Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne


Nowadays, cosmetics begin to use already in adolescence and belongs not only to leaving lines. The first mascara, lipstick, nail polish girls are used already in 11-14 years. Of course, I want a daughter to feel like a "white raven" among the girlfriends, but the first cosmetics should not harm the very young skin. Therefore, before buying it is worth find out the types and basic principles of choosing cosmetics for adolescents.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_2

Features of teenage skin

In the transitional age, the adolescent body undergo certain changes associated with hormonal perestroika. Changes affect the skin of the child, hair, nails. During this period, observed reinforced work of the sebaceous glands, which is why the skin becomes overlooked and porous . Excessive amounts of fat discretions pores, deprives the skin of the possibilities to breathe fully, as a result, pimples jump on the face, acne appears.

Allocated fat contributes to the formation of a favorable medium for breeding bacteria, purulent formations.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_3

To avoid the appearance of acne and minimize inflammatory processes in the pores, adolescents are necessary to use various anti-inflammatory drugs daily. Such a tool performs several functions at once, namely:

  • regulates, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • narrows pores;
  • restores the complexion;
  • works as an antiseptic agent;
  • moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • removes acne, acne;
  • dissipates gunbohydrates;
  • protects against the negative effect of the external environment;
  • It struggles with black dots on the face.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_4

It should be noted that hormonal changes in the body will occur for a long time. This means that the skin can change its type and requirements for daily care. You don't need to buy cosmetics at all.

Varieties of cosmetics

Surveying cosmetics should sew strictly under a certain type of skin, taking into account the problem. In the presence of a large number of acne rashes, poverty pimples, acne, black dots The tool must have a stronger disinfectant and dry effect. . In adolescence, skin is most often combined or fat. Normal or dry skin is observed only in a third of adolescents.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_5

For teenage girls it is better to pick up Cream of a famous brand, tested time. Many cosmetic companies produce a variety of leaks of teenage cosmetics, taking into account all the above problems. If the skin of the teenager fatty, covered with guns or acne, then When choosing a cream, it is necessary to take into account its components . Cream against acne should contain 2% salicylic acid in its composition to dry the skin and remove the fat shine, the vitamin complex for nutrition of the skin.

The texture should be light and gentle so as not to score pores. In this case, matting wipes will help, which completely remove the fat shine and disinfect skin covers. Normal skin does not require drying, but needs a vitamin fuel and moisture.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_6

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_7

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_8

All cosmetics are divided into Leaving and decorative cosmetics. Products for teenage skin allows you to remove unwanted acne, acne rash, inflammatory processes, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The basic list of leaving cosmetics includes Nutritional masks, creams with various extracts (Tea tree, citrus, seaweed), Flek and gels for washing, matting napkins.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_9

With the help of decorative cosmetics you can Significantly improve the appearance of the girl, emphasize the features of the face, make them expressive and bright, hide the shortcomings, adjust the sulfur, to emphasize the cheekbones, improve the shape of the lips, disguise defects. This type of cosmetics includes powder, eyelids, lipstick, mascara, lip gloss, nail polish, blush.

For a teenage girl, 13-14 years old is better to acquire Special set of cosmetics, which includes cream, masks, matting napkins and others necessary for problem skin . In the basic list of leaving and decorative cosmetics, it is possible to include the means necessary in this particular case, and supplement other cosmetics at its discretion. The kit must include nutrient cream, foam and wash gel, containing natural components, cleansing lotion or micellar water in its composition.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_10

Sociological studies in the field of cosmetics for teenagers with problem skin revealed several popular firms that are leading in this segment. Consider the best, well-known and demanded brands.

  • Clinique. - Brand is checked and tested by dermatologists. The cosmetics of this brand has a delicate texture, not clogs the pores, allows cells to breathe, does not contain harmful chemical fragrances and impurities, based on natural raw materials, makes skin beautiful and clean.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_11

  • MAC - The popular American brand is distinguished by high quality, but quite expensive. The manufacturer offers cosmetics for any time of the year, for night, daytime and evening use. The brand rests on innovative developments, the products consist of natural components. Cosmetics are very popular not only in adolescents.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_12

  • Maybelline. High-quality budget cosmetics. Brand products are available to each wishes. A wide range and decent quality made a brand of loved one among teenagers.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_13

  • Almay. It offers a wide range of cosmetics for adolescents. The delicate decorative line color range is as close as possible to the natural skin tone. At the same time, makeup is inconsistent and natural.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_14

  • Lorac - Mineral cosmetics of the highest quality. A wide selection of cosmetics for any type of skin highlights the brand among the like. The only minus - the brand products are quite expensive.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_15

  • Neutrogena. - The manufacturer produces high quality cosmetic products in medium and affordable price categories. Brand products perfectly lie down and hold on the skin, do not clog the pores, allowing the cells to breathe, which is very relevant for problematic teenage leather.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_16

Very popular among teenagers natural Belarusian and Korean cosmetics. Cosmetics from Belarus are more budget, affordable and in quality is practically not inferior to Korean. The structure of the Belarusian cosmetics for adolescents Natural components, extracts from medicinal plants. So, concentrate against acne Teebaum. Contains zinc, tea tree oil, lavender essential oil.

The composition gently acts on the skin, removes the acne rash, itching, irritation, allows you to effectively eliminate problem foci on the skin.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_17

Clean Skin Cream Corrector It has an antibacterial effect, removes redness from the skin, eliminates inflammatory processes, masks the vascular mesh on the affected areas, soothes irritated skin, gives it a natural healthy shade. The gentle melting texture of the cream is evenly distributed on the surface of the skin. The proofreader is applied point with applying the means into separate areas of acne or redness, then it needs to be carefully growing.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_18

Korean cosmetics for girls 13-14 years old is the best, each direction is produced in the complex and often consists of several means that harmoniously complement each other. For young skin Korean manufacturers offer Dual cleansing system: hydrophilic oils of different orientation (soft cleansing combined, oily skin, alignment) and wash it which needs to be used after cleansing the skin by oil.

It completes the process of cleansing, does not score pores, well moisturizes the skin. Such famous brands of Korean cosmetics as Tony Moly, Holika Holika They offer a wide selection of cleansing and moisturizing complexes, toners and tonic, creams and emulsions. In addition, all packaging of the funds of Korean cosmetics look very fashionable and attractive.

Some jars look like toys, others are stylized for adults, and the third is different in the style of their favorite heroes anime.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_19

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_20

How to choose?

Leaving cosmetics for girls aged 11 and 15 years of age involves the daily optimal care and protection of the teenager's skin. To correctly choose the first cosmetics for the girl and avoid mistakes, you need to clearly understand how the skin of a teenager belongs to the presence of pimples, rash, acne. The most common mistake is the wrong choice of care products. Consultation of the cosmetologist will help properly determine the type of skin, and recommendations - to make a sure choice.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_21

Choosing cosmetics for a teenage girl 13-14 years old, you need to take into account not only the type of skin and its condition. The texture of the cream should be as air as possible and quickly absorbed so as not to score pores. Cosmetics must be adolescent, contain components that are suitable for young, very young skin. Care and decorative lines for women can only harm.

The main criterion of choice is a safe composition of the means, preferably from natural components and without adding chemistry. Carefully learn the composition. Decorative cosmetics is better to select gentle pastel tones, nothing bright, then tonal cream, powder, shine will look at the skin naturally and naturally.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_22

To purify young skin, you can use foams, gels for washing, micellar water, other gentle agents that do not disturb the acid-alkaline balance of the skin. Ideal means for cleansing are those made From vegetable extracts, on extracts of medicinal plants.

Moisturizing the skin is a prerequisite for the preservation of youth and beauty. Choose moisturizing compositions need to be taking into account their disinfectants, matting, nutritional properties. All purchased cosmetics must be Fresh and not exceed the date date.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_23

Recommendations for use

For young girls, just begin to care for their face, cosmetologists advise to begin with skin cleansing, its moisturizing and nutrition, Adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Be sure to clean the skin in the evening so that during sleep she breathed;

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_24

  • On problem areas, it is possible to point the healing cream or ointment to eliminate the hennament acne and acne;

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_25

  • Moisten the skin with special means or champs of medicinal herbs, spray natural mineral water from the sprayer;

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_26

  • Decorative cosmetics need to be applied only on the purified face and be sure to delete each evening after use;

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_27

  • Avoid powder - it dries the skin and clogs the pores; Instead, use matting napkins or special discs impregnated with a certain composition that takes off shine;

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_28

  • Be sure to use the hygienic lips for the lips, it moisturizes the epithelium and makes it soft;

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_29

  • Use the eyebrow pencil and mascara to the tone of their own hair; The lighter hair is, the softer choose the shade of paint for eyebrows and eyelashes; An eye pencil is not recommended to be applied, it will only highlight all the misses and miscalculations of an inexperienced girl in makeup;

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_30

  • The eye shadow is recommended to choose the appearance of the appearance, as close as possible to the natural tone of the skin, light shades, then the image is obtained natural and natural;

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_31

  • Lipstick, especially so fashionable now matte, it is better not to apply; Alternative to her will become liquid shine.

Cosmetics for teenagers: Korean Cosmetics Features, Review of Kits for Girls 13-14 years, Best Decorative Cosmetics and Means against Acne 4385_32

Daily face care is a whole science. To not be mistaken in the choice of cosmetics, better use special sets of one brand, In which the entire leaving complex includes: cream, moisturizing and cleansing agents, gel, foam, lotion, tonic, scrub, face masks, protective equipment. The fact is that each line uses its unique patented components.

When applying cosmetics of different brands, a kind of "conflict" of the components or the effect of the departure will be reduced to zero.

About what kind of cosmetics for adolescents, see the next video.

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