Harvesting after microblading (25 photos): what to smear after the procedure, than to process in the first days after the correction


Modern women are ready for all for beauty, especially - for the beauty of eyebrows. Recently, such a procedure is becoming increasingly popular as microblading. After this procedure, the eyebrows need special care, which contributes to a speedy and painless healing. How to care for eyebrows, what means to use - consider in this article.

Harvesting after microblading (25 photos): what to smear after the procedure, than to process in the first days after the correction 4297_2


Correct eyebrows and skin care is needed not only after microblading, but also before the procedure itself. If it is incorrect to prepare for the procedure and not to take into account some facts, then the result will not please you, and the healing process will take place more painfully and unpredictably.

A couple of days before the campaign to a specialist, it is categorically impossible to visit the sauna, sunbathe on the beach, visit the solarium. In addition, it is not necessary to make facial or peeling, drink plenty of fluid, take drugs that dilute blood, painkillers and alcohol.

These rules are invented not just so, and if you want the procedure perfectly, and the healing process was short-lived, it is necessary to take it all.

Harvesting after microblading (25 photos): what to smear after the procedure, than to process in the first days after the correction 4297_3

Harvesting after microblading (25 photos): what to smear after the procedure, than to process in the first days after the correction 4297_4

On that day, when you go to do microblading, it is categorically impossible to drink a lot of fluid, otherwise there will be many sucrovits after the end of the procedure, which is adversely affect the quality of work. Three hours before the start of the procedure, nothing nor drinks.

After the procedure is completed, and the eyebrows will become perfect, an important healing step will begin. However, the healing period consists of several stages, during which all the rules must be followed and use only recommended care products. All detailed recommendations will be revealed later in our material.

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Harvesting after microblading (25 photos): what to smear after the procedure, than to process in the first days after the correction 4297_6


In order to properly care for the eyebrows after such a procedure as microblading, must be treated with fresh wounds with special means.

In mandatory, you will need such an antiseptic, such as "chlorhexidine". Next, we need tools that help speed up the healing process of injured skin, improve and speed up the regeneration process.

It is best to choose the ointment, which contains such a component as Decpeantenol. A variety of ointments are sold in pharmacies, so be sure to see their composition to make sure that the necessary component is definitely in this agent. You will also need some reason that has a softening effect. The most common cosmetic vaseline can cope with this task.

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Harvesting after microblading (25 photos): what to smear after the procedure, than to process in the first days after the correction 4297_8

Harvesting after microblading (25 photos): what to smear after the procedure, than to process in the first days after the correction 4297_9

All of these funds will help prevent microbes from entering an irritated skin area and minimize the likelihood of various kinds of infections. In addition, they contribute to the speedy healing and improve the accessibility of the pigment, which is very important.

The period of healing

Immediately after the end of the procedure, the Master must necessarily treat the eyebrows with a special anti-inflammatory agent. Two hours after the procedure, it will be necessary to remove the remnants of the ointment with a napkin to remove the remains of the ointment with a napkin, with a napkin.

Next, you will need to follow certain rules and care for eyebrows yourself.

It doesn't matter if you first conducted a procedure or went through a correction course - the correct care is still very important.

Harvesting after microblading (25 photos): what to smear after the procedure, than to process in the first days after the correction 4297_10

Since the procedure of microblading implies the introduction of pigment under the skin with a thin needle, then small wounds remain on the skin, of which the liquid can be cooked in the first days - Sukrovitsa. It is necessary to clean it immediately, or rather, it is neat, not pressing on the skin, rod with a clean napkin. Do not try to delete it completely: if the small part of the Sukrovitsy remains, then this is normal, since the eyebrows will have to be covered with a small, thin crust.

In addition, in the first day you will definitely need to process the eyebrow zone by the antiseptic, which we talked about above. Thanks to this medium, a large number of sucrovitsa will not be distinguished, and the healing process will be accelerated.

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Harvesting after microblading (25 photos): what to smear after the procedure, than to process in the first days after the correction 4297_12

I would like to mention that in case you do not delete sucrovitsa on time, and it will begin to push, then a small crust is formed. This crust may take part of the pigment when disappeared, and then the eyebrows will not be perfect.

If on the first day in the area of ​​eyebrows can only be redness, then small swelling and swelling may appear on the second day. Also often appears a small itch. These feelings are extremely unpleasant, and here it is very important to remember that to touch the "new" eyebrows with their hands, scratch and wet them categorically impossible. Over the next week, it is very important to preserve the purity and dryness of the zone on which the procedure was carried out.

In the event that in the first days you wet your eyebrows, there is a high probability that the pigment can go away a little, and this will affect the general eye of the eyebrows. If nevertheless, small drops of water fell on their eyebrows, then in no case you can not wipe them - let the drops dry themselves.

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As for edema, itching and dry skin, which occur in the first day after the procedure, you should smear the problem areas with ointments or vaseline. It is not worth afraid and worry about the skin and peeling, this is a natural process that directly indicates that the healing mechanism actively acts.

At first, try to apply ointment or vaseline very carefully, do not rub into the skin in any way. Everything needs to be done with light movements, trying not to hurt irritated skin. In general, these days, try not to touch the irritated areas of the skin with your hands - it can provoke additional irritation and tighten the healing process. Also you can not touch the part of the skin that has already been peeling.

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It is also categorically impossible to rip off your crusts. "Everything should gradually disappear.

Try these days not to apply your usual face cream on these problem areas. It is not necessary to abuse Vaseline either - it needs to be applied only if there is strong dryness and pulls the skin.

Literally after five to six days the next stage of healing will begin. There will be no ecsens, nor itching is only peeling. Very good, when by this time the updated eyebrows are covered with a uniform and not very noticeable crust - this suggests that the healing process is going on correctly. These days, you can use the ointments of which we talked above, and use the means that your master recommended after the procedure.

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Harvesting after microblading (25 photos): what to smear after the procedure, than to process in the first days after the correction 4297_16

If a week after microblayding, a part of the resulting crusts was already exhausted, and new crusts do not appear and the eyebrows became soft, this suggests that everything is fine and the healing process is almost completed.

There are several more rules that need to be observed during the healing period. In the first two weeks you need to try to avoid direct sunlight, otherwise the pigment will immediately begin to burn out. In addition, it is strictly not recommended to sunbathe, visit the solarium, sauna or pool. It is also worth abandoning sports, since physical exertion can also lead to unpredictable consequences.

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How to care?

It is necessary to care for the eyebrows after such a cosmetic procedure correctly, otherwise the result will not please you for a long time. The masters always warn that the result obtained can be preserved as long as possible only if you listen to the advice and do everything step by step.

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After all the stages of healing remain behind, you need to start correctly take care of your eyebrows. Now they need special moisture, otherwise dry skin will provoke a pigment removal.

It is possible to wash it only very carefully, and even then only a week after the procedure. It is necessary to do this particularly delicately and try so that the water does not fall into the eyebrow zone. In the event that your eyebrows completely healed, it is quite possible to wash, as before, without fearing to damage the skin. Best of all at the first stage abandon the usual foam or gels, giving preference to the usual children's soap. It is also worth abandoning the peels and scrubs for a while, and after a full recovery, they can only be used carefully so that in no case to touch the eyebrow zone.

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Harvesting after microblading (25 photos): what to smear after the procedure, than to process in the first days after the correction 4297_20

Usually such a procedure is carried out in the warm season, so cosmetologists recommend hiding eyebrows from sunlight.

But it is also worth mentioning that we need to take renewed eyebrows from the cold. Any aggressive temperature, be it cold or heat, quite adversely affect the healing process and the pigmentation itself. Therefore, try to avoid sudden temperature drops, because it can easily provoke inflammation.

Also, it is not necessary to go outside in bad weather, if there is a heavy rain or a strong wind is observed. In the first weeks, rain and dampness can adversely affect the beauty of the eyebrows, and a strong wind with sand and dust can provoke an infection, since the wounds have not yet completely healed. If in a strong heat even at home you will sweat, the drops of sweat can also adversely affect healing.

Harvesting after microblading (25 photos): what to smear after the procedure, than to process in the first days after the correction 4297_21

Harvesting after microblading (25 photos): what to smear after the procedure, than to process in the first days after the correction 4297_22

Even after the whole healing process remains behind, try to avoid the bright sun, as it dislikes the pigment, and it will start quickly or change its color.

It is very important to remember that violation of the rules and incorrect eyebrows can lead to a variety of and sometimes unpredictable consequences. For example, incorrect laying of pigment can occur, as a result, there are propellants, which will differ sharply from the common color and tone. Also, cutting or overcoating the skin can lead to the fact that the result will be spoiled.

In the event that, as a result of incorrect care, the final result was spoiled, it can fix everything only a professional by correction.

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Useful advice

Finally, we have several delight tips for everyone, Who seeks to be perfect beauty and very values ​​the form of their updated eyebrows.

  • After the whole dry crust comes down with eyebrows, their color can change a little. It is not necessary to scare this, as this is the norm. Literally after three or four weeks after the procedure, the eyebrows will again raise its color, and the faded will not be.
  • It is important to remember that the first time after the procedure, even if the healing process is already behind, you should not use decorative cosmetics. It is possible to start using it only after three or four weeks.
  • Before the procedure itself, a professional cosmetologist who qualitatively performs his work, must check if you have allergies to the selected dye. Usually the pigment is dripped on a small scratch and wait for half an hour. Remember that this is very important for your health.

Harvesting after microblading (25 photos): what to smear after the procedure, than to process in the first days after the correction 4297_24

Harvesting after microblading (25 photos): what to smear after the procedure, than to process in the first days after the correction 4297_25

In the event that there are any inflammatory processes on the skin, the real master must refuse the procedure.

About how microblading heals by day, see the next video.

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