Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home


The hungry of the eyelid is a very common problem not only among young girls, but among the ladies of revered age. The root of this trouble lies in the fact that the upper eyelid partially or completely covers the movable one. It is not difficult to detect this problem and is also easy to solve. It all depends on the right approach.

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_2

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_3

Basic rules of creation

There is a huge variety of options, however, makeup is rightfully one of the simplest and most popular solutions.

Girls with a similar problem should pay special attention to the eyebrows. They must be neat and not too thick, slightly raised in the middle . Such an uncomplicated form visually opens and pull out all the flaws, making a look more open. You can fill the pencil to the main tone of the hair, and gel fix the resulting form for a whole day.

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_4

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_5

Beat your eyebrows is necessary through the line of hair growth, otherwise you risk getting a non-accurate shape and lose several hairs.

Holders of brown eyes should work out in a dark area over a century and exterior corners. These manipulations will help visually remove the hanging part.

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_6

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_7

Ideas for brunettes

Holders are not only dark eyes, but the hair is perfectly suitable saturated shades that emphasize the brightness of the appearance. With the authorized century, the tone of a purple, blue and cold-green shade will be well combined. No less advantageously will emphasize the depth of the black, golden and brown shadows.

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_8

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_9

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_10

An ideal daily option will serve a nude makeup. Just thanks to the game of light and the shadow, the problem will not pay for yourself excessive attention to others.

  • Apply the base or primer to the eyes. This procedure is an integral part of any makeboard, since without it the result will not last long, and the colors may turn out to be more dull.
  • For a lung and natural image it is worth taking natural shades. Perfectly look brown, peach and pink tones.
  • Outer corner of the eye and the fold of the century protontenate dark brown . Do not forget to grow a good shadow to avoid dirty and non-accurate spots.
  • The same color emphasize the lower part. In this way, you can open the eye by making it visually wider and more.
  • Center Distribute light cream or pinkish shadows . This technique will help add tenderness and naturalness.
  • As an accent, add a little high Highlight to the inner corner of the eye . Such a detail will distract attention from the problem itself.
  • Purchase eyelashes. Do this not too "fatty" layer, just walk slightly in the eyelashes. This option will be well combined with gentle and weightless meycap.

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_11

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_12

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_13

Create a competent everyday image is, of course, well, but sometimes I want to pay attention to the stunning evening makeup. Make it at home is not as difficult as it may originally appear. A universal option for all occasions will serve as a classic Smokey Ice, which is ideal for dark hair.

  • For his incarnation in life will need again Apply primer in eyelid.
  • Belly you can take more bright and juicy colors . However, for girls with the lowered century, it is worth with caution to relate to neon shades, since this makeup is too complicated. The optimal option will be matte shadows, but shimers should not be carried away.
  • Apply Dark Shadows to Fold and Outdoor Corner . Specify the form you need.
  • Work the lower eyelid. On his middle, you can add light glitter. Remember about the need for a growing. In this makeup, she will play a major role.
  • On the center, apply shimmer shadows or a glitter, if you wish to create a clearer result . Do not overdo it with glitter, otherwise the contour of the eye can be completely lost.
  • On the inner corner of the eye Apply a highlife in the tone of the main shadows.
  • If you wish, you can draw an arrow to visually pull the eye contour. . Set the arrow base, fill the entire intergrantan edge. It should smoothly expand from the inner corner to the external. Note the tail of the arrows. It should not go up and be lightly blurred. Fill out the form, preferably liquid eyeliner. It will be more resistant and contrasting, it will be better than the finished base.
  • As a final stroke, proximate eyelashes. Try not to reload the hairs very much.

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_14

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_15

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_16

Options for blondes

Girls with bright hair color are not limited in the choice of makeup, like brunettes. However, they should be slightly changed the color palette. Instead of dark shades, make your choice in favor of more delicate tones, especially when creating a daily image. Perform a step by step this option will not be much labor.

  • Apply Primemer On the external agent area, to create a base.
  • Day makeup should not be overloaded with too dark tones, Therefore, in order to focus on light hair, stick to bodily and peach warm cosmetic products.
  • Earn a fold and an outer corner peach shadows, slightly dimuer . This visually will not lose sight and give easy fresh face.
  • At the center of the century, add translucent pinkish Rumba. Be careful with red and pink, an excessive amount can create the effect of "patients" or "gluable" eyes. However, the light layer will give the abilities of the eyes.
  • Accent attention at the inner corner of the eye With a light highlyera.
  • Add playfulness look with a brown tint carcass. Do not worry that the result turned out to be too transparent and slightly noticeable. Brown eyes themselves are very bright and attracted attention to themselves. To allocate them even stronger, you do not need a large amount of cosmetics.

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_17

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_18

Evening makeup at home can be supplemented with blue or green shadows. This decision will give a special depth of my eyes, make them more expressive and dark. If you wish, you can add everything with a neat arrow and scratched eyelashes. The center of the century is desirable to apply a shine of cold tone (silver, blue, blue, purple).

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_19

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_20

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_21

Do not forget about the features of the cut of the eyes. If the nature has awarded you a narrower structure, it is worth considering some features.

With the help of a wide liner, visually expand the cut, but do not lead it too far.

Thoroughly grow the product when applied that visually raises the eyelid. For narrow eye, grayish, dusty, purple and chocolate tones are ideal.

Select the mucous membrane with a white pencil, such a reception will help make the outline more.

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_22

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_23

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_24

Do not forget about neat and symmetrical eyebrows. They are not necessarily drawing too bright, it will be enough to give them a form.

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_25

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_26

For Asian makeup for every day, it is enough just to bring the eyelid pencil to the eyelid, and make eyelashes. And for the evening image you can stick and apply glitter.

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_27

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_28

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_29

Beautiful examples

Updated eyelid is not a sentence. Any disadvantage can be spectacular to beat and turn into dignity. Now there is a huge number of diverse cosmetics for any type of skin that will help you. It all depends only on your desire and attached effort.

  • Great makeup in brown tones.

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_30

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_31

  • Karglazymes go different shades of green.

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_32

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_33

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_34

  • Burgundy shadows in combination with sparkles are suitable for evening makeup.

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_35

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_36

Makeup for brown eyes with hanging age (37 photos): step-by-step makeup for dark and light hair, casual and evening makeup at home 4184_37

Classic makeup for the authorized century is given later.

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