Cosmetics Too Cool for School: Review of the best funds, pros and cons


In recent years, shelves of domestic stores with cosmetic products are even replenished with Korean brands. One of these is TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL. This brand has a very wide range, but not all means are presented in our country. Nevertheless, the most popular still can be found in network stores. In this article, we will know more detail with the Korean brand Too Cool for School, consider the main range of its products and find out how to choose the skin care facilities.

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Philosophy Brand

The Korean brand TOO Cool for School is represented in 200 countries of the world, including Russia. The main production and laboratories are located in Korea. All formulas, odors and textures brand develops independently with a special approach in order not to look like other Asian stamps.

One of the most important ingredients of this product is an egg. Specialists at Too Cool for School say they use it as a corporate ingredient. A massage has long been in Korea with the help of eggs, as well as prepared on their basis useful anti-aging masks. It is precisely that eggs for Koreans have such important, the brand created a special line in which funds with an egg are produced. This line takes great popularity in many countries of the world.

Much attention, the brand gives not only the high quality of its products, but also the original packaging design. Brand marketers believe that the appearance of the consumer must also be pleasant as the texture of the funds themselves.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Many Korean cosmetics may seem unusual, but if there is a desire to try it, you should study the advantages and disadvantages of this product.

To the pluses of cosmetics can be attributed to the following.

  • Quality composition. Koreans very carefully relate to the composition of any cosmetics, considering that they should be not only effective, but also safe for use at any age.
  • Asian funds perfectly suitable for tender and sensitive skin Since most of their composition is hypoallergenne.
  • Many ingredients in cosmetics from this brand are unique, but most importantly, They are very effective. From the first days of use you can feel the result.
  • Can not say about Wide assortment and cute jars In which these funds come on store shelves.

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    Of the minuses, you need to note the following points.

    • Intolerance of some components And also the fact that not all Korean funds are suitable to Europeans. Many of them simply may not give the resulting result. So, in some Korean tools, bleaching components are used. On the one hand, they can get rid of pigmentation and annoying freckles, but on the other, they can lead further to the formation of white spots on the skin.
    • High cost of money. Most of the care and decorative cosmetics from the brand can do to you in a decent amount. On average, TOO Cool for School is 800-1000 rubles, which is completely expensive. Discounts on the products of this brand in network domestic stores are rare.

    In general, Korean cosmetics are no worse than European. However, when it selection should be paid to the composition, and it is best to get a consultation of the cosmetologist.

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    Product range

    Many makeup artists and cosmetologists believe that the future of the cosmetic market is for Korea, which also produces not only high-quality, but also efficient products. In the Assortment of Too Cool for School you can find and leaving, and decorative facilities for the face.

    Consider the most popular treatments from the brand assortment that are suitable for all skin types.

    • Cleansing facial foam with egg extract. This remedy gently purifies the skin from the remnants of makeup, pollution and oroging cells of the epidermis. Formula Formula with nutritional components is designed specifically for sensitive skin, which is necessary radiating.

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    Cosmetics Too Cool for School: Review of the best funds, pros and cons 4605_10

    • Face scrub based on floral sugar and coconut. This scrub is perfectly relieved by the epidermis oroging cells, and also calms the skin, eating and moisturizing it for a long time. It can be used 1-2 times a week.

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    Cosmetics Too Cool for School: Review of the best funds, pros and cons 4605_12

    • Face mask with pumpkin and gold. This tool not only cleans the skin, but also feeds it, aligning the tone of the face. With this mask, you can narrow the pores and soothe irritated skin.

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    • Expensive but efficient means is Face cream with egg squirrel Egg Melow Cream. This agent is anti-aging. The cream contains real gold, which penetrates deep into the skin, enhances its protective barrier and levels the tone of the skin, slowing down the processes of aging. Formula means is enriched with valuable oils and collagen.

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    • More profitable for the acquisition can be Mitigating cream with lifting effect and egg protein in the composition. This means is suitable for skin softening, to stimulate the synthesis of collagen and retain moisture in the cells of the epidermis. Recommended for daily use.

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    Cosmetics Too Cool for School: Review of the best funds, pros and cons 4605_16

    From body tool with coconut can be closed to:

    • Oil for a shower with coconut milk;
    • moisturizing body lotion;
    • Body gel with coconut extract.

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    Cosmetics Too Cool for School: Review of the best funds, pros and cons 4605_18

      For makeup face in the brand assortment you can find:

      • BB and CC creams;
      • Makeup fixator;
      • primers and consilers;
      • cushions;
      • Highlights;
      • blush.

      Also presented lipsticks, shine, tints and lip pencils. For makeup eyes, Mark produces a variety of carcasses, shadows and pencils.

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      Cosmetics Too Cool for School: Review of the best funds, pros and cons 4605_20

      Consider some popular decorative funds in more detail.

      • Humidifying primer Studio de Teint with a special clarifying complex. Using the primer, you can give the skin gentle radiance, hissing imperfection.

      This remedy is recommended for ladies with leather prone to dryness.

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      Cosmetics Too Cool for School: Review of the best funds, pros and cons 4605_22

      • Blending Cream BB. This cream not only visually hides the flawbacks of the skin, but also provides care for it throughout the day, making it again shining. This tool has a lifting effect, there are pearl particles and an enzyme complex.

      As part of the funds there are no harmful parabens, fragrances and petrochemical products.

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      Cosmetics Too Cool for School: Review of the best funds, pros and cons 4605_24

      • For those who often use consilers, we recommend to look at To the palette, which moisturizes the skin and makes it smooth.

      The consilet is recommended for ladies who have acne on the face, redness, pedestal and scars.

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      Cosmetics Too Cool for School: Review of the best funds, pros and cons 4605_26

      Pooge highlights will surely come to taste to those who prefer on the skin with a slight radiance without a film on the face.

      Lipstick, shine and Tints Too Cool for School are presented in a huge variety of colors, shades and textures. Especially it should be paid to the titer Creamy Blaster, which not only has a juicy shade, but evenly distributed on her lips, aligning their relief.

      Lipstick Hush Brown is presented in fashionable nude shades that will become an excellent solution for everyday makeup.

      For those who love lush eyelashes, brand has released TWISTY TAIL MASCARA, which has a homogeneous texture and without any problems creates the desired volume from the first use. This Mascara is a hypoallergenne and comes even to those girls who have sensitive skin of the eyes.

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      Cosmetics Too Cool for School: Review of the best funds, pros and cons 4605_28

      How to choose?

      Correctly select decorative and leaving cosmetics, if you consider all skin features and its type. Also important aspect is age. For example, For ladies 35+, anti-age can already be recommended.

      For oily leather, foams, scrubs and creams with moisturizing effect are recommended. All this can be easily found in the Too Cool for School brand line. Moisturizing and nutrient means are suitable for dry skin type.

      Regardless of skin type It is recommended to give preference to means with a lightweight texture, which not only do not clog the pores, but also do not overload the face. TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL is such tonal BB and CC creams.

      When choosing a tool, it is very important to pay attention to its composition and recommendations on the bottle. Usually it is indicated, for what type of skin is suitable for this or that means.

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      Cosmetics Too Cool for School: Review of the best funds, pros and cons 4605_30


      Most of the girls who enjoy cosmetics from the Too Cool for School brand say that These funds have an adequate value for such good quality and composition as a whole . It is also noted the original design of jars, a pleasant aroma of funds and a large range, among which you can choose cosmetics to your taste.

      It is impossible not to note that the makeup artists and lovers put 5 points out of 5 tonsiders from the brand . Also positive responses can be found on liquid blush and dry highlights.

      Of the negative reviews, there are sometimes those in which they say about overestimated prices for the Korean brand products. Ladies complain of lumps that appear from Too Cool for School.

      TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL Cosmetics Overview Watch in the following video.

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