Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names


Most women seek to look stylish and quite impressive to feel confident in any situation. Many of them are amenable to fashion trends and advice of professional stylists, and someone gets independently decorate their wardrobe with suitable things.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_2

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_3

Currently, many understand how important it is to pay attention not only to the cut things like things, but also the opportunity to make an interesting and beautiful image with it. That is why it is necessary to be interested in the existing trends in modern style styles, which will make it easier for the search and purchase of a suitable thing among a wide range.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_4

Features and advantages of individual styles

In the world of women's fashion, there are a huge number of directions that can most accurately emphasize individuality, worldview or status. They simply get lost in them, because before choosing a "character" of his wardrobe to begin with, it is necessary to figure out the existing types of styles and find out which of them are most popular in the current year.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_5

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_6

On the main trends of spring-summer 2017, you can learn from the video below:

This year is characterized, at first glance, a slightly paradoxical combination of negligence with elegance. In addition, such combinations must necessarily emphasize the femininity and dignity of the figure of their owner.

This can be achieved with the help of the following relevant relevant directions this year.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_7


Grunge is a youth style of modern and active girls who are ready to throw a challenge to the well-established fashion canons. The main rule of this style is: "Just, catchy, sexy." Many stylists for a long time characterized him as a protest against Glamor, however, lately this style has been transformed with modern designers and stylists that now every glamorous girl wants to decorate herself with the clothes of this direction.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_8

This style appeared in America of the 90s, in the circles of rock stars, which challenged the popular pop culture, impregnated with gloss and clocks. He showed his owner, as deprived of seriousness and not burdened by the framework of a person who sought to live as he tells him the heart, and not imposed on the rules of the fashion industry on music and clothing. Grunge gave more freedom for creativity in the created images that it likes so much in this style and modern youth.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_9

The main advantages of this style is comfort in combination with spectacularity. The first and latter is achieved by a combination of elements of the wardrobe of different styles in such a way as to get something completely new, but not devoid of taste. Currently, this style is extremely loved by creative girls who are looking for a way of self-expression. Grunge in this gives complete freedom. And since the clothes of this style is famous for its convenience, it is great for active residents of the metropolis.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_10

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_11

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_12

The main attributes of this style are slightly baggy things with scuffs, checkered shirts, short skirts of the "bell" species, which are often diluted with such gothic elements like leather jackets, stripes and spikes, tights in the mesh. From accessories extremely popular are the variety of chains with uncomplicated coulons, metal bracelets and piercing.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_13

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_14

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_15

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_16

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_17

Stylists recommend choosing between comfortable ked, massive shoes or spectacular shoes on the corrugated sole. The bag should not be too voluminous, suitable leather clutch on a long strap.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_18


Femininity in combination with unobtrusive elegance - all this is a retro style. It is usually characterized by a simple cut clothes, which, paired with spectacular elements of the decor, is able to emphasize the advantages of the silhouette of their owner. Modern bows of this direction are always distinguished by their refinement.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_19

Retrostil's heyday period is the beginning of the 20s of the 20th century, which ends with 70s. During this time, the Women's Fashion threw a significant change for the history, which many famous designers and fashion designers are inspired. This is the era of feminism, the passion of women to dance, frankness and sexuality.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_20

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_21

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_22

This style for those who are resolutely configured to emphasize their femininity by providing her notice of piquancy. Silk or satin dresses for which it is characterized by a simple straight or low-line waist cut, combined with elegant ornaments and the use of precious stones or pearls, as well as small handbags, are able to not just decorate, but also to significantly transform any girl.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_23

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_24

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_25

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_26

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_27

It is very popular to use such prints like peas, as well as embroidery colors on a dark or pale background. Often there are things decorated with rushes or lace.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_28

Also, for retrostil, it is characterized by the use of sunglasses of a rounded shape, large bosomes, spectacular stockings and gloves, elegant shoes in Coco Chanel style.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_29

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_30

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_31

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_32

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_33

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_34


The very name "Modern" in many girls is associated with something very progressive and non-standard. That is how he was at the time of his appearance - at the beginning of the 90s of the XIX century. The complexity of the design in combination with a pronounced waist line was given a large field for creativity Couturier of that time.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_35

Currently, this area is very popular among women up to 35 years. It is most often expressed in the dresses of the fitted cut, which is constant satellites of which are femininity in combination with a difficult way to decorate. The more youth option is the preliminary transparent inserts from the guipure, and for mature ladies - the skirt of a complex design.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_36

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_37

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_38

Other elements of the wardrobe must also focus on the waistline, for example, using a fitted jacket, a pants on a high waist or the presence of a wide belt. At the same time, the top is tight, and the bottom is freer. The finished composition of the onion in the end should get the form "S".

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_39

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_40

Color Blancha

Extremely interesting and simplest in terms of creating the direction of style. It appeared relatively recently and requires much attention to the selection of the color palette of the image. Shades must necessarily comply with fashion trends and combined with each other. Thus, the goal of creating a similar onion consists in spectacular and skillful combination of two or three different colors, which will look not just stylish, but extremely aesthetically.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_41

Currently, stylists recommend paying attention to the combinations of the following tones: black-wine, olive-gold, beige-white, yellow-blue, pink milk.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_42

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_43

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_44

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_45

Sports chic

This direction in clothing is a mixture of Casual and Fashion Sport Styles. It seems that sportswear has always been comfortable, but never could become feminine, however, modern designers adequately answered this challenge and achieved great success.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_46

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_47

Creating images of this style requires its owner of thought-out in detail and at the same time lightness. Extremely popular elements of sports chic are straight cut dresses, resembling elongated T-shirts or T-shirts. As a rule, laid out of light knitwear and often as decorations have inscriptions or drawings. Particularly relevant polo dresses.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_48

The shoes should pick up sneakers on a wide sole of light feminine shades. The bag is often replaced by a practical and comfortable backpack. The presence of any floral prints is not excluded.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_49

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_50

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_51

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_52

In the modern world, fashion designers prefer the following popular trends that can supplement the clothes of any style:

  • Ethnic motifs have become a favorite way to decorate many famous designers. The most frequent of them is to apply drawings on the fabric or embroidery in the form of flowers, complex patterns of the northern peoples. Especially often traced in jewelry.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_53

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_54

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_55

  • Deep and complex cuts. And it is not necessary about the neckline. Recently, clothes with translucent inserts or curly cuts are increasingly popular, which bargain some parts of the girl's body, making her onions more seductive.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_56

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_57

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_58

  • Details of the Victorian era - Lace, Ryushechki, combined with light and feminine tones, are able to decorate any style of female fashion.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_59

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_60

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_61

  • Clothing style clothes. Tracks among the elements of the basic wardrobe. These can be a variety of tops with decorative perforation, or made of silk, satin. Lace, various strings and knitted elements can be made as decorating such things.

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_62

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_63

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_64

Modern clothing styles (65 photos): images for girls and women, modern and other key names 3676_65

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