Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing?


In the modern world, cotton is the most common and common tissue name. It is familiar to every person without exception. But as soon as in the conversation, the phrase "Cotton fabric" or its reduction is "x / b", many people begin to set various issues. Many are incomprehensible, whether there is a difference between these types of fabric and what is the feature of each individual material.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_2

In fact, the majority opinion looks completely ridiculous. Cotton and cotton fabric are the same type of textile products with different names. It makes it from cotton, or rather, from its fruit. The quality of the material is determined by the length of the fiber - the longer it becomes stronger and more durable. Even at the cost of cotton products are largely inferior to their fellows.

Due to these features, cotton fabric is considered the most common type of matter to this day.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_3

What it is?

Cotton is considered one of the oldest types of fabric used by humanity for tailoring. Working with this material began to master at the dawn of the occurrence of the civilized world. But despite this, cotton production for a long time did not have industrial scales. The first mass harvest of cotton collected in India. In Europe, he appeared a little later, if we speak more precisely, then during the reign of Alexander Macedonsky. After some time, European craftsmen managed to understand and master the principle of manufacture and tailoring of products made of cotton fabric, after which they managed to establish internal production.

In Russia, the cotton material appeared in the XV century, but its production was quite scanty. That is why the material was considered the most expensive.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_4

Initially, the treatment of cotton fabric was performed by hand. It was the most important and most important of the reasons that made it difficult to spread the tissue in the global market. Then the situation in the root changed due to the beginning of the appearance of industrial equipment for the appropriate processing methods.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_5

The established process of production of X / B matter envisaged step-by-step actions.

  • Harvesting. This refers to weighing the preparation material and its storage.
  • Cleaning. On the appropriate machines, various trash was removed, after which sorting was performed.
  • Production of continuous threads. This process indicates the weave of the fibers of the fabric.
  • Weaving threads. Directly creating fabric.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_6

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_7

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_8

To date, the process of cotton production proceeds solely on an industrial scale. After each individual step, the technologists conduct certain checks, on the basis of which records make and make up a description of the prepared products. The finished material not only looks spectacular, but also has a mass of other advantages, to feel that possible with tactile contact.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_9


In the modern world, we meet clothes or any other object of textiles, made of 100% cotton, is very difficult. Quite often, in the process of manufacture in tissue, some components are added, due to which the finished material is obtained better, it is distinguished by an increased level of strength and has a corresponding view.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_10

To a greater degree, cotton complement such fabrics as viscose, polyester, acetate. Knowing their features can be understood why X / B products have a lot of advantages. First, the material is less than the moment that in the modern rhythm of life is very important. And secondly, it becomes possible to increase the color palette.

That is why cotton clothes and textiles can be represented in the brightest and juicy paints.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_11

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_12

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_13

In any store male, female, and especially children's clothing, quite often sellers offer customers ordinary things made of synthetic material, for natural one hundred percent cotton. You can believe them for word and after the first washing give the appropriate assessment of the purchased thing, and the seller too. On the other hand, in the process of choice, you can spend some tests to determine, high-quality and 100% cotton is presented on the storefront or still synthetics.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_14

First you need to carefully look at the material. Cotton itself does not even have a minimum brilliance. If there are unpleasant rollers on the tissue, it means there is no cotton in the material. Another way to verify the quality of the composition is to minimize a small piece of clothing in the fist. If the tissue was crumpled, then one hundred percent cotton was used in production. The latest way to verify the quality of the material is washing. Conduct this experiment only after purchase.

Things made of natural cotton dried very slowly, while synthetic fabrics dry instantly.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_15

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any material, cotton fabrics have certain advantages and some disadvantages. Undoubtedly, important advantages are a high level of strength and quality, as well as an affordable price.

Along with this, he has some negative characteristics. Long inhibition of sunlight on x / b The tissue adversely affects the density and quality of the material. Any cotton products need to be treated with different compositions that do not allow tissue to spine. The most unpleasant is the destruction of cotton fabric due to the appearance of harmful microorganisms in it. This process proceeds for quite a long time, on the tissue first appear scuffs, then small holes. With proper care about the destruction of clothes and any other unpleasant consequences can be forgotten forever.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_16

Types and their properties

To date, there is enough parameters, thanks to which you can get a variety of types of fabrics with the basis of pure cotton. Production of textile raw materials due to the addition of natural, chemical and synthetic components increased several times.

  • Batiste. Very subtle type of matter, but rather durable. It has a small density level. It is made of combed yarn underwent preheating. Used type of weaving is a linen, due to which low density is obtained. According to the price criterion, the fabric is very expensive, but very wear-resistant. Batista mainly produce accessories for sleep - shirts for women, pajamas for men, as well as tablecloths on the table.

The label material is mainly used for sewing summer clothes, as well as curtains and bedding.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_17

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_18

  • Marquiset. This type of material is largely reminded by a batter. Its producing is used the same combed yarn with linen weaving. The only difference is a higher level of twisting of the threads.

The label material is mainly used for sewing summer clothes, as well as curtains and bedding.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_19

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_20

  • Volta. This is a silky and very gentle material with a high level of density. It is made by combed yarn, which is previously twisted. The main characteristics are largely reminded by a batter. Underwear is made from Volta.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_21

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_22

  • Percale. Very exquisite and very refined type of matter with high density level. Weave fibers are produced by one algorithm. Despite its strength, it seems very soft and silky. Products from Perkal will serve their owner for a long time. Despite its refinement, the fabric easily transfers washing and many cleaning methods.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_23

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_24

  • Poplin. This material is made on the basis of a linen weaving combed yarn. Bed linen is made from Poplin.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_25

  • Kieme. The material is very light and transparent. Weaving takes place on special technology. The threads are intertwined in pairs with the crossbar of the fibers of the base. The fabric is used to decorate women's suits, as well as as curtains for windows.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_26

  • Tulle. Transparent, lightweight and thin patterned material. Its production occurs on specialized machines. This fabric is mainly used to decorate women's clothing, curtains on the windows, as well as for covered and cape.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_27

  • Guipure. Very famous fabric. It is an elegant matter made of thin threads. For its production, several methods are used. The first is the removal, that is, domestic fiber, the second is dissolving the filaments in the form of a pattern.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_28

  • Crested satin. In the title, the essence of the production of fabric is read. The material is made of ringer with satin weaving. It is mainly used for the manufacture of bed linen and any other home textile products.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_29

A rather large variety of textile products is made of medieval fiber cotton varieties.

  • Cite. All known matterium produced from the threads of medium twist. Cite is applied in sewing summer clothes.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_30

  • Mitkay fabric. This is a whole group of weaving material similar to the stem material. From the Mitkale Matters produce textiles for homemade ego.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_31

  • Calcuse. Russian material is made of pure cotton. Imported hazard has a certain amount of synthetic fibers.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_32

  • Card satin. Tight matter made of thickened threads.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_33

  • Cretonne. A rather tight and pre-painted type of fabric, the weaving of which is performed by plain type. As a result, products are obtained with the presence of ornament and various patterns. It is used for furniture upholstery.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_34

Special attention should be paid to the American type of matter stretch. In the production of this tissue, the most advanced technologies are used, while there is a cotton in combination with Elastane.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_35

Last time, Polish polycotton material acquires wide popularity. Its feature is to combine cotton with polyester in equal amounts.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_36

Comparison with other materials

Each X / B fabric has certain distinctive qualities inherent only to her.

First you need to consider the burning process. In principle, any natural material has the property of complete combustion. Products consisting of mixed composition are roasted with the formation of droplets of resin. But synthetic fillings are not lit at all, just melted. In the process of burning from natural cotton, the smell of burning paper comes. After burning most of the fabric, the spoiled material begins to smooth. For comparison, you can check the flax - it is also well lit, only the remains are smolder much worse. For another comparative example, it is proposed to consider wool. Burns this material almost immediately and completely. In this case, a terrible smell of burnt hair is exuded.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_37

Another distinctive feature of cotton lies in tactile sensations. The touch of cotton causes the most unusual, soft, warm and tender feelings. For comparison with other types of fabric, it is also proposed to consider flax. With tactile interaction, linseed matter seems quite coarse, tough and slightly cool. But none of these types of fabrics compare with natural silk.

Cotton material in its properties is hygienic, practical and very beautiful. Thanks to a wide range of products, you can always choose the most comfortable things that will meet all the requirements of your owner.

Anyone can purchase cotton clothing or other textile products from it at an affordable price.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_38

Where is used?

Having come to the store selling any tissue products, several questions immediately arise, and the main of them is the presence of cotton fabric or any elements of natural cotton textiles. In fact, cotton is present in almost all products used by a person. For example, bedding. They mainly use soft grade fabrics, such as satin, coarse. For a children's bed - exclusively flannel. X / B Material is quite lightweight, so it is used in the production of summer dresses, men's shirts. In summer hot weather in cotton clothes, everyone feels cozy and comfortable.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_39

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_40

To sewing the outerwear, x / b fabrics are often used. Many firms when ordering uniforms for their employees use exclusively cotton material.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_41

In my home source, almost any textile element is a cotton, such as tablecloths, curtains, towels, curtains and much more.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_42

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_43


Like any other material, cotton requires special care. For example, that the material does not sat down, white cotton things need to be washed at a temperature not exceeding 95 degrees colored - at 60. And here are thin options for clothing - a maximum of 40 degrees.

Wash the fabrics best in the washing machine. In addition, the automatic system allows you to set the desired washing mode for each individual type of linen.

For any variety of cotton, you can use additional cleaning products that can soften the water in the typewriter, thereby giving the extra softness of the washed clothes.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_44

Colored x / b fabrics can not be erased along with a bleach or means intended for delicate washing. Drying mode is allowed only for some varieties of x / b fabrics. This information can be found on the textile product label.

The dismissal attitude to the tissue leads to the fact that the material sits after washing, respectively, the size of the thing changes and the symmetry of the product is disturbed.

Cotton (45 photos): Properties of dense cotton fabric, thin Polish 100% cotton, types of material and its differences from flax. What if cotton sits down after washing? 3975_45

Master - Class of sewing bed linen See next video.

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