NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists


In pursuit of a beautiful well-groomed appearance of a fair sex, a representative of the wonderful sex is resorted to various ways of care, choosing certain funds. But it is not so easy to find a truly high-quality product that will be economically available for regular use.

NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_2

One of the most popular cosmetic brands is NOVOSVIT, the range of which is so wide, which allows you to choose a full range of leaving products. But before purchasing a couple of funds, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the brand, consider the pros, minuses and product overview.

NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_3

Brand history

Few people know, but the founder of the Novosvit brand is a large company "folk crafts", which is located in the suburban Lobnya. For many years now, this company produces cosmetics, the unique compositions of which are not inferior to even the highest quality and expensive luxury tools. The uniqueness of this product lies in the fact that, in addition to unique components for skin care, the means also contain therapeutic components, thanks to which Novosvit cosmetics may even seriously compete with pharmaceutical means.

This is the innovative products of the highest quality, which refers to the class of mass market, as it has a very attractive value. Therefore, every girl can afford complex care without tangible costs.

NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_4

Advantages and disadvantages

The indisputable advantages of cosmetics of this brand is that it is used as efficient as possible, but absolutely harmless components are used, and the result does not cause themselves to wait and positive changes are occurring after several applications. In addition, accessibility can be attributed to the benefits - the data funds are on the windows of almost all cosmetics stores, as well as they have an affordable cost.

As for the shortcomings, in this case they are very difficult to identify, since the combination of price and quality is disproportionate, because the first criterion is much superior to the second.

NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_5


As previously was previously said, as part of the funds produced by this brand, it contains exclusively natural components, thanks to which almost all cosmetics is absolutely harmless. In addition to components such as mucin snail or hyaluronic acid, there are useful vitamins, minerals and oils that should be considered separately, namely:

  • Calcidon prevents the destruction of collagen particles and contributes to more intensive work of collagen;
  • Fukel minimizes the risks of inflammatory processes and protects the skin from dehydration;
  • Vitamin P contributes to more intensive blood circulation, due to which the skin color is normalized and prevents the occurrence of veins disease;
  • Alluzhin allows you to give a skin healthy radiance;
  • phospholipids are responsible for the active recovery of cells;
  • Oat oil is saturated with antioxidants and allows you to derive toxins from the skin.

    These and many other components make novosvit cosmetics truly universal and efficient in skin care and maintaining its health.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_6

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_7

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_8

    Product description

    The assortment of this brand is represented by numerous creams, tonic, aqua gels and other means. Many of them are aimed at moisturizing the skin of the face, while others are designed for different types of skin, for example, sensitive or fat. The choice of funds of this brand is facilitated by the fact that they are divided into a series of specific characteristics and the principle of action.

    Consider each series and its features.

    • Toners 5. . They have a similar appointment with tonic, but have a much less aggressive composition due to the special components and the transforming structure. These funds must be applied immediately after washing to avoid struts, dryness and irritation, which may occur when contact with poor-quality tap water.

    Toners have a soothing effect, as well as deeply moisturize even the most dry skin, therefore it is recommended to use them to prepare the skin to subsequent leaving procedures.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_9

    • API. . In this line of cosmetics, anti-aging products are presented, which contains collagen, hyaluronic acid and other high-efficiency components. The creams and serum of the API series intensively moisturize the skin, contributing to the smoothing of wrinkles, and also make the structure of the skin with more trained useful substances and elastic, thereby protecting it from the emergence of new signs of aging.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_10

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_11

    • Smart Mask. . The collection collected masks whose action is aimed at fast and high-quality skin care. The texture of the products is so universal, which allows not only deeply moistened and restore the skin, but also carefully to spend the burdensome particles. It is enough to apply a mask on the skin of the face with light massaging movements, leave for a few minutes, after which it is gently washed with warm water.

    It is not recommended to leave such products on the skin for a long time, since some components of the composition with long-term contact can cause irritation.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_12

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_13

    • OXYGEN BUBBLE MASK. . This series is presented in the form of masks, the texture of which when applied is converted into bubbles similar to the foam. Thanks to this effect, the skin is easily cleaned from contaminants. In addition, the masks of this series allow you to remove the residues of decorative cosmetics with which other funds did not cope. It is also believed that Bubble Mask has a unique composition and a special property - it satums the skin with oxygen, aligns the tone and narrows the pores.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_14

    • Sleeping Mask. . This is a nightlife line, the action of which is aimed at restoring the epidermis by saving all useful components in it. It is noteworthy that these masks are applied to the face for some time before bedtime and are not washed away, so that all regenerating processes are much faster and more efficient.

    This product is tested by dermatologists, so finding the mask on the face such a long time does not hurt your skin.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_15

    • Snail Repair (with a snail mucin) . Perhaps every girl tried various fashionable Korean funds with an amazing component - a mucin snail. Now in the assortment of the domestic producer there are such products that are not inferior in quality. In a series of funds, creams, gels and masks are presented, containing a 100% uncatch filtrate filtrate, as well as many other natural components. It is believed that this component is most effective in rejuvenating the skin and its moisture.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_16

    • Vitamin E microcapsules . This ruler consists of filler and boosters with gel texture. The unique production technology allows you to activate the particles of the means by pressing the packaging dispenser. Already at first applying, they begin to actively act. The gel does not allow the skin to extract excess fat particles, and vitamin E feeds it intensively.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_17

    • LA MELLAR ANTI-AGE . This complex of unique lamellar cosmetics, the basic influence of which is not superficial, and when interacting with lipids located on the corneal layer of the skin. Due to this, the processes of rejuvenation are launched more actively, and the density and elasticity of the epidermis is restored.

    This cosmetic series is considered the most effective in combating signs of aging from the entire range.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_18

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_19

    • Haluron + Collagen . Perhaps, each girl is heard about the unique properties of hyaluronic acid, which is hardly the most effective moisturizing means. Cosmetic products are presented in this lineup, in addition to the hyalurone component, they also have collagen, known to smoothing wrinkles effect. Thus, this series of cosmetics can also be attributed to the category of anti-aging agents with intensive action.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_20

    • Oil concentrate . Oil cosmetic products collected in this collection are positioned as a means of action of a certain orientation. This means that each of the oils individually has its purpose. For example, one of them is created exclusively for moisturizing, while the other is struggling with age-related changes. There are also oils to give the skin greater elasticity, as well as for nutrition and tightening the skin of the face.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_21

    • Correction of wrinkles . This is another series of funds, the action of which is aimed at combating age-related changes. To some extent, these products can be called tools with directional action. The fact is that, in addition to performing its basic functions - smoothing and moisturizing the skin, they are also intensively struggling with mimic wrinkles using a vitamin complex. This is the main action of creams and serums from this line.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_22

    • Lifting . This series of funds could be attributed to the category of all other anti-aging products if it were not for one important nuance. Preparations of this spectrum have a unique property - they are as accurately adjusted to the natural structure of the epidermis. Thus, the features of the face are tightened more intensively, the manufacturer even declares that these funds can help get rid of the "double chin".

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_23

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_24

    • Real Men. . The unique and only series of funds created specifically for male leather care. The fact is that the structure of the epidermis men is somewhat different from female, so they need tools with other components and principle of action. Products of this series have a special composition and most softly purified, moisturize and remove irritation and dryness that may occur after shaving. And also in the assortment there are gels and shaving foams, which contains both active moisturizing components.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_25

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_26

    • Manicure in 5 minutes . This cosmetic line is necessary for those who are actively caring for nails and cuticle. Shea, macadamia and lemon oil are perfectly suitable for moisturizing and for nutrition.

    The combination of these components does not simply slow down the rising cuticle, but also increases the growth rate of the nails, making them stronger.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_27

    • Moisturizing . A separate series of moisturizers is particularly relevant for residents of those regions where the skin regularly suffers from the characteristics of climatic conditions. Thanks to light textures, foods can intensively feed the skin, without making it excessively bold. In addition, the means produce a cumulative effect, due to which the skin remains under protection even after the termination of their use.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_28

    • For sensitive skin . Many girls have quite large skin problems due to its high sensitivity. Accordingly, they need a selection of a special complex of funds. This product line just has such an orientation and allows you to care for gentle skin, avoiding irritation, depth, itching and dryness.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_29

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_30

    • Intimate care . Most of the gels, sera and other means to care for intimate parts of the body contains a lactic acid, but the uniqueness of Novosvit products is that, unlike means for intimate hygiene from other brands, SLES does not use. That is why the cleansing compositions are most secure, do not cause irritation and gently protect against harmful bacteria and microbes.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_31

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_32

    • Cleaning . A separate series of cleansing means allows you to choose a care corresponding to a specific skin type. The composition is full of various useful components that contribute not only to the removal of pollution, but also help bring the system of blood flow in the skin, which helps to extend the skin of the skin.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_33

    • Stop Cellulite. . Many modern girls pay great attention to their appearance, and especially the appearance of the body. The line of these funds was created specifically to maintain the skin in a tone in the process of weight loss, as well as for the active combination of cellulite, to get rid of which at home is quite difficult. The natural components contained in the composition also contribute to moisturizing and pulling the skin by giving it greater elasticity.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_34

    • Hand care . Hands are daily subject to multiple tests, so it is necessary to pay special attention to the care of them. A series of creams and oils in this complex allows you to ensure the skin of the hands full nutrition and recovery. In addition, the unique composition of the means is also aimed at restoring damaged areas, which will beneficially affect the appearance of the skin.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_35

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_36

    • Well-groomed legs . Leather legs, as in the case of hands, regularly faces a variety of stress. Close shoes or bosia, overheating or, on the contrary, supercooling - all this affects the general condition of the skin. This series of funds is designed specifically to solve all these problems. And thanks to the innovative composition, the action of all products is most secure as possible.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_37

    Review reviews

    Before purchasing one of the means of this manufacturer, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the real reviews of consumers, as well as professional cosmetologists, since very often they can be useful in making a right decision. According to statistics, many professionals consider this cosmetics safe, practically no contraindications (except individual intolerance), so they recommend it for home care.

    As for buyers, according to reviews, it is possible to draw the following conclusion - many girls with problem skin coped with their shortcomings thanks to these products, while others are helping to maintain appearance in great form and healthy form.

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics: with a snail mucin and other cosmetics from the manufacturer. Reviews of cosmetologists 4448_38

    NOVOSVIT cosmetics review is available further.

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