How to use serum for face? How to use and apply tool after cream? Its benefit and harm


Among all sorts of cosmetics for skin care are very popular with various serums. There are options for young skin, problematic and mature. How to choose a suitable tool and use it correctly? All the answers are already waiting for you in our special material.


Serum is characterized by a rich composition and the fact that it is the concentrate of all kinds of beneficial substances and vitamins. As a rule, in this preparation contains ten times more nutrients than in the usual cream. Usually as part of this means can be found only from seven to ten components, each of which has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face.

The main components in such a cosmetic preparation are various acids, which are creating real wonders together with vitamins and minerals. Acids in the composition of such serum can be very different: ranging from the dairy and ending with glycolic. Also in composition are often extracts of medicinal plants and essential oils.

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Benefit and harm

The benefits of such a popular product as serum is completely obvious. This cosmetics allows you to solve such problems as premature aging of the skin, the loss of elasticity and elasticity, elastic rash, dryness, fatty, etc. The correctly chosen drug will necessarily benefit, and the noticeable result will be visible, after two or three weeks of use. The main thing is to choose serum for your age and skin type.

This drug is used as an addition to creams. It is perfectly absorbed, improves the overall condition of the skin cells, stimulates the work of the sebaceous glands, improves blood circulation, restores elasticity and struggles with skin imperfections.

Harm this serum can apply if the drug is incorrectly selected and is not suitable for your skin type. In addition, if you exceed the recommended dosage, then you can also seriously harm yourself.

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Choosing a tool and its features

Use serum for face, in principle, you can at any age. To date, it is easy to find a tool for your skin type. Similar drugs are used not only by the ladies of mature age, but also young girls.

For young girls

The skin of a young girl does not need special care, in contrast to a woman who is already forty. Up to twenty-five years, the skin looks perfect. A young girl can start using a similar cosmetic agent only if it is the owner of problem skin. In this case, the drug will help, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Such drugs help to fight redness and rash. After the course spent, the face becomes not only clean, but also gains healthy radiance.

Choosing a tool for young face skin, remember that the composition should be extracts of various medicinal herbs, zinc, hyaluronic acid. If the inflammation on the face is very strong, then look for serum, which contains azelainic acid. This component helps to fight the inflammatory process and prevents the appearance of new rashes.

If there are no obvious skin problems, then such cosmetics are not recommended to use women under thirty years old.

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How to use serum for face? How to use and apply tool after cream? Its benefit and harm 4221_5

For the skin of the face after 30 years

Cosmetologists suggest that after thirty years, the skin needs intensive moisture. Using special serums, a woman will be able to significantly improve the protective functions of their skin. Especially in moisture, dry and sensitive skin type need. Regular use of the drug will allow women after thirty years to preserve the natural beauty and velvetyness of the face.

If you have no thirty-five years old, then choose preparations with a light moisturizing formula. And after this age, sera should be seen, as part of which there are various amino acids, glycerin, lactic acid, etc. Also, pay attention to the presence of a natural moisturizing factor, which is indicated as NMF. In the event that a woman after thirty years will use a means with similar components, it will help restore many skin functions that are lost over time.

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How to use serum for face? How to use and apply tool after cream? Its benefit and harm 4221_7

For skin face after 50 years

The serum of the anti-aging category is recommended only after fifty years. Properly chosen serum helps the skin of the face to produce collagen independently, so that it is smoothed and becomes more elastic. In addition, the components of the selected tool help to saturate the skin with all the necessary vitamins and useful substances.

As a rule, such products contains different oils. For example, rosehip oil, macadamia, shea or black currant. There must also be such a component as linoleic acid. An important element of the composition is the NMF, which we talked about above.

Choosing a tool after fifty years, look at two-phase serums. Such a drug rejuvenates, cares and nourishes. Significantly reduces deep wrinkles and pulls the oval of faces.

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How to use serum for face? How to use and apply tool after cream? Its benefit and harm 4221_9

Anticurine tools

The skin of some women has such a feature that over time, the so-called vascular mesh appears in some sections. Usually it occurs in the cheeks, nose and neckline. Such a feature can manifest itself at any age. It is for such a skin that has its own cosmetics that help to treat and prevent Cooperoz.

Serum must comply with the composition of Vitamins K and S. It is they that improve the overall state of the walls of blood vessels. In addition, the extracts of therapeutic plants such as the donon, licorice and the horse chestnut should be extracts. Also, such serums may contain retinol and hyaluronic acid.

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How to use serum for face? How to use and apply tool after cream? Its benefit and harm 4221_11

For problem skin

For problem skin at any age, it is worth preferred only to special means. Choose serum, which contains no oils. Otherwise, they will only aggravate the condition of the skin by making it even more fat.

Means for problem skin must necessarily contain various acids that help to fight inflammation and rashes. Most of the drugs with anti-inflammatory effect are in their composition azelainic acid. This substance helps to effectively deal with inflammation, preventing the development of bacteria and helping to overcome the appearance of new rashes.

You should also pay attention to matting agents that are great for the owners of problem skin. As a rule, there are salicylic acid, zinc and other components that help to fight rashes and purify pores.

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How to use serum for face? How to use and apply tool after cream? Its benefit and harm 4221_13

For moisturizing

The moisturizer will suit the owners of a normal skin type. Such serum will allow moisture, oxygen and various useful substances to the skin of the face. As a rule, such drugs significantly improve the complexion of the face, so the skin is refreshing and becomes more shining.

Such serums contain various oils, plant extracts, vitamins and hyaluronic acid. The last component helps the skin of the face to significantly improve the appearance. In the event that the girl is the owner of a dry skin type, it is quite possible to use this agent to thirty years.

But it is worth remembering the dosages and rules of use.

For whitening

It is possible to use the preparation with bleaching effect only if there are pigment spots on the face, freckles or any other problems. In the event that you are the owner of a dark skin or just want to get rid of the summer tanning, such a serum will not fit. This tool must necessarily contain different oils, citrus extracts, panthenol and vitamins.

The desired result can be achieved, after two weeks of regular use.

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How to use serum for face? How to use and apply tool after cream? Its benefit and harm 4221_15

Terms of application

Apply the means only on the skin cleaned skin.

It can be cleaned by any familiar tool for removing makeup or washing.

  • Any similar product has a cap-dispenser or a special pipette bundled. This allows you to correctly apply the drug in small doses. It is impossible to apply serum on the skin in a large amount, since the consequences can be the most unpredictable. Just three or four drops for one procedure.
  • The agent is applied with smooth and soft movements on problem areas. In particular, it should be neat with serums that are intended for problem skin. In no case do not allow it to fall apart. A means of strictly on massage lines is applied. Strongly lifting the composition categorically impossible.
  • Use such a cosmetic tool is best per hour before sleep. After applying, it is necessary to allow it to fully absorb and only then use the night cream. If the serum has not yet absorbed, and you have already applied cream, then the pores will be clogged, which will lead to certain problems with the skin. Apply serum after the cream is not worth it.
  • Before using serum, it is worth a thoroughly study the instructions and adhere to the recommendations specified in it.

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Frequency of procedure

Many women are interested in the question of how often the use of such drugs is allowed. Until thirty-forty years, it is not recommended to use this tool regularly.

Use it courses. As a rule, one course lasts one or two weeks, after which a break for two or three months should be taken. In some cases, the course can last within a month. Be sure to take into account the recommendations of the beautician.

In more mature age, a long-term use of such drugs is allowed. The noticeable result will begin to delight after two or three months of daily use. After fifty years, it is possible to continuously use serum for three to four months, and then take a monthly break.

The result achieved will be maintained for several months, so you should not be afraid of such a long break. Such a rest is very necessary for the skin, otherwise you can overstep by its active substances and the result will be strictly opposed.

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Home Cooking Recipes

For fatty and problem skin, you can prepare an effective tool right at home. To do this, you will need a tank of dark glass. Take ten milligrams of ascorbic acid, glycerin and boiled water. Water should be cold. All ingredients are poured into the container, we take up to complete mixing.

For rejuvenation, it is possible to make serum based on oils. We take thirty milligrams of apricot bone oil and fifteen milligrams of rosehip oil and carrots. Add ten drops of pink oil and orange colors to the mixture. We mix everything in a dark glass container with a dense lid.

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Tips of cosmetologists

    Each professional cosmetologist can give useful recommendations on How to use such a cosmetics.

    • Specialists do not recommend using serum more often than once a day. Apply it best in the evening.
    • After forty years, it is allowed to use such drugs twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. At one time you should not use more than four droplets of serum.
    • In order for serum to penetrate well into the skin, cosmetologists are recommended before the procedure to wash with the help of a light, gentle scrub. As a result, micro-damage will appear on the skin, which are completely harmless, but allow the drug to better penetrate the dermis.

    About how to use serum and not harm skin, look next.

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