Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows


Fashion variable and unpredictable, because it dictates the style of clothes, makeup and appearance. Even recently, thin eyebrows were at the peak of popularity, but now in trend thick, broad eyebrows that look as natural as possible. The thickness gives the person a special expressiveness.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_2

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_3


Girls more and more seek to look natural and feminine. Going into the past tons of cosmetics, "pumped" lips and drawn eyebrows. Artificial beauty is already considered a bad tone. It pleases, because it is more pleasant to look at the milled, clean girl's face than to contemplate the doll with tons of "plaster" on the face.

One of the components of natural beauty is thick eyebrows. This trend entered the fashion recently, but was loved by actors, actresses, ordinary women and firmly fixed in the life of Modnitz.

The main feature of such arrangements is their naturalness, the minimum amount of cosmetics. Consider who suits the delicate, on the examples of famous colebritis, for which such eyebrows are a business card.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_4

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_5

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_6

Kara Melievin - young bright model. Her sobular arcs became the main "chip". She herself admits that he never attached importance and rarely pluckled them. And not in vain - dense eyebrows give the round person individuality and charismaticness.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_7

Pirate Keira Knightley - the owner of some of the most beautiful eyebrows in cinema. The features of her square face becomes smooth due to herbrow men.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_8

Models Natalia Vodyanova, according to her, eyebrows forbidden to plunder brush. And it turned out to be right - dense arcs made Natalia world famous, in demand by the mannequin.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_9

Brooke Shields did not follow the 80s fashion for thin string - she simply chose to refrain from the correction of such a format. It was saved, after all, after some time, the denota became a fashion trend, and the actress - a recognized beauty.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_10

Childhood Emma Watson passed in the fight with his main complex - thick eyebrows. Then she still did not know that this part of the face would become a benchmark and the goal of many girls.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_11

One of the most beautiful, sophisticated Hollywood actresses is impossible to go around the attention of Hollywood actresses. Her eyebrows are still relevant - they have an ideal direct shape and sufficient lug.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_12

Horny Colombian Sofia Vergara boasts luxurious eyebrows. She has a classical oval face to which any types of eyebrows are suitable.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_13

Type and color

The types of thick eyebrows, the makeup artists include arcuate, straight, curved, long, short, thin, thick options. The type is selected depending on the face form. A straight form is suitable for the round-borders, arcs look well on oval faces, curved - on a triangle face. When selecting lengths, it is better to conduct experiments.

Colors can be diverse. For example, the blondes go natural colors of light shades - they will make the gaze of expressive. In the trend for such a category of girls discharged eyebrows. Red-haired fashion suites should pay attention to copper shades. Shades inherent cold gamut or warm brown color. Dark hair color assumes black eyebrows, without rim.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_14

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_15

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_16

How to do?

This question is asked by many women who want to have beautiful, dense eyebrows.

Experts identify several reasons for rare eyebrows.

  • Staining with aggressive compositions. Elected-quality, cheap paint negatively affects the state of hairs. Side effects - slowdown or complete cessation of growth.
  • Neglect of care rules. This factor includes poor-quality makeup removal, face washing with the exception of eyebrows. With incorrect care, hairs breakdown appears with subsequent loss.
  • Excessive plucking. Pinzetz is a tool that in the hands of an inept girl can be weapon to destroy the rods. He is able to stop the growth of hairs, damage the hair bulbs.
  • Hereditary predisposition. If mom, grandmothers and other relatives did not have thick eyebrows, then the probability of them get down to zero.
  • Hormonal imbalance. The change in the hormonal background is hit by the feminine body, affecting the appearance. If other visible causes of hair loss are not observed, then you should consult a doctor. Basically, the thyroid gland is responsible for the hairproce.
  • Wrong lifestyle. The harmful food, the abuse of fast food and alcohol adversely affects women's health, and the eyebrows will not be an exception. Change the appearance for the better - it means choose the right nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
  • Incorrect correction. Even professionals are mistaken, not to mention the amateurs. In the cabin you can get an unsuccessful correction, as a result of which will not remain its material to correct the consequences.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_17

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_18

Despite the diversity of the reasons for slowing the growth of hairs, there are several options with which you can achieve dense eyebrows:

  • procedures at home;
  • salon extension;
  • makeup.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_19

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_20

How to grow?

The owner of the thick eyebrows is happy, because to care for the events they are enough for one tweezers to give the desired shape and width.

Other women have to exert some effort on growing a brow. Experts have developed a sequence of actions for women seeking natural beauty.

  • To make the hairs start to grow, you need to make the elementary thing - stop to pull out the places where not enough density Because regular plucking lead to permanent baldness.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_21

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_22

  • Regular use of masks based on cosmetic oils. Burdock, coconut, almond, grape seed oil - these funds are sold in any drugstore and have low cost. For best results it is recommended to mix the oil and warm up a bit. The mixture is then necessary to put on the eyebrow rubbing motion, cover with a towel and leave for 20 minutes. After that, a little massage the skin and rinse with warm water. A week will see the effect of such masks.
  • The use of masks on the basis of lanolin cream. This cream has a vegetable origin - it includes a minimum of "chemistry". He will stimulate growth and strengthen the hair follicles. To a cosmetic cream added oil droplets vitamins A and E. The resulting mixture was rubbed into the eyebrows for 15-20 minutes, then removed tonic.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_23

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_24

  • Staining with henna. A unique natural remedy - it moisturizes, nourishes and strengthens hair. In its structure, contain substances that activate hair growth.
  • Enhance the growth of grass and tinctures based on them. Assistants speaks calendula, chamomile, sage, birch leaves. Trichologists long appreciated the beneficial effects of alcohol tinctures of the hair follicles. Ready tinctures sold in pharmacies, as they are easy to prepare yourself. This requires the vodka and grass in a ratio of 10: 1. Herbs vodka poured, the container is cleaned in warm, dark place, after which the mixture was infused for about two weeks. Filtered means soaked cotton swab, which is applied to the eyebrows for 10 minutes. The regularity of the procedure - in a day.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_25

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_26

  • Improve blood circulation massage Eyebrow zone. Massage is performed with oil or cream. First, the skin pass pat from the nose to the temples. After that graze on and lift the skin edges. The final stage - stroking or brushing the brush in the direction of hair growth.

Experts note that the above methods otraschivaniya effective only under one condition - the regularity of their use. The result, of course, will be, but only after a painstaking and hard work.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_27

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_28

Initially, the salon offers services for hair extensions later - eyelashes now it was the turn of eyebrows.

The extension procedure is less painful than a tattoo, and the result looks natural. The essence of extension - artificial or natural hairless hair rolling to the skin or to their hairs for special glue. Increased eyebrows will not work with those who have allergies to adhesive composition, fresh wounds, damage to the skin, fungus and other infections.

The advantages of the method are in the naturalness of the breakdowns, the absence of painful sensations, extensive correction capabilities, long-term results, time savings, convenience and accessibility.

Along with the advantages of extension, there are two weighty shortcomings. The first one is the inability to change the shape and color, a small correction occurs only within the existing source data. The second point is the complexity in care: it is forbidden to rub, scratch, use soap.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_29

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_30


The leading makeup artists believe that eyebrows are a face frame. They can be different: neatly laid or carelessly cleaned, scratched with ink or without a gram of cosmetics. In any case, the whole image of a woman will ruin correctly.

For beautiful eyebrow design, the following tools will be needed:

  • acutely sharpened pencil, which will help draw missing hairs as natural as possible;
  • Cream shadows will fill the lumens, give a visual volume;
  • An alternative to shadows - a special lipstick, which is a high-graded composition that is applied to the thorough brush;
  • brush with rigid bristles;
  • Brush with a beveled pile.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_31

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_32

Makeup artists allocate the makeup procedure are separated into several stages.

  • The hairs are combed to brush, which will make it possible to more accurately fill the lumens and outline the contour.
  • Pencil draws hairs. It needs to be done with light ripple movements.
  • With the help of shadows and beveled brushes, a line outlining eyebrows is carried out. It must be as thin and approximate to the growth line of hair.
  • The lumens are filled with shadows.
  • For the decisiveness of the pigment, the eyebrows is combed to brush.

The main feature of makeup is impossible to do one large spot from the eyebrows, the same color in all areas. The goal is to make up and growing shadows in such a way as to recreate the natural view of hairs.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_33

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_34


Proper care is the guarantee of beauty eyebrows. The Brow Masters give the following useful tips to preserve hams of hairs:

  • Carefully remove makeup with special means so that its remnants do not climb the pores;
  • Combat brush with rigid bristles every day;
  • periodically give rest from makeup;
  • cut the eyebrows to give shape - you need only cutting out, sticking hairs;
  • To regularly use masks.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_35

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_36

Beautiful examples

Gorgeous thick eyebrows - the dream of many fashionists. The next selection of photos will show how thick eyebrows add a depth and special charm image.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_37

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_38

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_39

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_40

Here is a brunette girl, and her eyebrows with a black, deep color. They are thick and wide - so the look becomes even deeper, and the blue color is brighter.

The eyebrows are so colorful that the eyes do not require makeup, because there is enough eyeliner and carcasses in one layer.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_41

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_42

The color of the eyebrow brow is chipped under the shade of hair - everything is harmonious and holistic. In the eyes also minimum makeup, only red lipstick makes the second focus on the face with perfectly even and clean skin.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_43

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_44

The next photo of the eyebrows is a pattern of professional makeup. Master's outlined contour, hairs drew. Broving look natural, volume.

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_45

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_46

Thick eyebrows (47 photos): how to achieve density at home and how to paint, beautiful examples of girls with black eyebrows 4299_47

Read more about how to grow thick eyebrows, you will learn from the following video.

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