Maxim Deodorant: The composition of the antiperspirant and instructions for its use, reviews doctors


Among the large variety of cosmetics used by the person today, it is worth highlight deodorants. This product is presented in the market by many domestic and foreign manufacturers. Separately are therapeutic deodorants Maxim, notable for their peculiarities.


The current trend in the light of which more and more consumers prefer to use leaving agents containing maximum natural components, contributes to the emergence of alternative and highly efficient products in the market. The category of such antiperspirants include Maxim products. Production funds were initially engaged in the United States. Now the products of this brand gained fame worldwide as an effective means of hyperhydroposis.

The peculiarity of the deodorant is the impact on the sweating ducts, as a result of which their size is normalized., bind moisture, In addition, bacteria is destroyed. Such a principle of operation is peculiar to most antiperspirants, however, Maxim deodorant does not penetrate the pores, as a result of which the POTA absorption occurs at times more efficiently, while the epidermis is not clogged, continuing to breathe.

Today, deodorants are represented by gelling products, as well as means in the form of sprays.

Maxim Deodorant: The composition of the antiperspirant and instructions for its use, reviews doctors 4660_2

Maxim Deodorant: The composition of the antiperspirant and instructions for its use, reviews doctors 4660_3

Maxim deodorant belongs to the line of therapeutic products, so the product implementation is carried out in pharmacy networks. Products are manufactured without additional fonders, so there is no smell That makes it possible to use it together with perfume without mixing flavors.

The remedy is implemented in a plastic bottle with an applicator or sprayer, the volume of the product is 30 ml. However, despite the small amount, the antiperspirant is distinguished by a rather economical flow rate, in the light of which one deodorant is enough for a long time.

Another distinctive feature of the fund is The possibility of its use is not only in the area of ​​the armpits, but also when the hands and legs , Deodorant can be applied to the chest and back.

One of the recommendations of specialists is considered the extremely unwanted use of Maxim in conjunction with other products having a similar focus, since this can reduce the effectiveness of therapeutic agent, as well as cause unpredictable reactions to the combination of components - allergies, clogging.

Maxim Deodorant: The composition of the antiperspirant and instructions for its use, reviews doctors 4660_4

Maxim Deodorant: The composition of the antiperspirant and instructions for its use, reviews doctors 4660_5

The active substance of the MAXIM deodorant is aluminum chloride - is contained in the product in a safe concentration. Despite the possibility of accumulating metals in the body, The substance is present in products in minimal quantities, which eliminates the risk of poisoning. In addition, the product does not penetrate deep into the skin and the circulatory system, which provides complete safety when using the tool, but subject to the recommendations of its application.

Distinctive The feature of the antiperspirant Maxim is considered clinically confirmed ability to actively destroy bacteria , neutralize the smell of sweat, while maintaining the natural microflora of the epidermis for 3 days. After applying, the components are very quickly absorbed into the skin, without leaving traces on clothes, due to the absence of alcohols, deodorant does not cause excessive dry skin.

Maxim Deodorant: The composition of the antiperspirant and instructions for its use, reviews doctors 4660_6


For the most complete view of the antiperspirant should be studied The main components.

  • Aluminum chloride - The main component, thanks to which the tool performs its immediate tasks. This substance may be present from 10.8 to 30% depending on the type of antiperspirant.
  • Water - Liquid deodorant base.
  • Artificial ingredients - Aminometil Propanol, Quaternium and others. They are completely safe for humans. The task of these components is to ensure the necessary density and softness.

Depending on the percentage of aluminum salts, the following varieties are present in the market in the market:

  • Antiperspirant for sensitive skin (10.8%) - recommended for applying in the area of ​​the armpits;
  • Means for normal epidermis - 15%;
  • Deodorant manufactured for the treatment of increased hand and legs, in its composition of 30% aluminum chloride.

Maxim Deodorant: The composition of the antiperspirant and instructions for its use, reviews doctors 4660_7

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that Maxim deodorant belongs to the medicinal group, it is inherent in both positive and negative properties. The advantages of products should include the following characteristics.

  • The strength of the antiperspirant is expensive. To process selected zones on the body, it will need a minimum amount regardless of the form of release.
  • Also among positive features it is worth highlighting a large shelf life , That allows it to use for a long time without fear cause negative reactions to the skin due to the use of an overdue therapeutic agent.
  • In the composition of deodorant there are no fragrances Therefore, the tool has a neutral smell compatible with the main perfume person.
  • The components do not penetrate deep into the skin, therefore quickly derived from the body. In addition, the concentration of unsafe substances is minimal, which eliminates the likelihood of poisoning.
  • Deodorant does not contain alcohol. Such a feature determines the gentle effect on the skin, without causing dryness and irritation.
  • Antiperspirant reliably protects against sweat having a prolonged action.
  • Thanks to a small volume of the bottle, it is convenient to store it, Transport and use.

However, products are not devoid of some minuses.

  • Since deodorant refers to the medical category of products Products do not come to implement in stores and supermarkets. It will be possible to purchase it exclusively in the pharmacy network.
  • Compared to other means from sweat, Antiperspirant Maxim has a high cost.

Maxim Deodorant: The composition of the antiperspirant and instructions for its use, reviews doctors 4660_8

Maxim Deodorant: The composition of the antiperspirant and instructions for its use, reviews doctors 4660_9

Also, doctors note the body's tendency to get acquainted to this composition, in the light of which use the product must be strictly adhering to the instructions and recommendations regarding the frequency of its use.

Instructions for use

Before applying a deodorant on the skin, the manufacturer advises on mandatoryly familiar with the instruction. First of all, you should know that the Maxim deodorant is a nightlife Therefore, the usual hygienic measures will need to be carried out before bedtime, and not in the morning, as usual happens with other deodorants. After the tool is applied to the skin, the components penetrate it, providing a feeling of dryness and freshness for a long time.

Deodorant will only work when processing skin sections in pure form. Therefore, before using the antiperspirant, it is necessary to take a shower, wipe the skin dry. It is important that the skin does not have hair that will become an obstacle to the penetration of components in the pores. Next, it is necessary to apply a small amount of therapeutic agent on it, let die, then wear clothes.

In the morning and during the day it is not forbidden to take a shower again, the active components of the deodorant will continue to act and after that. Maxim deodorant does not require frequent use: as a rule, in the first weeks it is used 1 time per day, in the future the rate of application is reduced to 1 time in 3 days.

When obtaining the desired effect, the antiperspirant can be used even less often.

Maxim Deodorant: The composition of the antiperspirant and instructions for its use, reviews doctors 4660_10


Avoid any complications or unpleasant situations associated with the use of products, subject to the manufacturer's recommendations regarding its use. Therefore, before purchasing a deodorant, you should familiarize yourself with the number of contraindications:

  • Maxim deodorant can not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in this case, pre-consultation with the doctor is mandatory;
  • The tool cannot be applied to the skin if there are even the slightest damage, as well as serious wounds associated with skin diseases or resulting from other reasons;
  • From the use of products it is worth temporarily to refrain if there are signs of the allergic reaction on the epidermis of the allergic reaction of established or unidentified origin;
  • Deodorant can not be used immediately after shaving, depilation of any type (after the procedures should pass at least 24 hours);
  • It is forbidden to apply the composition on the wet skin, as well as on the body immediately after the sauna or bath procedures - the skin should acquire a normal temperature;
  • It is forbidden to apply an antiperspirant on top of another means of similar orientation.

Maxim Deodorant: The composition of the antiperspirant and instructions for its use, reviews doctors 4660_11

Maxim Deodorant: The composition of the antiperspirant and instructions for its use, reviews doctors 4660_12

Review reviews

    According to consumers' responses who tried the Maxim deodorant, it helps to fight the problem of increased sweating, as well as with an unpleasant odor. As a separate advantage, the absence of alcohols and fragrances, which very often cause irritation of sensitive skin, and also leave traces on clothes.

    According to doctors, this therapeutic products are not dangerous for a person subject to the recommendations of manufacturers regarding its application. The antiperspirant occupies a leading position in the list of medicinal resources from sweat, in addition, with its proper use, hyperhydrosis in humans does not acquire as pronounced symptoms.

    Maxim Deodorant: The composition of the antiperspirant and instructions for its use, reviews doctors 4660_13

    Maxim Deodorant: The composition of the antiperspirant and instructions for its use, reviews doctors 4660_14

    The following videos will tell about the features of medical deodorants.

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