Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics


Cold weather becomes a serious test for the skin and face. Low temperatures on the street and dry roast air in the house dried the skin, reducing its elasticity. With the help of natural cosmetics STYX from Austria, you can restore the natural level of moisture in the skin.

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_2

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_3

About brand

The location of the brand has become Austria. Styx headed Pharmacist Erwin Stix. He applied his knowledge of phytotherapy to obtain beauty recipes for different skin types. The next leader of the family business was his son - Wolfgan Styx, a professional in the field of pharmacology and naturopathy. The cosmetic Austrian recipe remains unchanged since 1965 and is transmitted from generation to generation.

The combination of traditional recipes with modern production methods, laboratory tests of the quality of raw materials allowed the company to open their representative offices in 50 countries around the world.

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_4

The main rules of STYX NATURCOSMETIC steel:

  • Quality and naturalness - active active ingredients are obtained from herbal extracts using cold spin of essential oil;
  • Efficiency and security - The recipe is tested by dermatologists and microbiological studies.

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_5

The brand created on the principles of ecology not only collects valuable compositions and therapeutic properties of the composition. The natural composition of cosmetic products strongly depends on the yield of plants and eliminates the use of preservatives and artificial additives. Wolfgan Styx together with phytoscialists closely monitors the state of essential oil fields. In the case of an irrelevant manufacturer, the manufacturer has enough products from their collection. Such a policy has turned STYX In the sample of quality in the industry of natural cosmetics.

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_6

Assortment and composition

Using key phytotherapy principles, herbs are grown on environmentally friendly fields without the use of chemical fertilizers. Plant collection occurs when they accumulate with their maximum amount of useful elements at different times of the year. The expansion of the geography of the used phytomaterial allowed the company to produce an incredible assortment of therapeutic cosmetics.

Styx releases cosmetic face and body care series. Among them are essential and massage oils, shampoos, creams, healing floral waters, deodorants, bath salts and much more.

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_7

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_8

The vacuum method of dissolving natural components allows preserving natural smells of plants that are part of various cosmetic series. This method allows STYX Naturcosmetic to release Unique aromal for hair and body.

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_9

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_10

In line "Herbal Garden" The Austrian company presented nutritious and soothing faces for face care. The collection consists of a cleansing milk, cosmetic lotion, scrub-mask, gel for the age, soap and cream. Focusing on the reviews of cosmetologists, the basic components of the herbal series of steel nutritious superfids for the skin.

  • "Avocado" is suitable for hypersensitive skin, reduces the effects of cold;
  • "Arnika" reduces peelings, restores the skin after the tan;
  • Verbena eliminates the swelling, accelerates metabolic processes;
  • "Jojoba" has a pronounced regenerating effect, suitable for leaving the eye;
  • "Calendula" narrows pores, prevents the appearance of comedones;
  • Lavanda has a soothing effect, eliminates itching;
  • Rosa refreshes the face, has the effect of light lifting;
  • "Chamomile" eliminates irritation and nourishes overpowering epidermis;
  • "Hop" has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps with Cooperose.

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_11

Cream "Avocado" - One of the most popular brand products. Another name avocado - "Forest oil". Fruit got it for a gentle flesh, saturated with vitamins A, C, D, B6, B12, Mix of microelements, Linolete and Oleic acids. It is not surprising that it became the basis for a cream intended for sensitive, dry and normal skin.

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_12

Multisostav makes the "avocado" cream special on therapeutic properties.

  • Avocado oil Heals the consequences of climatic dermatitis, wounds, improves blood circulation, restores oxygen exchange, struggling with fungus and bacteria.
  • Glycerol Keeps moisture in the skin, forming a thin breathable film, aligns the tone of the face, removes toxins, smoothes wrinkles.
  • Wheat germ oil Softens, increases elasticity, returns the tone of oval face. This is a natural antioxidant, providing soft skin detoxing.
  • Soybean oil It has a tonic effect, regenerates the cells of the epidermis, stimulates fading mature skin, supports a pronounced rejuvenating effect.
  • Aloe juice Keeps the smoothness and elasticity of the skin, fights inflammation, restores cellular nutrition, the collagen and elastin synthesizes, holds moisture on the surface of the skin.
  • Flowers of mountain arnika Improve lymphatic drainage, make a less noticeable vascular mesh, restore elasticity, reduce the swelling, accelerate the healing of wounds and hemorrhages.
  • Calendula flowers - Anti-inflammatory remedy, relieves redness, gives the skin of froth, heals the cracks and abrasions.
  • Gerani essential oil Effectively with dry eczema, has a slight painkillers, smoothes wrinkles, has antiseptic properties.
  • Citronella essential oil Supports and purifies the pores, reduces skin fat, restores the moisturizing of the risen skin.

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_13

The enriched formula of the "avocado" cream is suitable for skin with age-related changes. Anti-inflammatory components accelerate regeneration processes, reduce peeling and itching. Moisturizing ingredients return elasticity and smoothness, making the tired face gently and softer.

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_14

Advantages and disadvantages

According to customer reviews, Styx cosmetics meets the stated promises. According to consistency, the Avocado cream is more like a thick healing ointment. The use of cream is useful for dehydrated and dry skin. The manufacturer advises to apply a small amount of moisturizing composition on a clean dry face. For a more pronounced effect, you can make a soft massage. Use the healing ointment can be used as a dense daytime base for makeup or as regenerating serum at night.

Despite the density, the cream does not score pores, reduces the number of comedones and does not provoke the appearance of rashes.

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_15

The disadvantages of cream some of the buyers include dense consistency. The thick texture requires more time to absorb, because of which the skin may seem fat. The absorbed cream will become a good casual base. A characteristic herbaceous smell is explained by a high percentage of vegetable raw materials without aggressive preservatives and fragrances.

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_16

Quality Standard

The naturalness of the herbal components of the Avocado cream is provided with a patented composition. The quality of Austrian cosmetics meets the latest European quality regulator, confirmed in the spring of 2018. The important characteristic of the ecology of the brand was the call of a universal refusal of test tests of cosmetics on animals.

Part of the STYX products is marked by the "Vegan" sign, meaning the complete absence of animal components in the composition of the product.

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_17

Biological control certificates Bio Kontrolliert guarantee that Styx is under the supervision of a European accrediting agency. Experts of environmental organizations check the work of the enterprise at all stages of production - on the degree of freshness of raw materials to packaging.

The location of the main production of all products of the company is Austria, the packing of products occurs there.

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_18

Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_19

    Keeping the best recipes by popularizing a high level of environmental awareness and a conscientious approach to production, Styx cosmetics for almost a century remains unconditioned the favorite of the natural product market.

    Styx cosmetics: Avocado cream overview and other cosmetics from Austria. Pros and cons of Austrian cosmetics 4415_20

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