Serum Estee Lauder: Facilities for Idealist and Perfectionist, Serum Suguor Pores, Reviews


Serum is a popular cosmetics. Such products are used by women of different ages. Their use can significantly improve the condition of the skin, saturate with its nutrients, give a rejuvenating effect. The result is a healthy and shining kind of face. The well-known American company Estee Lauder offers high-quality products of this type. Consider a drawn range of the brand and deal with how to choose the appropriate option.


Serum is a certain kind of concentrated product. The content of biologically active elements in its composition exceeds many times the number of such components in the usual means. Therefore, they are also inferior to the most expensive, advertised face creams.

If you compare what is better - serum or cream, cosmetologists will choose the first. The main difference is the high percentage of molecularity. Small whey molecules can penetrate into the deepest layer of epidermis and have a strong impact on it.

At the same time, there is enough pair of droplets of serum, unlike a cream or mousse, to get a visible effect.

Serum Estee Lauder: Facilities for Idealist and Perfectionist, Serum Suguor Pores, Reviews 4220_2

The main rule when choosing is to determine the skin type. Incorrectly selected tool, at best, will not satisfy your requests, and in the worst case - the face of the face. The right will also take into account age, and the time of year, because in different months the skin needs various substances. For example, in a warm period, it is better to choose a water-based serum, and in cold-based oil.

Remember that before applying the means you need to carefully clean the face with your "washbasin" (foam, mousse, gel). Thanks to the existing dispenser on the brand vial, the means is spent economically, as it is extruded only by its required amount. Also, this type of capacity is considered very reliable, because oxygen cannot be leaked. It is very important, because the oxidation processes are able to reduce all the benefits of cosmetics.

Limit three drops of the product. This is quite enough to obtain a visible effect. Excessive use can harm. 30 ml bottle should be enough for 50 applications.

Serum Estee Lauder: Facilities for Idealist and Perfectionist, Serum Suguor Pores, Reviews 4220_3

Cosmetologists recommend to apply serum exclusively on problem areas. But do not wait for the wonderful effect of influence on the eyelid area. The area around the eyes is the most tender. Serum, falling on it, will cause redness and burning.

Moisturizing serums are applied using a paddle pads with light patches. Be sure to move through massage lines. Serum will fall thinly invisible film that does not require rubbing. After a few seconds, all valuable components absorbed completely without leaving a sticky trace.

Serum Estee Lauder: Facilities for Idealist and Perfectionist, Serum Suguor Pores, Reviews 4220_4

Perfectionist pro.

The serum with the designation "Rapid fortification + lifting" is aimed at the rapid return of skin elasticity. The effect will be similar to the facial lifting procedure. It is achieved at the expense of alpha hydro-hydroxotes and concentrated acetyl-hexapeptide-8.

Manufacturers promise instant effect on all facial skin areas. The contour is tightened, especially the most problematic zones (chin, nasolabial sweets and cheekbones).

Already after the first application, a woman can observe the effect. The skin is moisturized, natural radiance appears. According to customer reviews, after 3 days, smoothness, softness and elasticity of the epidermis are observed. After 2 weeks, the person becomes noticeably more elastic. Facial outlines are tightened, the chin lines and cheeky are becoming clearly visible.

Serum Estee Lauder: Facilities for Idealist and Perfectionist, Serum Suguor Pores, Reviews 4220_5

Serum Estee Lauder: Facilities for Idealist and Perfectionist, Serum Suguor Pores, Reviews 4220_6

It is worth paying attention to the following factor: the same alpha hydraulic acids contribute to the increase in skin sensitivity to UV rays. As everyone knows, under the influence of the Sun, pigment stains and minor wrinkles appear. Therefore, when using serum, try to avoid staying in the sun or apply sunscreen before getting out of the house.

Serum Characteristic:

  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • strengthens the skin of the face;
  • It has a lifting effect;
  • Reduces mimic and age wrinkles;
  • contributes to the emergence of healthy radiance;
  • lines facial lines;
  • Convents pores.

How to apply:

  • It is necessary to apply in the morning and in the evening to pre-cleaned skin;
  • try to avoid the area around the eyes;
  • After a few seconds, apply a sunscreen (in the morning).

Serum Estee Lauder: Facilities for Idealist and Perfectionist, Serum Suguor Pores, Reviews 4220_7

Serum Estee Lauder: Facilities for Idealist and Perfectionist, Serum Suguor Pores, Reviews 4220_8


This is a serum, narrowing pores. This tool is a high-speed complex of active ingredients, due to which the texture of the skin of the face is restored. It becomes even, pores narrow almost half. After 4 weeks of applying, women notice the reduction of pores by 69%.

In addition, serum is aimed at aligning the facial tones, fighting peeling. Already after the first application there is softness and silkiness.

The method of application is very simple: some serum should be applied on the cleansed skin, immediately after that you can use your favorite moisturizing cream. The product does not cause allergies, suitable for all skin types.

The effect of this cosmetics:

  • significantly narrowing;
  • aligning skin texture;
  • liquidation of peeling;
  • Botox effect;
  • softening of skin cover;
  • Getting rid of dull color of the skin, giving a healthy shine.

Serum Estee Lauder: Facilities for Idealist and Perfectionist, Serum Suguor Pores, Reviews 4220_9


This is a serum against wrinkles that increases skin elasticity. This cosmetic product is aimed at combating age-related facial changes. Thanks to the serum, you can get rid of the Mimic and age wrinkles in a short time, tighten the faces, align the lines of some sites. The laboratory researchers have proven that the CPR-75 technology used is capable of 2 times to increase the process of developing natural collagen.

As a result, wrinkles are gradually smoothed, the skin becomes soft, the face looks young and fresh. Women celebrate a similar result after a week of use. After 4 weeks, complete skin restoration is observed. Its texture becomes dense and elastic. 96% of respondents claim that mimic and age wrinkles are significantly reduced. The tool is applied on the same principle as other serums suitable for all skin types.

Product Properties:

  • Reduces all kinds of wrinkles;
  • It has a lifting effect;
  • makes contours clearer;
  • provokes the stimulation of the natural collagen generation;
  • Returns the tone of the face of the face.

Serum Estee Lauder: Facilities for Idealist and Perfectionist, Serum Suguor Pores, Reviews 4220_10

Serum Estee Lauder: Facilities for Idealist and Perfectionist, Serum Suguor Pores, Reviews 4220_11


Estee Lauder Lab specialists made a breakthrough in the world of cosmetology. A new serum is directed to a continuous synchronous process of recovery of skin cells. The updated product significantly reduces wrinkles, and is also able to slow down natural aging due to the new technology called Chronolux CB.

Night serum is capable of:

  • reduce deep and small wrinkles;
  • make the skin smooth, moistened and elastic;
  • Align the tone of the face, give it a healthy color and radiance.

The product is suitable for any skin type. It does not score pores and does not cause acne. Many women after the 4-week use of this cosmetics notice a significant reduction in wrinkles. Immediately after applying, smoothness and softness is felt, it takes full disposal from dryness and peeling. In the morning, the skin looks fresh and rested, a healthy shine appears.

Serum Estee Lauder: Facilities for Idealist and Perfectionist, Serum Suguor Pores, Reviews 4220_12

Serum Estee Lauder: Facilities for Idealist and Perfectionist, Serum Suguor Pores, Reviews 4220_13


      Women who tried American cosmetics for rejuvenation, moisturizing and narrowing pores, mainly leave positive feedback. Many immediately notice the promised effect: the skin becomes moistened and soft, while there is a completely lack of a sense of strut. For several weeks of use, there is a reduction in visible wrinkles, the narrowing of the pores. Means with the effect of lifting and botox tighten the sulfur face, make the skin with an elastic. The main thing is to correctly identify your problem and select a tool intended for solving it.

      Overview serum Night Repair from Estee Lauder Looking below.

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