Cosmetics OZ! Organiczone: Product Overview, Pros and Cons, Choose and Reviews


Natural cosmetics today is very popular. People seek to maintain their beauty by safe and eco-friendly means. ORGANICZONE (OZ!) Is found among the companies offering similar products. About cosmetics of this brand and will be discussed in the article.

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Cosmetics OZ! Organiczone: Product Overview, Pros and Cons, Choose and Reviews 4764_3

About brand

Organiczone - relatively young company. She appeared in 2013. After 4 years, the brand has already received the prestigious Eco Best Award Prize. He was recognized as the best Russian manufacturer of environmentally friendly cosmetics. Indeed, the company's products have 99% of natural components. These are oils, extracts and other gifts of nature collected in environmentally friendly areas.

In cosmetics there are no oil refining products. You will not find chemical preservatives in it, SLS, synthetic polymers. Products are not tested on animals, has an affordable cost. With all this cosmetics are satisfied effective. Brand specialists successfully combine natural ingredients with modern science achievements. Therefore, the result is pleasant to use the means that can improve the condition of the skin and hair of consumers.

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On the official website of the company lists all the main components used in its cosmetics. Consider the most important.

  • NUF - Natural component providing skin moisturizing. In aggregate with hyaluronic acid, it holds moisture in the cells, while maintaining elasticity, elasticity and youth of the face.
  • Citrate of silver Gives powerful protection from bacteria, preventing many skin troubles.
  • Dr. Panthenol - Remedy with unique capabilities. It promotes cell regeneration, has anti-inflammatory and healing effect.

Also in the manufacture of cosmetics is used deionized water. This is a liquid that has passed special processing and has impeccable purity. And, of course, there are various oils, acids, extracts of therapeutic plants, hydrolates, sea salt, spirulin, honey, clay and other valuable natural components.

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For face

In the assortment of the brand you can find various means for full face care. Flek, gels, hydrophilic oils are offered for washing. For deeper cleansing you can use Delicate sugar scrub. Various oils (coconut, jojoba, apricot bones, grape bones, shea, wheat germs, etc.) moisturize the skin in the process of procedure. Extracts (Hypericum, nettle, rosehip, aloe vera, etc.) provide an antimicrobial and regenerating effect. The company offers several options created taking into account the characteristics of different skin types.

For tonic offered Tonic and floral water. They Soothe, eliminate irritation, soften, improve the complexion. There are tonic with anti acids.

Such remedies have a rejuvenating effect due to exfoliation of oroging scale and cell regeneration.

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Vitamins E and F contribute to the production of elastin and collagen. If more intensive update is required, you can purchase peeling.

Face creams are represented by air fluids and products with a high content of hyaluronic acid. There is a cream designed specifically to care for delicate skin around the eyes. The product perfectly moisturizes, refreshes, smoothes small wrinkles, makes a look more expressive.

For those who prefer maximum care are offered Masks (refreshing, normalizing, rejuvenating, moisturizing, cleansing). As it is clear from the titles, each product performs a specific task. Especially popular use Alginate masks. They allow to achieve the effect of salon care at home. You can also choose an alginate product aimed at deep cleansing, moisturizing or skin rejuvenation. The last variety of masks provides a powerful lifting effect after the first procedure.

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For body

For water procedures, the company offers Fitogels with invigorating natural flavors, salt and sugar scrubs, bath salts, Belf . There is Anti-cellulite series which includes a hot scrub, 3 types of wrapping compositions (cooling, warming and chocolate), as well as a special cream with guarana extract, increasing skin elasticity and accelerating metabolic processes.

Can be purchased Regular body cream or butter (whipped oil) with an appetizing title. You can choose "Citrus Fresh", "Wild Mallina", "Strawberry Cocktail", "Vanilla Cappuccino" or another option to your liking. The final stage in daily care is the use of a deodorant that prevents the appearance of unpleasant odor and the overwhelming development of bacteria.

The company offers 3 variants of sprays: "Tea tree", "Ice citrus" and "Fresh mint" . Also in the assortment you can find creams for hands and legs, serums, peelings, wax for nails. With the products of the company you can easily organize at home a small spa.

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For hair

Phyutoshampoune OZ! Provide careful and safe cleansing of the scalp without cutting hair. Balms-air conditioners without silicones help to achieve smoothness and shine of curls. Maximum transformation can be achieved with masks (smoothing and regenerating).

Means are suitable for painted strands.

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Numerous customer feedback confirm the high quality of Organiczone products. The promises indicated on the package, the means are fully fulfilled. The aromas of cosmetic products are tender and pleasant, which increases pleasure from their use. I am glad as a result from the use of cosmetics and affordable prices.

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Review of cosmetics from the company OZ! Organiczone is provided in the video below.

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