Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it


The cloak itself is a unique thing that always remains relevant. Indeed, in every new season, designers offer new models of a raincoat, but no one even thinks to give up them. What to say for the classic cloak, which, by definition, should always remain relevant.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_2

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_3

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_4


Classic raincoats are most often created from fine tissue, which has the properties of moisture and wind-leverafficness. This material is even called like clothes that sews out of it. At least it was so before. With the advent of new materials and fashion trends, designers are increasingly preferred by other tissues.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_5

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_6

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_7

There are several options among this assortment:

  • The skin is great for creating a classic style. This material is worn well, does not floss, does not lose its relevance, and also has the ability to combine with other clothes of various styles.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_8

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_9

  • The cloak will always be used to create a raincoat and other materials will not be able to oust it finally. This tissue includes cotton and synthetic fibers that pass special processing. As a result, the material becomes waterproof. A cloak with the effect of "memori" is common, the essence of which is the ability to spine during compression and quickly smoothed.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_10

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_11

  • Gabardine is long worn, it is resistant to intensive exploitation, it is easy to clean, not inclined to wiping and perfectly holds its shape.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_12

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_13

  • Suede always has an expensive look, looks smart and easily combined in various images. But this material is easily wedged, requires complex care, it is expensive. Cloak from suede can be bought for special occasions, but for every day such an element of the wardrobe will not fit.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_14

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_15

  • Denim, especially dark, can also be used for sewing classic raincoats.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_16

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_17

  • Velvet looks unusually, you can even say, aristocratically.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_18

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_19

  • Cotton, in particular, merserized. With the help of modern processing, cotton fibers acquire such properties that are needed for outerwear. This material looks more expensive and noble, becomes comfortable for use during the off-season.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_20

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_21


In general, for a raincoat accepts any color, here the designers do not limit themselves. But if the conversation goes about classical cloaks, you can only select a few options:

  • Black;

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_22

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_23

  • Gray;

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_24

  • Beige;

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_25

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_26

  • Blue.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_27

Types of classic floating

Classic cloak is a common name that combines several types of outerwear.

Burnage Burberry first appeared in 1856. Thomas Barberry presented this clothes, who specialized in the production of sportswear. Burning Burberry was a gabardine Trench, which was used as a uniform with soldiers, detectives, spies.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_28

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_29

After so much time, such a cloak is actively used in male and female fashion. Similar raincoats have a number of distinctive features:

  • Emplooms with buttons serve as an element of the decor;
  • Laccan buttons warms the chest and protects against wind;
  • Cuffs with the ability to regulate;
  • using a breathable material;
  • The belt made of fabric can be tied in front or rear;
  • Lining from woolen material with removable design.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_30

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_31

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_32

Trenchkot is the progenitor of classical raincoats. He is so universal, which can wear almost with any clothes.

Trenchkot can be compared with a small black dress, because it should also be in every female wardrobe. This displacement is double-breasted, so girls with great breasts standing with caution look at such clothes. Yes, and buttons located in two rows at the top of the raincoat will slightly add volume.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_33

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_34

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_35

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_36

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_37

English Classic Cloak is different from their fellows as follows next features:

  • The silhouette is fitted, but not particularly narrow;
  • Collar small but closed;
  • disguised buttons who hide behind two straps;
  • The rubber shape of pockets, which are often equipped with valves or leaves;
  • Employs are absent, and the presence of a belt is optional.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_38

What to wear?

Getting acquainted with classic cloaks, we could not bypass the side of the question of combining them with another clothing.

Floats in the classic version are perfectly combined with almost any clothes, but the detailed overview will still not be superfluous.

  • Jeans and pants can be selected by any, focusing on their personal preferences and sense of style.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_39

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_40

  • Dresses and skirts look good with cloaks that have a belt or belt. In this case, the raincoat must completely close the clothes. It is unacceptable even several centimeters of the hem, which will look out from under the cloak.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_41

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_42

  • With which shoe wearing classic raincoats - another actual question that worries many fashionists. First of all, it is worth considering boots and shoes with a heel. Such a choice of shoes is especially relevant for long models. Options with flat soles can be considered, but the combination of clothing and shoes in this case should be perfect.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_43

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_44

  • The decorations may be present in the image, but the cloak in this case should have the most discreet style. In the classic image, you can add a clock or bracelet, laconic earrings, a chain with a small pendant. The main thing is not to overdo it. It is not necessary to wear all the best and immediately.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_45

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_46

  • The bag can be a large and spacious or small type of clutch.

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_47

Classic Cloak (48 photos): What to wear English double-breasted blue and other color Trench, with which shoes to combine it 368_48

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