Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews


Any woman dreams as long as possible time to look young and as attractive as possible. But sooner or later, age aesthetic changes will still be given to know about themselves. Modern cosmetology will allow you to remove these unpleasant phenomena, it will help to give the face with silky smoothness, and the female skin is the necessary elasticity. The most progressive beauty salons can offer their patients a new service called microdermabrasion.

Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_2

What it is?

Microdermabrasion (microscopic grinding) or simply peeling face is one of the most soft and most important - painless methods of high-quality getting rid of dead epidermis and maximum stimulating its subsequent recovery. In other words, microdermabrasion is an advanced procedure for cleansing the skin on the face or other parts of the body using mechanical exposure.

In the salons of this kind of manipulation, using a special apparatus, from its nozzle under a certain level of pressure there is a jet of air and abrasive particles. Most often in their roles are crystals of aluminum, magnesium, bicarbonate or sodium chloride. When exposed to these substances on the epidermis, its complete cleaning from dead cells occurs.

Microscopic crystals remove dead cells and gently grind the face, making it more even and smooth. Only one session - and close to immediately notice the excellent color of your face and its smoothness. And if you go through the course of 4-6 procedures, you can easily get both an external and internal visible effect of rejuvenation.

Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_3

Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_4

For the first time, this procedure was carried out by cosmetologists from France, so it is often referred to as "Paris Peeling".

After the full course of peeling in the patient, the following changes will be noticeable:

  • The complexion will improve significantly;
  • Pigment spots will disappear from the surface of the epidermis;
  • There will be no scars, scars;
  • Faces will become tightened.

Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_5

Intensive mechanical impact will accelerate the bloodstream, because of which the body will begin to quickly produce components such as collagen and elastin. The advantages of this procedure are obvious. This is a rather gentle non-perfect method of fast rejuvenation, which comes to almost all categories of patients and practically does not have contraindications.

Among the advantages of this technique, cosmetologists-specialists and patients allocate the following points:

  • The procedure can be carried out to those who are contraindicated chemical peeling;
  • the versatility of the procedure;
  • short recovery period;
  • excellent results - visible face lifting and aligning its relief;
  • minimum possible complications;
  • no pain;
  • increased efficiency;
  • All cosmetic flaws are removed without skin injury.

Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_6

Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_7

    If very significant damage to the epidermis is completely deleted, then thanks to the accelerated update process, these problems will be visually minor.

    More inventors prefers to choose services for rejuvenation without surgery. Microdermabrasion results are very often compared with successful plastic operations. The procedure can be applied to patients at any age. Even too sensitive skin, having a tendency to allergies, can safely transfer this grinding.

    Already a couple of hours after mechanical manipulations, the patient returns to the usual way of life. Neither redness, nor swelling will not be the consequences of this type of peeling.

    Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_8

    There are several varieties of microdermabrasion.

    1. Crystal peeling. It can be found more often than other species, because it is more in demand. As an abrasive for nozzles of the apparatus, particles of aluminum crumbs are used here.
    2. "Diamond" grinding. Hourly and for this reason is the most effective of microdermabrasion varieties available. Diamond nozzles will most carefully clean the skin of the face, gently protecting the epidermis from injury. By the way, only diamond peeling can be used to apply for hand processing, the entire neck and the area of ​​the neckline. The method of 100% helps to get rid of visible stretch marks for a long time and removes any pigment spots from the surface of the epidermis.
    3. Oxygen variety. In addition to abrasive in the form of diamond and aluminum crumbs, the flow of oxygen is chosen for grinding the skin, which goes under huge pressure. Soft and uniform impact will help get an excellent result and much reduce the chances of the appearance of different complications.

    Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_9

    Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_10


    Microdermabrasion and for very young girls, and for ladies aged becomes salvation in such cases as:

    • previously wilting the skin;
    • presence of stretch marks;
    • wrinkles;
    • acne and their consequences;
    • Warring leather.

    Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_11

    Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_12

      Since the procedure does not damage the skin, it can be considered safe for patients. The person is considered to be the most frequently used area of ​​the effect of microdermabrasia, but with this technique, you can no concern to cleanse any part of your body with such a need. The skin will become smoother to the touch even after a 1 session, and after that it will begin to absorb moisturizing and protective creams and various oils.

      Most often, microdermabrasion is chosen by persons over 12 years and remains relevant up to 65 years. These age limits are purely conditional. Just people over 65 have an increased risk of manifestation of bruises and wounds on the skin after such a peeling, and children under the age of 12 can undergo a procedure under the supervision of a dermatologist.

      However, many experts advise earlier than 18 years for such cleaning methods not to be carried away.

      Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_13

      Indications for cleaning are considered:

      • Photostation of epidermis;
      • the appearance of thin wrinkles;
      • age rash;
      • acne (acne);
      • the presence of acne scars;
      • faded color;
      • highly extended pores;
      • uneven skin relief;
      • Lack of collagen and elastin.

      Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_14

        The doctor must assess the condition of the patient's skin, learn about all chronic diseases, and also ask what result the patient wants to get in the end. Only by collected all this information, the specialist will be able to recommend the required number of sessions. Usually grabs 5-8 procedures.

        The duration of one session is 20-35 minutes. The procedure passes without pain, but if the patient has increased sensitivity, he will be able to discuss with a specialist to the ability to painkillery before peeling.

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_15

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_16


        This kind of procedure is best not to produce:

        • If you are taking aspirin or other medications that dilute blood;
        • If you are taking "Isotretinoin" or took it throughout the year;
        • in burns in the healing stage;
        • if there are skin diseases;
        • High sensitivity of epidermis to aluminum components;
        • herpes or other inflammation;
        • big degree of pigmentation;
        • unexplored scars and wounds;
        • Diabetes of any type.

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_17

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_18

        Possible side results of microdermabrasion:

        • abrasions after unsuccessful peeling;
        • redness of the epidermis;
        • increased sensitivity of the epidermis (and to UV rays as well);
        • The appearance of sprockets from vessels;
        • insignificant bruises;
        • Too aggressive microdermabrasion leads sometimes to the manifestation of inflammation on the skin.

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_19

        Choose equipment

        The removal of the exposed layer of the epidermis is produced not only by a powerful jet of air, in which there are particles of abrasives. Today you can meet appliances with nozzles that have on the surface of the face of synthetic diamonds. The specialist conducts such a nozzle on a problem site, thereby simply gluing its surface, and the suction vacuum sucks the detached particles of the skin.

        The main plus methodology is that it is most safe for use in the area of ​​the eyes and lips of a person, because parts of the abrasive are not used here, which, with inconsistent circulation, can injure these areas on the face.

        Choosing a device for the implementation of diamond or other peeling at home, you need to carefully read the reviews of other users.

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_20

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_21

        Technology implementation

        Before you go on this kind of procedure, first you need to prepare your skin for it. To do this, clean it is necessary to clean it. The cosmetologist before the session will clean your epidermis using a special lotion. If the cleansing is performed correctly, grinding will be the most efficient.

        A specialist must be mandatory to marker those areas of the skin that will be grinding. The obligatory stage for preparing for the procedure is anesthesia - local anesthesia. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account, for what purpose will peeling be used. If you just need to remove coarse skin, it is enough easy anesthesia. If the impact should be serious, the general anesthesia is likely to be applied.

        After anesthesia, a bubble with ice is placed on the selected sections of the face for 30 minutes. It is necessary to narrow the vessels and compact the cover of the epidermis.

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_22

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_23

        The second step is grinding itself. This is a process at which the vertex of the epithelium consists of dead cells takes place using a special instrument. Memorial cells begin to be removed and absorbed by vacuum in the same moment or first removed, and then absorbed. The impact force of the device will depend on the existing problems that you want to get rid of.

        If blood appears on the skin, the specialist removes it with a wool tampon. The maximum time of one session is about 30 minutes. After the end of the peeling, special serums, creams, masks are applied. They are necessary in order to calm and protect the skin from adverse environmental factors.

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_24

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_25

        My microdermabrasion is possible to spend at home. For this, special creams will be required. The second method is the combination of a special cream with an instrument for the implementation of microdermabrasion at home. Here the most important thing is to clearly comply with all measures for your own security.

        The method in which the device is not at all needed, assumes that a special means will be applied to the skin, which includes aluminum oxide. The face is actively massaged using this tool, and then it is simply washed away. After the procedure, serum is applied to the face.

        Creams are not so expensive, but they will have to constantly buy and, of course, it is not necessary to seriously expect that they will work stronger than the real grinding in the cabin. Professional peeling devices are expensive, but at the same time do not require a large number of materials for the procedure.

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_26

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_27

        Paste of soda and water for grinding is considered the simplest analogue of this popular procedure. You need to take 1 tablespoon of soda and 1-2 teaspoons of ordinary water. You can add 1-2 drops of any essential oil, such as green tea or lavender. Mix everything to the state of liquid paste, type it on your fingers and mild movements.

        The procedure should continue 3-5 minutes, after which the paste is washed off with warm water. After home peeling, apply a toner to bring the pH of your skin to the desired level. Next to the skin is applied with a moisturizing cream with high protection from sunlight.

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_28


        There are some rules that need to be performed at the end of the diamond cleaning procedure.

        • It is forbidden to be under the rays of the Sun for 3 weeks.
        • It is best for some time not to use cosmetics, which contains acid or alcohol. The skin can react to them unpredictably, since its surface layer has not yet heal. Although grinding is called painless, but still the skin is not protected after it. And this means that extremely aggressive elements can lead to its irritation.
        • It is forbidden to actively engage in different sports, as the abundant sweat and hot shower also often lead to irritation. After the peeling procedure, it is best to use moisturizing agents on a fatty basis.

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_29

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_30

        Most people after the implementation of such peeling quietly return to their usual life. Decorative cosmetics and light creams can usually be used immediately after the procedure. Numerous studies have proven that microdermabrasion is even temporarily, but can alleviate the ingress of various substances through the skin due to its increased permeability.

        In order to moisten the skin after microdermabrasion qualitatively, you can use the creams and serums in their composition with hyaluronic acid. It is necessary to care for the skin after grinding very neat.

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_31

        Recommendations and reviews

        The total number of sessions that will be needed for the maximum effect directly depends on those flaws that you need to get rid. If you only need to give fresh face, but skin - elasticity or removed small defects, for example, mimic wrinkles, enough 4-6, and sometimes only 2 visits to the cosmetologist. In cases where your problems are much more serious, for example, deep wrinkles that are well visible on the face, it is better to visit 10 or 12 sessions and only after receiving the desired result it will be possible to stop.

        To keep the effect from peeling as long as possible and prevent the subsequent wilting of the epidermis It is necessary to carry out the course of skin grinding approximately 1 time in 10-12 weeks. If you are going to visit the beauty salon with other purposes, but at the same time you want to make microdermabrasia, it is best to immediately ask a cosmetologist if this technique can be combined with other procedures to improve the condition of the skin.

        Today, there are many specific methods for solving serious and not very skin problems, however, do not forget that before them you need to consider a specialist advice to whom you can point out the key features of your body and tell about all the previously obtained cosmetology procedures.

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_32

        Microdermabrasion (33 photos): what it is, a diamond face procedure at home, how to care for a microdermal on the neck, reviews 4233_33

        Microdermabrasion has mostly positive feedback from customers of beauty salons. They call this skin cleaning method one of the safest. But if you become used by the usual dermabrazia, the laser grinding of the epidermis, peeling, then the risks of skin injuries are much higher than when choosing this procedure.

        About the features of the microdermabrasion procedure, see the following video.

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