Cosmetics I.C.LAB: pros and cons of individual cosmetics. Variety of products. Reviews


The history of the creation of cosmetics began quite a long time, and today there are many brands that are presented in the market. In this article we will talk about cosmetics I. C. Lab, advantages and disadvantages of the brand, composition of products, as well as about the range.

Cosmetics I.C.LAB: pros and cons of individual cosmetics. Variety of products. Reviews 4523_2


I. C. Lab is an individual cosmetics laboratory, created by 2009 due to the fruitful work of Russian physicians and dermatologists. Today the company's products are fairly requested and popular. This is due to a number of features, among which I would like to note the following.

  • Company I. C. Lab is the only one of its kind, It works individually with each client. The potential consumer addresses the laboratory, where it receives a complete consultation. There is a diagnosis of the skin of the face and, based on the results obtained, an individual cosmetic is developed.
  • Enterprise on which creams are made are In Cyprus.
  • Natural composition cosmetics.

Cosmetics I.C.LAB: pros and cons of individual cosmetics. Variety of products. Reviews 4523_3

About the last characteristic worth saying separately.


Products that are developed in the Laboratory of Individual Cosmetics I. C. LAB, maintains the normal functioning of the cells and prevents premature aging. This effect helps to achieve living cells of the following components.

  • Eucalyptus - produces hyaluronic acid, moisturizing skin and renewing cells. It has antiseptic, healing and bactericidal properties.
  • Jojoba - nourishes, softens and moisturizes the skin. Promotes skin rejuvenation.
  • Sweet Iris. - responsible for regeneration of skin cover and smoothing wrinkles. Sweet Iris contributes to the development of collagen, elastin and keratin.
  • Other components. They are selected after the diagnosis and determination of the problems of the skin.

Cosmetics I.C.LAB: pros and cons of individual cosmetics. Variety of products. Reviews 4523_4

Cosmetics I.C.LAB: pros and cons of individual cosmetics. Variety of products. Reviews 4523_5

Cosmetics I.C.LAB: pros and cons of individual cosmetics. Variety of products. Reviews 4523_6

As you can see, each component is a natural, natural element that has a beneficial effect on the skin and does not harm her.

Pros and cons of individual cosmetics

Each new consumer must first have information on the benefits and disadvantages of the brand. That is why we also want to talk about them.

The advantages of products I. C. Lab is as follows.

  1. An individual approach to each customer - and that's right. It is impossible that one cream is perfect for all skin types.
  2. Use in extremely alive active substances, which contributes to rapid and noticeable action.
  3. The effect of using cosmetics is not short-term. The thing is that their main components affect the skin at the cellular level.
  4. Safety and quality products are confirmed by European certificates.
  5. Long expiration date - up to 6 months.
  6. The cost fully complies with the result obtained.

Cosmetics I.C.LAB: pros and cons of individual cosmetics. Variety of products. Reviews 4523_7

Cosmetics I.C.LAB: pros and cons of individual cosmetics. Variety of products. Reviews 4523_8

Pluses more than enough. But be that as it may, without flaws, it also does not do.

Probably, many consider the minus the fact that the cosmetics are not in the public domain - you can not buy it in the store. In order to obtain the product I. C. Lab, you need to make an appointment with the laboratory, pass the survey. All this is done with one goal - Main help to the client in solving his problem.

Cosmetics I.C.LAB: pros and cons of individual cosmetics. Variety of products. Reviews 4523_9

Variety of products

As already mentioned, the company individually develops and manufactures skin care creams. The range consists of the following creams.

  • Restoring - For combined, normal skin. They are responsible for adjusting the secretion of the sebaceous glands in the T-zone, nourish the skin, make it elastic, elastic.

Cosmetics I.C.LAB: pros and cons of individual cosmetics. Variety of products. Reviews 4523_10

  • Matting. Regenerating - for fading skin with a wellness and cleansing effect. Moisturizing - for mature skin, restores hydrobalance.

Cosmetics I.C.LAB: pros and cons of individual cosmetics. Variety of products. Reviews 4523_11

Cosmetics I.C.LAB: pros and cons of individual cosmetics. Variety of products. Reviews 4523_12

  • For young and normal skin - Designed for young girls up to 30 years. It feeds, moisturizes the skin, makes elastic and restores the relief.

Cosmetics I.C.LAB: pros and cons of individual cosmetics. Variety of products. Reviews 4523_13

  • Regenerating for normal mature skin - It has a pull-up and leveling effect. Promotes cell regeneration.

Cosmetics I.C.LAB: pros and cons of individual cosmetics. Variety of products. Reviews 4523_14

Cosmetics I.C.LAB: pros and cons of individual cosmetics. Variety of products. Reviews 4523_15

  • Nutritious, Regenerating for fading skin with the effect of lifting - emulsion and stimulates biochemical processes.

Cosmetics I.C.LAB: pros and cons of individual cosmetics. Variety of products. Reviews 4523_16

  • Moisturizing for mature skin - gives healthy radiance and elasticity, levels relief and returns elasticity.

Cosmetics I.C.LAB: pros and cons of individual cosmetics. Variety of products. Reviews 4523_17

  • Regenerating, moisturizing for mature skin - Restores the pH level in the skin, helps to update the cells.

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Once again, I would like to pay attention to the fact that each of the above creams has in its composition living plants cells, and all other components are selected individually for each client.


The opinions of users are another important factor that is guided by potential consumers before starting to use cosmetics. As for feedback on the products of the Laboratory of Individual Cosmetics I. C. Lab, then they are exceptionally positive. Each client is pleased with the way employees reacted to his problem with the skin, conducted the necessary diagnostics, and then made a cream that exceeded all expectations.

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On how to choose the right cosmetics I.C.Lab, see the next video.

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