Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews


Pretty rarely on the market there is a brand, which in all its products embodies certain concepts and ideas. Founded in the Swedish capital, the Cheap Monday store boasts an excellent combination of low prices and pronounced politics. This is a simple, beloved by all European teenagers brand, which, despite its popularity, is not a representative of the usual mass market.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_2

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_3


Swedish company, producing men's, women's clothing and accessories Cheap Monday, belong to the well-known H & M Youth Brand (Hennes & Mauritz AB). The entire range of trademark has a pronounced anti-religious, rebellious orientation, which attracts an adolescent audience, prone to actively express its radical position.

Created by Cheap Monday, mainly on informals and adherents of various subcultures, and the affordable price makes the brand range affordable and in demand in these circles.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_4

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_5

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_6

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_7

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_8

Brand history

The history of Cheap Monday began in early 2000, when two comrades from Sweden - Adam Freiberg and Oriaan Andersson - decided to open a modest stack of second-hand called Weekend on the outskirts of Stockholm. Even though their "boutique" worked only on weekends, he quickly gained popularity among metropolitan youth. The fame who fell on the founders prompted them to establish a store larger, in the very center of the city. From now on the shelves began to appear multi-brand things, both used and new, from prestigious firms. The store began to work daily and changed the name on Weekday.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_9

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_10

Four years later, the founders launched their brand of jeans that were even less than those sold earlier. At the same time, a branded logo was developed - a skull with an inverted cross on the forehead (symbol of satanism) - as well as the first model of narrow trouser stretch from denim. The company had no less stunning success, the company became more famous.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_11

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_12

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_13

Let's go back to the logo. The idea belonged to the friends of Anderson - Bernu Otldaksu and Karl Grandin . An inverted cross was supposed to personify the negative attitude of the creators to religion, because, according to Oriaan, it was Christianity that was always the cause of all armed conflicts. However, in 2010 it was decided to remove the cross from the logo and replace it with an ordinary vertical feature, however, the devotees of the brand fans remember what the company initially supported the company.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_14

Cheap Monday success in 2005 led to the expansion of the brand range, and also everyday jeans, the company took up the release of the other clothes, which was already known outside Sweden. To date, this youth brand stores open more than 30 countries, including in Russia.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_15

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_16

Although in our country brand is not particularly caught on: Cheap Monday Division once opened in the shopping center on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, however, it was closed in 2014 due to low profitability. Failed firm to win any of Petersburg and young people: in the northern capital, he managed to hold only about a year.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_17

Since 2009, the chief designer of the company was Ann-Sofie Back, a true fan of the classic Swedish style. Thanks to her collection of Cheap Monday supplemented cardigans, sarafans, dresses, shirts and even outerwear (coats, jackets). Special northern style give her things dark "jammed" colors: black, gray, blue. Such models are particularly distinguished by their practicality.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_18

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_19

Clothing from Cheap Monday is now represented in the official online store, popular multiyurendovom site Boutiques successfully work in Paris, London, Copenhagen and Beijing.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_20

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_21

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_22

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_23

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_24

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_25


As already mentioned, women's and men's jeans - the basic direction of Cheap Monday. The brand offers mostly narrower, shorter and skinny models, as well as trendy jeans with decorated pockets.

There are options for both high and low-slung and wide dimensional grid allows you to choose pants on any figure.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_26

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_27

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_28

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_29

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_30

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_31

In addition, the brand launches its line of accessories - hats, jewelry, sunglasses and so on..

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_32

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_33

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_34

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_35

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_36



Cheap Monday Clothing in no way inferior to similar things other representatives of the mass market, but do not exceed them. But, unlike many, the company does not sin by excessive branding: the logo is usually located on the fittings and is not evident, and on his trousers closed belt.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_37

Manufacturers do not pay attention to detail, using simple yet sturdy hardware. Now Cheap Monday collections are presented as a basic wardrobe items (plaid shirts, T-shirts, shorts) and bright, extravagant things with a print or an original design. The most popular clothing or gothic grunge style - rough, but at the same time stylish and extraordinary.

But in general, the brand specializes in the style of casual, non-trivial and suitable to every modern teenagers, but can also be found non-standard products with asymmetric cuts or unusual brim.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_38

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_39

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_40

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_41

With the development of the brand, its assortment is regularly updated with new interesting things, different original cut. Along with skinni jeans, the company began to produce broad, collapsed models, as well as torn with a careless design. In addition, sneakers, pullovers and sweaters, underwear and home sets appeared.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_42

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_43

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_44

The range does not boast of special premium quality: all things are produced in China and other Asian countries. But the low price of this does not assume that Cheap Monday clothing is quite good for its level. The main material is cotton, often in a mixture with elastane or viscose. There are also shirts of 100% cotton, pretty pleasant to the touch.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_45

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_46

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_47

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_48

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_49

All production is carried out in a machine manual, no handmade work. The range is quite different. With the same share of the probability, you can find both high-quality, good shirt, and a stupid T-shirt with a huge branded logo on the chest. But, on the other hand, is it worth expecting something incredible from the brand products started as second-hand?

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_50

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_51

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_52


Consumers dramatically disagree in opinions about the brand. Some like the Bunctric Spirit and Style, someone is indifferent to it. Some find things too banal and uninteresting, while others consider the design of clothing bright and extraordinary. One thing can be said for sure: for adherents of classics, Cheap Monday products are hardly suitable.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_53

Devoted brand fans - teenagers, young people - leave positive feedback on acquired things. According to many of them, Things from Cheap Monday emphasize their young age and allow you to express individuality . Of course, the main advantage of brand products note the low price of its products.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_54

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_55

Most buyers are unhappy with the ordinary, primitive quality of clothing. Many are not satisfied with the catchy design. Another lack of clothing, celebrated by many, is often a little one, and therefore the thing ordered from the online store is always a cat in a bag.

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Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_57

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_58

After reviewing the large number of absolutely opposite reviews, you can generally designate the main advantages and cons of Cheap Monday products.


  • Modernity - Cheap Monday clothes quite satisfy the tastes of youth;
  • Availability - the average price category allows you to look stylish without extensive costs;
  • Easy - the brand specializes in most part on everyday clothes, simple and at the same time interesting.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_59

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_60


  • Not premium quality - buyers complain about sticking threads and uneven seams;
  • The second level - the brand is not much different from the rest of the representatives of the mass market, and the produced models and styles can be found by any other youth store;
  • Inattention to detail - in production enough cheap fittings are used.

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_61

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_62

But it is not necessary to scold much Cheap Monday for not fully consistent with our expectations, sometimes overestimated. It is necessary to make a discount on the fact that the brand was founded by two simple young guys and was originally perceived by them as a kind of hobby, which, thanks to the ambitions of the creators, as a result, turned into a fairly successful business project, challenging the entire mass culture and religious settings.

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Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_64

Cheap Monday (69 photos): Women's jeans with pockets and shirts, sunglasses, brand history and quality reviews 3746_65

And although the range of the brand does not claim uniqueness and exclusivity, Cheap Monday is still popular among the younger generation. In addition, the brand philosophy directly suggests that a person himself creates his unique style and expresses his individuality, and the trademark only provides him with the opportunity to choose the necessary things for this. This is an example of a local brand scorched on a global scale.

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