Cosmetics CLINIQUE: Whose cosmetics? How to choose decorative and leaving faces? User Reviews and Cosmetologists


Clinique is known worldwide with its hypoallergenic cosmetic products. Professional dermatologists are developing all means. A wide variety and absolute hypoallergenicity allow each person to pick up perfect cosmetics from this brand.

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About firm

The brand has existed since 1968 as a subsidiary of Estee Lauder Companies. Owners of the cosmetic company Family Lauder instructed a dermatologist to Norman Rodernarek and the editor of Vogue Karol Phillips to create a first dermatological cargoing line, excluding allergic reactions and existence. For the first time in the history of cosmetics creation, its development was charged to dermatologists.

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Clinique specializes in the production and production of decorative cosmetics, facilities for face care and perfumery. The company leads among manufacturers of high-quality anti-aging creams.

In the manufacturing process in Clinique, it is strictly taboo on the use of any substances and compounds that cause an allergic reaction. Before the new product gets to the buyer, it is carefully tested for allergies at least 12 times, attracting 600 tests. If among 7,200 tests, at least one manifests the manifestation of an allergic reaction, the process of creating a new product starts from zero. In the famous cosmetic company, it is even a kind of name - the power of one.

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Cosmetics of this brand can satisfy the needs of modern buyers with any requests. The choice presents a wide range of decorative cosmetics, face care, body skin and much more. Product developers for beauty did not forget about the representatives of a strong floor, devoting them a separate series.

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Clinique offers a three-step care system that is created by a combination of several means. Their selection depends on the type of skin. Such a thoughtful approach allows each buyer to pick up your cargoing system. For example, solid or liquid soap for cleaning the face, a lotion for exfoliation of burrot cells, moisturizing cream or gel.

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Family Lauder's company first among cosmetic brands announced the benefit for soft exfoliation. Buyers offered to try out various means for gentle exfoliation in daily care. This procedure is useful for any skin, even sensitive, but subject to the use of efficient, but soft components and selection of funds by the impact method and taking into account the needs of the epidermis.

In many of their funds, Clinique has been using salicylic acid for 30 years. Not one hundred years it is used in dermatology as an effective exfoliant.

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But the specialists of the cosmetic company do not stop new developments, continuing research for creating innovative products to preserve the health and beauty of the skin. The company cooperates with professionals from the field of medicine, seeking not to lose weight of weighty discoveries in the field of dermatology.

Together with the institution "Weill Cornell Medical Center" Clinique conducts research, takes part in the cycles of the educational direction illuminating the issues relating to the care of the epidermis. Thanks to this successful interaction, the center of healthy skin "Clinique" took place.

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Another interesting fact in the history of the famous cosmetic brand was the creation of packaging for products. It was necessary to choose such a design so that potential buyers did not seem to have the impression that the funds are "purely medical". The packaging was supposed to do so not to represent CLINIQUE products as a product for problem skin. One of the employees came to the eyes of an attractive pattern of fabric. This fruit-flower painter in bizarre small patterns attracted the female half of the Lauder clan. So there was a corporate ornament of packaging of decorative production TM Clinique. Means with skin care creams were packaged into a light green cardboard.

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Following the ruler of caring funds, the company has established the release of makeup cosmetics. And here the company's dermatologists performed pioneers. Salicylic acid was added to the means, giving carcasses for eyelashes, lipsticks and other products the ability to moisten and protect the skin, and not just carry a decorative function. CLINIQUE DEMAKYAGE ADVIDENCE ARE EASY TO REMOVE EVEN PERFORMED COSMETICS.

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The lipstick of juicy and intense tones is distinguished by persistence and the ability to actively moisturize lips. All eye makeup cosmetics are a thorough check in the process of ophthalmic tests.

The flawless texture and composition of the tonal cream provide the skin not just a smooth tone, but also care. Among the shades represented, each woman will find that ideal that is suitable for her face. Also for makeup brand produces weightless powder, contouring, consiletors and everything necessary for sculpture.

Tools for skin cleansing are represented by scrubs and exfoliating face lotions with skin of any type: dry, oily, sensitive, normal.

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Cosmetics CLINIQUE: Whose cosmetics? How to choose decorative and leaving faces? User Reviews and Cosmetologists 4438_12

To moisturizing the skin, Clinique dermatologists created several effective means: instant moisturizing cream, intensely moisturizing cream, gel concentrate, cream gel and jelly. For any zone, you can choose the appropriate cosmetics, including anti-aging care.

Running the perfume line TM Clinique is a separate direction that the company develops. And here it did not cost without the philosophy of the brand "Beauty is health." The current fragrant collection includes seven female perfumes and one male.

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Cosmetics CLINIQUE: Whose cosmetics? How to choose decorative and leaving faces? User Reviews and Cosmetologists 4438_14

The very first of perfumes - Aromatics ELIXIR were so that his fragrance had a beneficial therapeutic effect. He was released in 1971, but this female flower hip composition pleases the smell of the ladies and today. The combination of jasmine, valley and ylang-ylanca with tones a citrus notes in Aromatics ELIXIR tones, gives the ease, raises the mood, suggests pleasant thoughts.

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Three-stage technique of normal orientarek

At the time of exploring the work of Orientarek, the company Laudera managed to decline his loud glory as a leading manufacturer of cosmetics and perfumes.

Dr. Science Norman Ormentarem at that time, also managed to be famous as a professional, became known for his revolutionary works in the field of dermatology. He first raised the problem of damage to ultraviolet rays for the skin and stated that its defects can not only mask the layer of decorative cosmetics, but also corrected correctly selected cosmetics. At that time it was an innovative idea.

As a result of the joint activities of Lauders, Phillips and Scientific Orientarek, the production of medical cosmetics under TM Clinique was launched.

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Cosmetics CLINIQUE: Whose cosmetics? How to choose decorative and leaving faces? User Reviews and Cosmetologists 4438_17

The release of the first batch took place in 1968. Thanks to the high standards of Doctor orientare in dermatological tests of products, Clinique is the first of the manufacturers of cosmetics became involved in the American Academy of Dermatology.

The famous three-stage skin care system of the creator of the brand of normal orientarek was born from his experience as a practitioner dermatologist. For many years, he recommended that his patients first cleansing soap, after exhausting clean skin with a lotion and moisturizing with cream. Such an approach improves the condition of any skin. The first Cosmetics series of Clinique is represented by a system of care consisting of three stages:

  • cleansing;
  • exfoliation;
  • Moisturizing

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Cosmetics CLINIQUE: Whose cosmetics? How to choose decorative and leaving faces? User Reviews and Cosmetologists 4438_19

Cosmetics CLINIQUE: Whose cosmetics? How to choose decorative and leaving faces? User Reviews and Cosmetologists 4438_20

    Cosmetics TM Clinique is easy to choose individually, taking into account the features and problems of the skin of the face in different zones. Oriented positioned Clinique as an ideal brand for women, which "does not mask, but eliminates the shortcomings."

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    Review reviews

    Cosmetic leaving and decorative means of the world-famous brand for the most part cause positive responses. But the buyers express dissatisfaction with high cost of products, while convincingly noting that its quality corresponds to the cost. Many professional cosmetologists prefer to work with CLINIQUE, highlighting them as positively and quickly affecting the skin.

    About Clinique cream see below.

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