such a cosmetics helps:

  • saturate the skin cells moisture;
  • increase its elasticity;
  • activate the process of blood circulation, thereby removing the visible capillaries protruding on the surface;
  • accelerate the process of sharing vitamins and other trace elements between cells;
  • Clear pores deeply.

One of the main reasons why it is necessary to use plant oils in the process of skin care - they demonstrate anti-inflammatory effect. Many cosmetologists and doctors believe that essential oils have the ability to neutralize free radicals. Thus, they can help prevent and reduce damage caused by environmental pollution, the Sun and other harmful factors.

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_3

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_4

Many oils help the skin to save moisture. For example, olive, avocado oil, coconut render a good moisturizing effect.

Another important factor in favor of using natural oils is their active ingredients help maintain skin elasticity to women who have menopause. Studies have shown that argan oil used every day helps to increase the amount of collagen and improves the elasticity of the skin.

As part of most oils, there are phospholipids that act as additional protection against harmful environmental factors.

They also contain vitamins that contribute to cell renewal and rapid healing of damage, as well as trace elements, such as:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus.

Macroelements in the composition of oils help to improve the metabolism, and phytostyrors are eliminated from pigmentation.

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_5


In the market today you can find a huge number of essential cosmetic oils, which are used for the age, for the zone around the eyes, the face as a whole. All means are ready-to-eat products. They have a complex chemical composition, differing depending on the manufacturer. In addition to base oil, manufacturers usually add emulsifiers and useful extracts to them. Plant oil is obtained by cold pressed foliage and stems. Esters evaporate quickly and do not leave on the skin of the oil trail, so they are bred with a fat basis.

All cosmetic vegetable oils can be divided by the type of skin for which they are suitable.

Dry skin is more different by damage, it will raise faster due to the lack of the required amount of moisture in it. Subcutaneous glands are poorly producing fat, peeling appears, the skin reacts sharply to negative factors, loses elasticity and elasticity. Cosmetologists are recommended with such a skin type apply carrot seed oil or bitter orange. Frosting from neroli helps to remove small wrinkles, refreshes the face and gives the skin smoothness.

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_6

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_7

With oily skin, everything is the opposite: the sebaceous glands work too actively, as a result there are problems with acne, inflammation and acne appear. Such skin is not subject to the formation of wrinkles, but it must be cleaned using oils:

  • citrus
  • sage;
  • Rosemary;
  • Fir.

The active components in such products have antiseptic properties, they are able to pull the oval, narrow the pores and improve the shade of several tones.

There are also products suitable for all, regardless of skin type. These include lavender squeezes, a popular sandalwood, Pahuchi Geranium and Dopop, fragrant Ladan. The efficiency of using these funds is proved by clinical studies. The regular use of one of the oils helps the skin when developing collagen, activates cell regeneration, has a deep moisturizing effect, normalizes the balance.

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_8

How to choose?

To properly choose oil to care for skin, you need to know which is used after 50 years, which is suitable for dry or oily skin, and what is from mimic wrinkles. The chemical composition, as well as the impact on the skin, every oil will differ.

Lemon oil for the face is an excellent tool from wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, it can be used for forehead. It contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is a natural antioxidant that destroys free radicals. Its use reduces the appearance of subtle mimic wrinkles.

Studies of lemon oil showed its effectiveness in caring for different types of skin. Scientists concluded that it is an excellent anti-aging tool used for cosmetics. He is advised to apply for scars.

Another ether that is wonderful for daily care of mature skin - sandalwood oil. Plant extract has an excellent moisturizing effect and helps the skin to recover, remove signs of wilting. Researchers found that sandalwood oil helps reduce the number of papillomas and can act as an additional protection against skin cancer.

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_9

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_10

You can add a sage oil into a cream to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. This product is compatible with other oils, it is used as a therapeutic agent for wounds and against skin infections.

Ladan and its essential oil helps to stimulate the growth of new cells , keep the skin elastic and elastic, and also reduce age-related pigment stains. The advantage of the incense is that it helps to slow down signs of taking skin with age, increases the elasticity of the skin.

Carrot seed oil contains useful components that can help the epidermis to recover faster after injury. It is rich in flavonoids, which is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect on irritable skin.

Lavender oil is an excellent means to deal with wrinkles. Even if you just inhale it, you can reduce wrinkles on the face, because the psychological and emotional state is improved, the muscles relax.

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_11

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_12

Gerani essential oil is no less widely used in skin care products. It is valued due to its antibacterial properties and pleasant aroma. It can also help smooth wrinkles, make the skin more elastic.

To help prevent premature fading of the skin due to the active impact of ultraviolet rays, you need to use patchouli oil, which is added to the face cream. It has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, in addition, protects the skin from bacterial and viral infections.

Mirra extract is used for many centuries as a means of infections. It cleans the inflammation well, heals wounds and swelling. The product has a powerful antiseptic effect and helps to remove inflammation in external use.

Save the skin of a young allows the regular use of ylang-ylanca clip. This plant oil contains powerful antioxidants that effectively destroy free radical damaging skin.

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_13

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_14

Rose essential oil is one of the best products for dry skin, as well as for women after 50, because it may return the previous elasticity of the epidermis in a short time. It fills moisture cells, therefore it is excellent for use as a moisturizing agent for face and hands. However, rose essential oil not only retains moisture, but also activates cell growth. Its fragrance has an antidepressive effect.

Other rejuvenating agent - Pomegranate seed oil, stimulates the growth of new cells It helps reduce wrinkles and other signs of skin aging. It slows down the aging is a prophylactic agent of cancer.

It is necessary to use rosemary oil along with other esters, since it helps to achieve the desired skin elasticity. The oil is actively used against wrinkles in cosmetic dermatology.

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_15

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_16

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_17

One of the most sought-after skin rejuvenation is grape oil. It is relatively inexpensive, contains a large number of useful acids and vitamins that feed cells and help the regeneration process.

Grape oil contains connections that protect cells from damage. Its regular use contributes to the restoration of the skin, damaged by harmful substances that accumulate in the body.

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_18

An apricot bone oil has antioxidant properties. Its rejuvenating effect is due to the high content of fatty acids and vitamin E. It was found that the composition of this product is oleic and linolenic acid. You can use sweet almond oil to combat skin aging, since it provides it with the necessary nutrients. Use it along with anti-aging oils helps to keep moisture and has an excellent lifting effect.

Avocado's release is indispensable in the treatment of many skin problems, such as psoriasis. It also improves the appearance of the skin. Experiments showed avocado benefit in the fight against wrinkles and skin aging. The researchers found that fatty acids increase collagen density and reduce inflammation in cells. It helps the wounds to heal faster and reduces the likelihood of scars.

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_19

One way to pay the time to reverse and keep a healthy complexion is to use a rich seed oil. Thanks to a large amount in the composition of vitamin C, it helps to increase the level of collagen in the skin, also contains vitamin A, which gives it smoothness, pulls it up and reduces signs of aging.

Ether Prior Drug Enotera is also widely used for cosmetics. It helps to remove inflammation and is recommended for use to people who have eczema or atopic dermatitis. This is a rich source of antioxidants, it is well moistened to dry skin, reduces skin itch.

One of the best anti-aging oils, which must be used for dry skin, is the ester of jojoba. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps improve the overall condition of the skin, make it young and healthy.

Argan oil increases elasticity and has a lifting effect. The advantage of this means for mature skin is that it improves the structure of the cells and eliminates them from free radicals.

Olive oil is perfectly suitable as a natural agent. It is used to reduce the amount of wrinkles around the eyes, helps prevent skin disease caused by the effect of free radicals. Clinical trials showed that olive oil helps to restore the skin damaged by UV rays.

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_20

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_21

Recommendations for use

Remember some basic rules, If you want to use vegetable oils instead of a cream:

  • They are required in most cases to dilute, and not use on the skin in concentrated form;
  • Before applying, it is first worth checking the body's reaction to the remedy with the back of the palm;
  • It is important to comply with the proportions and not exceed the permissible amount of means;
  • The oil should not fall into the eyes and open wounds.

For daily care of age-related skin, you can make a mixture from different oil extracts:

  • 30 ml of grape seed oil, sweet almond, jojoba;
  • 4 droplets of carrot seeds;
  • 4 drops of sandalwood extract;
  • 4 drops of pink ether or lavender.

Mix all the ingredients together and store in a small glass jar in a dark cool place. They apply a few drops of this means on the face every night after washing to reduce wrinkles on the face.

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_22

You can apply oil tool through the sprayer. You can create such an anti-aging spray using the following components:

  • Fill a small bottle with water sprayer;
  • Add 12 drops of rose oil, Ilag-Ilanga, Lavender;
  • Before use, shake well;
  • Spray your eyes with closed eyes.

The procedure can be repeated throughout the day, it helps to moisturize the skin and smoke wrinkles.

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_23

There is another proven recipe against skin aging. In the mixture, add ethers of the following plants in a certain proportion:

  • Neroli - 10 drops;
  • lavender - 10 drops;
  • Ladan - 10 drops;
  • Rosemary - 2 drops;
  • Fennel - 10 drops;
  • lemon - 3 drops;
  • carrots - 10 drops;
  • Vesuli evening - 10 drops.

It is necessary to apply the tool every evening on the skin of the face and the neckline zone under the night cream by massaging movements.

Oil from wrinkles: What kind of cosmetic essential oils help with wrinkles on the skin of the face and in the area around the eyes? 4831_24


Women actively leave feedback as to which vegetable oil tool is the most efficient. The best tools, according to the majority, this is, of course, citrus oils, roses, ylang-ylang. But it is worth understanding that everyone is responsible for solving a certain problem and in order to get due effect, it is necessary to choose the right tool.

From inflammation and acne helps the oil of dill, lemon, orange, grapefruit. If you want to moisten the skin, then you should pay attention to carrot seed oil.

Such a simple to use and effective remedy has an affordable price. It is easy to find oils in a pharmacy or a specialized cosmetic store. Efficiency will be noticeable after several applications, but it must be remembered that before applying any means it is necessary to test it to the body's reaction. If an allergic reaction was revealed on one oil, it is worth trying to replace it with another with a similar effect.

For the most effective types of oil from wrinkles, see the next video.

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