Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists


Professional cosmetics from the American company Image Skincare is quite popular thanks to excellent quality, harmlessness and accessibility. In the article More consider the composition and description of this product.

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_2

About brand

American Cosmetics Image Skincare Satisfies all the requests of modern women. The company appeared on the market in 2003. It became the founder of Her Zhanna Ronert with his spouse Mark. It is worth noting that Zhanna graduated from school and marketing school, so he had a certain base for the development of their own business, and her husband is a plastic surgeon.

If the initial company had only 4 employees, today the state is 150 people. IMAGE SKINCARE products can be purchased in 40 countries around the world. What does not talk about popularity and the demand of this cosmetics. In the year of sales amount to about 50 million dollars. The country manufacturer is America.

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_3

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_4

Important! Today, developing and testing products are engaged in California laboratories. It is there that the innovative formulas of various funds are created.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cosmetics Image Skincare enjoys high popularity After all, possesses many advantages.

  • All products companies Includes natural components It does not have harmful substances in its composition, which is very important when choosing cosmetics. Fully all brand products are safe for health - this confirms the label Image International Manufacturing, Inc. The company does not use in the manufacture of cosmetics of dyes or chemical preservatives, petroleum products and synthetic fonders.
  • The manufacturer takes care of the environment. . Brand products are not tested on animals. Packaging is recycled, which means that it does not pollute the outside environment.
  • Wide range of Product allows you to choose a body and face facilities, choose products for the embodiment of stylish makeup, reliably protect your skin from harmful solar exposure, as well as cope with various skin problems.

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_5

Cosmetics Image Skincare is almost perfect, but it is worth noting that the cost of products does not allow to become the company's customers to each wishes. For excellent quality, you always have to pay.


Image Skincare offers a wide range of products. In a large variety, serums and gels, day and night creams for face, tonic and milk, masks and scrubs are presented, and various components are used. The composition of products from the American brand Image Skincare usually includes components such as:

  • enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants;
  • dairy, salicylic, hyaluronic, glycolic, cell, trichloroacetic acid;
  • Vegetable stem cells - grapes, home apple tree, alpine edelweiss;
  • polypeptide complexes and mixtures, as well as peptides;
  • A variety of extracts are green tea, plankton, alfalfa, Malva, Purple Echinacea, brown algae, manuki, Chinese camellia (leaves), hydrocothiles.

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_6

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_7


Image Skincare offers a fairly wide selection of lines, Each of which has its own characteristics.

  • Ageless. This series is intended for preventing aging. All means include retinol, vegetable stem cells and acids, antioxidants and peptides. This line is perfectly suitable for age, pigmented, damaged in the sun of the skin. Retinol is represented in the encapsulated form of Kemspheres -Un the patented delivery system, which increases the efficiency of retinol, and also minimizes irritation.

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_8

  • Vital C. This series is perfectly moisturizes, nourishes and restores the skin. It is worth using for sensitive, dry and dehydrated skin. All products from this line eliminates redness on the skin, perfectly moisturize it due to the presence of strong antioxidants and natural components. All drugs have 4 forms of vitamin C, their number includes life-soluble.

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_9

  • Ormedic. This series includes balanced and gentle products developed on the basis of organic components. The ruler is suitable for different types of skin. With this line, the skin is restored and improved. Products do not contain synthetic preservatives, acids, fragrances, parabens and silicones.

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_10

  • Clear Cell. This series is designed specifically for the care of the combined, problematic and oily skin of the face, but also it treats acne I-IV degree due to the presence of highly efficient ingredients. It includes patented anti-inflammatory and antibacterial molecules.

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_11

This series should be acquired and girls who have a predisposition to acne or are the owners of oily skin.

  • The Max. Products are responsible for nutrition, prevention and correction of the skin. All drugs contain active ingredients, which ensure the skin protection at the cellular level, as well as its rejuvenation. The skin becomes protected from stress and negative environmental factors.

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_12

  • Image MD. This is the development of doctors, which is responsible for the complex skin rejuvenation. The basis of each drug is the unique formula, innovative systems are used to deliver the active ingredients in the deepest skin layers. Preparations from the Image MD rule can be used without breaks every day. They are effectively struggling with harmful environmental impact and maintain natural skin protection mechanisms.

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_13

  • Iluma. This line includes products that is responsible for whitening, clarification and shine of the skin. The excellent results are achieved through the use of clinical studies and actual data. The duration of the product is up to 48 hours.

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_14

  • PREVENTION +. This ruler includes sunscreens that have a high level of protection UVA / UVB and are suitable for all skin types. Products include innovative ingredients: the antioxidants of the new generation, Tiotenin and the complex of photosomes-roxisoma-ultrasome.

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_15

  • I beAuty. This line includes both drugs and accessories that allow you to create a beautiful image for every day, as they are well hidden and adjust flaws on the skin. Many like mineral consilers.

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_16

  • I Mask. This series is designed to provide a moisturizing and rejuvenating effect. Hydrogel masks are unique in their own way. They include amino acids and polysaccharides.

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_17

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_18

  • I Rescue. If your skin need nutrition, recovery and healing, then this series is specifically for you. With the help of a cream containing antioxidants and phytoextracts, you can quickly eliminate discomfort, irritation, redness or itching. Plastic surgeons were engaged in the development of this series. It is suitable for all skin types.

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_19


Products Image Skincare has many positive reviews of cosmetologists, as they understand which care is needed to remain young, beautiful and healthy. They note the naturalness of products and its effectiveness. Most women after using products Image Skincare look much younger, they acquire healthy skin because they cope with many problems.

Users like a wide range of cosmetics, which allows you to choose an effective tool, given the features of your skin.

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_20

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_21

However, some girls remained unhappy with the products of Image Skincare. And first of all it concerns the cost of products. They believe that even natural cosmetics should be more affordable for an average person. Today, IMAGE Skincare can be used by Cosmetics only. Independent people.

Cosmetics Image Skincare: review of professional cosmetics American firm. Manufacturer country. Reviews of cosmetologists 4635_22

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