Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear?


No matter how paradoxically sounded, but a small needle in sewing performs a key role. Of all the elements of the sewing machine, a thin needle during the work receives the greatest load. Therefore, such a tool should be not only high-quality, but also competently selected under the type of material. The seam with small experience is easy to get confused in an extensive variety of copies and their characteristics. The ability to deal with marking and appointment makes it possible to purchase the desired detail for a specific goal.

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_2

Types and destination

Double seam is performed using a special needle, which in fact is 2 needles connected by one holder.

This simple element is able to significantly expand the possibilities of tailoring products at home.

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_3

Depending on the type of tissue, 4 types of double needles can be distinguished.

  • Universal needle Suitable for almost any material using natural or synthetic threads. It can also be used in embroidery or for a neat stitching zigzag. The needle "Universal" is suitable for cotton, Silka, Tulle.
  • For stretch and knitted fabrics, the use of which in sewing work is difficult due to their high elasticity, apply needle with a rounded tip. It does not damage the fiber material during the work. For such a knitwear, it is noted by a special labeling - "Stretch".
  • Necklands marked "Metallic" Created to progress the lines using metallized threads.
  • Thick needles allow you to lay lines on high density tissues, such as denim, costume. They are indicated by the icon - "Jeans".

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_4

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_5

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_6

The width between the needles is also different, depending on the canvas, which will be used when creating clothes. It can be narrow (1.5 mm thick) and wide (up to 6 mm). In order not to make a mistake with the choice and purchase the desired double needle, pay attention to the designations indicated in the marking 2 digits: the first denotes the distance between the needles, the second indicates their size, and they must be one cross section.

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_7

The main task in working with such a sewing element - To choose the needle thickness and thread under the type of fabric. Only then can be achieved smooth and beautiful lines. Work with such a needle great pleasure. It also gives unlimited capabilities in needlework. It can be filmed with multi-colored threads and get an unusual decorative embroidery. The small distance between the needles will make it possible to achieve the effect of the shade, and from the resulting circuit - creating a volumetric pattern.

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_8

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_9

The processing of the edge of the knitwear double seam makes it possible not to use a plays woofer, while performing a beautiful and neat line when sewing linen and children's clothing.

Also without such an attribute it is almost impossible to create unusual collar edges, cuffs, pockets. Quick products quickly and spectacle.

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_10

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_11

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_12

How to fix and sew?

It is not possible to install a double needle on all sewing machines, and only on those that are capable of performing a zigzag line. The main thing is that you need to consider when choosing such a needle, - What are you going to use fabric. Since, as noted above, the width between them and their thickness directly affect the quality of the seam.

Technically, such a needle is installed in the same way as any other. It is important to remember that the needles sleep is located behind: that is, it is directed back, and the round of his side should be in front. In 2 needles, it will not be much difficulty at the same time. The thread is refilled in the same way as in one needle. However, the coils for sewing need 2 pieces. Experienced craftsmen have coils in such a way that one unwound thread counterclockwise, and the other is clockwise. So they will not be leaving during sewing.

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_13

Both threads will pass through one top tensioner, it should be loosen to the thread not tightened and did not break. The tension in the bottom bobbin also needs to be loosen. When sewing a double seam, it is best to use threads with good stretching. And to create a high-quality line, the lower thread should be thinner than the top, since the lower will be activated with 2 tops, creating a stitch with zigzag.

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_14

How to use?

They sew a double needle on the sewing machine, as well as normal. The main thing is to choose to pick it up. The first thing to pay attention is to the maximum width of the needle plate. The wrong selection of the needle can lead to its breakdown during sewing, because the slot will rush in the plate. Here, the best guidance is the maximum allowable width of the zigzag.

Before starting to work, check in what mode the seam selection switch is located. And here you need attentiveness. A double needle must be only in the direct line mode.

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_15

It is necessary to monitor this strictly to accidentally do not switch to another mode. Any other position will lead to the element breakdown.

Reduce the risks of breakdown makes a small distance between the needles (0.16-0.25 cm). For confidence, first check how the needle is running without a thread at idle. It should pass freely, without touching the edges of the needle plate.

It should also use good quality threads. Choose thin and elastic. To the stitches obtained without skipping and with the right tension, one thread should be less than less.

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_16

How to perform decorative seams on the knitwear?

The width of the ornament in performing a double needle will make up half a million, and this is its main feature. You can have a double needle how to sew and stop, embroider, make stewed seams. Especially since such stitches are capable of performing a decorative and finishing role on the bottom of the product.

Such a needle for seamstas is a real wand-coronary. For example, to give greater beauty blouses you need to add assemblies. They can be made using this device.

To do this, need a needle with a large distance (0.5-0.6 cm) and a thin gum wound on the bobbin instead of a thread. It remains to pave seam. The used gum itself will neatly collect even assembly.

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_17

In turn, the tandem of the double needle with a special foot will allow to further expand the possibilities when working, enriching it with additional operations. With their help, you can sew thin beads, cords, forming the covers and so on.

For knitted tissues, the thinnest double needles, the distances between which are 0.25 and 0.4 cm. At the same time, the tips of the edges in such needles are rounded. This is provided for the needle to do not pierce, but carefully pushed the fiber material. Most often, such fabrics are used to be used, which becomes flat after deploying cross-linked parts.

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_18

The main thing is to take into account the type of knitted fabrics. If the knitwear is dense, thick and not very elastic, it is necessary to loosen the tension of the lower thread. Another situation with knitted knitwear, which stretches rather strongly, and for him you need a serious stitch stretching. For denim products of double seams on delayed overhead details - their main highlight. Get smooth seam allows a special needle with pointed tips, penetrating into thick layers of material.

Made by decorative stitches. Product details look great. Wherein In one pass, the double needle performs 2 times more lines.

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_19

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_20

In addition, the change in the tension of the thread makes it possible to perform a variety of seams. For example, relief. The lines can be straight, wavy, zigzag or convex.

Specificity of work and safety

After installing the double needle, and the filling and settings of the thread can be sewed to sew products of almost any complexity. Slip the edges, sew the braid, perform the ruffles and exquisite embossed seams with a cord or rubber band.

When working with a double needle, you should adhere to non-hard rules:

  • The wheel on the sewing machine must rotate;
  • The choice of needles and thread thickness depends on the fabric you are going to use;
  • Despite the fact that the tension of the threads is set before work, it is necessary to constantly monitor, as well as the stitch and specified lines;
  • Before launching the seam, you need a knitwear to put under the paw, make an accurate puncture and only after that omit the paw;
  • If during the work randomly the cloth will get off the teeth, do not stop working immediately.

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_21

Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_22

    Adhere to the required security rules using the sewing machine.

    • If you use a double needle for the first time, carefully read the instructions. Each manufacturer indicates the technical capabilities and features of the tool.
    • Needles store in a needle or in a special box with a lid. This is especially true of broken items. They should be stored separately to accidentally do not hurt.
    • After each work, check the number of needles, in order to avoid their random loss.
    • In no case do not use needles with mechanical defects. At best, they can form uneven punctures, at worst - will lead to injuries.

    Double needle for sewing machine: how to sew and fill? What is needed for? How to use for knitwear? 4061_23

    About how to sew a double needle, look next.

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