Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews


The Lumene trademark appeared in Finland in the middle of the 20th century, and in the 1980s it became known in our country. Initially, it was made exclusively chemical funds, but after 15-20 years began to gain the popularity of decorative cosmetics, manufactured by this brand. From the very beginning of its activities, consumers celebrated high efficiency, hypoallergenicity and low price of this product.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_2

About products

Lumene offers consumers cosmetics of various focus. Here is presented both leaving cosmetics and decorative products. Tonal creams are presented in a variety of shades, they have a pleasant texture, not too liquid and conveniently applied. A wide lipstick and shadow palette is offered. Beautiful sexes are noted that Trucks of this brand correspond to the most stringent requests.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_3

Pooge is recommended for dry and normal skin. The fact is that it is quite dense, but at the same time it has an excellent matting effect. Consisters and highlights help disabilities. As for the Rumyan, the buyers note quite causing them colors. The producer took care of both men - for them are presented special rules, including funds for and after shaving, as well as for body care.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_4

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_5

The manufacturer has its own scientific laboratories. Finnish cosmetics of this brand passes multiple mandatory testing preceding the production of products on sale. Animal tests are not conducted. Specialists note that for the entire fairly long history of existence, Lumene Never a member of the scandals associated with the funds produced.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_6

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_7

About the ingredients

The main activity of the company is to preserve women's beauty and health. And the speech here is not only about the departure, but also about decorative cosmetics. The manufacturer notes that The composition of its products contains vegetable ingredients mined in the Arctic. It is believed that their impact can be as strong as possible.

Finns use all the beneficial properties of plants growing in such difficult conditions. In the composition of products there is a pure spring water. In addition, there are extracts of the Arctic berries such as cloudberry, a lingonberry, sea buckthorn and others.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_8


There are several main cosmetics lines produced under the Lumene brand. Classification is designed for the age of users and the type of their skin. Series allow representatives of beautiful sex easier to find a suitable tool, and also easier to navigate in an extensive range.

The Natural Code series is designed specifically for gentle girls. It is suitable for young skin and has an arctic plantain extract.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_9

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_10

The Vitamin C line is suitable for ladies aged 25 years and older. It is made on the basis of cloudberries. It helps to get rid of the first wrinkles and retains the youth of the skin.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_11

Anti-aging line Time Freeze has a heather. It offers creams and serums for consumer purchasings 40+. Smoothes wrinkles and at the same time perfectly moisturizes mature skin.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_12

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_13

Especially for tender leather is offered a collection of Excellent Future. It can use women older than 30 years old.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_14

The Basic Blue series is produced based on cornflower extract. It not only moisturizes the skin, but also nourishes her.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_15

For sensitive and damaged skin, Lumene offers a SenSetive lineup. Tools contain oil flaxseeds.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_16

Universal products are offered in the Sensitive Touch line. Especially for men, there is a personal collection for Men.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_17


Lumene offers creams that can take care of the skin at any time of the day. They protect and provide its recovery. Among the care cosmetics, a suitable tool can find a young lady. However, the most products are offered for women in adulthood. Customer shops noted that The price for creams and serum is quite democratic . At the same time, funds possess Quite high quality and effectively take care of the skin.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_18

Many advise not to use day cream before applying decorative cosmetics . The fact is that it can ride, respectively, efforts will be wasted. For sensitive skin around the eyes, experts are recommended to acquire special products designed to withdraw swelling, eliminating peeling, imparting freshness.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_19

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_20

The effect appears if it is regularly used by such cosmetics, and it becomes happened after several applications.

It should be said about BB-creams. They perform several functions at once: Protection, Moisturizing, Alignment. This product receives mainly positive consumer reviews. It is perfectly applied, absorbed well and gives radiance, in addition, it has an affordable cost.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_21

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_22

It is impossible to bypass the funds contributing to the restoration of the skin. They help to fight dryness, narrow pores, get rid of irritation and redness. According to the results of the survey, 90% of fine sex representatives are pleased with the result of their use. It is noted that From cosmetics with a slight tonal effect should not be expected to be a serious change in the color of the face, so they are mostly treated.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_23

Cleansing agents are also represented by this manufacturer widely. They help extend the youth of the skin, eliminating it from toxins and pollution. The line is represented scrubs, tonic and much more. They have an excellent refreshing effect, cope even with removal of waterproof cosmetics. In addition, consumers celebrate their quite affordable price.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_24

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_25


Lumene decorative cosmetics is popular around the world. For example, lip cosmetics are represented by a wide color palette and a variety of funds. The brilliances have a delicate consistency and a pleasant aroma, do not spread and do not tighten the lips. However, some believe that they are not resistant enough.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_26

Lipstick clearly allocate contour, they can be used without the use of a pencil.

The manufacturer offers cosmetics for the eyes, it is carcasses, eyeliners, pencils and shadows. Reviews are also predominantly positive. There is a stability of products.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_27

It is impossible to go around the nail polish. They are presented in bottles of 5 ml - this is a volume that allows the use of the composition rather quickly. Varnish does not have time to dry out or bored with young ladies. They mark resistance, ease of application and a wide selection of colors.

However, experts recommend that it is mandatory to use the foundation and a fixer to ensure reliable and high-quality manicure.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_28

Tonal creams are characterized by a tender texture, well distributed over the skin, providing it with a smooth tone, smoothness, and finely mask small disadvantages. They can be used for problem skin. The palette of shades is quite wide, you can pick up and the most bright. An excellent addition to them will become a powder, which is perfectly matured, and the effect is kept for a long time. However, users note not too comfortable powder.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_29

In addition, a sufficiently dense texture can interfere with the use of a fatty skin.

Excellent reviews are honored by consilers and highlights. However, with incorrect dosage, they may look inactively. As for Rumba, many consider their shades overly causing them.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_30

Choice rules

Cosmetologists and consumers celebrate high quality Lumene products. However, the key to success lies in the competent choice. First of all, you should focus on your own skin type. For example, the Sensitive Touch line is designed for fair sex with sensitive and thin skin. Girls in gentle age is perfect for the Nature Code series.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_31

If there is a need for skin care with severe pigmentation, cosmetics, which has sunscreen filters in its composition. They help to deal with similar problems. You should pay attention to Time Freeze Serum comprising atrububes used to clarify pigment stains.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_32

This agent is recommended for use at any age.

Experts recommend also to pay attention to the packaging. It is there that most often placed information about the type of skin, for which a particular means is intended. There is also a so-called age scale, according to which consumers can find out, for users of what age this product is offered.

Lumene cosmetics: Features of Finnish decorative and leaving cosmetics, cosmetologist reviews 4756_33

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