Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat


Fur Outerwear, designed for wearing in the cold season, made of animal skins selected on special technologies.

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Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_3

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_4

Unlike the fur coats, the sheepskin coats are in the fur inside, although there are also bilateral options. A classic ochchin was considered a classic ochchin.

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_5

Dublinka or down jacket: What is warmer?

The ideal option for a woman of any age and status is when the presence in her wardrobe coat or jacket speaks only about its preferences. However, most ladies have to decide what exactly to buy it, and how the purchase behaves in the realities of rather harsh Russian colds.

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_6

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_7

Just to compare that warmer - a down jacket or sheepskin - it is impossible. It all depends on the estimated operating conditions, the style, material, the length of the product, the manufacturer.

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_8

Therefore, in order to determine the choice, it is worth considering a number of comparative parameters:

  1. Material. The coat is almost always (with the exception of eco-options) is made of natural materials. Down jacket - almost always (with the exception of filler, and then, not every company) synthetic.
  2. Care features. Directly flow from the first item. Natural materials are good, however, and care for it is more complicated than for artificial. If the jacket caught under the rain can be dried in a couple of hours, then the sheep can be irreparable, if it does not take action on time.
  3. Heat insulating properties and practicality. Of course, it is incorrect to compare the Canada Goose Park, designed for use at extremely low temperatures and a short lightweight coat of doodle or, on the contrary, a warm Tuluchik from Merino or Tuscano (one of the warmest and practical coats) It can be said that both covers and down jackets should be chosen, adhering to a clear understanding, at what time of year and where exactly are you going to wear this clothes. However, if the question arises of the difference in temperatures within one day, besides, accompanied by precipitation, the down jacket will be more appropriate.
  4. Price. If you compare approximately equivalent brands, then the cost will also be at the same limits.
  5. The beauty. But in this case, the advantage will be clear on the side of the sheep. Of course, modern down jackets are distinguished by quite a variety of fittings, a decor, interesting fittings, however, the diversity of models "coat on the contrary" does not go any comparison with the down jackets. In addition, a beautiful born always looks much more presentable than any down jacket - because it is quite difficult to imagine the elegant combination of evening dresses and any, even if the most expensive jacket.

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_9

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_10

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_11

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_12

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_13

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_14

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_15

After analyzing all the above selection criteria, it is possible to make a logical output - the heat-insulating properties in these two items of warm upper clothes, the same length, relatively identical quality created for operation in the same climatic conditions, are also approximately equivalent.

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_16

Therefore, choosing what to buy, coat or down jacket, follow your own style, which is constantly following, if it is a casual version of the outerwear. If we are talking about the beauty and elegance of the image, the advantage will always remain on the side of the sheepskin.

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_17

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_18

Models for the season

Dublinka - not at all, as many people think, heavy warm Tulup, designed for wearing exclusively in the cold season. Depending on the material from which it is made, the method of processing and highlight the skins, the various models of the sheep can be worn almost at any time of the year.

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Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_20

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_21

Warm coats are intended for really low temperatures:

  • Merino is one of the warmer coats, even thin, since such material has thick wool. The disadvantage of Dublenok-Merino is their comparative briefness and weak anti-deformation, as woolen fibers have a small thickness.
  • Enterfino - in contrast to the sheepskinok-Merino, have less thick, however, thicker and coarse wool, as a result of which they are less warm, however, much more durable than the previous version of the sheep.
  • Tuscano is a very warm and beautiful view of a suicide with a long, thick, silky fur, has, besides, exceptional for a durable durable.

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_22

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_23

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_24

Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_25

For dry offseason, lightweight autumn and spring types of sheepskin coats are well suited:

  • Karakul - beautiful, light sheepskins, mostly, are sewed by the famous designers, there are quite rare. Such a sheep can not be called a practical thing, however, they will certainly become one of the indicators of your high status.
  • Kozlina is also a wonderful material for demi-season covers. They are not so warm as winter, and not so elite as doodle, but they are one of the most durable options for this type of outerwear.

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Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_27

    It often happens that in areas with long rainy seasons, the covers simply can not wear without risk to lose the beautiful thing due to moisture and dirt.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_28

    However, modern technology is highlighted with sucks are designed to help us be beautiful at any time of the year, with different types of coatings that improve both the appearance of the coat, and increase its practicality:

    • Krek is the most common type of impregnation. Creates a water-repellent effect on the surface of the cochlery.
    • Spalars - impregnation with a solution containing artificial polymer skin, the surface of the oblane looks like a leather.
    • Pool-AP is one of the most modern types of treatment, in which the suede surface is impregnated with a solution with a rubber content and creates the effect of stretched skin.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_29

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_30

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_31

    Features Croy

    Dublinks, like any other kind of outerwear, may have a cut, providing different silhouette:

    • straight;
    • flared;
    • trapezoidal;
    • asymmetric.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_32

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_33

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    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_35


    Curle-sleeves in herbs can also be several types:

    • Sleeve, including ampir;
    • raglan;
    • Open-rized sleeve, for example, sleeve type bat or kimono;
    • May not have sleeves.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_36

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_37

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_38

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_39


    Which length of the coat to choose is a matter of personal taste and self-esteem:

    • shortened option - to the waist or just below;
    • short - below the waist, on the beginning of the hips;
    • elongated - until the middle of the hip;
    • medium length - to the knee and slightly above / lower;
    • Long coat - from the middle of the tibia and to the length in the floor.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_40

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_41

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_42

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_43

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_44


    Modern accessories used in suckers may be several types:

    • Buttons with slotes;
    • Buttons with mounted loops;
    • zipper (bilateral and one-sided);
    • Clear fastener (with a plank);
    • Combined clasp (on zipper and buttons).

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_45

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_46

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    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_49


    Often sheepskin coats, stitched from sheepskin, are separated by a fur of another animal. Plumbes with a collar decorated with mink look very elegantly. Effective and the option of covers with a hood completely or on the edge of the plated fox-fire, and high cuffs from the same fur.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_50

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_51

    Lightly suckers look great with the dressing "under rektili" with a luxurious long collar of Fox-Chernoburki or Raccoon. More economical and, unfortunately, less durable, but still very beautiful the model of the coat with an unfair collar-rack and the same bunny fur cuffs.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_52


    It is usually decorated in two cases - in the case of the original Fantasy Fantasy Fantasy and in the event that I want to transform the old sheepskin. For decor, various materials and methods are applied:

    • Laser engraving - this type of decor is applied on the canvas itself, from which it will then be tailored.
    • Lace - for light models, quite thin woven lace is quite suitable. It looks great on the coat of knitted lace, made in the adhesive guipure technique.
    • Yarn - knitting of individual elements, followed by sewing to a coat or spinning directly along the edge of the product (hem, cuffs, edges of the shelves).
    • Embroidery is a very interesting way of decor that allows you to get original models in the style of boho or russian style.
    • Application is a spectacular version of the decoration of covers, with which, however, caution should be exercised during the sewing or when the applique sticker so that the shell material does not pull. It is very interesting to look at appliques from the so-called "laser" skin, patterns of which are very elegant.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_53

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_54

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_55

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_56

    • The drawing is either manually or by stencil. For this, special paint is used, easily carrying daily wearing and even dry cleaning.
    • Fur - fur finish of the hood, cuff, the edges of the coat of the sucker of the sweep of the coolant or another type of fur.
    • Beads, rhinestones, beads - apply to decorating the product in the style of Bocho. Sometimes with the help of strips or patterns folding from such elements, it is possible to restore the coat in the deformed places, not only by correcting the damage, but also inhaling the new life in the already subdinent thing.
    • Leather inserts - leather is an excellent material, logical and elegantly emphasizing the beauty of suede.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_57

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_58

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    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_60


    Modern technologies and inexhaustible fantasy fashion designers contribute to the fact that absolutely any woman can choose a bunch only for themselves, guided by only their own taste and financial capabilities.

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    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_62

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_63

    Perhaps there is no such style in which it would be impossible to realize the product from the fucked skins:

    • Casual style is one of the most common styles to whom it is often subject to most of our lives. But the Causual style can be an easy, bringing in everyday life not only comfort and naturalness, but also notes of playfulness.
    • In sports style - another version of the everyday Street Look, perfectly adjusted to an active lifestyle.
    • In retro style - this style is not better suitable for romantic natures, which, first of all, want to be feminine.
    • In the style of Militari - for ladies-amazons, gentle soul and impregnable look. Sometimes the thing in such a style only emphasizes the fragility of a woman, strengthening the desire to take care of her.
    • Boho style is a spectacular combination of incompatible, which gives simultaneously the convenience and the ability to create an attractive image. An artistic, outstanding, not similar to any other - in a covers, made in this style, you will be guaranteed to the center of attention.
    • In Russian style, the unusually bright, first-old Vyacheslav Zaitsev, which was still in the past century, covers in such a style are still popular, especially in Celabritis.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_64

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_65

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    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_69


    The material for the coat is always the fur fabric:

    • suede leather;
    • suede with impregnation, imitating skin;
    • leather;
    • Artificial material, imitating skin or suede - the so-called eco-covers.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_70

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_71

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_72

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_73

    The color of the coat, made of natural skins, fluctuates within the natural range: light beige, red, gray, brown, black. However, those who have such a palette seems boring, modern leather industry can offer almost any color shades: from red to violet.

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    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_75

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    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_77

    Interesting color solutions and prints

    Unusually elegantly look blond acids with contrast finish. An interesting color decision is yellow, not every lady will decide on it, but correctly beaten, the coat of this color can become a real bait for the eyes. Among the colored coat, all shades of the sea wave (blue, turquoise, green, blue), as well as purple and more gentle, lilac modification are very popular in recent times.

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    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_79

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_80

    The combination of burgundy and red, red and black colors is not less popular. Amateur extravagant and light pulmonary should seek leopard or reptiloid prints.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_81

    Types, styles and beautiful models

    For seasonality, the coat can be:

    • demi-season, including shield and stripped;
    • Winter.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_82

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_83

    Production options:

    • one-piece;
    • patchwork;
    • combined, including leather, textiles, knitted elements;
    • bilateral.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_84

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_85

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_86

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_87

    By style:

    • Classic, having a direct silhouette;
    • collapsed;
    • trapezoidal;
    • Overseas;
    • cocoon;
    • poncho;
    • Cape;

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_88

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_89

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_90

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    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_92

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    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_94

    • parks;
    • jackets;
    • jackets;
    • Bustlands;
    • bombers;
    • double-breasted and single-breasted;
    • With different types of collars: Stand, English, Apache, postponed, without collar, hooded;
    • with belt ibez belt;
    • with a bath;
    • transformer.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_95

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_96

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    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_100

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_101

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    For pregnant

    The time when future mothers, especially those in the second half of pregnancy, were awaited by horror on the onset of cold weather, when they have to put on a heavy, uncomfortable, and sometimes with difficulty converging overhead clothes, long ago in the past. Now for a pregnant woman you can pick up a stylish upper wardrobe, including, including a coat, which will make it easy and interesting image and during pregnancy, and after it.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_103

    An excellent version of the cutting of the sheepskinok, which are suitable for pregnant women, becomes a trapezoid cut, not constraining movements and even hiding an interesting position if the future mother wants it. Elegantly looks like a pregnant young girl with a suprochka style in an ampir style, with a cut-off bottom of the breast line and two rows of buttons in the top of the product, emphasizing the fragility and tenderness of the silhouette.

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    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_105

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_106

    For full

    Full women in our time also without any special difficulties may pick up a sheep in size for themselves. Unlike ordinary fur coats, which weighs not so little, which is important for the owner of a large size (from 52 to 60), and in most cases, it adds a completely unnecessary volume in this case, and is quite expensive.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_107

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_108

    Obochka-Oversiza or a coat having a trapezoid cut, and maybe a trendy cape will make the image of the ladies in the body elegant and stylish, despite its pomp, and sometimes thanks to it.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_109

    The only thing to take into account the ladies with volumes is not worth putting short types of coats, they can expand the already rather thighs and the area of ​​the abdomen. The most universal and traditional, almost win-win, the option in this case is a dubbing of a straight line to the knee or slightly lower.

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    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_111

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_112

    For women 50 years

    Russian women at the age of about 50 years have recently been very conservative and preferred the same traditional styles, but now they are increasingly not going to put up with the onset of old age, and often in 50 years look more interesting than they looked at 35 or 40. This contributes to The right choice of warm outerwear, including sheepskins.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_113

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_114

    Of course, creating your own style, a fifty-year-old woman is more prone to elegant silhouettes and tries to avoid extravagant details, but sometimes it is enough to put on a frivolous herbs-cute and jeans (if the figure is allowed and the feeling of internal harmony will not be disturbed) so that not only feel, but also look much younger than your passport age. The assortment of herbs for a woman in 50 and above maybe it is worth limiting only by the lack of screaming colors, which are unlikely to decorate it and some styles, still more relevant frivolous youth (for example, the princess "princess" stamps).

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    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_116

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_117

    How to care?

    Dublinka is not the most simple thing in the care thing, however, if you want it to please you as long as possible, you should pay special attention to the careful attitude and a number of rules, which regular compliance with you will help you extend the life of its service.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_118

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_119

    • Do not wear a coat in rain or wet snow;
    • If you still failed to avoid moisture from getting into a sheepskin, try to quickly shook the water and dry the coat in room temperature;
    • Under no circumstances are not recommended to dry a bunch on or near heating devices;
    • If you really want to wear a coat with wet weather, you can try to treat it with a special water-repellent impregnation sold in aerosols, but this should be extremely careful, carefully reading the instructions and try to try on the least noticeable place of your coat;
    • It is also not recommended for coat, especially painted in bright colors, long stay on the bright sun;
    • Store the sheepskinchka follows in a dark dry place, neatly rolling it or folded, while trying to avoid tight contact with other things; At the same time, it is possible to put it in a package of air-permeable material;
    • The washing of covers is contraindicated, with severe contaminants, the chemical cleaning is allowed;
    • Try not to sit in a long sheep in order to prevent it from stretching from the back;

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_120

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_121

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_122

    • Sitting in a short coat, always unbutton at least the bottom button, it will help to avoid stretching both the loop and the shelf itself;
    • putting on a bunch, remind yourself not to wear a bag on a long handle on the shoulder or short - on the elbow, so the coat is very quickly will be worse in this place and will lose the appearance;
    • Try not to keep your hands in your pockets, these places, like the edges of the sleeves, are the most vulnerable and quickly arrange;
    • After each outlet, the coat should be cleaned with a special rubber brush designed for suede or a special skin agent;
    • In the case of contaminants on a suede surface, for example, the appearance of a spot, it is necessary to try to bring it as early as possible; To do this, you can use either purchased tools for skin care and suede, or folk methods (for example, with a slice of white bread or very small emery paper), or provide to deal with dyschlorinum pollution;
    • In the event of contaminants on the leather surface, everything is much simpler - such spots can simply wipe with a wet cloth.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_123

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_124

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_125


    Reviews of covers, mostly wear a positive character, sometimes giving up to enthusiastic, because the styles and a variety of styles of stamps can compete only a coat, but the covers are a much more spectacular and even status thing.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_126

    The only disadvantages that are celebrated by almost all the owners of the coat are the complexity of the care of this upper clothes and the inability to put on a loving item of a warm wardrobe to any weather.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_127

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_128

    What to wear?

    Even in our age, quite a tolerant fashion that welcomes the mixing of styles, put on a luxury fry fur coat with jeans - nevertheless not commilfo, and such an empty can be allowed only for Ceboribritis, and without the famous extravagancy, and behavior. Dublinka is a much more democratic version of the outerwear than a fur coat (although, sometimes no less expensive), allowing more free and discrepansed combinations.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_129

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_130

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_131

    It is worth only to take into account the overall compatibility of the styles of covers and that clothes you are going to wear under it:

    • Non-short coopers are superbly complemented by tinned jeans and boots-uggs, warm sneakers or boots. It will be remarkably an image of a volume scarf-shed.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_132

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_133

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_134

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_135

    • Stylish coat of a more traditional style is perfectly combined with short skirts or knitted dresses, boots boots on a heel or a wrench are suitable as shoes. As a headdress, you can put on a pawn or throw a palatine on the head.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_136

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_137

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_138

    • Long options are allowed even with evening dresses and straile shoes.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_139

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_140

    CHLOE is a very rarely encountered model of beige color from Chloe, a very rare model, which is perfectly combined with narrow pants and ankle boots or high boots on a flat sole, creating an image in the style of "Pilot".

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_141

    Very short gray coarse-rust of Topshop Unique with a contrasting collar and challenges are an excellent youth option.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_142

    Warm even on the look of the Black Burberry Bush Barberry style - an excellent example of the fact that the combination of black and white is always in fashion, and a contrasting stop and high lightning cuffs only add elegance.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_143

    A completely unusual model with a lightning, a slight movement of which blue long covers of Lacoste turns into a shortened sport style.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_144

    The elegant "Girl" option is a red-haired coat from Tory Burch with a fluffy curly fur with a fluffy curry fur around the edge of the product and cuffs.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_145

    An extended sheep-cape from Maison Margiela is deliberately losing, it creates a "bad girl" style with good intentions.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_146

    The extravagant model of the coat with a bright print from - not every lady will decide on such an experiment.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_147

    The chocolate color of medium length with a collar-shall and smell on a narrow varnish belt is a casual, but such an elegant option.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_148

    Stylish images

    The incredible model of the short two-color coat with even more unusual free pants on the zipper in all length and light shocks.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_149

    Casual very stylish image of a shortened black leather coat with a beige collar of sheepskin, a beige long skirt with a cut in front and spectacular boots with rivets across the edge.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_150

    SERO-beige china with pearl sampling and sleeves of a stingy ampir and a collar from raccoon.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_151

    Patchwork, bright and unique, with a bulk fur collar and cuffs, black ankle boots on a wide brown heel and a wide-headed hat.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_152

    Red coat in a boobo-style outcast style, which is allowed to all.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_153

    The spectacular very short brown-brown color is a covert with a wide shielded collar, a leather skirt-pencil-length-length and bright suede shoes on the platform.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_154

    Artificial shellets without sleeves in Russian style, sweater, jeans and ankle boots.

    Female suckers (155 photos): What is this, fashion trends 2021-2022, stylish models, from acne, Kerimov, Burberry, Types of coat 391_155

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