Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews


On today's day, one of the most sought-after tissues is Polysatin, who successfully replaces its satin predecessor. This material is quite unusual by the fact that all the fibers in front of the weave pass special processing, so that the cloth becomes perfectly even smooth.


If you mix coal, oil, water and air, then the result is a synthetic additive, which is called polyester. It is this substance that includes Polysina, due to which the cloth has gained strength, exceptional durability, resistance to the occurrence of chances and deformations.

Things from this web are very convenient, they do not require smooth, almost do not give shrinkage and look great even on the easiest coloring. The second component of the canvas is a cotton fiber. As a rule, modern materials contain 35% polyester and 65% cotton.

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_2

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_3

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_4

The material is thin, smooth, silky surface. The density of the threads varies from 70 to 100 g / m2. The popularity of material is explained by its exclusively high technical and operational characteristics.

  • Durability. The material is distinguished by resistance to wear, does not melt, not fade in the sun, designed for frequent washing and intense toe.
  • Strength. Double weave of threads ensures resistance to the gap.
  • Unpretentious. Polyester products are easily abandoned even with severe pollution. They dry very quickly, at the same time they do not impenet, that is, they can be put on immediately after washing and drying (without sweeping and smoothing).
  • Convenience in the sewing. The material is easily rebounded and sewed, it will not crumble, the edges do not bloom and do not twist.

Many have a hygrost resistance and air permeability of polysina. However, these qualities are pleased when it is necessary to sew a canopy, awning or cloak, but for everyday clothes such webs do not fit: they will not be completely comfortable, the body does not "breathe" at the same time, and this often causes various allergic reactions.

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_5

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_6


Depending on the raw materials used and the features of use, two types of polyester are distinguished.


It consists of 100% of polyester, used for the manufacture of bags, mattresses, furniture upholstery, rugs, awnings and similar products. Throughout the period of use, the synthetic does not lose its form, does not change the color and does not wear out. Products from industrial polyester are perfectly abandoned, although the smooth surface by itself almost does not absorb pollution, but rather, repels them, which significantly simplifies care.

Some manufacturers sew from such a material bedding, but they are not popular with consumers.

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_7

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_8


This blended material, which is used for the manufacture of clothing and bedding. In recent years, fabrics with 3D pictures have been at the peak of demand, which are obtained due to the special technology of photononeal bright pictures. The image looks very colorful and realistically and does not lose its paints even after multiple washes.

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_9

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_10

Comparison with other materials

After the appearance in the domestic market, Polysatin began to be positioned as a material that came to replace such traditional tissues as satin, microfiber and many other natural canvases. We will try to answer the question whether this tissue can become an analogue of other cloths.

  • Satin. Tkut from twice twisted fibers, which were previously processed for the smooth structure. As a result, a dense canvas is obtained, but at the same time silky, smooth and thin. This is a completely natural material, and this is its main difference from polysina, which is either a mixture of synthetic and cotton, or completely synthetic material. That is why satin is much more expensive than Polysina, although things from it are cut in faster and losing their original gloss.
  • Poplin. It is a material made of different thickness fibers, as a result, it turns out a dense catch. Poplin can be made by 100% of cotton, and may contain inclusions of silk, wool or artificial fibers. Such material is hypoallergen and very pleasant to the body to the touch. Like Polysatin, Poplin is not crushed, does not require special care and is worn quite a long time. Polysatin, especially if it contains a lot of polyester, less pleasant for the skin, it can electrify and rarely cause irritation. However, it costs much cheaper stray, therefore is in great demand.

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_11

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_12

  • Calcuse. The structure of the fabric is the same here as near Poplin, but at the same time the fibers are coarser. The fabric is completely cotton, so it is widely used for the manufacture of bed linen sets and other items. This is a safe and practical matter, and for these parameters, the hazard wins the polyester, but Polysatin is softer and tender to the touch, and it is rated a little cheaper.

Summarizing all the above, we can conclude that Polysatin, in the structure of which there is a cotton, is almost not inferior to cotton canvases, but it is an order of magnitude cheaper.

If the body does not react to artificial fibers, it can be completely saved.

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_13


Polysatin is very simple to care, the only precautionary measure when working with this material is the need to observe the temperature in washing and smoothing. The fabric easily transfers all the cycles and modes of machine and manual washing, the temperature should be placed no higher than 40 degrees. If you erase underwear at higher temperatures, it will quickly come into disrepair.

When choosing detergents, it is better to give preference to the compositions without chlorine. This will save the brightness of the paints and the clarity of 3D images. Specialists advise using liquid and gels.

It is desirable when working with a cannut to use air conditioning: it keeps the softness of matter and the saturation of the color.

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_14

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_15

Polyester products dry very quickly. It is best to dry them in air, they do not lose their properties under the influence of ultraviolet, but long-term drying under the open rays of the sun is undesirable. The material can be used immediately after washing and drying, since it does not occur, but experienced hostesses advise a slightly underwear to gently add a pile and leave on a flat strong surface for several hours. In this case, the products will look like new, as if only "from the package".

If the fabrics still formed the chances, then the polysatine iron is needed only on weak heating modes and only from the wrong side. Be sure to use a tissue gasket, although in the overwhelming majority of cases you can simply moisten the cloth from the spray and dry the straightened.

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_16

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_17


Opinions of users about polisatin in most cases are positive. Buyers argue that this is practical in domestic use material: it does not mind, easily disrupts and is almost not dirty. Many noted that they use a bed of such a material for 3-4 years: it does not lose its appearance and operational parameters. Sheets, pillows and a duvet cover from polyester perfectly absorb moisture, which is of fundamental importance in summer sultry weather.

It is noteworthy that products have fairly democratic prices, but the appearance is exceptionally stylish and presentable. Modern inhabitants with their rapid pace are quite convenient to use underwear from this fabric, as care for it practically does not take time. However, for children and people prone to allergies, it is better to give preference to completely natural materials.

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_18

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_19

Fabric Polysatin: What is it? Characteristics, composition and application. Comparison with header and microfiber. Reviews 4022_20

In the next video you will find useful information about the choice of bed linen.

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