Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts


Deodorants without aluminum, aggressive substances, parabens are increasingly becoming a choice of people responsibly related to their own health. Organic deodorants contain crystalline minerals that are not dangerous for the body.

The choice of means without parabens helps reduce the risks of dermatitis, allergic reactions of other type, prevents the pores blocking, accelerates the output of toxins. In addition, deodorants without aluminum help to maintain normal sweating, which is important for the correct thermoregulation of the body.

Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts 4654_2

The modern beauty industry offers a wide range of products for every taste. The list of best firms and rating of natural deodorants for women without aluminum salts and other dangerous ingredients will help to navigate in which suggestions it is worth considering first. Contrary to popular belief, modern natural remedies from the smell of sweat do not pay much more expensive than its analogues And their service life often turns out to be much more impressive. What should be taken into account before changing deodorants with aluminum and parabens to organic? Let's try to figure out.

Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts 4654_3

Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts 4654_4

Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts 4654_5

Features and composition

The main feature of natural deodorants is the absence in their composition of the substances that are used in popular chemicals. The thing is that modern antiperspirants - sprays, poems, rollers - are aimed no longer on masking of the unpleasant odor. They include substances capable of fully blocking for a certain period of sweat glands. Without aluminum salts, it is impossible to do it.

The following substances are considered the most dangerous:

  • aluminum chlorohydrate;
  • aluminum chloride;
  • Aluminum zirconium.

Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts 4654_6

The mass fraction of these substances is up to 20% of the total. Finding on the skin, they clog the sweat glands, disturbing the natural course of biological processes, with a significant increase in concentration penetrate into tissue, causing the development of tumor processes, endocrine disorders.

Natural deodorants contain aluminum in microodos, Since the compounds of alumokalia series are used here - crystals of natural origin, also known as alum. They slightly reduce the activity of the sweat glands, allowing you to avoid trouble in the form of wet armpits.

The main thing is that they perfectly cope with the appearance of the smell of sweat and do it no worse than the advertised traditional deodorants.

Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts 4654_7

Organic deodorants without parabens are another important argument in favor of choosing natural protection against sweat. These cosmetic preservatives are increasingly accused of significantly increase the risks of the development of oncological diseases. According to its properties, parabens are similar to the natural sex hormones with estrogen, but they are much weaker and can adversely affect the hormonal background, provoking various violations. A frequent contact of the skin of the armpits with parabens-containing means is called one of the factors affecting the development of breast cancer.

What should be in the composition of a natural deodorant? Alumokalia alum in crystal or powdered form, essential oils in safe concentration, can be added Soda to combat bacteria, clay.

Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts 4654_8

Available funds in the form:

  • thick paste, more like wax;
  • Cream-shaped vests;
  • rollers in which a crystal is given a spherical shape;
  • Aerosols on a crystalline basis;
  • powder (as powdered);
  • solid crystalline minerals.

Natural deodorants are considered the most popular In the form of alunite crystals containing sodium sulfate, potassium and aluminum in safe dosages . With their help, you can normalize the sweating and ensure that the glands work in comfortable mode even with the most intense loads.

It is worth remembering that the action of even the most effective organic deodorants rarely lasts more than 3-8 hours.

Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts 4654_9

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of organic deodorants are obvious.

  1. No restrictions on use. Safe natural deodorants are suitable even pregnant and nursing women. They can be used by richly sweating teenagers, elderly people, men and women with different levels of physical activity.
  2. Universality. Mineral means of protection against sweat can be used in those areas of the body, where it is impossible to apply the usual spray or stick - under the breast, in the intimate area, on the legs, palms, and the ears and in the neckline zone. If the face in the heat shines greatly and sweats, the organic means will help reduce discomfort.
  3. Reducing sweating. With long-term use, the effect turns out to be sufficiently resistant. At the same time, natural deodorant suppresses the bacterial microflora.
  4. Lack of traces on clothes . You can forget about white and yellow stains that can not be removed even by expensive means.
  5. The possibility of combining with your favorite spirits, toilet water. Organic drugs from sweat are often produced without fragrances or in this capacity uses essential oils.
  6. Efficiency. If we talk about a crystal, then it is enough for 6-12 months of permanent use.
  7. The possibility of applying on irritated or damaged skin after shaving, shugaring, depilation. Ordinary antiperspirants in this case cannot be used.
  8. No discomfort after use . The skin is dry, not sticky, pleasant to the touch, without the feeling of tightness.
  9. A wide selection of forms that are convenient for use. You can find your option among the variety of available solutions.
  10. Lack of health risks. Minerals used in organic deodorants are included in children's springs and are known for many centuries as effective absorbers of unpleasant odors.

Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts 4654_10

Among the minuses of natural deodorants, some difference in price (with a longer service life of organic means), short-term action - a means of sweat will have to carry with them.

Natural deodorants will not help solve the problem of hyperhydroposis or sweating associated with hormonal disorders. The crystalline deodorant when falling can crash.

Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts 4654_11

Rating the best deodorants

What firms produce the best natural deodorants for women? The list of brands that suggested organic replacement with antiperspirants is quite large. The best deodorants without aluminum and parabens include the following means.

  1. Acca Kappa. . Italian professional brand, one of the leaders of the European Beauty Industry. Deodorant Stick. It has a poke form, well suited for not too hot weather. As part of natural oils, there is a light fond of lavender and juniper. On the drying of the applied layer, the means will have to spend a few minutes.
  2. Aubrey. The company produces a wide range of deodorants without aluminum, there are sprays, dry antiperspirants, applicator roll. In their composition, natural ingredients and essential oils, vitamins. When applied to the skin, the agent heals small wounds, destroys bacteria. It has a light pleasant aroma.
  3. SPEICK. . The brand releases a stick capable of protecting 24 hours in a row from sweat. The means is economical, convenient for use, as part of natural essential oils and skin-care components. Fan is lightweight, coniferous, suitable even for teenagers.
  4. Weleda. . The world famous firm produces the original Citrus Deodorant. In the form of a light spray based on lemon essential oil. The composition is characterized by a delicate spray, does not require waiting until the applied layer will dry. The bottle is glass, it looks attractive, convenient to use.
  5. Deonat. . The company produces traditional crystal in a convenient format of Travel-Pok. His protection is enough for 12 hours, natural mineral hypoallergenen, it is easy to take with him on trips and travel. Consisted very slowly.
  6. Vichy. The French brand produces a wide range of means to protect against sweat without aluminum. From the most popular, you can select a roller deodorant, operating 24 hours, Deodorant 24hr Roll-On Dry Touch Aluminium Salt-Free . The tool also does not contain alcohol, collects and absorbs sweat, without interfering with its normal separation, while leaves the armpits dry. Another worthy product of the brand - Desodorante Mineral 48h. , roller, with a light gel structure, drying in 5 minutes, without a bright smell.
  7. "Makosh". The Russian manufacturer of natural deodorants in the form of a dense batter based on coconut oil and beeswax. The tool is produced in the ruler "Dobroslava" . In addition, the company has a stick Cosmavera. With the same composition, but more convenient in applying. Pot protection is provided for 24 hours.
  8. Levrana. The company produces an inexpensive deodorant in the form of a spray based on alumboy alum and aloe vera's essential oil. The tool refers to the average for the duration of action, suits people with not too abundant sweating. Easy to apply.
  9. Yves Rocher. . Firm recently focuses on natural female and male deodorants, offering the use of green tea-based compositions instead of aluminum. In this series, the compositions will dry for quite a long time, require time when applied, but if all the rules are observed from sweat to 24 hours.
  10. Librederm. The company produces a classic version of the roller deodorant based on alumokalia alum. The tool is easily applied, has a compact size, it is convenient to take it with you. Of the minuses - a small amount of packaging, a short period of validity - not more than 4-5 hours.
  11. Schmidt. German brand producing high quality soda deodorants. The goods are not the most affordable in Russia, flavored with rose and vanilla, replaces the antiperspirant, adjusting the sweating. Soda eliminates sweat smell, does not give moisture to fall on clothes.
  12. Crystal. Thai brand producing an organic deodorant in the form of a natural mineral, but in the usual packaging. Remedy without smell, has a traveler fabric.

In the daily mode of using the crystal, it is enough for no less than 1 year, with a drop on a rigid floor covering or the edge of the bath it is broken.

Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts 4654_12

Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts 4654_13

Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts 4654_14

Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts 4654_15

Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts 4654_16

Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts 4654_17

How to use?

The rules for using natural deodorants are quite simple. With the first application, a test should be carried out on the wrist, leaving it for 12 hours: if there is no manifestations of allergies, the means can be safely used for the intended purpose. True, in compliance with the following recommendations.

  1. Maintaining body hygiene. Before applying the means on the skin you need to take a shower or bath. The surface of the body should be dry and clean if it is used, roller, spray or cream. During the day before re-applying, you can refresh the skin with a napkin. When using a deodorant crystal, the body surface or the mineral itself must be moistened.
  2. Use only natural funds. It is impossible to combine an organic deodorant with a conventional antiperspirant, alternate their use. This prohibition does not apply to perfume.
  3. Refusal of applying means in the presence of strong lesions of the skin. Open wounds, wet ulcers, eczema and burns are contraindicated to use any deodorants.
  4. Pre-delete Previously applied layer of deodorant from the skin.
  5. Washing the surface of the crystal after each use. After that, he wipe it dry. You don't need to do this with sticks, creams, the sprays.

Deodorants without aluminum: Selection of funds without parabens, list of best firms, rating of natural deodorants for women without salts 4654_18

Observing these recommendations, you can use natural deodorants without aluminum how long and feel the effect of their use without discomfort and unpleasant odors. It is important to consider that when moving to crystal deodorants, adaptation takes about 7-14 days, while addictive, the frequency of hygienic procedures is better to increase.

        On how to choose a natural deodorant, see the next video.

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