Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade


Despite expanding every year a list of leaving manufacturers, cosmetics made by their own hands remains all the same popular. Besides the fact that home creation becomes an excellent hobby, It allows you to get the most suitable product for a particular product with natural composition.

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_2

Required devices

Make cosmetics with your own hands the easiest way in the kitchen. As a rule, most of the inventory in this case is already available, which is particularly relevant for beginner masters, who wanted only to carry out the first attempt and not ready to acquire new adaptations. Usually, a variety of tanks, measuring spoons, measuring glasses, a pestle in a mortar, grater, a blender or a mixer and a variety of forms are involved in the process.

All of them must be maintained clean during the creation of cosmetics, however, as itself, the workplace is covered with a protective film. Often the stove is needed, as it may require either thermal processing of ingredients, or the use of a water bath.

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_3

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_4

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_5

Main components

Although handmade cosmetics manufacturing recipes require a combination of a variety of ingredients, a series of them is basic and used almost always. Many folk recipes are based on use of oils of plant origin , For example, jojoba, olives, avocado or grape bones. They provide food, moisturizing and rejuvenation of the skin and are indispensable for her care. Often Basic oils are used for the manufacture of masks, creams, scrubies, soaps and even massage tiles.

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_6

Often, natural cosmetics has in its composition and Essential oils that are added to give the facility of a pleasant fragrance . However, many of them have an additional healing function - for example, lemon essential oil serves as an antiseptic, lavender soothes, and the tea tree oil is successfully fighting with inflammation.

Unlike base oils, essential oils are not recommended to be used in "pure" form, especially on volumetric areas of the skin, so as not to cause its irritation.

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_7

Cosmetic waxes are used when creating creams, lip balms or even perfume. Selects both familiar beewax and floral or oily.

Emulsifiers and thickeners will be useful for cooking cream . For natural cosmetics fit Agar-Agar, Glycerin, Lecithin and other similar components . Of course, cosmetics require the use of plant extracts. Oils, fees and ethers, as a rule, are sold in conventional pharmacies, but the rest of the components will have to buy In specialized stores for creativity.

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_8

Recipes of home remedies

A large number of recipes like mini-cosmetics, the small size of which is determined by a small amount of storage and full-size products makes it possible to provide a full-fledged natural care for the face and for the body.

Body cream

In order to prepare body cream, you will need 30 ml of black cumin oil, 5 drops of Verbena essential oil, as well as 7 ml of chamomile extract. In addition, it will be necessary to prepare 60 ml of green tea and 2 ml of stearic acid. Green tea is brewed in the usual way and left on a water bath. At this time, the oil on another water bath is brought to a temperature of 60 degrees and is connected to stearic acid. The contents of both tanks are combined and removed into a bowl with cold water.

When the cream cools up to 35-40 degrees, it will be necessary to introduce chamomile extract and essential oil into the substance, everything is pretty stirred. The finished cream is cooled naturally, shifted into the container with the lid and is removed into the refrigerator. He can only be stored for 14 days.

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Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_10

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_11

Face cream

To create a basic cream for any type of skin, one simple recipe will fit With the use of beeswax. Preparation begins with the fact that three egg yolks are separated from the proteins, after which they are whipped well. Further, fruit or vegetable juice is added to them in the amount of 30 g, and its choice depends on the skin condition. For example, it can be apple juice or cucumber juice. In the next step, 15 g of high quality bees juice is introduced into the mixture.

Mixing all the components, it is necessary to add several drops of vegetable oil to them, ideally olive and getting a homogeneous substance. Cosmetic product, due to the presence of natural preservatives, 14 days will be suitable, but provided it is stored in the refrigeration chamber. Use it recommended twice a day, in the morning and evening . The cream is applied to the cleaned skin of the face, it is left for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off.

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_12

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_13

Natural cosmetics will also help to care for skin around the eyes. A simple master class in its creation implies The use of lanoline, vegetable oil and lecithin. First of all, 15 g of Lanolin melts on a water bath, after which they mix with 3 teaspoons of oil. The almond in this case is universal, but the selection of the component is also not yet rebiring in accordance with the skin type. Next, a teaspoon of lecithin is added to the substance, as well as a pair of tablespoons of warm water, injected drops behind the drop.

The cream is rewinded with a wooden spoon, after which it is removed in the refrigerator. It is allowed to store it for two weeks. The cream is applied twice a day, in the morning and evening.

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_14

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_15

Another armed wrinkle cream consists Of several oils and aloe vera. The first thing is taken the oil of grape seeds of the first press and coconut oil, and only one part of the second should be used for 4 parts of the first. A teaspoon of lanoline and a pair of tablespoons of plant wax are introduced into the oil mixture, for example, bee.

The components are mixed and removed for 45 seconds in the microwave. Future cream must be obtained, mix and remove the microwave to the microwave for 45 seconds. You should repeat this procedure until the wax is completely melted.

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Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_17

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_18

Next in a separate container mixed About half a glass of filtered water, half a glass of aloe vera juice and 10 crushed ascorbic acid tablets. If the cream wants to add a certain fragrance, it is worth a drop of a small amount of beloved essential oil. Both substances are mixed before receiving homogeneity. Store the resulting cream is needed in the closing tank and Mandatory at low temperatures. It is necessary to use it 2 times a day.

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_19

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_20

The next cream is suitable for facial care after 50 years. To make it preparation, it will be necessary to mix the tablespoon of the base oil, for example, avocado or grape seeds, one yolk and teaspoon of honey. Next, lemon juice and a teaspoon of glycerol are added to the resulting mixture. Mixing the future cream, it will be necessary to make another From 5 to 7 drops of camphor alcohol.

By the way, in the same substance you can add collagen.

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_21

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_22

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_23


An excellent face scrub is obtained from two components - Honey and almonds. Nuts are interpreted to a powder state, after which they mix with so much honey, which makes it possible to get a cashem. The resulting mixture is neatly absorbed by the skin of the face, it is suitable for the body. It is even easier to create a scrub of honey and sea salt, with a mixture of which 1 part of the salt is taken to 2 parts of the honey.

If the salt is taken fine, then the mixture is suitable for handling a person, and if large, then for the body.

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_24

For deep purification, the face will fit and Herbal mixture called ktana. She is preparing Of the 1 part of herbs, 2 pieces of flour, as well as oils, the amount of which varies from several drops to a teaspoon. All components are selected depending on the type of skin. Before washing, the mixture is flooded with boiling water and is used as soon as the pasty substance will be cooled and cooled. For dry skin, experts recommend using Oatmeal, chamomile or liquid, as well as almond or olive oil.

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_25

Fatty skin "will delight" flour from chickpea or pea, as well as an atrociety with a thousand. Butter use in this case is not welcome. Normal skin can wash the mixture of oatmeal, chamomile with calendula and any oil.


The number of masks that can be made from natural components are huge. For example, Excellent remedy for dry skin can be created from rose petals. To do this, the teaspoon of the pushed petals is mixed with a yolk of one egg and a teaspoon sour cream. It is necessary to use a mask for a quarter of an hour, after which it neatly flush with warm water. Problem skin also requires masks, for example, from eggs. To do this, it will be necessary to separate the yolk from the protein, after which itching the latter to the foamy state.

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_26

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_27

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_28

Add to mask 4 drops of tea tree essential oil and starch covered until a sour cream substance is formed. The mask is applied to the face for about 15 minutes, then thoroughly washed off. For oily leather, a mask is suitable for a calanchoe juice, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of chopped to the state of oatmeal flour. It is applied by a quarter of an hour and after flirting with warm water.

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_29

Universal mask, The appearance of a fresh look is prepared from components that are always at hand. We are talking About three tablespoons of pea, the same amount of wheat flour and oatmeal, teaspoon of turmeric, as well as a tablespoon of any vegetable oil. Those ingredients that need to be crushed are grinding in a coffee grinder to the state of flour. Next, all dry components are connected to vegetable oil until the homogeneity is obtained and the absence of lumps. The finished mask is removed on the refrigerator.

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_30


Easy to prepare a cucumber lotion, promotional leather hydraulic . For its preparation Fresh cucumber must be released from the peel and grate on the shallow grater. One glass of water is brought to a boil, after which it connects With 3 tablespoons of vegetable juice. When the lotion cools, it needs to be strain and pour into the container for constant storage.

How to cook a cucumber face lotion, look next.

Lip balm

Excellent moisturizing balm will succeed When using Shea oil . In addition to two tablespoons of oil carite, the same amount will be required. Bee wax, tablespoon cocoa oil, a pair of tablespoons of peach essential oil and a tablespoon of liquid vitamin E. A water bath is installed on the stove, after which the bee wax is heated to it until they achieve a soft consistency.

Following the mixture, cocoa oil and shea are added, everything is stirred until uniformity. After removing the container from the fire, its contents must be continued to be stirred until the balm cools to room temperature. At the end, Vitamin E and peach oil is added to the mixture.

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_31

Useful recommendations

Working with vegetable components, it is important to remember that some of them cannot be frozen or high temperatures, as they can lose all their useful properties. The use of natural components also determines the storage mode - As a rule, they serve not for long. Many handmade masks should be used immediately after manufacture, creams and lotions will only serve a few weeks, and then subject to storage conditions, and cosmetic bombs and soap shelters will continue for several months.

Cosmetics do it yourself: how to make it on recipes at home? What can I add rose petals? Natural Cosmetics Handmade 4382_32

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