Foot Cosmetics: Professional Cosmetics from Suda, Sanamed, Camillen, Talaris and Other Brands


Feet need care just like hands, and face. A wide variety of problems can solve special cosmetics for legs, which is divided into species. Today, many brands are known, thanks to which consumers are easier to make their choice in favor of this or that means.


Recently, more and more cosmetics for legs appear on the market, its range is very wide. Decide on all this manifold helps the cosmetics division on species.

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Foot Cosmetics: Professional Cosmetics from Suda, Sanamed, Camillen, Talaris and Other Brands 4343_3

Foot Cosmetics: Professional Cosmetics from Suda, Sanamed, Camillen, Talaris and Other Brands 4343_4


The necessary components are all sorts of extracts of medicinal herbs (for example, plantain, mint, chamomile, horse chestnut), essential oils (tea tree oil, rosemary, lavender and others), vitamins A and E.

In terms of its action, foot creams are divided into types:

  • to remove fatigue;
  • eliminating the unpleasant odor;
  • from calluses;
  • against cracks;
  • For daily care.

Therapeutic creams usually contain antifungal agents, leech extract, honey, mummy, as well as salicylic acid, which eliminates damage in the form of cracks and holotopesh and helps in fighting foot sweating.

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Foot Cosmetics: Professional Cosmetics from Suda, Sanamed, Camillen, Talaris and Other Brands 4343_6

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It is a cleansing agent. In the form of an abrasive, there are usually there are particles of sea salt, grinding into the thinnest powder of walnut shells or ash of volcanic origin. A variety of hoods from plants help soften the skin of the legs, and some also have a clarifying effect.


It is often a tonic tool, has a cooling effect. Removes fatigue. It is easy to apply and almost immediately absorbed.

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Foot Cosmetics: Professional Cosmetics from Suda, Sanamed, Camillen, Talaris and Other Brands 4343_9

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It has a more liquid consistency than cream. Moisturizes, nourishes, cools, depending on the destination. Easily absorbed.

Among the abundance of cosmetic products, flooded the shelves of our stores, not every product is able to solve the problem of the launched skin of the stop. That is why all cosmetics are divided into two types:

  • cosmetics for mass consumption;
  • Professional.

Only professional foot cosmetics have all the ingredients so that the legs really get the substance necessary for their health. When creating such cosmetics, experts use a unique combination of the most innovative technologies with proven folk recipes, the products include the most useful natural components, guaranteeing delicate care for dry or damaged leather stops.

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Can be noted companies that produce professional high-quality cosmetics for legs.

German company suda. It was founded in 1924. Cosmetics of this brand is designed specifically for skin care, it is used by professional pedicure masters and just women who are used to watching their body. A wide range of products of this brand helps to get rid of many diseases, even such serious as gap, fertile fungus, as well as deep cracks.

From the antifungal series of goods, it is possible to distinguish the cream with Clotrimazole, the Forte silver-containing cream, anti-inflammatory cream, softening salicylic cream, as well as various balms, gels and other medical and cosmetics.

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Foot Cosmetics: Professional Cosmetics from Suda, Sanamed, Camillen, Talaris and Other Brands 4343_13

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Another German company, also conquered the authority among women of all over the world, is called Gehwol . She has more than a century of history, and today its products have more than sixty items of all sorts of medical and cosmetics for legs and nails, in addition, the company produces a number of related products. There are several products of the GEHWOL brand products, the most popular medical and cosmetics includes the famous balms of this brand, as well as protective cream "Gevol" with a unique healing component.

German brand Camillen 60. Takes its beginning in the middle of the twentieth century. The range of cosmetics is very wide. Here you will find a variety of creams, balsams, sprays, essential oils and much more. Just like the products of the above-mentioned German brands, Camillen 60 cosmetics are professional, but more accessible in terms of price.

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Foot Cosmetics: Professional Cosmetics from Suda, Sanamed, Camillen, Talaris and Other Brands 4343_16

Young Russian cosmetic RUNIL PROFESSIONAL company that confidently keeps the market for 11 years now and has its own representative offices in forty regions of our country and neighboring countries, released a line of cosmetics for leg care called Talaris . The basis of all products is natural natural components, such as unique vegetable extracts and essential oils that have anti-inflammatory, anti-grab, restoring and rejuvenating effect.

Popular and effective means include Cream-Penka Sanamed Rubin and Sanamed Saphir for Dry Skin , crueling corn and natopstysh, Silver-containing cream-foam sanamed which includes urea and glycerin, as well as squalene, jojoba oil and allantoin, Softening Foot Cream Sanamed Jade.

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Foot Cosmetics: Professional Cosmetics from Suda, Sanamed, Camillen, Talaris and Other Brands 4343_18

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Israeli forbid cosmetics has long been well-deserved authority in our country and abroad due to natural components that make up its entire products, as well as the use of the most recent scientific achievements in the field of cosmetology.

The Russian market presents two lines of Israeli cosmetics for the foot of the company Kart:

  • Clarifiy line products are aimed at combating hyperships of leather stop;
  • The products of the Feeto Therapy line, on the contrary, puts its task to eliminate the increased humidity of the skin and deal with the formation of fungus, wet eczema and unpleasant odor.

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Foot Cosmetics: Professional Cosmetics from Suda, Sanamed, Camillen, Talaris and Other Brands 4343_21

Recently, Korean cosmetics became very popular in Russia. Company TONY MOLY. Releases with decent quality, to the most famous goods of this brand can be attributed to the perfectly absorbing moisturizing Cream Foot Cream having a very easy texture and recommended for use in hot weather.

The same company produces a curious kit, which includes Special peeling socks and moisturizing cream . This is an extremely efficient feet mask, according to its action identical to the skin scrub, however, due to its active components, experts recommend using a mask not too often.

The Belarusian cosmetic tools for legs possess a softer and delicate effect, and products have proven themselves well among them. BELCOSMEX. which released a line of foot care called Teebaum. . This product is distinguished by high quality and affordable price.

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Foot Cosmetics: Professional Cosmetics from Suda, Sanamed, Camillen, Talaris and Other Brands 4343_23

Foot Cosmetics: Professional Cosmetics from Suda, Sanamed, Camillen, Talaris and Other Brands 4343_24

Tips for choosing

    When choosing cosmetics needed Pay attention to the following factors:

    • Buy goods only proven brands;
    • Good feet cosmetics should protect the skin from the formation of cracks, corns and a holopal, that is, to have a softening effect;
    • prevent the appearance of infections, that is, to have an anti-inflammatory action;
    • prevent the development of fungus;
    • Improve blood circulation and take fatigue.

    Also, when choosing a foot cosmetics, you must remember that the problem you want to eliminate.

    • If you are worried about cracks, choose a means having vitamins A and E, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, panthenol, essential oils, needle extract.
    • Cream for legs with high sweating includes components such as mint, menthol, tea tree oil.
    • Cream for tired feet must necessarily have a cooling effect, so menthol, mint, oil, for example, lavender and mountain pine are necessarily included.
    • Salicyl and benzecolic acid, as well as various essential oils, are included in the means of housing and corns.

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    Foot Cosmetics: Professional Cosmetics from Suda, Sanamed, Camillen, Talaris and Other Brands 4343_26

    And in conclusion, the Council of Specialists: Choose means with easier consistency in the summer, and with a more thick and greasy winter.

    On how to properly care for the skin of the legs, look next.

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