Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors


Products that can solve the problem of increased sweating and unpleasant odor, in demand among representatives of male and female floors. The assortment of the means of this line is represented by deodorants and antiperspirants of different brands, in the list of which are Israeli lavilin compositions that are distinguished by a number of features and a wide range.

Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_2

Composition and properties

Lavilin antiperspirant line is represented by products, the main task of which is to eliminate the unpleasant smell of sweat.

The manufacturer - Hlavin, engaged in the development of these funds, made focus on the natural composition, which significantly reduced the risk of side effects from the use of deodorants.

Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_3

Today, products are produced in several forms recommended for use for certain areas of the body. The effect of application is usually preserved for several days, and Lavilin deodorants can not only be women, but also men.

Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_4

It should be noted that The line of antiperspirant is certified by the Association for Perfumery and Cosmetics What guarantees the consumer a high quality of manufactured funds, as well as complete health safety.

Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_5

The Israeli deodorant Lavilin is made from components designed to fight increased sweating and bacteria that causes an unpleasant smell.

Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_6

Among the main ingredients that are present in the line of this product, it is worth noting several substances.

  • Plant extracts - Calendula, chamomiles, Arnik. These cultures are inherent in antiseptic properties, in addition, extracts from these plants have an anti-inflammatory effect. The beneficial effect on the body of such components is proved by the active use of the above extracts in folk medicine and pharmacology.

Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_7

Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_8

  • Zinc oxide. Frequently used component occurring in skin care products. With a competent dosage, the substance does not harm the epidermis, and has a beneficial effect, providing elasticity and elasticity tissues. In addition, zinc oxide destroys bacteria that cause an unpleasant smell, which implies getting rid of the unpleasant odor.

Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_9

  • Vitamin E. . The compositions from Israel are additionally enriched with some vitamins necessary for healthy epidermis, preserving youth tissues. In addition, the tocopherol is inherent in antioxidant properties that allow the skin to "breathe" at the cellular level, vitamin contributes to the elasticity of the skin, the restoration of collagen connections.

Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_10

  • Wax Karnubsky. Another substance having natural plant origin. The ingredient is extracted from palm sheet. Wax very often can be found in the list of ingredients of medical and cosmetics. The tasks of the substance is the binding of liquid media, the blockage of pores, as well as the elimination of allergic manifestations on the skin.

Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_11

  • Acid ethylenediaminetetraux. Another ingredient, which is often found in cosmetology. Acid has a beneficial effect on hair rods and skin. Another feature of the substance is the ability to penetrate the epidermis into the light of which the component is used in deodorants as a peculiar conductor for other equally important components.

Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_12

The principle of operation of deodorant Lavilin lies in the destruction of bacteria and their products of their livelihoods, which become the cause of the unpleasant smell of fluid allocated by sweating glands.

The fight against microorganisms occurs with the help of effective vegetable components, as well as auxiliary substances, fully safe for human health.

Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_13

Deodorant has a prolonged action, as a rule, Components of funds are able to actively "work" after applying to the skin for 3-7 days. At the same time, a person should not limit himself in water and hygienic procedures, as well as the usual activity and lifestyle.

Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_14

Advantages and disadvantages

This remedy for the Israeli producer has its strengths and weaknesses. Among the positive features of the product is to highlight a number of factors.

  • Deodorants are hypoallergenic, so unable to cause an allergic response. It is due to the lack of ingredients used in the list for the production of aluminum salts, as well as formaldehydes, which, with a large dosage, are able to accumulate in the body.
  • The composition in which natural components prevail, does not dry the skin, which also eliminates the risk of irritation after applying the antiperspirant.
  • Due to the absence of alcohols and fragrances after applying a deodorant on the skin and drying on clothes, there are no difficult-scale spots.
  • Products do not block pores in tissues, due to which sweat glands continue to function in the usual mode.
  • Since the deodorant is not required to apply on the body every day, it will be quite economical in terms of use. As a rule, following the instructions for applying, one application is enough for several days.
  • All products of Lavilin antiperspirates are produced without fragrances, which provides a neutral fragrance to the medium that will not score the smells of perfume when sharing.
  • The Israeli series of deodorants is suitable for use not only by women, but also men.
  • Product components are capable not only to solve the problem of unpleasant odor, but also to ensure skin care. It is due to the natural composition confirmed by numerous international quality studies.

Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_15

    However, the proposed assortment of deodorants is not deprived of some minuses:

    • The range of means is highlighted by its high cost among the analogues;
    • Antiperspirants can not be purchased in all stores.

    Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_16


    For the convenience of consumers, as well as maximum customer satisfaction, the Israeli company Hlavin offers various variations of their products.

    Ball deodorant

    Used to eliminate the unpleasant sweat smell in the armpit area. It is completely safe, not clogs the pores, does not violate the natural heat exchange. The manufacturer declares the ability of the active impact of the means on bacteria and the sweat allocated for 72 hours.

    Application implies treatment with deodorant dry and clean armpits.

    Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_17


    Deodorants with a solid basis are presented by products in several directions - for men and women, the youth composition recommended for athletes with increased activity. A deodorant is applied before bedtime, it is recommended to apply on dry skin, pre-removing the hair if available.

    Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_18


    This products are released to eliminate the unpleasant smell of legs and shoes. Deodorant destroys the available bacteria, thereby normalizing the flavors present. The actions of the deodorant is enough for 5-7 days, but provided processing problem areas and shoes in clean and dry form.

    Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_19

    Cream for the armpits

      A universal means that continues to act even with increased activity and interaction with water. It is recommended to apply 1 time per week. Products are highlighted by their economical flow rate - for effective impact on the bacteria, no more than one drop of cream will be required.

      Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_20


      The cream is designed to apply to the foot. One application will be enough to eliminate unpleasant odors within 7-14 days. Products do not score pores, has a careful impact on the epidermis, prevents the development of fungal infections. Efficiency means allows you to use one copy of the product for one year.

      Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_21


      There are certain rules for applying lavilin deodorizing funds.

      Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_22

      They suggest a mandatory fulfillment of a number of requirements.

      • In order for the antiperspirant components to be able to interact with skin cover, all means of this manufacturer should be used exclusively on dry and clean skin.
      • Apply cream, use ball deodorants and other varieties should be without excess. That is, the use assumes for one-time application, applying a thin layer of product in any form.
      • It is worth refraining from the joint operation of several deodorizing funds of the Israeli manufacturer. There are also restrictions on simultaneous treatment of skin cover by other means of similar action. The interval between use should be at least 48 hours.
      • The ball antiperspirant is allowed to use only for the armpits.
      • The spray should be sprayed at a distance from shoes for 10-15 centimeters, processing only dry and clean shoes. To reduce the risk of the appearance of an unpleasant smell, the manufacturer recommends processing shoes immediately after its purchase. This is especially true of sneakers and other species intended for further active operation.
      • Cream-deodorant and leg cream use no more than once a week.

      Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_23


      Despite the natural composition of Lavilin deodorants, there are some restrictions on their use:

      • It is worth refraining from acquiring such a line of deodorizing compositions for children under 14;
      • The use of this category of products for pregnant women and breastfeeding women is possible only after consulting a doctor;
      • The use of funds should be abandoned with individual intolerance to at least one of the components of deodorants.

      Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_24

      Review reviews

      Among the assortment of deodorants Lavilin has products that have a large number of positive responses, in the light of which is in high demand. In particular, this applies to the antiperspirant in stick.

      Most of the women who choose this tool, distinguish among distinctive features the absence of a sharp smell deodorant, preservation of freshness even after water procedures for several days.

      Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_25

          And among the available species of deodorizing compositions Lavilin confidence in consumers enjoy Spray for shoes and leg cream which eliminate the cause of the unpleasant odor - bacteria, while not preventing the normal operation of sweat glands, reduce the release of the liquid.

          Lavilin deodorant: The composition of the Israeli antiperspirant and armpit cream, reviews of doctors 4653_26

          The following video presents a Lavilin Deodorant Cream-Deodorant for the armpits.

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