Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face?


Modern representatives of the beautiful sex, despite age, do not neglect the use of cosmetics of different types. One kind of cosmetics helps to care for the skin and hair, they call it in the professional sphere. The second is decorative, allows you to emphasize female beauty, namely, allocate the virtues of the face and hide the possible flaws. However, summarized knowledge for a complete understanding of the phrase "Decorative Cosmetics" is not enough.

Each woman needs to in-depth to delve into the essence of the question and understand what they are applied to their own face.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_2

What it is?

Decorative cosmetics is the most familiar type of cosmetic products that is present in the handbag of each lady. We are talking about everything you need to create extraordinary makeup. To date, there are many manufacturers of decorative cosmetics. Each of them is ready to offer consumers a set of cosmetics, allowing you to create an individual image.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_3

The history of the occurrence of decorative cosmetics was born several thousand years ago. The very first cosmetics appeared in ancient Egypt. Egyptian beauties used oils in combination with incense. The skin of the face was protected by Bellyl. Eyes tinted black paint based on antimony. As a Rumyan used confused flowers. After some time, the Egyptian cosmetics got to Greece, then in Rome, and after the whole world was flooded.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_4

Many women in memory remained the words of moms and grandmothers, that it is impossible to start using cosmetics at an early age, otherwise fast aging will come. And at that time they were right. The cosmetics of the 80s did not have in the composition of herbal components, because of which the female face quickly lost his youth. Today the situation has changed radically. Modern decorative cosmetics are developed by special technologies and only from high-quality natural elements.

Of course, such cosmetics is expensive, but to be beautiful and not worry about the health of their own skin, it is best to buy products in specialized points. Of course, in small shops and even in stalls, similar products are 2, and even 3 times cheaper. Only probably it will be counterfeit.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_5

Real brand decorative cosmetics not only decorate appearance, but also serves as a powerful defender from the negative impact of external factors. For example, tonal cream and powder create a dense film with a decorative effect. The skin of the face looks beautiful, and the dense layer protects it from street dust, scoring pores. Mascara, in turn, not only increases the volume of eyelashes, but also strengthens them if you choose a good manufacturer.

Today there is decorative cosmetics not only adorning the image, but also having therapeutic properties.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_6

Types of funds

Women's handbag hides a lot of things in itself. Basically, it stores the most necessary means: powder, mascara, eyeliner, pencils. But this is not a complete list of all varieties of decorative cosmetics. Often women do not even suspect the existence of a particular means.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_7

Low-job products use makeup artists in their work. At the same time they choose only professional decorative products. In addition, they impose great requirements for cosmetics selected for work. Packaging must have a convenient form, preferably with a transparent case So that the master can find suitable color. But most importantly - So that all the compositions of cosmetics were high quality. They should easily and evenly apply to the surface of the skin, do not turn and not spread.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_8

Special attention is paid to the composition of decorative cosmetics. The safety and health of women's skin depends on each individual component. None of the elements of the formula should harm. Nevertheless, sometimes in the compositions there are names that cause a lot of issues. To dispel doubts, we suggest to get acquainted with mysterious components and learn from the property.

  • Silk proteins are present in the tonal cream. They restore the level of moisture in the skin.
  • Magnesium and zinc cooled skin cover, soften and remove irritation.
  • Mixed acid acts as air conditioning.
  • Parsol prevents the destruction of the cells, which has a positive effect on the state of the skin in the field of cheekbones and cheeks.
  • Camphor Essence is endowed with soothing properties.
  • Hydroiton plays the role of antiseptic.

Based on the components present in the composition of the funds, various types of cosmetic products can be distinguished.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_9

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_10

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_11

Natural cosmetics implies products in which are present Only natural components . They are collected, processed and purified by eco-methods, which does not affect the quality of natural cosmetics. Only the absence of preservatives reduces the shelf life of natural cosmetics. But despite this fact, many fair sex representatives are interested in acquiring precisely this type of product. Natural tools are suitable for all skin types, they are safe even for young children.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_12

In mineral decorative cosmetics there are no oils, alcohol, preservatives, harmful dyes and talc. Thanks to hypoallergenic properties, mineral compositions are suitable for all skin types, have a number of positive properties. For example, mineral cosmetics can protect the female face from the effects of ultraviolet, remove the fat brilliance, prevents the contamination of the pore, hides the defects of the face and has a long shelf life.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_13

In the composition of organic cosmetics, all components have Plant origin. It is engaged in their cultivation in an environmentally friendly natural environment, without the use of any chemicals. In the main production of organic cosmetics, Germans and Swedes are engaged. When buying organic products, it is important to get acquainted with the composition: The number of synthetic components in them should not exceed 5%.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_14

Therapeutic cosmetics - quite expensive pleasure. You can only buy it in pharmacies. This product is mainly used to treat problem skin. It contains the components of medical purposes, for example, zinc oxide, calcium gluconate, collagen, urea, vegetable extracts.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_15

Children's cosmetics is the safest, although it causes a lot of doubts in adults. However, manufacturers argue that products intended for child use are made only from harmless components. Floral oils, vitamins, glycerin are present in the composition of children's cosmetics. But in any case, the decision is Acquire for daughter decorative cosmetics or not, remains for parents.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_16

It is important to note the fact that Modern manufacturers when creating decorative cosmetics work in different directions, why products are divided by classes . Finished means are different in composition, properties, quality and pricing policies. Some products can be purchased at the lowest rates, others will be expensive. According to the proposed price range, decorative makeup agents have a specific classification:

  • elite;
  • middle class;
  • Mass Market.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_17

The elite class includes the most expensive cosmetics, which can be found only in specialized points. Most often, such products are produced in limited quantities. The packaging of the goods also has a special design. In the composition, of course, preservatives are present, but natural components have a predominant number. It is worth noting that A certificate of quality is attached to each cosmetic product of the elite-class.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_18

Middle class cosmetics are most common among women. The cost of such products is an order of magnitude lower, which means it is acceptable for a regular buyer. As part of the cosmetic means of the middle class there is no more than 60% of natural components. However, those present immediately preservatives can cause addictive, so you should not use the same product for a long time. Once every six months it is necessary to update your own cosmetics.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_19

The mass market class includes cheap products. Manufacturers produce similar means for selling huge parties. However, the composition of these goods is viewed a large number of toxic elements, Because of what women do not consider them even as a one-time use. In total, one application can negatively affect the skin condition. Only unscrupulous manufacturers This fact does not stop.

They are ready to connect any marketing move, just to buyer acquired the mass market products as themselves, so native and relatives.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_20

For eyes

Women's special attention is paid to decorative eye cosmetics. With its help, every representative of the beautiful sex easily creates an individual style, emphasizing the depth of his own view, hiding the disadvantages of appearance. And if you correctly choose cosmetics, it turns out to radically change the look, change the shape, hide the tracks of the lack of sleep.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_21

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_22

The list of decorative cosmetics for the eyes includes means such as a pencil, shadow, eyeliner and mascara. And each of them is endowed with special functions. For example, shadows. With their help, it is possible to adjust the color of the century and change the eye shape. A box with shadows can be compact, which is very convenient for wearing in a handbag or increased in volume. According to the consistency, the shadows can be bulk, creamy, gel. The only difference between them is the method of applying and resistance.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_23

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_24

Pencil and eyeliner Give a female look a special depth. However, the representatives of the finest floor choose either the one or another option, it all depends on the convenience of use. Not everyone gets to do a flat line with a liquid eyeliner or marker. And the pencil without consolidation is very quickly erased. But despite the consistency difference, These funds can be purchased in any color.

At the same time, pigment fillers are not reflected on the quality of cosmetic products.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_25

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_26

Mascara Helps to give the volume of eyelashes, makes them more dense and long.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_27

For face

The list of decorative face cosmetics is represented by a wide range of products. These are tonal creams and powders, blush and shadows, tonic and humidifiers, lipstick, shine and much more. In this case, the choice of decorative cosmetics should be carried out on the basis of the components of the composition. In high-quality product should be present Only natural ingredients, thanks to which the makeup will be beautiful and safe.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_28

Review manufacturers

To date, not one dozen brands engaged in the production of decorative cosmetics are known. Each woman gives its preference to a particular brand. However, it is not recommended to dwell on one company for a long period of time. Every six months a cosmetic kit must be updated Otherwise, the skin will cease to perceive the usual compositions, which means that the first-class makeup will not succeed.

To understand, in which direction it is worth looking to create a variety of a cosmetic table, it is proposed to get acquainted with the best manufacturers of funds to create a charming make up.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_29


According to the management of the company, Cosmetics Creation - Present Art . All QUISS brand decorative products are the result of the fruitful work of highly qualified cosmetologists. The main part of the cosmetics is manufactured in the segment of the mass market. Basic brand principles - quality on European standards, attractive design and democratic pricing policy. The range of products of the QUISS brand is very wide. These are tonal creams, shadows, mascara, powder, pencils, eyeliners and much more.

It is worth noting that the QUISS brand was able to prove that the cosmetics of the mass market segment may not always be bad. To make sure it is enough to look into your own cosmetics and see that at least one product of this company is necessarily present in its bins.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_30


Some 10 years ago, a married couple from Naples decided to create his own line of decorative cosmetics, so the famous Italian brand Wycon appeared. The main goal of the company is to encourage women's aspirations to stand out from the mass with the help of unique makeup.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_31

To date, the Wycon brand is manufactured by the limited series of decorative cosmetics, which are updated on the shelves of specialized stores 1 time in 2 months. However, in addition to cosmetics, This company is engaged in the production of accessories intended for face and body care.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_32

2014 Wycon held rebranding, after which the products produced by the company left the limits of the Italian market and flooded the Counters of Mongolia, Switzerland, Romania. Thus, the luxury cosmetics begins to conquer the world.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_33

Eva Mosaic.

On the global market, the brand has been known since 2000, while the company did the first steps under a different name - Eva New Generation. However, such a change did not affect the quality of the cosmetics produced. Young and striking specialists in the development of cosmetic compositions led close cooperation with German, Italian, Swiss, Indian manufacturers, which led Eva Mosaic to colossal success.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_34

For a short history of existence, the company has changed the range and design of packages. However, such actions have always attracted consumer attention, and people acquired Eva Mosaic products to assess their quality. But the most important thing is that no client of the company remained disappointed.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_35

Today, many fair sex representatives prefer a novelty in the beauty industry - Gisher Cosmetics manufactured by Georgia. Of course, in the assortment of only a growing brand there is no wide variety of decorative cosmetics. However, lipstick with a solid basis came along with consumers, which inspired brand creators tightly engaged in the development of the company.

How to choose?

Decorative cosmetics is present in the arsenal of each representative of the fair sex. With it, it is possible in a short period of time to turn from the usual gray mouse to the queen of beauty, the main thing is to know the measure and use only high-quality compositions.

Experienced ladies without much difficulty will be able to pick up good cosmetic sets. But for girls, just begin to use cosmetics, you need to get advice from experienced makeup artists. They will help not only choose products, but also prompt how to apply makeup.

  • Before buying decorative cosmetics, you need to go through Consultation from a dermatologist. He will hold tests, will determine the type of skin, on the basis of which it will be possible to start purchasing makeup products.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_36

  • Categorically It is forbidden to buy decorative cosmetics in dubious places , for example, in markets, in kiosks, etc.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_37

  • Prerequisite when buying decorative cosmetics - Acquaintance with its composition. The packaging should be present a branded marking, the correspondence of GOST.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_38

  • Choosing a decorative cosmetics color palette, you need to pay attention. On the peculiarities of your appearance, natural face, eye, hair . For example, a black with white rolling together. And the redhead with a brown tint will interrupt each other.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_39

  • Basic base for any makeup - tone cream . His color should coincide with the natural tone of the skin.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_40

  • Mascara There must be high quality. When applied, mass should not compete, otherwise it will not be possible to create a visual volume and increase the length of the eyelashes. A good consistency mascara resembles a cream. Damas wearing contact lenses, you need to buy a special mascara. On its packaging, information on the testations carried out and approval of ophthalmologists is indicated.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_41

  • Pomade - The most favorite component of female cosmetics. When her choices, the lady basically look at the color. However, the tone is not the only indicator of choice. First, lipstick should go to bed gently and evenly. Secondly, a pleasant fragrance must come from it. Only natural ingredients must be present, any chemical additives can be negatively affected by the state of the lips.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_42

  • Promotional attention of the ladies must be given Shadows for the age. Unfortunately, their cost does not boast of democratic, but it speaks about the quality of the product. Each palette of shadows is at least two colors. Some correspond to the season of spring-summer, others - autumn-winter. Need to get acquainted with the composition of the product you like. From shadows with metal pigments should be abandoned, but synthetic substances will only benefit.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_43

  • The last and most important advice - It is necessary to focus on the well-known names of the manufacturers of decorative cosmetics. Before buying, you need to try testers. In order not to spend a big amount to buy an expensive product, it is best to purchase a probe. In this case, it turns out to understand, suits you like a tool or not.

Decorative cosmetics (44 photos): What is it? Marks of natural professional funds. What is the cosmetics for the eyes and face? 4348_44

Overview of budget decorative cosmetics Look in the video.

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