What is Overlock differ from the sewing machine? What's better? Does the stammerous overlock need, if there is a sewing machine?


There are people who do not see the difference between the overlock and the sewing machine. However, these devices are used in the sewing sphere for different purposes. What is the difference in the device and the appointment of these devices, we will tell below.

What is Overlock differ from the sewing machine? What's better? Does the stammerous overlock need, if there is a sewing machine? 3931_2

What is Overlock differ from the sewing machine? What's better? Does the stammerous overlock need, if there is a sewing machine? 3931_3

Difference in the device

Speaking about what is the best - overlock or machine, it is worth saying that the first adaptation can hardly become a full-fledged replacement for the second, but it can be used as an accessory that complements the main tool with a large number of new features. About what different these two devices are distinguished, it is worth telling more. Let's start with a sewing machine. It is its most commonly involved for sewing clothes and other simple in creating things. This device has a large functionality that helps to fasten two parts together, as well as to do seams that differ from each other in difficulty.

In general, the sewing machine has some varieties. For example, electromechanical specimens are isolated, which are equipped with an electric motor. They do not have a large number of programs and are the most suitable for those who are just starting to get involved in cutting and sewing.

She is suitable for those who do not plan to engage in the sewing of things from materials that are hard or delicate.

What is Overlock differ from the sewing machine? What's better? Does the stammerous overlock need, if there is a sewing machine? 3931_4

What is Overlock differ from the sewing machine? What's better? Does the stammerous overlock need, if there is a sewing machine? 3931_5

Computer sewing machines are more complex in terms of its device. They are distinguished by the presence of an electronic display, with which you can specify all the necessary sewing parameters. Typically, such models themselves produce replacing the threads, and also switch the mode of operation of the device, which significantly saves the time and energy of the seam. Such specimens are suitable for those who are seriously engaged in sewing and has many orders. In addition, there are special sewing mechanisms, but they are purchased mainly for large-scale enterprises.

As for Overlock, this device has a different device, and its main function is a stammerable. This unit is intended to process the edge of the fabrics, and some instances are capable even to cut it. It is with his help you can give the seam to the store. In addition, it greatly simplifies work with the processing of sophisticated places and saves the seamstress. Overlock instead of a shuttle detail available in a sewing machine, there are two loovers, which are engaged in the performance of the main tasks of this device.

In addition, Overlock may well use when working up to five threads, while when working on a sewing machine, you need to be limited only to two.

What is Overlock differ from the sewing machine? What's better? Does the stammerous overlock need, if there is a sewing machine? 3931_6

What is Overlock differ from the sewing machine? What's better? Does the stammerous overlock need, if there is a sewing machine? 3931_7

What is Overlock differ from the sewing machine? What's better? Does the stammerous overlock need, if there is a sewing machine? 3931_8

Differences in appointment

First of all, give your preference to the sewing machine in the event that you just learn to sew. Overlock will be needed only if you are going to engage in sewing and further, gradually improving your skills in this area. In this case, it is necessary to look at the purchase of such a model of a device that is aligned and the functions of the overlock, and the sewing machine. The cost of such a device may vary from 5 to 20 thousand rubles, depending on its functional.

If you do not plan to engage in the sewing of any products, but you are important to raw the edges of certain things, then in this case you can safely give preference to overlocked. It not only can serve as a good prefix to domestic sewing machines, but also to be an independent device. It can be used, for example, for trimming a pantian or pent of the sleeves. Most often, Overlock acquire those who find it difficult to find clothes for them in view of the features of the figure, which is why it has to redo it in specific places. So, before purchasing one of these devices, decide for what purposes you buy it. Evaluate your work, the level of skill and the desire to improve it in the future.

What is Overlock differ from the sewing machine? What's better? Does the stammerous overlock need, if there is a sewing machine? 3931_9

What is Overlock differ from the sewing machine? What's better? Does the stammerous overlock need, if there is a sewing machine? 3931_10

Does Overlock need if there is a sewing machine?

To answer the question, whether Overlock is needed if there is a sewing machine, you need to know exactly what goals are you pursuing. So, For those who are just starting to develop sewing, and in general plans to make the design of things for home use, it will be better not to rush with the purchase of overlock. At first, it is quite possible to do with the sewing machine alone. If this device has already been bought, then carefully read its functionality and capabilities. If you do not have a sewing machine and only planning her purchase, then pay attention to its arsenal lines and seams. Yes, the good model will cost more than the one that is simpler, but in everyday life it will come in handy.

In the event that you are planning to engage in the sewage of products for sale, to order, or simply want its invalid side to look high-qualityly, then in this case there are two exits from the situation.

What is Overlock differ from the sewing machine? What's better? Does the stammerous overlock need, if there is a sewing machine? 3931_11

What is Overlock differ from the sewing machine? What's better? Does the stammerous overlock need, if there is a sewing machine? 3931_12

What is Overlock differ from the sewing machine? What's better? Does the stammerous overlock need, if there is a sewing machine? 3931_13

You can do without overlock and process seams yourself. However, in this embodiment there are a number of rather significant minuses. These include what you need to spend more time for processing, have certain sewing skills and experience, and also painstakingly work. It is worth saying that it is beautiful and qualitatively not to treat the edge and qualitatively in all products.

Well, the last option is the purchase of overlock itself, if it is available to you in terms of finance. If you seriously intend to engage in sewing not only for life, but also to order, then this device will probably soon pay off in full. It will largely make the sewing process with light, and will also reduce the time costs.

What is Overlock differ from the sewing machine? What's better? Does the stammerous overlock need, if there is a sewing machine? 3931_14

What is Overlock differ from the sewing machine? What's better? Does the stammerous overlock need, if there is a sewing machine? 3931_15

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