Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat


Today it is difficult to imagine life without deodorant. The unpleasant smell of sweat is able to spoil the impression even from the perfectly created female image. And then your beautiful makeup, exquisite hairstyle and fashionable clothes are focused against the background of scaring amber. The choice of deodorant only at first glance seems simple task. In practice, women are faced with a mass of nuances. And most of them, alas, learn about their own sad experience.

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_2

Review of manufacturers and best deodorants

Deodorants were known to women for a long time. True, they were not as modern. To mask unpleasant odors, they always tried to use strong aromas that drowning natural smells of the body. Another women of Ancient Egypt used for this purpose aromatic vegetable oils. The beauties of the East traditionally used incense, and the ancient Greeks and the Romans attached the bags with fragile herbs to their clothes. In ancient Russia, used incense, which were impregnated with beans from oatmeal.

When the world learned about the existence of bacteria, the approach in creating deodorants was qualitatively changed - the manufacturers began to think not only about masking of odors, but also to eliminate their root cause. Thus, aluminum, formic acid and tanning substances - oak bark were introduced into the composition of deodorants. The first similar to the modern deodorant for women appeared in the United States in 1888. He was pasty. The first perfume deodorant appeared at the beginning of the last century. Then appeared and comfortable forms - ball, spray.

Modern best deodorants from sweat for women have a zinc oxide, which has antibacterial activity, aluminum compounds. And the best is the best tool, which is not only effectively against the unpleasant smell of products of the sebaceous glands, but also protects against increased sweating, affecting the work of the glands themselves. Today, the line of deodorants produce a variety of manufacturers, interesting and decent attention of the brand, we included in the rating.

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_3

By price

All female sweat protection means can be divided into expensive, inexpensive and medium price categories. The most affordable should include deodorants of brands Garnier, Rasyan. . Medium price categories - Deonat, Odaban, Drydry, Weleda. Expensive means of premium class - Vichy, Korres.

In form

The form is isolated sprays, rollers and poems. Each view has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Rasyan Crystal Ginger & Tamarind

Deodorant-stick is a solid deodorant, which is often called a pencil. The principle of operation is to climb the sweat gland with a protective film. Rasyan Crystal Ginger & Tamarind is a means that are famous for its natural composition, in which aluminum alums, overwhelming the reproduction of bacteria. For a person, they are completely safe. The composition added green tea and aloe extract.

The means is hypoallergenically, safely, does not leave wet traces on clothing or spots, and therefore it is often called "invisible".

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_4

Rasyan Natural White.

Another stick, which acts more in the disguise of the unpleasant smell. But it does not understand the other advantages. For example, a deodorant copes perfectly with the healing of small wound, has a moderate antifungal effect, and therefore can be used immediately after epilation for particularly sensitive skin.

Big plus this fund - in economy . The tool serves a long time, about a year, even if we use it daily. Does not contain perfumeful fragrances, does not interfere with the smells of perfume.

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_5

Secret Active

Another solid stick, which is designed for women leading a very mobile lifestyle. He protects from the smell of sweat With a minimal sort of aroma, it disinfects problem areas well and protects not only from bacteria, but also from itching and discomfort. It does not leave traces on the clothes. After applying on the skin, it does not cause sensations of depressions.

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_6

Vichy 48 hours against white and yellow spots

This tool is most noticeable among sprays and enjoys well-deserved respect. It regulates the process and intensity of sweating, maintaining it at a natural level, eliminates the smell and gives a feeling of freshness. In its production, a special innovative complex is used, which prevents the appearance of white and yellowish spots on clothing even after a long period of use. The tool is considered suitable for any skin type.

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_7

According to the composition

Antiperspirants are considered more reliable - Cosmetics that not only disguise smells, but oppose the root cause of their appearance, that is, they suppress sweating. Among the groups of antiperspirant should be allocated top 3 leaders.

Garnier Mineral Active Control

Roller antiperspirant, which protects against unpleasant odor, according to manufacturers, within two days. In practice, of course, less, but in general, the agent is in great demand due to the availability of the price and convenient roller facilitating the use. The composition is antibacterial, but at the same time hypoallergenic, texture is light, not clogging.

There are no alcohols and parabens, and therefore the safety of the means is confirmed by the data of laboratory studies.

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_8

Vichy regulating

The composition of this cosmetic agent is balanced, providing compliance with two conditions at once - it regulates the work of sweat glands, preventing the abundant selection of sweat, and also does not give pathogenic bacteria to multiply and cause the same suffocating unpleasant odor.

Alcohols does not contain, it does not even annoying very sensitive skin, it can be applied immediately after the epilation performed, has a uniform consistency and is well distributed over the skin. Traces on clothes does not leave. Quickly dries out.

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_9

Weleda grenade

As the main component, some manufacturers use natural antimicrobial additives. One of the best among these is this tool. The grenade deodorant gives protection for about a day, but is ideal for particularly sensitive and vulnerable skin. Antibacterial action is soft, not affecting an irritating effect on the skin. Pomegranate essential oils do not create suffocating amber, their fragrance is thin and unobtrusive.

Roller applicator allows you to apply uniformly. Absorbed quickly, clothes do not pack. Dermatologists include cosmetics of this brand to one of the best, adapted for problem skin, and therefore use can be daily without risk.

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_10

By aroma

Manufacturers use different flavors, but the traditional is considered lavender, cinnamon, incense. And the choice of a certain fragrance is a personal matter of every woman, because the taste and smell of two identical opinions can not be.

If there are doubts and I want to secure the protection against sweat and not to break the flavor of the spirits, it is better to choose the means without smell, devoid of perfumeful fragrances.

Rexona without odor

This spray will dry quickly, and after five seconds after applying, you can safely wear any clothes without fear of staining the cloth with the components of the cosmetic agent. Deodorant is considered one of the most reliable trustworthy. It does not contain etheric oils, no chemical fragrances, which makes the remedy for universal - to use it with the same success can both men and women.

The tool is considered hypoallergenic, and these properties are checked by manufacturers in a personal certified international laboratory. Dermatologists recognize the fact of security, and therefore it can often be found on the shepherd counters among other pharmacy funds. Acts up to 12 hours; If the woman moves little and almost does not sweat, then the actions are enough for a day.

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_11

Pharmatheiss Cosmetics d'Oliva Green Tea

The aroma of green tea is so thin and delicate, which is like most women, does not create "interference" for spirits, while at the same time unpleasant sweat smells are reliably neutralized for the entire working day, even if the lady actively engages in sports, trains, runs.

A surprising fragrance succeeds due to the presence of green tea leaves and olives in the extract. The latter, rich in oil, have a healing effect, and therefore means to be applied immediately after epilation.

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_12

By time use

Most manufacturers indicate that their funds can "work" for two days. At verification, this highly exaggerated information, moreover, much depends on the activity of a particular woman, from the physical activity, the temperature of the ambient air, the individual characteristics of the work of the sweat glands. Below are funds acting longer than others.

Vichy Homme 72h.

Plus, it lies not only that the tool really holds on the skin, but also that the whole family can use it - men, teenagers, the elderly. Unisex smell does not shout about the gender destination. The antiperspirant is designed to protect in heat and high activity. In addition to the antibacterial composition, it can boast the presence of a mineral absorbent, the main task of which is to absorb excess moisture.

Easy and homogeneous consistency provide a subtle application, as a result of which an invisible film is formed on the skin.

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_13

Vichy anti-stress 72 hours

This deodorant is well known to women, especially active sporting. Its manufacturers recommend buying ladies suffering from increased sweating in stressful situations. The tool effectively regulates the redundant operation of the sweat glands. Consumption is minimal - in order to obtain the desired effect, quite a very small amount of deodorant.

The means is hypoallergenic, the fragrance does not conflict with perfumes, and therefore for an aromatic bouquet of your spirits can not worry.

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_14

Tips for choosing

In many ways, the choice of deodorant is intimate and very delicate. We all sweat, but everyone sweats with its own intensity. One woman sweats only when it runs or trains in the gym, and the other sweating reacts to any stress - reprimand from the boss, Avral at work. After 51 years, women are usually joined in a period of menopausal changes, and the work of the glands undergoes changes. The intensity of the sweating changes during the pregnancy, and also directly depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Based on this, universal councils do not exist, and women's forums are not very useful when choosing a deodorant - what approached one, does not necessarily work at all.

Focus on personal experience, on its own preferences in odors. Otherwise, the choice will help facilitate the arch of non-hard rules.

  • From abundant sweating, if the lady is very tight, antiperspirants will help . For the most part, aluminum salts are introduced into their composition, which regulate the lumen of sweat ducts. Such means should be applied solely on clean skin so as not to cause the pathological blockage of the ducts and subsequent inflammation. Antiperspirants Specialists do not recommend use for the night.
  • With a moderate sweating, but a sharp smell of sweat as an individual features of the female organism, specialists advise sprays. They usually present triclosane and fernanezol, restraining the reproduction of bacteria. There are also pharmacy means from sweat in the form of gels and creams with similar compositions. They are a little longer applied, but they act no less efficiently.

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_15

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_16

If there was no deodorant at the right moment, you should not despair. The centuries-old story has accumulated hundreds of folk remedies to eliminate sweating and masking odors. For example, it is possible, according to the example of Brazilians, use the lemon, the slices of which are put in the armpits for five minutes. Known and the recipe for acetic water with the addition of rosehip oil, which can be treated with armpits. Such funds have an irritant action and should not be applied after epilation.

If the woman sweats greatly, but there is no deodorant, You can use the usual baby powder as a temporary "emergency" means. But the frequent use of Talc is dangerous blockage of gonducts and the development of the local inflammatory process.

It is clear that every wants to choose a deodorant that will not get a dip. In this case, it is certainly necessary to read the composition. It should not be oils and parabens. If the precautions did not help and the clothes turned out to be evaporated, it is necessary to use the universal stain remover before washing or the most common tool for dishes. They quickly break fats, after which the thing can be erased in normal mode, without fear that the divorces will remain.

Thus, the right choice of the best deodorant is not only a comparative analysis of prices, reviews and composition, but also an accurate understanding of the peculiarities of its own body.

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_17

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_18

If you like solid deodorants, it is too often to use themselves, specialists do not advise. They can contribute to excess skin dryness, which is fraught with irritations, peeling, cracks. Attentive studies of the composition will help you provide for some distant consequences:

  • Aloe Extract The composition does not contribute to a significant decrease in sweating as such;
  • calendula The composition can excessively dry the skin with daily constant use;
  • Availability cyclometicon ensures that the cosmetic means will effectively moisturize the problem and irritated skin;
  • Availability PPG-15 diethyl ether gives the means the ability to dry almost instantly;
  • Availability Propylene glycola may be dangerous for allergies;
  • Availability phthalats. As part of a deodorant undesirable for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_19

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_20

Assessing the composition, it is worth paying attention to the form. Many manufacturers make several forms in one name, and there are their reasons.

  • Poems Very popular, because it is convenient to apply and wear with you in a handbag just in case they do not pack clothes. Among their minuses - the presence of rather aggressive substances in the composition, as well as the high probability of "rolling" means in the axillary depression in heat, high temperature and intensive movement. The rolling deodorant cannot cope with the responsibilities entrusted to him.
  • Roller Ball types of cosmetic means moisturize the skin under mouses, refresh well. They are not so often "grain" in front of heat, like poems, do not roll, because they fall on the skin with a thin uniform film. And with the right use of them more pluses more than minuses. The disadvantages include the frequent presence of alcohol in the composition, especially in low-cost deodorants, and this is not too useful for sensitive skin. In addition, the film, if not to wash it off for a long time, may cause irritation and inflammation in the field of application.
  • Powder - In such a form, the means of sweat is applied solely on clean and dry skin. The most preferred is the form for women with increased fatty skin. Muddle forms are little suitable for heat and sports, but they have a big plus - often they are produced with aromas of famous perfume brands.
  • Creams and gels - such forms are ideal for almost all, including those suffering from allergies. Both forms are easily applied, gently moisturized, well absorbed. They can leave footprints on clothes, unless to withstand a sufficient temporary pause between applying and dressing.
  • Spray Good in the absence of alcohol and the availability of antimicrobial components. Deodorants in such a form are easy to apply, give a feeling of freshness, well tolerate hot weather and extreme loads.
  • In the form of napkins - Excellent means for use in places, not quite convenient to perform hygienic procedures. Such deodorizing products can be taken in a campaign or in the train.

A good remedy for sweat for women has a balanced composition, a convenient dispenser. But much depends not only from cosmetics, but also from the lifestyle. To reduce sweating, one deodorizing agent is not enough.

It is necessary to wear clothes from natural fabrics, drink less fluid, abandon sharp food with an abundance of spices.

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_21

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_22

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_23

Review reviews

Often on thematic ladies' forums ask the question of what female deodorant is still better. Often, women are in constant search for an answer, since one carial care brand copes from then, but does not eliminate the smell completely, and the other eliminates the smell, and the problem of sweating and wet armpits remain. We analyzed the reviews and found leaders who are recommended for each other most often.

  • Oriflame. - In the quality of the merits of brand products, the reasonable ratio of the lowest price and quality of deodorant is called. In this case, the tool copes with abundant sweating, and the jacket in the area of ​​the axillary depression does not floss.
  • Dry Dry. - Established in demand not only in women who are actively engaged in sports, but also by hyperhydrosis - pathologically high sweating.
  • Linen Dry from Rexona - Very popular and common products that many women prefer preference. It is especially noted a gentle fragrance of means, pleasant in itself.

Often women suffering from high sweating are recommended to acquire alum in a pharmacy. If financial capabilities allow, then the basic recommendation is solid deodorants that solve the main problem - Increased secretion of sweat glands. In his reviews, women urge not to follow blind advertising, which is so much on television and radio.

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_24

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_25

Rating of women's deodorants: Top deodorants from sweat and smell for women, the best solid and other species, user reviews - what better protects from sweat 4549_26

Better to trust your own feelings. Even a good and expensive means can "not come up" exactly to you, while the budget option becomes a real salvation.

In the next video, you will find the release of the TV shows "Inspection Purchase", dedicated to women's balloon deodorants-antiperspirant.

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