Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material


Among the impressive number of fabrics presented in the market, a fairly prominent place occupies a flannel, successfully used over several centuries. This is explained not only by the positive properties of this material, but also by many of its varieties offered by manufacturers. Such a combination naturally attracts the attention of potential buyers, which regularly finds its practical confirmation.

What it is?

The material under consideration is a woolen, semi-cooler or cotton fabric, which is characterized by the presence of a rare nosse-pile. The latter can be both one- and double-sided, but its first variety is found much more often. The earliest mention of flannels dated the XVII century - time when it received a mass distribution in Wales. In the old days, this tissue was made of woolen yarn, and later in its manufacture began to use a thick cotton thread and other components.

As for the name of the described material, its origin researchers are interpreted differently. Some point to the Old Freastsess word "Flaine", meaning "blanket", and others prefer an explanation, according to which the term "flannel" is borrowed from Welsh language and translated as "wool fabric." It is easy to notice that the right to existence is both options, each of which is associated with soft, warm and comfort.

Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_2

Regardless of the specifics of its composition, the flannel is characterized by the following key features:

  • the use of sarzhev or linen variety;
  • considerable density that does not provide for the presence of a gap between the threads;
  • Fluffy pile, causing pleasant sensations when touched.

At first, the products from the fabric under consideration were expensive, and therefore only rich people were available. The development of machine production has significantly reduced its value, due to which most stakeholders could sew flannel clothes. In Russia, this material has gained popularity in the XVIII century under Peter I, which decided to use it to unwind the soldiers of his army.

Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_3


Depending on the specifics of the components used, there are 3 main types of tissue described - woolen, half-walled and cotton. The first appeared before others and dominated the market until the end of the XIX century, and homemade sheep was performed as a raw material. In the 20th century, the flannel began to receive from another popular raw material - cotton, if necessary, adding synthetic components into it.

Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_4

Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_5

Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_6

Currently, the cotton type of the described fabric is the most common. Combined options are also in demand, providing for additives of artificial origin. As an example, a viscose fiber can be brought, which is a product of natural cellulose processing. The presence of this component gives the product a spectacular shine, and its content can reach up to 20% (the specific value is determined by the manufacturer).

In addition, the flannel is made from a semide. The first component of this material is understood from its name, and as a second most often spent the previously mentioned cotton. Many textiles prefer other additives - for example, a combination of silk and viscose, allowing to obtain a solid fabric with excellent appearance.

Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_7


The material under consideration has a number of remarkable qualities.

  • Pleasant to the touch surface. Due to the presence of a soft loose pile flannel is one of the most delicate tissues. This advantage is particularly relevant for young children who are less likely to love "biting" materials.
  • The ability to keep heat. Products from flannels allow you to warm up with minimal time costs, reliably protect your owners from supercooling. Given this quality of the described material, experts refer to winter category, which is confirmed by the traditional classification of tissues.
  • High strength. This property is explained by the composition of the flannel and the density of the weave of its threads (from 170 to 260 g / m²), which ensure resistance to severe mechanical effects.
  • Good breathability. This tissue refers to the "breathable" materials providing the optimal gas and humidity composition of the sub-array space. For this reason, the flannel products are suitable for babes, whose skin is characterized by maximum sensitivity.
  • Resistance to wear. Experience shows that the fabric under consideration is not afraid of frequent bending, friction and stretching, and therefore it can be used over the years.
  • Unpretentious. Care of products from flannel is quite simple, which is primarily relevant for the cotton variation. The presence of wool in the fabric requires greater caution, but also does not differ in particular complexity.
  • Safety for health. The material described does not provoke the development of allergic reactions and other skin irritations.

Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_8

Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_9

    As for the shortcomings of the flannel, their list is as follows:

    • abrasion of the pile, manifested over time (the strength of the material does not affect the strength);
    • High hygroscopicity, due to which the fabric dries longer than the most consumers would like;
    • The tendency to the crimping of individual types of flannel (at the same time they are easily smoothed).

    In addition, the presented material sits after washing in hot water (provided that it is natural).

    Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_10

    Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_11

    Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_12


    There are several types of flannels that differ from each other by the method of used staining.

    • Harsh. Unpainted variety of canvas, most often used for technical needs.
    • Smooth. Fabric created from pre-painted threads.
    • Printed. Material characterized by the presence of a pattern with one of the sides.
    • Bleached. The most popular variety of flannels, used both without dyes, and for further applies to it.

    Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_13

    Special attention should be paid to woolen and semi-wool variations in the tissue under consideration, which can be comb and cameras. The manufacture of the first implies the combing of short fibers, while the second takes place additional processing, which gives them a special softness.

      It is also necessary to mention two other popular varieties of the described material - a shirt, having a checkered or striped pattern, and a hastnimate, allowing the most different options for external design. White-earth flannel, characteristic of which is the presence of a small print - children's toys, fabulous characters, colors, miniature inscriptions on a white main background.

      Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_14

      Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_15

      Comparison with other materials

      Despite the fact that the flannel sometimes is identified with the bike, there is a very significant difference between these tissues. The first material is thinner and softer, and the second is distinguished by much greater dysfolism and surface density of the web. The value of the latter for the flannel is about 215 g / m², while the bike is exceeded 350 g / m². In addition, the second of the fabrics under consideration always has a pile on both sides, which is one of its characteristic features.

      Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_16

      Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_17

      Another material related to the category insulated is paper. In its properties, this cotton fabric is very close to the flannel, but differs from it a slightly greater thickness and density. In addition, the characteristic feature of the paper is the nobody on one of the parties - as a rule, invalid.

      Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_18

      Destinations of consideration and fleece, the main difference of which from the flannel is its origin: it is produced from polyester fibers, and therefore refers to the synthetic category. Another feature is the ejection of moisture to the outside, and not to absorb it, so it takes particularly popular among athletes, tourists, fishermen and hunters.

      Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_19

      The fourth material, which is very similar to the flannel according to the characteristics, is the flannel, also referred to as the Uinsiite - the same fluffy, but a little easier and soft. By origin, it can be semi-cooler or cotton, and products that produce from it most often are sets of bed linen. They organically combine the softness and ability to store heat, and therefore are ideal for cold nights, guaranteeing the maximum comfort to their owners.

      Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_20

      How to use?

      One of those tasks, to solve which the flannel is most often used, is the manufacture of children's linen. In most cases, the printed variety of this material is used for this, which allows you to reduce the effect of dyes on the skin of the child.

      If the children's products are allocated for which the use of flannel is most relevant, they are diapers. Thanks to the properties of the tissue under consideration, they are obtained very warm and soft, which is of paramount importance for any baby.

      Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_21

      Also, depending on the variety of flannels, many other sought-after products are sewn from it:

      • Bleamed - First of all, bedding;
      • Gladkyocracy - coats, costumes and other monophonic clothing;
      • Shirty - insulated products that are in demand for informal style lovers (the most popular cage shirts);
      • Halat - as a rule, women's bathrobes and dresses;
      • harsh notgered - Objects for wipping, as well as products used for pasting piano hammer and other shock parts of musical instruments.

      Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_22

      As for the composition of the flannel used, the skirts, dresses, pants, scarves and capes are most often made of woolen and half-walled varieties, and bedding and housewear are made of cotton.

      Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_23

      Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_24

      How to care?

      In order for products from the flannels to please their owners as long as possible, the latter should pay due attention to the care of them. For cotton varieties of this tissue, it provides for accounting for the following recommendations.

      • It is desirable to carry out the first wash in cool water, and the valve - at a temperature of 60-90 ° C.
      • To make items of maximum softness, they need to rinse with the addition of glycerol (optimal concentration - 1 tbsp. L. On 10 liters of water).
      • From the use of chlorine and other aggressive bleaching components, it is reasonably refused to avoid weakening fibers of the fabric.
      • Pulling spots can lead to premature pile rolling. The best solution in such situations is the use of delicate remedies that remove pollution without strong mechanical exposure.
      • It is desirable to dry products in the shade, not allowing direct sunlight on them. In addition, it is necessary to abandon the use of heated towel rails and radiators.
      • Ironing the fabric should be started from the wrong side by setting the moderate temperature of the iron sole.

      Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_25

      Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_26

      Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_27

      If the product material is a woolen flannel, it is necessary to follow the conditions listed below:

      • washing using mitigating means at temperatures up to 40 ° C;
      • Failure to friction and twisting;
      • Rinse with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. vinegar;
      • drying in well straightened form;
      • Ironing with applying or impregnated water gasket.

      Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_28

      Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_29

      Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_30

      In addition, the owner should familiarize themselves with the care for the care of the product given in the description of the manufacturer.

          In conclusion, it remains to state that the stably high popularity of flannels is justified by the mass of the advantages of this material, many times exceeding the number of its disadvantages. Such a fabric will always be in demand, which is explained by its relevance for most potential consumers.

          Flannel (31 photos): What is it and what is sewing out of it? What is the flannel fabric different from the bike? Features of woolen flannel material 3989_31

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