Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need


Fashion always returns. And now again in the trend former at the peak of the style in the eighties semi-half-half skirts. They look elegant and catchy, although it is easy to create them with their own hands. We demonstrate to your attention the best patterns and the process of tailoring skirt-half-fiber. Make sure how it is easy to do at home this item wardrobe for all occasions!

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_2

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_3

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_4

How many fabric will you need?

The answer to this question depends directly on which the length of the skirt you need. This style is equally attractive in all embodiments. Mini, Midi, Maxi - Choose your taste. In this case, consider the features of your figure.

Such skirts are ideal to hide the completeness of the hips and create an elegant silhouette with any complex.

The owners of the reference figure should make a choice in favor of shorter options, so as not to hide the slender legs. A half skirt delightfully emphasizes the waist, slimming any shape.

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_5

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_6

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_7

Choosing a cloth, consider not only its quantity. Think what material will suit you better. It depends first of all, from your garment experience. If it is small, the fabric should be easy to work, should not be painted and have drawings.

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_8

The second criterion for choosing is the destination of the skirt. For a daily summer skirt, jeans are suitable, silk, flax, chiffon, satin. For the cold season, wool fabrics will be relevant for every day, Velvet, Jacquard. Evening skirts for solemn cases are better sewing from atlas, velvet, lace fabrics.

As soon as we decide exactly what kind of fabric you need to buy to create a semifier skirt, it will only remain counting how long the fabric is needed.

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_9

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_10

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_11

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_12

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_13

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_14

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_15

Required calculations

To determine the number of fabric you need, make the following measurements:

  1. Waist girth (from) Calculate with a centimeter tape strictly along the line on which the skirt will have. Here is the choice for you: Want, make it above the navel, want to do below. The main thing is that the measurements accurately recorded the girth in the place where the skirt will be held subsequently.
  2. The length of the product (di) measure the waist from the line to the line of the estimated nose of your skirt, which can be above the knee or slightly cover it, or reach the middle of the caviar. Or can hide even the ankles - Maxi models are particularly relevant recently.

Performing measurements, make sure that the centimeter ribbon does not stretch much, but also weakly did not hold. The skirt length is conveniently measured, tied to the waist of the braid, which will indicate the top edge of the product.

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_16

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_17

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_18

To subsequently build a pattern, you need to produce several simple calculations. Packed for skirts will be built from two semicircles. Denote them as R1 (waist girth - a small radius) and R2 (a large radius, which encloses the length of the skirt and the distance from its edge to the waist).

Small radius is calculated by the formula R1 = from / π, where π is a number equal to 3.14. The larger radius is calculated as follows: di + r1.

Now it's time to start building leaflers.

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_19


Based on the same stage, you can create a variety of variations of a semi-dry skirt. Consider the process of building the most simple pattern, involving only one seam. It can be constructed directly on the fabric.

Fold the material in half, right in the width of the canvas. At the same time, you should have enough space on both sides for R1 + R2 + 5-7cm (allowances on the seam and the hem bending).

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_20

We start building the pattern:

  1. Measure 1.5-2 cm fabric from the edge and draw a straight line along the entire length. Through this mark will be the seam of the skirt and, if necessary, the clasp. Top point mark as O.
  2. From the resulting point, rub and draw two segments in different directions: in one - R1, to another - R1 + R2. Thus, the point O has become the center of the arc. From it, set aside in different directions the same segments and mark them with a dotted line. These lines are combined with smooth, but smooth semicircles.
  3. From an arc having a larger radius, postpone the indent 5 cm and draw a dotted line down. It will denote the bending of the hem. From an arc having a smaller radius, postpone the indent 1.5-2 cm and in the same way draw a dotted line to the allowance in the field of the upper cutting of the skirt - the belt will reach here.
  4. From the remnants of the fabric, we cut the belt in the direction of the equity thread. At the same time, its location on matter needs to be calculated in advance. The size of the belt is 2 widths, since it will be sewn twice as well, and the length is from + 1 cm for free-fitting and + 6 cm for butchers or hook. Draw the necessary segments on the tissue in the ruler. Additionally, on both sides, add 1.5 cm per batteries for seams.

So, the simplest pattern of the semi-half skirt is ready! On its basis, you can create a variety of models of this stylish thing. Consider an example of sewing at home.

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_21

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_22

Tailoring with your own hands

Above, we considered an example of creating the simplest pattern, which can be simulated immediately on the fabric.

To take advantage of our recommendation and own hands to sew a stylish semi-filter skirt, bowls with the following materials and tools:

  • cloth;
  • adhesive tape;
  • zipper and buttons (or crochet);
  • centimeter tape;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • wrap or chalk;
  • pins and needles;
  • threads in tone tissue;
  • sewing machine;
  • Iron.

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_23

Before proceeding with the sewing, the cloth should decide. This will help avoid unwanted shrinkage skirts.

The process of such preparatory processing is simple: Material must be placed in water, carefully squeeze and hang dry. When the fabric is still a little wet, it should be swallowed.

If you use woolen fabric to sewing, just moisturize it with a spacing and dried in the unfolded form.

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_24

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_25

When the fabric is ready, proceed to the cut. The algorithm of actions is:

  • Cut all the details, observing the lines of points for seams.
  • Make the seam, sew the fastener.
  • Ride the piece of belt belt with a glue ribbon, affix it, the belt itself is shooting off the sides, remove the front side up, swing again.
  • Skirt Sit down a little on the waist, using a wide stitch, so that it perfectly segged to your figure. Then set the belt on the wrong side. Watch out the folds of the folds on the line. Stop the inner side of the belt.
  • Select the head of the skirt and sweep it first manually, join the resulting bending, try the skirt. If everything is perfect, - strip out the typewriter. Watch the Niza line to be even so now anywhere tissue is twisted.

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_26

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_27

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_28

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_29

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_30

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_31

It remains only to attach the last detail - a button or hook to the belt. Follow the product. Skirt is ready!

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_32

On the example of this step-by-step instruction, you can create an infinite set of fashionable skirts. You can simplify the process described above, replacing the sewn belt in the main pattern with a rubber band. You can experiment with long, decorative elements (pockets, zippers, etc.).

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_33

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_34

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_35

And you can use the same measurements that you need to create a one-toxic skirt, but to sew a model with wedges, to cut out that the drawing below will help you.

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We hope that our advice will help you not only to follow fashionable trends, but also to create them yourself, creating more and more new models and half skirts!

And for greater inspiration, we offer several options for a combination of a fashionable skirt in the wardrobe:

  1. Romantic image. With a middle-length half-length skirt, combine elegant blouses or tops that emphasize all the advantages of your figure. In the cool time of the year, add such an ensemble with a cardigan of the original mating. This outfit is good for both young girls and older women.
  2. Business style. You can also wear a semi-half skirt. With it in the ensemble there should be a strict blouse or shirt, as well as a turtleneck. Vehicle or jacket is possible.
  3. Perfect couple. Footwear to such a skirt are especially careful. It should be miniature, neat. It is possible to a heel of any length, but not massive.

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_37

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_38

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_39

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_40

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_41

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_42

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_43

Pattern of the skirt half: how to sew your own hands, calculations, how many fabric will need 3927_44

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