Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice


The cosmetics of the Dead Sea is considered one of the most effective facilities of natural care and body. It contains unique natural ingredients. Knowing the features of the application and the rules for choosing such products, it is possible to ensure maximum benefit from face and body care.

The main part of the Cosmetics of the Dead Sea is produced in Israel, but there are both Jordanian brands that are not less popular. SATARA, SEACRET, PREMIER and other brands are little known outside their countries. But there are firms that the whole world knows, their assortment fully complies with the requirements of professional cosmetologists and ordinary buyers who care about their beauty. You should make an overview of the best brands that offer cosmetics of the Dead Sea.

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_2

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_3


The cosmetics of the Dead Sea comes from Jordan or Israel, and is also manufactured by other countries based on the valuable ingredients obtained in this region. All means are intended for external use, are manufactured in various forms: In the form of masks, scrubies, creams, peels, as well as in the form of traditional ingredients in pure form. It is important to consider that the high value of the mineral composition of the Cosmetics of the Dead Sea is associated with the presence of 26 valuable chemical elements in it.

Means based on marine salts and mud are traditionally considered therapeutic. But to use them today, it is not necessary to go to the Balneological Resort. Finished cosmetics has no less value.

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_4

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_5

It is worth noting several of its main properties.

  • Cleansing the pores of the skin. This property works as a natural peeling - salt and mineral mud remove excess fat, pull toxins, provide antibacterial effect. The use of scrubies on this basis is recommended for the body, since the skin is not so thin here.
  • Intensive moisturizing. It is provided by creating a natural barrier capable of preventing further loss of moisture to the skin. With regular use of the Dead Sea salts, it is possible to achieve the normalization of hydrobalans.
  • Fighting the manifestations of acne. Due to the high content of natural sulfur and zinc, it is possible to provide detoxification, clean, disinfection the skin in the deep layers of the epidermis. The active ingredients provide and reduce the production of sebum.
  • Treatment of eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis. For these purposes, appliqués, salt baths, masks and wraps are used. For therapeutic effect in the composition of the magnesium, bromide, potassium and sodium are answered. With a properly selected course, you can achieve a rack of remission of the disease and even completely cure.
  • Cellulite elimination. When using wrappings, massage creams and gels, salts and dirt of the Dead Sea provide the acceleration of lymphotok, improve local blood supply, tighten the skin, make it more even and smooth.

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_6

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_7

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_8

All described characteristics make cosmetics for truly effective and efficient acquisition for domestic or salon procedures.


As part of the cosmetics of the Dead Sea, there is a mineral mud used in masks, appliques, wraps and other means. This is a valuable source of nutrients. No less important qualities have salt added to masks, peelings, creams, scrubs, shampoos, wraps and used for baths in pure form. Minerals are mainly used in professional spa, cosmetology cabinets.

Cosmetics with salt contains not only a high sodium concentration, but also components such as:

  • iron required for oxygen transportation;
  • calcium to strengthen hair and nails;
  • silicon, firming vessel walls;
  • bromine, potassium, zinc and manganese, in combination forming a powerful anti-aging complex;
  • Zinc, promoting collagen and elastin production.

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_9

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_10

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_11

The volume fraction of these ingredients reaches 35% of the total mass of water in the Dead Sea. Natural oils are also added to cosmetics - vegetable and ethereal, vitamins, matting and anti-inflammatory ingredients.


All types of cosmetics of the Dead Sea can be divided into 2 basic classes: professional and intended for home use. Salon series and lines include products containing the highest concentration of salts and minerals. They require professional control when used, but have a really impressive performance.

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_12

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_13

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_14

By the origin, the cosmetics of the Dead Sea can have two species.

  • Israeli. It is presented mainly by professional rules and brands. A series of funds from Israeli companies always has a multicomponent composition with synergistic additives, vitamins, minerals. In such cosmetics there are no parabens, preservatives, fragrances. There are among Israeli funds and all the necessary components for makeup.
  • Jordanian. Used during its manufacture of dirt is mined at greater depth and have several other mineral composition. The funds based on them are well heated with the skin, support its healthy balance and natural look.

This cosmetics is more adapted for home use, but fully complies with spa standards and is quite widely used in a professional environment.

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_15

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_16

In its appointment, all cosmetics in this category are divided into the following types:

  • therapeutic series of means for cleansing the skin from traces of eczema, psoriasis;
  • Pharmacy of professional cosmetics, which cosmetologists recommend its customers;
  • Means for home use offered in online stores and salons;
  • Decorative cosmetics with additional healing effect.

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_17

Best brands

The most famous manufacturers of professional cosmetics of the salon level based on mud and salt of the Dead Sea are located in Israel. Among the deserving brands can be noted by several.

  • Da Vita. The company produces high quality care and decorative cosmetics. All means have natural composition, especially creams with a slight structure with matting, tonic, moisturizing actions. Causes an interest and serum based on the water of the Dead Sea, allowing you to quickly give the skin a fresh look. Popular and mud masks used both for face and body.
  • Satara. . The company specializes in leaving cosmetics. In a special Dead Sea collection there are products for men and women. Popular scrubs, shower gels, mineral air conditioners, body creams, soaps provide high-quality cleansing and skin care for every day.
  • Seacret. Brand, working on the basis of modern technologies. The company creates professional cosmetics for spa: from gels and lotions for cleansing to scrubies and masks. Of great interest is the line of face creams.
  • PREMIER. One of the most exported cosmetic lines in Israel, products are supplied in more than 70 countries of the world. The company has its own laboratory performing innovative developments. The main interest is shampoos for hair, natural creams, anti-aging agents. The packaging of branded products is also original - heavy bottles that imitate Murano glass.

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_18

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_19

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_20

Jordanian cosmetics from the shores of the Dead Sea is not so wide. Among the most popular brands can be distinguished by several.

  1. Venmare. The manufacturer of a wide range of funds on the salt and mud base uses environmentally friendly raw materials. Among the lineoses of products there are light nutritious and regenerating creams for different types of skin, therapeutic shampoos working better than any vitamins of beauty. Extracts from marine algae and minerals increase the elasticity of hair, make them stronger.
  2. Dolmen. The company specializes in the release of special shampoos eliminating dandruff, reduce the separation of the skin. High-quality soap based on salts, mineral mud has a soft cleansing effect, regenerates, increases the protective properties of the skin. The brand also has a series of cream creams with SPF45 sunscreen.
  3. Dead SEA. A well-known and rather popular brand used in salon and home care. The company has its own line of mud masks, salt and mineral peels, emulsions and serums, creams with various active formulas. Series for face and bodies are distinguished by the concentration of active substances, but they work as efficiently as possible.

And also the brand has a means for a shower and bath, a complex for recovery and strengthening the nails.

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_21

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_22

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_23

Among firms that produce cosmetics of the Dead Sea, You can select brands of therapeutic products.

  1. SEA OF SPA. This company has its own Skin Relief line, intended for the treatment of manifestations of psoriasis. It includes a specialized soap, local creams, shampoos with severe soothing, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect.
  2. Herbs of Kedem. The most famous Israeli manufacturer of therapeutic cosmetics used in the fight against psoriasis, fungal lesions of the skin, dermatitis, eczema.
  3. "Dr. Nona" . The manufacturer producing a wide range of products for SPA, sanatorium-resort complexes. This is a professional series that helps noticeably improve the condition of the skin in inflammatory diseases.

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_24

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_25

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_26

Choice rules

When choosing the cosmetics of the Dead Sea, it is important to follow the rules, Allowing to avoid mistakes and unnecessary spending, namely:

  • do not rush, carefully examine information about the manufacturer, because popular cosmetics are often forged; In addition, authentic are still considered tools produced in Israel or Jordan;
  • Check the shelf life - this is especially important if the goods are purchased on a trip or with a reserve;
  • To study the composition - in most cases, the Cosmetics of the Dead Sea does not contain hazardous parabens, sulfates, but may include components that are strong allergens;
  • Get professional advice - optimally, if you select cosmetics, especially pharmacy or therapeutic series, there will be a beautician or a dermatologist;
  • Examine reviews - they will be useful if you want to find places to buy directly in Israel or Jordan, while not overpaying for the loud name of the brand.

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_27

Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_28


                The use of cosmetics of the Dead Sea based on minerals or salts is recommended solely in the absence of contraindications. Before use, it is necessary to check the reaction on a small area of ​​the skin. With the appearance of rash, redness or other reactions from the use of exotic cosmetics it is better to refuse. It is impossible to use mineral and salt cosmetics after shaving - the risk of developing irritation and inflammation is great.

                If we are talking about cosmetics based on the Dead Sea with multicomponent composition, you must adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations. It is important to follow a specific mode of use of funds. To avoid addiction of the skin, it is better to change care cosmetics once every 3-4 months.

                Dead Sea Cosmetics: Satara, SeaCret, Premier and other brands. Features of use and the rule of choice 4559_29

                It is possible to use natural agents as additives to the usual compositions, homemade masks or peels.

                Overview of the Dead Sea Cosmetics DR. SEA see below.

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