3D massagers: for face and body. How to use a roller lifting massager according to the instructions? Overview of massage 3D roll ruler


In the XXI century, the number of beauty gadgets for care for itself is simply amazing. Many perceive such devices with great enthusiasm. Today we want to introduce you to one of them: a roller 3D massager for the face and body.

3D massagers: for face and body. How to use a roller lifting massager according to the instructions? Overview of massage 3D roll ruler 4168_2


Immediately clarify that The gadget, which will be discussed, differs from the simple massage rollr. Its feature is The presence of two rotating heads located on the sides of the handle at an angle, instead of a single roller placed in the middle.

Each of these heads in the process of massage rotates 360 degrees, thereby providing a more effective premium of fabrics and body.

3D massagers: for face and body. How to use a roller lifting massager according to the instructions? Overview of massage 3D roll ruler 4168_3

On the shape of the head resemble cut diamonds, the number of faces on them reaches three hundred. This configuration is not chosen: it is due to it that it is achieved by the lifting effect.

Let's figure out what this gadget is so good. In the process of massage, blood circulation and lymphotoka is stimulated, as well as oxygen saturation.

Therefore, any cosmetic agent printed during or after the procedure will have a much more pronounced effect.

3D massagers: for face and body. How to use a roller lifting massager according to the instructions? Overview of massage 3D roll ruler 4168_4

The skin begins to produce its own collagen fibers. After passing a massage course, you will notice the following changes:

  • Small and even some deeper wrinkles will disappear;
  • Faces will become more clear (V-shaped);
  • Thanks to the lymphodine, the eath will leave, the endlessness of the face will disappear, it will acquire beautiful contours;
  • raise eyebrows;
  • Slabs and dark circles under the eyes will decrease or completely disappear;
  • The skin is smoothed, will gain fresh look, the complexion will improve.

3D massagers: for face and body. How to use a roller lifting massager according to the instructions? Overview of massage 3D roll ruler 4168_5

By the way, the roller 3D massager can also be used for the neck, neckline and the "second chin" area, to get rid of imperfections on the body (hodges, hands, belly). With it, you can remove the pronounced manifestations of cellulite, reset the extra kilograms and find the beautiful contours of the shape.

3D massagers: for face and body. How to use a roller lifting massager according to the instructions? Overview of massage 3D roll ruler 4168_6

3D massagers: for face and body. How to use a roller lifting massager according to the instructions? Overview of massage 3D roll ruler 4168_7

3D massagers: for face and body. How to use a roller lifting massager according to the instructions? Overview of massage 3D roll ruler 4168_8

Best models

Let's see what choice is in the market of such beauty gadgets.

  • And let's start, of course, from the best - Refa Carat of Japanese production. This silver instrument is equipped with two rollers and solar panels, due to which it generates special microcrokes, reinforcing blood flow and lymphotok, and consequently, the effect of massage. Its work is comparable to professional devices.

3D massagers: for face and body. How to use a roller lifting massager according to the instructions? Overview of massage 3D roll ruler 4168_9

3D massagers: for face and body. How to use a roller lifting massager according to the instructions? Overview of massage 3D roll ruler 4168_10

  • 3D Massager MS-040 . Gadget from China, intended for lymphatic drainage facial and body massage. Two cut heads smoothly slide on the skin, capturing and carefully prompted deep fabrics. As a result, the production of its own collagen and elastin is launched, exchange processes are improved, edema and extra volumes disappear.

3D massagers: for face and body. How to use a roller lifting massager according to the instructions? Overview of massage 3D roll ruler 4168_11

3D massagers: for face and body. How to use a roller lifting massager according to the instructions? Overview of massage 3D roll ruler 4168_12

  • Next "Guest" from the Middle Kingdom - Welss WS 3070 Ultra Shape. It is also equipped with a solar panel. The device is compact, it can be easily taken with you on a trip, even if you are going somewhere in the wilderness with a tent, it does not need any recharging from the mains. In the process of conducting a massage procedure, the rollers are smoothly rotated, imitating the actions of a professional massage therapist. The skin is not exposed to excessively intensive effects.

3D massagers: for face and body. How to use a roller lifting massager according to the instructions? Overview of massage 3D roll ruler 4168_13

  • And the last gadget, worthy of mention, is a lifting massager for the face 3D Platinum Roller . Manufacturer country - China. It is designed taking into account the slightest anatomical features of the face and therefore massage with it is easy and pleasant. Spherical heads with triangular glands scroll and carefully premined deep fabrics of the face, "kicking out" of them all extra liquid. As a result - a very noticeable lifting, a clear oval, lack of thoughtiness, young and radiant skin leather. By the way, this massager is waterproof, which makes it possible to use it possible even in the process of taking a shower or bath.

3D massagers: for face and body. How to use a roller lifting massager according to the instructions? Overview of massage 3D roll ruler 4168_14

3D massagers: for face and body. How to use a roller lifting massager according to the instructions? Overview of massage 3D roll ruler 4168_15

Instructions for use

But little to buy the device you like - you also need to be able to use it correctly. Consider how to make a massage and achieve the effect of rejuvenation at home.

  • Moving along massage lines and slightly pressing on the massager, go through each of the specified zones 5-10 times in the required sequence. Please note that we begin the procedure from below and gradually move to the forehead area.
  • Do not drive a massager there and back: The direction of movement is clearly from the center to the periphery. It is in this way that it will be possible to achieve a lymphatic drain effect and move off all the extra "water" from the face.
  • Do not excessively put pressure on the device or increase the number of "penets" for each massage line - The specified number of movements will be quite enough. The whole procedure should not take more than 10-15 minutes.
  • To achieve the best and prolonged effect, make a massage daily for 2 weeks . Next, you can maintain the result by conducting the procedure every other day or 2 times a week.
  • Massage is made on purely flushed skin with a pre-applied serum or other nutrient.

3D massagers: for face and body. How to use a roller lifting massager according to the instructions? Overview of massage 3D roll ruler 4168_16

3D massagers: for face and body. How to use a roller lifting massager according to the instructions? Overview of massage 3D roll ruler 4168_17

About how to use a 3D face massager with balls, look next.

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