Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns


The founder of this brand is called the main minimalist of all time. The brand itself is associated with sexuality, challenge and scandal.

Calvin Klein is not just a popular brand of clothing and underwear, it is a real embodiment of the grace and inner freedom, which has no framework.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_3

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_6

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_7

A little about the founder of the company

Celvin Klein was born in 1942, and, according to a family legend, he already realized that he wanted to be a designer.

The boy's dreams were embodied - at the age of 18 he graduated from the Higher School of Arts and Design, then entered the New York Fashion Institute of Technology.

At the beginning of his career, he worked in various houses of New York fashion as a healthy, but rather soon he was tired of being on the backyards.

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In 1964, he married, her daughter was born with his wife, but after 10 years the marriage collapsed.

In 1968, he founded his own company and created his first collection for money, which he lean from a friend Barry Schwartz, who ended up with his companion.

As Kelvin himself said, each has a chance in the US, if he has the necessary abilities and the desire to work hard. Klein and the fact and the other was abundant, which was his formula for success.

The 70s were marked for him with stormy parties and bohemian parties, which soon he was tired. In the late 80s, he married his assistant Kelly Rector, however, in 2006, this marriage also had an end.

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After passing a long way, in 2003 the designer was departed from affairs and went to a well-deserved rest. Today he leads a healthy lifestyle, likes to attend exotic cuisine restaurants and just enjoys life.

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Brand history

Initially, Calvin Klein Ltd. He was a student engaged in sewing male classic clothes in the face of Klein himself. It was located in one of the New York hotels, which, according to legend, was a great success for a novice designer.

Once the owner of the fashionable boutique, which was located above, was mistaken by the elevator button and wandered in the studio to the young Kelvin. He was so impressed with the collection of clothing, which made an order for 50 thousand dollars. Perhaps do not be this fateful meeting, for the designer everything would have happened otherwise. It was thanks to her, he got the opportunity from the very beginning his career to use the money in his pleasure and to create truly incredible things.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_12

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_13

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_14

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_15

A year later, Klein became known in the Bohemian Tusovka of New York and even himself starred for the glossy magazine. These were the insane years of life, according to the designer himself, who were accompanied by a variety of parties, alcohol and drugs. However, an amazing way, it did not affect his performance, and in 1970 he decides to launch the clothing line for women.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_17

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_18

Taking the classic men's jacket as the basis, it creates a percoat coat, which for a long time sets the tone of the fashion trends of that time. Today, this model is known to us as a bushlate - a double-breasted shortened coat that never comes out of fashion.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_20

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_21

In 1978, a turning point was occurring in the history of the brand. Kelvin has already realized that jeans is the subject of wardrobe, which is undeservedly deprived by the attention of famous designers.

Up to this point, the trousers from Denim were associated with everyone with working clothes, and it was Kelvin Klein who made a fashionable revolution, releaseing the first brand jeans. They became a symbol of nobility and sexuality, and a stylish pair with cherished CK letters now dreams of getting every American fashionista.

Later, Klein became the first one who painted Denim in black and sewed the model, tightly tightly fitting.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_23

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_25

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_26

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_27

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_28

In the early 80s, the brand begins to produce men's underwear, which is considered legendary today. A wide gum with a brand logo made it recognizable all over the world, and the number of fakes and copies and today continues to be issued in countless circles.

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The company's revenue is growing rapidly, brand clothing is sold throughout the United States and in European countries, and annual income exceeds $ 600 million!

However, such a turn of events is quite substantiated, because the brand owner fonts innovative ideas, which are perceived with the public with delight. One of the most significant, no doubt, becomes the creation of the "Unisex" style.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_31

Kelvin Klein first created a collection of clothing, which was not gender-normative, that is, the same fit for the people of both sexes. He committed the greatest revolution in the history of modern fashion, abandoning the framework and conventions and allowing people to wear the most comfortable and comfortable clothing, regardless of the gender.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_33

The designer not only laid fashioned trends, but also reacted as much as possible to any changes in the fashion industry. For example, when the "Militari" style entered the fashion in the beginning of the 2000s, in the brand's assortment, the cargo trousers and the clothing of protective color appeared. Gradually, the company grows into the empire and begins to open his boutiques in the east.

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Despite incredible popularity, annual million income and several prestigious premiums, after 30-year tireless work, Klein begins to think about rest.

In 2003, the company was sold by the "Shirty" Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation for $ 400 million. The designer received the right to be a consultant in this huge empire and choose a new receiver when he wants to finally move away from affairs. A new designer of the Calvin Klein brand was the Brazilian of Francisco Costa. He remained faithful to tradition, creating clothes in the usual fans of the minimalism brand.

In 2016, he was replaced by RAF Simons, which is located in this position today.

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The brand was and remains one of the most recognizable, successful and sold worldwide. His concept, as before, is based on conciseness and simplicity, which never comes out of fashion.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_37

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_38

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_39

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_40

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A year ago, the brand returned the status of the most discussed status, thanks to the #Mycalvins advertising campaign, in which the popular singer Justin Bieber and Supermodel Kendal Jenner took part.

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Advertising this fashion house generally deserves separate attention, so we suggest to get acquainted with the most significant campaigns in his history.

Advertising campaigns

We already know that Celvin Klein is a kind of revolutionary in the fashion world, the founder of one of the most popular styles and the creator of the first designer jeans. In addition, it is a legend in the advertising world, with the name of which is associated with many scandals.

It all started with the very first jeans in the history of advertising, which later became one of the symbols of the sexual revolution in the United States. Not surprisingly, after all, a 15-year-old Brooke Shields were blocked on a poster, and the inscription on the billboard read "You know that there is nothing between me and my jeans?"

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The public reaction was deafening - at that time, the Puritan states accused Klein in propaganda of teenage pornography, but at the same time sales of jeans took off to heaven.

From this advertising, a series of advertising provocations of the KC brand began, and other brands also picked up this trend.

In 1988, the Calvin Klein Collection line was the young model of Christ Tarlington. Subsequently, she once became the face of the brand. For example, in 2013, a contract was again concluded with her, and Christie again starred in a frank advertising photo shoot, because her figure and in 44 years was the subject of admiration.

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In the early 90s, the brand shocked the public again - in the advertisement of underwear for the first time a practically naked male body is demonstrated. Billboard depicting Mark Wahlberg is shoved in the center of Manhattan, Kelvin accused of promoting excessive sexuality and debauchery, and sales reaches a critical point again.

Today, the photograph of the brand with an ideal press and a disinfection smile is also included in the list of the cult and most memorable.

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The 18-year-old Kate Moss, whose career and popularity began with this brand also took part in this advertising campaign. Together with Wahlberg, she starred in advertising the legendary unisex perfume Calvin Klein One, as well as in jeans advertising, which again shook the public - besides this object of clothing, there was nothing more.

Kate already had a scandalous image, so they perfectly worked with the Calvin Klein brand. They collaborated quite a long time, while in 2003, Natalia Vodyanova came to replace it. She continued the tradition - the same face type Baby Face, thin and at the same time sex figure.

In 2007, the brand still continued to amaze - in advertising a line CK Underwear for Men starred the black guy - Actor Jimon Honsu. This gave a new impetus to the development of the brand, which began to move in the Bunlet direction.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_47

Two years later, Calvin Klein collided with a loud scandal. The brand decided to go beyond and create underwear for girls with magnificent forms, which was able to adequately imagine the hot eva Mendez. Frank advertising, in which the actress starred was named "pornographic" and "sexual as hell".

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_49

It should be noted that the overwhelming number of promotional photos CK is concise black and white pictures. They have nothing superfluous, only focus on the product itself and body model.

The brand philosophy has always been provocative, promoting the fact that sexuality has no framework. Such an approach could not be made easily, so at one time Kelvin Klein collided with a lot of trials.

In 1995, an investigation began, which accused the brand in the operation of minors in sexual advertising. The public requires to prohibit provocative advertising with the young Brooke, its support is a number of large editions.

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In order not to let destroy your company, Klein is forced to obey, after which all charges from it were removed.

The brand has repeatedly encountered legal proceedings, since the fashion designer did not stop creating advertising campaigns, who plunged society in shock. He paid millions of claims and brought public apologies, and his brand sales continued to grow. No one argues that the scandals became one of the components of the Success CK, becoming part of the company's image.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_52

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_55

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_56


  • Calvin Klein Collection is a luxury monobrared line, within which underwear is available, clothing and accessories of the highest quality.
  • CK Calvin Klein - inexpensive clothes and shoes in the style of Casual.
  • Calvin Klein (White Label) - Sportswear and shoes.
  • Calvin Klein Jeans - Denim's clothes.
  • Calvin Klein Golf - clothing, shoes and golf accessories.
  • Calvin Klein Watches & Jewelry - exclusive watches and decorations in the style of minimalism;
  • Calvin Klein Home - Stylish Clothing and Accessories for Home;
  • Calvin Klein Underwear is a line of the famous underwear.

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Previously, lingerie was ugly, but practical, or uncomfortable, but seductive. Everything has changed with the advent of Calvin Klein Underwear - briefs and bras have become comfortable and sexy at the same time.

The most popular and today there are cotton models with a wide elastic band, which causes the brand logo. The assortment shows as classic models, tanga, thong, bikini panties, thus, each girl can choose the model suitable for her.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_59

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_60

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_62

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The bras are also diverse - these are comfortable tops, smooth models on the bone and with Push-ap. Of course, it does not work out without lace models, however, they are always restrained and concise. There are no extra elements, only thin cotton and elegant lace, which is created to emphasize the beauty of the female body.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_65

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_66

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_67

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_69

Swimwear presented in the assortment invariably retain the brand concept - constant minimalism and restrained colors, but at the same time they make the shape of seductive and sexual

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_71

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_74


The Calvin Klein Home line contains homemade clothing in which you will feel comfortable and attractive. It can be a thin ristal, cotton pajama pants and a T-shirt or shorts with a t-shirt.

You can complement your home look, you can cheat or sweatshirt, which will be indispensable in the winter season.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_76

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_77

Since it is this brand that advanced jeans in a large world of fashion, a pair of trouser from Denim with a cherished label CK is still a personification of impeccable style and taste.

Jeans with the branded seam "Omega" on the rear pockets are always high quality and discreet minimalism. The assortment presents a variety of models, both classic and trendy - with scuffs, holes and other design elements.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_79

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_80

T-shirts with CK logo never came out of fashion. Especially they were popular in the 90s, and now, with the return of this era, re-acquired unprecedented popularity. Brand once again proves that laconicity and simplicity is incredibly beautiful and stylish.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_82

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_83

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_84

In almost every ruler, a variety of outerwear is represented for every taste. Of course, the down jackets are most popular. Many of them are represented by short stegan jackets that are popular with young people. They are comfortable and lungs - ideal for everyday socks.

There are options are authentic - coat down jackets. All models have a discreet accuracy design, resembling a sports style. Also concerns the coat - medium length, classic cut, neutral color gamut. Sometimes there are models with a fur rumble at the hood.

The outerwear of this brand is aimed at active and targeted residents of the metropolis.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_86

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_87

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_88

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_89




All shoes presented from CK retains the concept of the brand. These are always discreet models without delights and coupling decor, regardless of the ruler. The assortment presents sandals and sandals, flip-flops and slippers in a sporty style with the inscription Calvin Klein, shoes on a heel without it.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_91

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_92

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_93

The most demands are used by the daily sneakers models that can serve as an excellent alternative to sneakers of famous sports brands. Completed from genuine leather, they are comfortable and comfortable in the sock.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_95

Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_96


The key to the success of the watches of Calvin Klein is a flawless style and traditional Swiss quality. They are produced under a separate brand CK Watch Co. Ltd., which was created by collaborating the CK brand and the well-known manufacturer of Swatch Group watches.

The first brand hours, oriented on young dynamic people, were released in 1997. The bright design and presence of a branded logo among many other manufacturers.

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Every year a new clock collection comes out, which is divided into three directions: Designer models, classic women's and classic men.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_99

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Recently, the Flash model uses popularity - it is a wide metal bracelet, on which the dial merges with the housing. Such clock is incredibly stylish and completely universal. They will look good with casual clothes, business and even evening images.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_102

The reversible model was always sold. In them, the clasp is located under the dial, and the strap made of leather is usually bilateral.

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Calvin Klein's bags and wallets are distinguished by a discreet design and a relaxed color scheme. Previously, each model was combined with all the clothes presented in the collection. Now accessories refer to a separate lineup, so the range has become more diverse.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_105

It presents various everyday spacious models - shoppers, taut and hobo, and compact crossbody on a long strap. Also to enter the light have small elegant clutches.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_107

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_109

Bags and wallets are made of leather or classic tapestry with a brand monogram.

The design of all Calvin Klein accessories is sharpened to reject everything too much and pay special attention to detail. This is the main concept of the line, which is preserved for years.

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The first brand perfume was released in 1978, but this attempt was unsuccessful. Despite this, Klein did not leave attempts to create an ideal fragrance, and he succeeded. In 1985, Obsession was released, for advertising which naked Kate Moss starred.

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Then the release of high-profile iconic aromas Eternity (1988), Escape (1991) and, finally, was created in 1994. Unisex-perfume CK One, which critics consider the best creation of the brand.

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Calvin Klein (122 Pictures): Brand History, Assortment, Underwear, Clothing and Watches, Advertising Campaigns 3730_113

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At the moment, the loud and popular aroma, no doubt, is Euphoria released in 2005. It was awarded the prestigious Fifi Awards Awards - a peculiar analogue of the Oscar, which is awarded for achievements in the field of perfumery.

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How to distinguish the original from the fake?

Calvin Klein is one of the brands that fake most often. In particular, it concerns underwear, perfumery and wristwatches.

The latter must necessarily have a package with a logo, a quality certificate and a manufacturer's warranty. Any model has an original trial on the housing, a belt and a fastener - it allows you to distinguish even a very high-quality copy.

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Remember that authentic CK watches are quite expensive - for the manufacture it is used to surgical to become the highest quality, and a third of the cost is a leather strap.

Choosing Calvin Klein perfumes, pay attention to the packaging - a hologram must be present on it, and on the bottom - a special batche code that allows you to check not only authenticity, but also the shelf life of the fragrance. It is worth noting that the cost of Perfumery CK is located in the average price category, so most girls can purchase original perfume without prejudice to the wallet.

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Despite the success and popularity of the brand, Calvin Klein product reviews are ambiguous. Girls note that jeans, for example, can be of different quality - one are worn over years, and others are linted and lose an attractive appearance after the first washing.

It all depends on the ruler in which you will get the selected thing. If it is inexpensive, it makes no sense to count on luxury quality, and, on the contrary, all things from the premium line will delight both appearance, and quality, and long-term sock.

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