Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian


Currently, there is a huge number of clothes styles. Each of them has its own characteristics and is suitable for certain situations. Some allow you to look restrained, others shock others around their courage and feed.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_3

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_4

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_5

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_7


The style is the way of self-expression, manifestation of individuality with the help of an appearance. And if the mode is fleeting, then the style of each person can change around the life not so rapidly.

Iniquity, the word style is obliged to Greek language in which the tool for the letter is so called. In a modern sense, the term is interpreted as a totality of artistic signs, means and techniques that have a common idea.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_9

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_10

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_11

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_12

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_13

Have your own style in clothes - it means to gain harmony between the inner world and appearance, and fashion trends help to reveal the new faces of the style.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_15

The formation and selection of the style of the style affects the set of factors. First of all, this is the taste and character traits. Age is also considerable, since the worldview of young people is different from mature views. The religion and the nation, as well as the epoch with their peculiarities, contribute to the definition of the wardrobe. Social status and lifestyle relate to factors affecting the formation of style, but to a greater extent they form a person's image.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_17

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_18

The style in clothing implies compliance with the proportions and feelings of the measure, while all the details of the image must be harmoniously combined with each other. In addition to the reflection of the internal state, the stylish image must correspond to the situation and the specific situation.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_20


The formation of style directions began not immediately. Primitive people used clothes at the level of instincts - so as not to freeze. With the advent of a civilized society, the clothing was noticeably modified, but some style in it was still not.

The first fashion trends began to appear in the XIV century in French Paris. At this time, wealthy ladies began to use very extraordinary hats. Outwardly, they resembled a hat with horns - had two high cones attached to the base of the headdress.

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_21

The occurrence of the Renaissance continued the formation of Fashion culture, but the palm of the championship now moved to Venice. For ladies, the ladies becomes characteristic of the presence of a long loop and open neckline, and the sleeves were decorated with a cut-out-cry. The hairstyle of noble parts was high due to the use of shinones and decorated with thin cuts of the fabric.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_23

The XVI century passes under the auspices of Spanish primacy. Dresses become closed and decorated with high collars, reaching the person. Skirts with lush lining hide the figure.

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Subsequently, the right to dictate the fashion returns to France, and fashion trends rapidly begin to change. For three centuries, women's outfits with natural lines were changed with dresses with ornaments and straight rococo style silhouettes, and then fashioned steel rigid corsets, chinoline and a long sleeve. Hairstyle with bangs replaced with wigs and hats with wide fields. The abundance of the lush decor was becoming relevant, it disappeared from fashionable horizons.

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From the beginning of the last century, designers began to lead the fashion. Each of them had its own definite style and dictated their rules. Makeup and perfume become a prerequisite, and rigid corsets and formless bells finally go into the past.

With the gradual acquisition of freedom of women begin to wear trousers, then jeans and overalls come to use, allowing fashionable to show ease. As a result, the end of the XX century passes under the auspices of gender equality.

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In the modern world, it is very difficult to keep up with the fashion and match it. But the freedom of choice and diversity of styles, most of which were formed in the last two centuries, allow you to make successful images.

Main types and directions

Acquaintance girls with the most popular style varieties will help her with ease to bring new ideas into the image, look every time differently.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_28

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_29

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_30

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_31


One of the romantic can be called Shebbi-Chic style. He is considered an American Rachel Ashevil, who gave the second life with antique things. The word shabby is translated from English as a shabby.

Among the classic examples, you can find floral motifs in the form of prints or embroidery, the presence of lace parts, the use of filaments of silver and gold, as well as the predominance of pastel tones, the use of natural fabrics and an unusual combination of coarse and gentle textures.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_33

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_34

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_35

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_36

Art Deco

The flourishing of a luxury style fell at the beginning of the 20th century, when women scored courage and showed beauty. In those days, a bachelor's figure was considered the standard of women's beauty. Therefore, the outfits were direct cut with a low tale, had a length to knee or slightly lower and an impressive cutout on the back or in the neckline zone. Dresses for celebrations had an abundant decor in the form of sequins, beads and glassworks, fringe and lace elements, so it looked slightly.

In everyday life, the lady was wore clothes with geometric or floral prints. In Art Deco, there is a brown and beige color in all manifestations and gold. The image will help complete a pair of strict high heel shoes and a flirting hat with a pen or a veil.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_38

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_39


Bright and at the same time, modest outfits inspire many designers to create images with the participation of Indian motives. This direction is characterized by using breathable fabrics, as well as multi-layered and spaciousness. Heavenly blue and raspberry, yellow and orange, pink and purple, salad - cheerful colors are used to create an indian image.

A rich decor can be both in the form of painting on fabric or embroidery with gold thread and beads and beads of various caliber. Indian women rudely complement the outfit all sorts of accessories: bracelets on arms and legs, chains and necklaces, rings and earrings. Among decorations are the products with precious stones. Shoes must be comfortable and practical.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_41

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_42


Among national outfits, firmly rooted on fashion shows, it is worth noting the clothes of ancient greeks. Today, clothing in the Greek style is used both every day and for solemn cases and even as wedding dresses.

Due to the free style and simplicity, the use of air fabrics, the abundance of drapets and pleate such an outfit is suitable for girls with any type of shape. And the overwhelmed waist line and the maximum length will benefitly emphasize the chest and decorate the figure of a pregnant woman. Characteristic asymmetry in the dresses is often expressed in the straps on one shoulder or in the rod of the hen. Monochrome outfits have tender shades of yellow and beige, blue and white colors. Gold-plated accessories will finish the image.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_44

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_45

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_46

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_47


Another direction with ethnic notes is an Egyptian style. Created by the ancient Egyptians, outfits are still striking by their simplicity and uniqueness, and fashion designers are successfully creating modern images on their basis. Curra of outfits is characterized by its simplicity and use of geometric shapes, which are also found in ornaments and accessories. Such clothes do not have extra details, therefore it is quite practical.

The unique beauty of the outfits gives the use of luxurious fabrics and their combinations. The presence of folds in the hips or shoulders, as well as the use of pleating help to hide the flashes of the shapes. The presence of patterns that resemble the creativity of the ancient Egyptians - hieroglyphs or images of animals, also often used fringe and embroidery, metal elements.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_49

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_50


Etoity is one of the favorite directions of many designers. Its brightness and identity fascinates. To create free-style fittings for African reasons, natural materials and their imitation are often used. Fabrics are richly decorated with ornaments and reflecting the African nature of prints, one-photon elements of the wardrobe are rare.

Accessories that play with colors are particularly focused and differ in their exotic. Light sandals are suitable as shoes.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_52

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_53

A la Rus

Ethnic outfits of A la Rus, who belong to the style of Folk, capture not only domestic, but also global fashion podiums. Ordinal Russian boots and shawls fit perfectly into modern images. For the direction also characterized by the use of fur trim and lush floral skirts in the floor. The main thing is to keep a sense of measure.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_55

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_56

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_57

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_58


Also is a type of ethosal. It is based on a patchwork sewing, with which the remnants of the tissue created not only clothes. Today, this direction is recreated in prints that only imitate painstakingly cross-losted patchworks. Simple strokes and distround are signs of Patchwork.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_60

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_61

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_62


Beginning from the 70s of the last century - the times of hippies and involves a mixture in one image of absolutely different textures and styles. This direction is impressed by extraordinary and creative nature, often inventing so their own style. Although the eclecticism is not subject to the rules, some principles for drawing up the image is still there.

In the onions, some common feature should be captured - the color, texture, or form. The effect can be achieved if you combine in the image of one color, but different textures. Bright paints are welcome in this direction, usually the role of the accent in the image is assigned to the original accessories.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_64

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_65


Like the eclecticism, implies a combination of incompatible things. However, fusion is more restrained and usually admits a combination of only two styles. One style is taken as the basis, and the details of the second set the emphasis. Colors should be bright and saturated, natural flashes are also welcome. Natural fabrics and shining textiles are chosen as materials - silk, atlas, viscose.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_67


Mystical and extraordinary style fantasy is popular with young people. This direction is relevant for thematic parties, in ordinary life it is not necessary to dress up so much. To create images, there is no clear framework, the description of the characters of stories in the fantasy genre is taken as the basis. At its discretion, you can choose a character of an evil sorcerer or a good wizard and create your outfit based on a long dress in the style of a Victorian era with gothic elements. The image of the thematic hairstyle and the corresponding makeup will complete.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_69

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_70

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_71

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_72

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_73


The embodiment of Japanese cartoons can be seen in the images of the direction of anime. Such a manner is worn popular among Japanese youth, however, anime fans are everywhere. Dresses can remind the clothes of cartoon characters or be deliberately girls, as Japanese schoolgirls wear. Also here you can attribute clothes for teenagers with the image of your favorite heroes.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_75

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_76


Sexy and coquettes look like Baby-doll-style outfits. Puppet image can be created using skirts or dresses with an overestimated waistline, which have a rich romantic decor in the form of ryushki, bows and lace. Outfits of such a direction are usually embroidered from weightless materials, have a multitude of layers and have bright coloring or prints.

End the onions will help studs and tender accessories - rims, golf or bows. Do not choose such a direction for work, as well as ladies with lush forms or older than 30 years.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_78

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_79


Bohemian style often choose people from the world of art. Convenient and practical things of free styles will be suitable for creating images. Also for Bocho is characterized by the use of natural fabrics and multi-layered clothing, the predominance of pastel or noble tones and a variety of prints. Acrossments will help bright accessories.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_81

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_82


It originates from the Gypsy peoples, so it is sometimes called Gypsy. Bright and motley outfits look defiant. The basis of the Wardrobe Dzhips make up long dresses and skirts to the floor, which often have many frills or layers. Also the characteristic detail is the colorful shawl, which can be decorated with fringe. As apex, you can choose a blouse with an underlined waist and cutout, flocks, removable sleeves or bare shoulders.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_84

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_85


Brutal and strict style is characterized by clarity of lines and the use of coarse materials. Actual colors for the direction are the colors of military uniforms and beige tones. This style is loved by many girls for their functionality and practicality.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_87

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_88

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_89


The direction in women's clothing called Garson was adopted from male fashion. Typical clothing of this style - with male cutting and free styles. It may not be adjacent to the figure dress with a belt on the hips or waist, as well as male shirts and wide pants without unnecessary decor. Some ladies prefer to wear such clothing into the office.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_91

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_92

Official business

The rest of the business women prefer formal business style. It is characterized by clear and stringent lines, the predominance of monochrome colors and pastel colors. Frank cuts and mini are not allowed in a formal setting, and makeup and hairstyle must match the business environment. Classic dresses, skirts-pencil and blouses, as well as business suits will help to focus as much as possible at work.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_94

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_95

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_96

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_97

Family Look

For family photo shoots, Family Look outfits are often selected. The direction involves the selection of clothing in one format, while the married couple or parents with the baby look pretty harmonious. The choice of such a set for the event is once again underlined by the unity and cohesion of the family.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_99

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_100

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_101


Rustic style has become fashionable not so long ago. Its main features are considered simple and free styles, as well as the predominance of color patterns and prints. It involves the use of coarse and textured fabrics, inherent in the rustic direction and knitted things. The lack of luxury and functionality attracts to the direction of the country of many fashionistas.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_103


Lovers of bright and catchy glamor usually are regulars of parties. This direction is designed to draw attention to its glitter and luxury. For style, a wide color scheme with acidic and bright shades is predominantly pink, decorating things with fur. Length Mini and deep neckline, as well as stylish long gloves and branded things help create a unique glamorous image.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_105

Color Blancha

Bright and unusually looks like a stylist direction of the Blancher. It involves a combination of two or three main colors or their transition shades in one outfit. Examples of successful combinations - red and yellow, blue and green, orange and blue. Such images are characterized by conciseness and lack of decor, the main focus on the colors of one intensity.

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For solemn evenings and important events, women choose outfits in the evening style, and informal Kezälov is suitable for walking and meetings with girlfriends.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_108

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_109

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_110

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_111

How to find your style?

When choosing a style, you must first navigate the inner state, but some tips will help always look luxuriously.

  • The choice of color scheme of clothing and accessories must match the girl's color. So, for spring and autumn types, it is necessary to select warm tones, and for summer and winter are cold.
  • The figure and its features require the selection of the right styles that can hide flaws and emphasize the merits.
  • Accessories will help to highlight the most attractive parts of the image, and distract the eyes from other zones.
  • The ratio of internal preferences and appearance of clothing will make it feel comfortable. Each girl is intuitively inclined to one or more (no more than 3) styles.
  • The hairstyle and makeup must correspond to the selected direction and complement it harmoniously.

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_112

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_113

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_114

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_115

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_116

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_117

Style icons

There are women in the world who ask the fashion for their contemporaries and become an example for imitation. Today among them:

  • Actress Audrey Hepburn, which introduced a fashion on Total Black. In his own images, she preferred ballet shoes and boats at a low heel, pants with short pants, elegant styles dresses. In addition, the supplement served bangs and stylish accessories - large sunglasses, elongated gloves and a unique mouthpiece.
  • Kate Middleton from the royal couple is not averse to wearing the clothing of the mass market, skillfully combining it with exclusive things. In their outfits, Kate boldly use both traditional and modern techniques, while remaining the standard of English style.
  • The new first Lady of the US Melania Trump has already managed to contribute to the national heritage of the country. She forced everyone to try on the color of Fuchsia, leaning not on fashion trends, but to their taste. The president's wife is a vivid example of how you can raise a real lady.
  • Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston attracts attention to how she skillfully combines various trendies. Preferring to take Casual style as the basis, she adds accents to it other areas and looks very fashionable. And in combination with a beautiful figure, her images look simply unmatched.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_119

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_120

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_121

Since styles there are a great set, it is logical that some of them become fashionable, and others depart into the background. This year fashionable steel:

  • Grunge with its rebar motifs and anti-mood. Young people who are protesting against society choose a good jeans and stretched t-shirts, disheveled hair and shoes on a flat corrugated sole.
  • Bocho with its flower prints and finishing fur. In fashion, naturalness and proximity to nature in a union with bright accessories, often hand-made.
  • Retro style in the upcoming season will manifest itself in the checkered outlets of the wardrobe of various colors and sizes, direct silhouettes and constructivism. In the cool season will be by the way to try on a long sweater of hand-knitting, trapezoid skirts midi, as well as elegant long dresses.
  • Color Game with the help of a Blanket Color will find itself in fur products for the cold season, which will allow to reveal the direction in a new way.
  • The lounge direction this year was manifested in the predominance of light translucent fabrics and abundance of a romantic decor - ruffles, ruffles and volanov. For winter, long dresses are suitable with a vegetable print and thrown on top of the cardigan.

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Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_123

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_124

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_125

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_126

Beautiful images

The skirt in the Patchvork technique in combination with an elegant blouse with long-sleeved lanterns and a stylish belt with a cute bow of a completely acceptable office option in the absence of a strict dress code.

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Having a long adequate skirt with a waist, an elongated top on thin straps with a fringe and weightless chiffon cape with a floral print, you can go to a creative meeting or master class. The image in the style of Bocho will complement accessories - hair rim and pendant on a long chain.

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Wedding dress in Greek style looks like and sophisticated. A drop-down silhouette and an asymmetrical style, underlined by the strap on one shoulder and elongated on one side with a subtival, are complemented by a weathered belt-style belt. And the collected hair emphasizes the beauty of the bends of the female body.

Clothing styles (129 photos): What are views and how to find your style to full girls, what is Shebbi Chic, Art Deco and Indian 3662_129

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