How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring?


People are inherent in sweating - this is a completely normal reaction of the body. To get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat for a long time, there are many cosmetics. However, most people have no idea how to use deodorant. The article will deal with the rules for using various deodorizing funds.

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_2

Causes of unpleasant odor

Potting is a process included in thermoregulation that provides optimal body temperature.

The main component of sweat is water, which is almost 100%, and a small part is lactic acid, urea and mineral salts. Sweat does not smell, but when entering the skin, it enters into interaction with the natural microflora. The result is fermentation, which serves as a source of unpleasant fragrance. The main purpose of using deodorizing products is the complete elimination of smell or its neutralization due to antibacterial action.

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_3

Terms of Use

Deodorants are available in a variety of forms: washes, balls, creams, powder, napkins. These types of funds have their advantages and disadvantages, instructions for use are also vary. Consider them in more detail.

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_4

Spray and aerosols

These funds were widespread, given the features, as they dry quickly, do not cause stickiness on the skin and do not leave stains on clothes.

When used, care must be taken, as they contain chemical compounds that inhalation will have a negative effect on the lungs.

How to use:

  • It is more correct to apply spray or aerosol immediately after the adoption of the soul;
  • The area to be processed should be dry;
  • When processing the left armpit, the container with the product must be taken into the right hand, and when processing the right - to the left;
  • Before use, you should shake the contents of the container for 5 seconds;
  • Spray the product is necessary from a distance of at least 10 cm for 5 seconds;
  • Do not get into the eyes.

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_5

Ball deodorants

They prefer most people, as it is believed that they are more effective in comparison with sprays.

Terms of use of similar products:

  • apply only on dry areas of skin;
  • Before use, carefully shake the tool;
  • Apply a few smears;
  • Hands should not be lowered until the remedy dry.

Some ingredients that are part of the product can cause an allergic reaction. Over time, the components of the means may occur. Therefore, after a month of application, the product should be replaced by another with a similar action.

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_6

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_7


This product is the most comfortable form of a deodorizing agent.

How to use:

  • Before use, you need to take a shower and wipe the armpits;
  • from the bottle to remove the lid and the seal;
  • Rotate the wheel on the bottom of the bottle, so that the required amount of the product is distinguished;
  • Treat the skin of the armpits, so that their tool is completely covered;
  • After the procedure, you need to close the bottle well to prevent the product drying.

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_8

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_9

Powder or talc

Are the base of dry deodorizing agents. They align the skin, giving it softness of silk. They cope well with the sweat and an unpleasant smell. If the talc is flavored, then it can replace perfume.

Apply the product only on clean, dried skin.

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_10

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_11


These include natural-based products. These can be poems or aerosols, and can be beautifully packaged crystals. All of them are pretty effective.

Terms of use:

  • After taking the shower, it is necessary to wipe the crystal of the armpit;
  • Before close the packaging, the crystal must be dried.

Such deodorants should be used in front of shigaring and laser hair removal, because they prevent rustling of hairs.

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_12

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_13


Napkins with deodorizing action are indispensable in travel and trips to nature. They provide Mitigating effect on skin and have disinfectant properties. Napkin you just need to wipe the skin.

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_14

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_15

Creams or gel

Move the skin soft and moisturize them. The gel has a lighter consistency than cream, the skin is easier to absorb. Usually, such products happens without flavors, which makes it suitable for too susceptible skin.

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_16


Another form of deodorants, which in comparison with other does not dock clothes. It has a good dosing system, a reverse system, which makes it possible to economically spend the tool. Deo-poems can be small sizes, which allows them to take with them, putting into a bag. To take advantage of the means, you need to take a shower and apply to dried armpits.

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_17

Recommendations of specialists

There are general advice to use deodorizing agents.

  • Products should be applied immediately after the shower, on clean skin To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor. If you apply on armpits, wet from sweat, the tool will not be effective.
  • No need to repeat the application procedure during the day, because Mixing from then, he will not give the necessary action. If it is felt that the action of a deodorant is over, it can be re-applied, but only on clean skin.
  • Should not be used with means having a disadvantage - The result can be a rather unpleasant mixture of flavors.
  • Do not splash on the cloth. The tool works on the skin, rather than clothes.
  • Do not apply too abundantly. Big content in the product of chemicals can cause allergies.
  • After the laser epilation procedure, the use of deodorants is possible. The exception is the daily period both on the eve of the session and after it.

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_18

How to use deodorant? How to use it not to sweat? Is it possible to use before or after laser hair removal, shugaring? 4544_19

    Taking advantage of these tips, you can get rid of the smell of sweat for a long time.

    For species, rules of application, components and composition of deodorants, see below.

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