Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview "Mink" and "One hundred recipes for beauty". Can I use for lips and face?


Despite the abundance of innovative cosmetic products, every year there are on the market, some women continue to prefer proven "grandmother" products and recipes. One such tool is the ageless beauty petrolatum, still involved in the care of hair and skin.

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

What it is?

Cosmetic petrolatum as other species of this product represents a product of petroleum refining, or more precisely, its distillation. Its use in cosmetics is due to the rich composition containing minerals and antioxidants, as well as a convenient creamy consistency and high level of fat.

cosmetic product safety is provided by using as white petrolatum bases which undergoes cleaning quality.

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

What is different from other types of petroleum jelly?

Vaseline can be divided into natural and artificial. Artificial as well as petroleum jelly has three subspecies, depending on the thoroughness of cleaning - technical, medical and cosmetic. Normal, that is, natural petroleum jelly, paraffin is obtained through the use of resins contained in the leaves of plants. It is obtained by cleaning and bleaching products, it has the highest viscosity, absence of color and odor, and also quite dense structure. Although the composition of the natural petroleum jelly is very rich and useful, with the skin it is very difficult to wash off, so for cosmetic reasons it is almost never used.

Differences from natural of artificial petrolatum are not only in the production process (The first processing result becomes synthetic products). In addition, artificially created Vaseline added components alters its consistency, and the very substance often becomes yellowish color.

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

Technical petrolatum used in industry for processing moving elements or insulation. Its properties make it possible to prevent corrosion of the metal, which explains the frequency of use of the product.

Vaseline may be used as a laxative, be formulated as ointments or be an accessory component for therapeutic treatments. Cosmetic Vaseline, as you might guess from the name, is used for body care, face and hair.

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

The composition and the main functions

As already mentioned, natural wax made from paraffin resins, but is obtained by an artificial connection ceresin in a solid state, paraffin, as well as perfume oils. The cosmetic product to often combined with mink oil. In general, this product is quite good for the skin. Its constituent elements help to create a reliable protective layer against external factors.

There are also properties of petroleum jelly to protect the weakened tissue, for example, after the exposure, or the peel. Thick material structure in this case allows, on one hand, to reduce evaporation of moisture from the skin, and on the other - to prevent the penetration of dirt and germs inside. Protects petrolatum and frost, and the dry hot air.

Apply the substance is permitted even on the sensitive area around the eyes to eliminate skin dryness.

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

Contraindications and possible harm

We must begin with the fact that in spite of all the advantages of cosmetic vaseline, it is not permitted to use too often, especially in the skin problems. This can lead to disruption of metabolic processes, and even blockage of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Sometimes, excessive use of the product even leads to edema. If we are talking about a person, it is best to limit a pair of times a week. It is strictly forbidden to put stuff on the untreated skin, as in this case, all hazardous substances remain under the Vaseline film and beginning to penetrate into the pores That, in turn, leads to inflammation and other negative processes.

Although the product is considered to be hypoallergenic, some people still has its intolerance, so before using the test procedure is better to conduct, causing a small amount of the inner surface of the elbow.

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

The sale does not occur only cosmetic Vaseline itself, but also the product mixture with other useful components, such as natural fats or plant extracts. For example, it relates to an agent "Mink", created on the basis of petroleum jelly with mink oil. Very good reviews gets thick Vaseline "One hundred recipes for beauty" intended for softening and moisturizing the skin. tool mark "Neva cosmetics" It contains chamomile extract, and therefore provides the skin with extra protection and restoration. Performed well Vaseline "Dawn".

Interestingly Vaseline Lip brand "bodycare" which comprises an extract of strawberries, aloe vera and rosehip oil. It not only deals with peeling and cracks, but also gives your lips extra volume. Cosmetic Vaseline from Unilever often used for make-up removal or for the healing that only made tattoos.

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

Where and how is used in cosmetics?

There are quite a number of ways to use petroleum jelly for cosmetic purposes. We must start with the fact that agent is often selected as a wrinkle cream. On a daily basis causing a small amount of petroleum jelly on problem areas, you get pretty fast and effectively eliminate age manifestations. The substance is not only able to smooth out the skin, but also improve skin tone and nourish with vitamins E and A, which as time and slow down the aging process.

Need face and Vaseline to create a mask for strengthening eyelashes. Present in its structure allows nutrients improve cilia, accelerate their growth and prevent hair loss. This method saves a lot of money on maintenance, since the use of petroleum jelly is not less effective than the expensive's Skin tools. It helps this product also tidy up the skin of hands and nails. Thanks to him, the dermis receives the necessary moisture and softens the nail plate and, on the contrary, strengthened.

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

For women, of course, it will be a joyful discovery and what Cosmetic Vaseline can be used for removing makeup from the face . Oily substance allows you to fully break down the remnants of cosmetics, dust or dirt, after which they will be enough to remove from the face of the usual soft cloth. It is important to mention that for makeup remover products will have to be applied to the desired areas of the skin and leave it for a short time. An interesting capability of Vaseline is to eliminate small scars. Fatty acids and vitamin E is quite successful regeneration of skin cells is carried out under the condition of regular use. Experts recommend to carry out the procedure twice a day, 5 times a week in combination with a light massage.

Quite often, cosmetic Vaseline helps in the fight against split ends and hair breakage. Means 30 minutes the hair is distributed, before reaching the roots, and then washed with a standard shampoo. Another application for this product is moisturizing feet. Substance abundantly applied to the damaged areas, after which the legs are clothed in thick cotton socks. Repeat this action is necessary from 3 to 5 times a week. By the way, if you add a little Vaseline essential oils and spread their heels at night, then the next day his feet will smell good and stay fresh.

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

Cosmetic petrolatum (photo 19): the composition and application. What it is in cosmetics? Overview

Similarly, by the way, you can make love and hands . You will need to smear them on the night of Vaseline, and then wear special gloves. Perfect cosmetic Vaseline and lip - he quickly heals cracks and moisturizes the delicate skin. Enable product and be able to create a home scrub. For this purpose it is necessary to combine a fatty substance with sea salt or else cane sugar, then gently promassirovat whole body. An interesting solution is to use product perfume fixation - Before applying the fragrance, it is necessary to grasp the skin in the right places with a small amount of petroleum.

Vaseline used after depilation will allow you to quickly heal the cuts and remove irritation.

In the next video you are waiting for the use of Vaseline in beauty.

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