Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks


A high level of employment of a modern man makes it be in constant contact with the outside world. In order to look as much as possible and attractive during business and friendly meetings, the perfume and cosmetic industry has developed a huge amount of skin care products and hair. On the dressing table of all men and women can be seen both hygienic and decorative cosmetics.

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_2

Deodorants belong to the most popular group of goods that make men and women every day. Manufacturers produce a huge amount of these funds that differ in the composition, aroma, structure, appearance and price range.

Experts recommended to give preference to those deodorants that have the most natural composition and are absolutely safe.

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_3


Natural deodorant is a natural cosmetics that reliably protects against sweat and unpleasant odor. The organic product is absolutely safe for human health and does not cause allergic rashes and itching due to the presence of only natural components in its composition. Principle of operation of natural deodorants - No blocking of pores, normalization of the process of sweating and deriving toxic substances from the body, as well as the unimpeded flow of oxygen to cells.

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_4

Natural compositions Not dried and not irritated skin cover, as well as not only does not injure the epidermis, but also improve its structure. Some manufacturers are added to their product and chemicals, but in very limited quantities, which does not have a negative impact on health.

Doctors recommend during pregnancy and feeding the child with breasts to use only natural cosmetics.

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_5

The classic composition of the natural deodorant and the properties of its components:

  • Natural essential oils - beneficial effect on skin cover, giving a pleasant fragrance;
  • Basic oils - acceleration of absorption, decrease in the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • Natural preservatives - an increase in storage time;
  • Concentrated Extract of Tea Tree - antibacterial properties;
  • Binding components - narrowing of extended pores, drying the skin;
  • Cosmetic clay - giving the skin of elasticity and silkiness, absorb excess moisture;
  • arrowroot - absorption of sweat discharge;
  • Hood from citrus plants - giving the skin of a pleasant fragrance;
  • corn flour - Creating a dense consistency;
  • Aloe juice - therapeutic and healing properties;
  • Salt of natural origin - dehydration and destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, normalization of sweat glands;
  • Quadstone - antibacterial properties;
  • Drug herbs decractions (oak bark, sage, calendula) - Improvement of skin cover, lifting inflammation, elimination of edema and redness, strengthening the action of other ingredients.

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_6

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_7

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_8

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_9

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_10

This list is not complete and can be adjusted by the manufacturer depending on the receptor of the funds produced.

The list of components that are strictly prohibited to be used in natural means:

  • Paraben - hazardous substances that accumulate in the body and can provoke not only allergic rashes, but also anaphylactic shock;
  • aluminum - compound, the prolonged impact of which can provoke pore blockage;
  • Triklozan - a prohibited substance, which, together with the pathogenic microflora, kills useful microorganisms;
  • Artificial aromatic compounds - components that can provoke asthmatic attacks, suffocation and allergies;
  • Propylene glycol - a component that provokes the development of liver and kidney diseases;
  • Ftolats - Hazardous substances that have a negative impact on the work of the thyroid gland;
  • alcohol - component causing dry skin

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_11

Despite the presence of a huge number of positive properties of this natural cosmetics, it also has negative sides:

  • long drying period;
  • the inability to wear clothes with a low layer on the skin;
  • the need for daily flushing;
  • the impossibility of applying dirty skin;
  • Individual intolerance to individual natural components.

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_12


On the store shelves you can see several types of deodorants that differ in the type of application.

  • Crystal - The means, the base substance in which are natural salts and alumboy alum. This product may have a form of a deodorant spray, a roller or solid crystal. Advantages - the presence of a gradual toning effect.
  • Deodorant-Stick - A tool that has creamous consistency and special packaging. Advantages - the presence of decoction of therapeutic herbs in the composition.

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_13

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_14

Specialists recommend paying special attention to the means from Alunita crystal. Long-term laboratory studies revealed a huge number of useful properties of the mineral, the main of which are as follows:

  • elimination of skin inflammation;
  • Improving epidermis microflora;
  • the destruction of dangerous bacteria;
  • Reducing the work of the sweat glands.

The disadvantage of his one is a fragile structure. Even a single drop from height can lead to a violation of the integrity of the shape of the means.

Experts recommend not to throw away the shards of the crystal, but to chop them and add to the liquid spray.

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_15

Due to the ever-growing demand for natural cosmetics, a large number of manufacturers are engaged in the release of this category of goods. Specialists recommend paying attention to the next rating of trademarks, which have been producing quality products for many years, corresponding to all sanitary and hygienic standards.

  • OSMA. - French brand, which produces high-quality products with the same name. Advantages - availability of various forms of output.
  • Acorelle - Popular French brand, which is engaged in the release of pink water and other cosmetics.
  • Urtekram - A German brand that specializes in the release of deodorants in the form of crystals.

Company data in their work use Only natural raw materials and new technological equipment And the leading experts are constantly working to find new directions and the development of exclusive funds.

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_16

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_17

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_18

No less demand is the products of the following brands:

  • Weleda;
  • Dr. Hauschka;
  • Pure;
  • Sanoflore;

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_19

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_20

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_21

Independent manufacture

Due to the high cost of deodorants on a natural basis, not all buyers can buy them, and it is rather difficult to find the quality product of the famous brand. An alternative to the acquired deodorant can be funds from sweat and unpleasant odor made at home. Thanks to the availability and low price of all components, as well as the presence of a large number of recipes, Each hostess can, without much trouble, independently make natural and very effective cosmetics.

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_22

For the manufacture of liquid composition, it is necessary to purchase the following ingredients:

  • Rosemary oil;
  • grape seed oil;
  • lavender oil;
  • tea tree oil.

The above oils must be mixed in equal proportions. For storage it is allowed to use only glass containers, which is better to post in a dry and dark place.

You can use the prepared composition within 30 days. It is possible to apply aromatic oils on clean skin.

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_23

Classic composition of cream deodorants:

  • beeswax;
  • baking soda;
  • potato starch;
  • solid coconut oil;
  • aromatic oil with a planned aroma;
  • tea tree oil.

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_24

The technology of manufacturing this composition is In the compound and melting of all solid ingredients and the subsequent addition of prepared aromatic oils in them. The use of the mixture is allowed immediately after cooling. Shelf life is 1 month.

The presence of lumps talks about non-compliance with the cooking technology and the impossibility of using this product.

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_25

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_26

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_27

Some fashionists prefer the composition in the form of powder, which consists of mixed in equal proportions of food soda and corn starch. This air mixture is enough to just add a small amount of favorite aromatic oils. It is also necessary to store the composition in a hermetic capacity for no more than 1 month. The advantages of such a product - The possibility of adding aromatic oils if necessary.

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_28

Terms of Use

To obtain the desired result, professional cosmetologists recommend paying attention to the following recommendations:

  • applying natural means on clean and dry skin;
  • Before re-applying the composition, it is necessary to remove the previous layer;
  • It is allowed to apply the solution only on the skin without damage and wounds;
  • It is not recommended to use the composition daily;
  • Before applying the mineral agent, it is necessary to moisten it or the skin surface.

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_29

Natural deodorant: the best organic and natural deodorants from the smell of sweat. Review of safe and efficient deodorants-sprays and sticks 4633_30

              Before the acquisition of a natural-based deodorant is necessary Be sure to check the composition on the absence of allergens and components that can cause intolerance.

              Specialists recommend purchasing only high-quality goods of famous brands, products that have quality certificates.

              More interesting information about natural deodorants can be found in the following video.

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