Naomi Cosmetics: Dead Sea Review Israel, Pros and Cons, Reviews


Israeli Cosmetics of the Dead Sea is now at the peak of popularity. Faculty and body care products will become an excellent gift for any woman, presenting to her nature. In the article we will look at the description of Naomi cosmetics, make an overview of popular products and reviews left by customers online.

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Naomi Cosmetics: Dead Sea Review Israel, Pros and Cons, Reviews 4790_3


Cosmetics Naomi - Right from Israel. The brand was created in 1982 and became the first one who decided to use the Mineral Dirt of the Dead Sea to create facial and body care products. Today, Naomi Dead Sea Cosmetics is one of two companies that has the right to produce dirt on the depth reservoirs. It is at a depth of 100-140 meters this substance has the best concentration according to properties. Thanks to the efforts of Israeli specialists in conjunction with innovations in the field of cosmetology, Each woman can try and get the result from the use of the useful substances of the Dead Sea.

Naomi Dead SEA cosmetics includes all the benefits and healing power. The mineral composition of Israel is rich in vitamins that are deeply powered, moisturize the epidermis and give it protection against adverse events of nature. In addition, products contribute to solving many cosmetic problems, such as cleansing, regeneration, nail strengthening, improved hair structure. Sea salt is the best scrub at the expense of naturalness. She not only removes the burdered layer, but also provides a relaxing effect in water procedures.

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Naomi Cosmetics: Dead Sea Review Israel, Pros and Cons, Reviews 4790_5

The medicinal properties of the Mineral Mud of the Dead Sea was known to the ancient beauties. Now thanks to the Naomi Dead SEA cosmetics, each can feel the culpatre and use healing minerals at home. In addition to other complications, products will help to fight cellulite, cope with peeling and irritation, improve the condition of problem skin, remove toxins and improve blood circulation. With regular use of brand goods, the skin acquires a healthy look.

Another undoubted plus of cosmetics of the company is the fight against the premature appearance of mimic wrinkles and rejuvenation. Means are rich in sodium and potassium, which are necessary to prevent skin fading. Products with mineral mud of the Dead Sea will help maintain the necessary level of humidity in the epidermis, which is responsible for elasticity and elasticity.

However, in addition to therapeutic dirt, other useful ingredients are also included in the products of the Israeli brand.

Extracts of plants and oils favorably act on the skin, moisturizing and softening it. They will help to establish metabolic processes at the cellular level and get another better result. The indisputable advantage of Naomi Dead Sea Cosmetics products is a fairly democratic cost.

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Naomi Cosmetics: Dead Sea Review Israel, Pros and Cons, Reviews 4790_7

Naomi Dead Sea Cosmetics offers a wide range of products, among which each girl can find the necessary tool. Consider the most popular brand goods.

Active mineral serum

Cosmetics are sold by a volume of 30 ml, the company warns that The serum is highly concentrated, so it is necessary to use it literally 2-3 drops for one application. Accordingly, there is enough funds for a long time. The product quickly absorbs and leaves the sticky film on the face. In addition to marine minerals, plant hoods include vitamins, natural honey and antioxidants. The serum is deeply powered, reduces the number of wrinkles and compacts the epidermis, making the face more tightened. Price - 1128 rubles.

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Naomi Cosmetics: Dead Sea Review Israel, Pros and Cons, Reviews 4790_9

Active mud mask

The mask is suitable for all skin types. The cosmetics structure allows useful substances to penetrate the epidermis and activate the regeneration process, the active components help restore the skin at the cellular level. The remedy deeply cleanses and nourishes the skin, making it smooth and matte. The mask is suitable for combating small wrinkles. Before use, you must apply tonic, then only the mask itself and leave for 15 minutes. Wash off warm water and moisturize with cream. Price - 820 rubles.

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Naomi Cosmetics: Dead Sea Review Israel, Pros and Cons, Reviews 4790_11

Moisturizing cream

Cosmetics helps to restore the level of moisture, deeply moistened and ensure the protection of the epidermis from the effect of the environment. Minerals and vegetable extracts make the skin gently and elastic, giving it a healthy color and fresh look . Easy consistency provides fast absorption and convenient application. The cream will become an excellent basic for makeup. Price - 673 rubles.

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Naomi Cosmetics: Dead Sea Review Israel, Pros and Cons, Reviews 4790_13

Soap against acne

As you know, the Mineral Dirt of the Dead Sea is considered One of the best ways to combat acne. For this reason, the specialists of the Israeli brand took this ingredient as the basis of the unique soap. The product will help struggle with eels and carry out the prevention of other skin diseases. To mitigate the effect, natural essential oils include.

They help at the same time dry the emerging inflammation, relieve irritation and soften the skin. Soap perfectly removes dirt from the pores and removes a fat barrier, which interferes with the passage of moisture and oxygen into the inner layers. Among other things, Naomi soap creates an invisible layer that protects against adverse external influence. Price - 310 rubles.

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Naomi Cosmetics: Dead Sea Review Israel, Pros and Cons, Reviews 4790_15

Shampoo with black mineral mud

The tool is intended for fat and irritable heads of the head. High concentration of marine minerals shampoo contributes to cleansing, strengthening and restoring the hair structure. It allows you to prevent hair loss, making them strong and healthy. With regular use of this cosmetics, the hair will become volumetric and shiny, the selection of sebaceous glands is normalized, which will reduce fatness and give long freshness . Price - 506 rubles.

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Dirt of the Dead Sea

It is suitable for both wrapping and as a mask on the body. Natural composition with minerals, aloe juice and vitamin E allows you to clean and tone the skin. The tool will help relieve tension and relax. With regular use, the natural process of skin regeneration will gradually improve, blood circulation will improve and fat deposits will decrease.

Dirt of the Dead Sea helps to fight cellulite, and in a preheated state will help heal and prevent pain in the joints.

A thick layer of dirt should be applied to the clean body and leave for 20 minutes, then wash off with water. After the procedure, moisten the skin with a body cream or lotion. It is forbidden to use for applying on the wounds, the heart and thyroid area. Price - 476 rubles.

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Opinion of customers about Naomi cosmetics is exceptionally positive. Pleasant price, natural composition and stylish design of products from Israel attracts more and more girls who are loving home care. There is a high efficiency of funds, the result is noticeable after a pair of applications. The dirt and minerals of the Dead Sea are deeply cleaned, tone, nourish and moisturize the skin of the face and body. Praise was honored with hair products that make a smooth and silky mace.

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Naomi Cosmetics: Dead Sea Review Israel, Pros and Cons, Reviews 4790_21

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