Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews


Deodica deodorants are a popular product focused on men and women fighting with the problem of unpleasant odor or enhanced work of sweat glands. Reviews of antiperspirants of the brand look very positively and allow you to make sure that they really provide the desired control over high humidity in the axillary region.

Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_2

Deonica facilities often act as an alternative to other advertised deodorants and are presented more natural and safe. Is it really and how do Russian production deserved consumer confidence?

Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_3

About brand

Deodograph Deonica is a Russian production product produced by Arnest Group. Also, this manufacturer is known for the creation of aerosol means for laying, hair care, air fresheners, environmentally friendly cleaning products for home and even razor accessories. The last category of goods is also implemented under the brand of Deonica.

Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_4

In a separate line, the production of deodorants "Arnest" carried out not by chance.

The Formula of the Tools of the Series ordered in Switzerland, in one of the best world laboratories.

The main focus was made on the safety of the ingredients, so Ethyl alcohol and dangerous parabens removed from the composition of the skin. In addition, the firm from the very beginning did the emphasis on the fact that the compositions should not leave noticeable traces on clothes - for this, a special series of products was developed. Separately, a hypoallergenic line was considered, which uses the most lightweight composition.

Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_5

Today, Deonica is a product for conscious consumption, which is twice as cheaper than similar competitors' suggestions. In the range of companies 8 Lines products addressed to women, and 4 men's series with different intensity of protection from the smell of sweat. Alunite-based tools have a note of Nature Protection, do not contain aluminum chlorohydrate, and the alumboy alums themselves (Potassium ALUM) are supplied to the production of the German pharmacological concern Merc.

Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_6

The composition of antiperspirants of the Pro series includes non-dangerous aluminum chloride, and aluminum-zirconium is anhydrous chemical compound that transmits air to the skin and does not disturb the natural thermoregulation. It not only narrows the pores, but also allows the tool to absorb sweat, standing in naturally, creating a double barrier against the humidity of the armpits. According to some scientific data, Such a formula of the substance does not have high cell permeability, eliminates the harmful effects of aluminum salts on the body.

The only drawback is the possible appearance of yellow spots on clothes.

Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_7

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the obvious advantages of Deodica deodorants, such moments can be distinguished.

  • Attractive value. Most of the funds can be purchased cheaper than 100 rubles.
  • The composition without alcohol, parabens, aluminum salts. It is impossible to call it completely natural, but these funds are accurately applied less harm than traditional deodorants.
  • Ergonomic bottled design . It is convenient to use, the hands do not slide, the cover fits tightly after the closing. Roller products do not leak.
  • Protection of clothing from stains. With proper use, the means do not leave stains on clothes.
  • One of the biggest bottles - 200 ml spray in 1 package.
  • Clinically proven formula Accurate results of dermatological testing.
  • Nature Protect Series with Alunite Suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_8

    Deodorants of the popular brand have not only advantages, but also cons. These include Not a wide dealer network - Buy goods in separate regions is difficult. Funds are not suitable for people with hyperhydrosis, Have moderate ability to regulate sweating.

    Antiperspirants need to be applied strictly overnight, otherwise they protect it ineffective.

    The lack of sticks in the series can also be called a minus - not everyone is comfortable sprays and rollers.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_9

    Product range

    All products manufactured under the Deonica brand has a balanced composition based on a specially designed Swiss formula. The series is divided into men's and female, and also differ by the type of active substance used and the duration of protection. A detailed review will help to figure out the features of the product.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_10

    Deonica for men

    Male Deodorant Deonica is represented by the following production series.

    • "Invisible for Men". It is represented by a spray vial and a bottle with a roller applicator. The series does not contain substances that paint clothes are suitable for use with color, black, white things. The composition of up to 48 hours protects against sweat and odor, refers to the category of antiperspirants. Suitable for physically active men, for which the preservation of comfort, hypoallergenic, does not have a strong and sharp smell.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_11

    • "Antibacterial for Men" . The line of antiperspirants with additional components that prevent the reproduction of bacteria for 48 hours. Leaves the armpits dry, has an interesting aromatic composition, gradually revealing freshness revealed notes. The composition does not leave traces on clothes, produced in the form of spray or in the ball bottle.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_12

    • Nature Protection for Men. Deodorant antiperspirant with Alunitis, produced in the form of spray and in a bottle with a ball applicator. The tool contains natural alumboy alum, it is distinguished by the ability to maintain its effectiveness up to 48 hours. The remedy has a light void, does not cause discomfort, applied without traces on clothes, but requires careful drying.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_13

    • Max Protection 5 in 1 for Men . The strongest antiperspirant with a reinforced formula in 2 proven spray formats and a mini-vial with a ball applicator. Does not leave stains, smell, controls the sweating, has antibacterial properties, cares for the skin. After applying and drying, the composition does not leave the feelings of stickiness, pulp, itching and discomfort. Efficiency is saved to 48 hours.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_14

    For women

    There are in the ruler and means to deal with then designed specifically for women. You can choose the composition of odorless or with fresh floral aroma. In Deonica, you can find a natural-based female deodorant or an antiperspirant acting 72 hours.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_15

    Total offers 8 lineacks of products.

    • "Invisible". Antiperspirant, acting 48 hours, does not leave tracks on clothes of any color. The most imperceptible composition with a slight application. Spotdy tender, with light floral notes.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_16

    • "Silk tenderness." Antiperspirant with optimal formula for care for epillated skin. The plant complex in the composition has caring properties. It gives the surface of the skin smoothness, retains comfortable sensations during the day.

    One of the most delicate options for permanent use contributes to a slowdown in hair growth.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_17

    • "Easy powder." Means with the effect of the antiperspirant and the fastest drying, valid until 48 hours. Presented in versions with a spray and roller applicator, have a special formula that leaves tracks on clothing. The series complies with the requests of modern active girls and the latest trends.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_18

    • Nature Protection. Alunite-based antiperspirant series. Natural care ensures full protection of the armpits from an unpleasant odor, with constant use, it allows to reduce the intensity of sweating. Aloe vera extract is additionally present.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_19

    • "Hypoallergenic" . The most delicate antiperspirant in the series is active up to 48 hours. The line is presented with a ball version of the applicator and spray without smell. The universal solution, suitable and men, and women with sensitive skin, has no alcohol, parabens. Dermatologically tested means.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_20

    • Pro-defense . Antiperspirant, ensuring dryness in armpits up to 72 hours in a row. A series with a ball applicator and a disposable dispenser is easy to use, contains an active substance that is relevant for the premium segment of deodorants. Keeps thermoregulation and hygroscopic skin at the same level.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_21

    • "Vitamin Energy" . Caring a series of women's deodorants-antiperspirant, including a ball version of the means and spray. The composition contains D-panthenol, vitamins E and F, which have a nutritious, caring effect on the skin of the armpits.

    The composition does not paint clothes, effective up to 48 hours, has an original perfume composition that reveals its intensity gradually.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_22

    • "Antibacterial". Antiperspirant to combat bacterial microflora reproduction. It is distinguished by a long action (up to 48 hours), does not leave traces on white, black, color items. The thin aromatic composition is changing during the day, but remains pleasant.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_23

    Tips for choosing

    Denote the several most important nuances for choosing a deodorant.

    • Half a person. Men and women have different intensity of sweating, therefore, the concentration of active ingredients differs in the compositions. Of course, it is believed that men's deodorants are generally better coped with the problem of sweat smell. But it is better to choose funds that take into account gender.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_24

    • Form release . It is worthwhile to take into account not only individual preferences, but also the purpose of the purchase. For example, the volumetric bottles of 200 ml antiperspirates, 200 ml, are unlikely to be convenient on trips and travel. In the gym or a short trip, it is much more convenient to take a roller, compact and comfortable in applying.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_25

    • Level of physical activity. It can be moderate - up to 4 hours of exercise per day, average - up to 6 hours, high or more. For each format there are deodorants and antiperspirants that take into account the intensity of the work of the glands. This is important because errors in assessing their own activity will lead to the fact that sweating will be controlled less efficiently.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_26

    • Personal preferences. For people with different needs, Deonica releases a series of products that take into account their wishes. For example, a means of not leaving traces on clothes will suit those who hold the office dress code, and the maximum defense will need sports lovers or those whose life is connected with constant physical activity. Allergies will be offered compositions without smell, alcohol, parabens and with caring components. The validity period is also important, the speed of its drying.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_27

    • Type of leather. With it, it is determined by the intensity of the composition and the need for caring components. In Deonica's rules for men and women there are compounds for sensitive, combined, normal and dry skin of the armpits.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_28

    • Availability and type of fragrance. It may not be, but if you want to get a flavored version, in the brand rules you can find pronounced and light fresh flavors, as well as floral fragrances.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_29

    Given these factors, choose a deodorant or the Deonica antiperspirant will not be much difficult.

    Review reviews

    First of all, it is noted that alunite is contained in the part of the funds, the Natural mineral salts that regulate the sweating and eliminate unpleasant odors. The tool is presented in a comfortable form.

    Many users mention the corrugated surface of the button for spraying the means on the skin in sprays and uniform dosing composition.

    Another weighty plus is considered Hypoallergenicity and careful attitude towards sensitive skin.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_30

    However, there are also their subtleties that Deonica funds are celebrated in feedback. They work and successfully coped with smells and deodorants, and antiperspirants only on perfectly smooth skin after epilation.

    It is not necessary to apply them during the day: the remedy is distributed over clean skin, it needs to be pre-dried in liquid form, and it is better to apply sprays overnight and dried too.

    The composition eliminates the smell, but in its natural version does not regulate the sweating. The effect can be seen only after a long time and with constant use. But it is suitable for pregnant and nursing women, which favorably distinguishes brand products from other offers.

    Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_31

    According to doctors, deodorants without aluminum salts, alcohol, parabens are definitely more useful for human health.

      And in this sense, Deonica fully fits into standards. But the means does not apply to the category of therapeutic - this is an exclusively cosmetic product. Accordingly, it is not suitable for controlling hyperhydrosis, in which case it is worth selecting means for regulating sweating from other manufacturers.

      Deodorants Deonica (32 photos): ball deodorants-antiperspirants for women and other products, its composition. Reviews 4571_32

      The next video will tell about how to choose the right antiperspirant.

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