Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art


The word "KITCH" does not all cause positive associations. Often they are denoted by misessing and hack. Actually, this is how the word and translates. Another transaction option is "cheap." The word itself appeared long ago, in the XIX century, but actively used it much later. And it belongs not only to appearance, image, artistic decision. This style took a strong place in art, fashion and design, and an interesting philosophy is behind the bold essence of the direction.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_2

What it is?

In the 60s of the XIX century, in Germany, the word "KITCH" began to call various baubles, actively sold at the Munich Art Bazaar. They acquired them mostly nouveau, who could not boast of art historical knowledge, but look expensive, richly, respectable in the eyes of others wanted. The term quickly spread over Europe and moved to the photos, "salon painting" from the baubles. Especially often kites were associated with photographs of erotic content.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_3

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_4

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_5

If we speak simple words, Kitch became synonymous with Dunnovkussia. The meaning of the word is reduced to pseudoism, the lack of feeling elegant from the creators of these things. They are created exclusively in commercial and promotional purposes, and as it were, they said today, for the sake of Haip. This is a jet style: its goal is to cause a reaction, and the painting of this reaction is not so important. It is well talking about the artistic product or it causes anger and rage at the contemporance - it's all the same, the main thing is to be noticeable, to be all on the mouth.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_6

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_7

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_8

Of course, the features of Kitcha (it is worth recognizing that this phenomenon) studied researchers. Avangard and Kitch "K. Greenberg became serious starting work in this area. If briefly, the author identified Kitch as mass art and commercial literature and tried to understand his relevance. He says that they moved to the cities of the peasants, although they learned the diploma, the taste did not acquire. And their spiritual hunger was a request for the creation of a new culture, which satisfying them satisfying their aesthetic needs. This is Kitch.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_9

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_10

Kitch is often compared with pop art, the highest level of mass culture. But experts assure - such a comparison is incorrect. Pop Art is based on analyzing phenomena, their artistic rethinking, irony. And these works are definitely impregnated with internal content, they are not empty.

Kitsch simply parasitates on the mass taste, and on its absence too.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_11

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_12

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_13

Today, KITH can be called the term, which has different meanings. More precisely, different shades of values. It is a mudless, and a massive pop culture without a substantive nutrition. This and the style born by rebellion, ready to challenge the standards of artistic culture, living in their own rules. And Russian fans in such a kitche is enough. Often, these are people with good academic education, knowledge of the history of art and not only, but with some desire for climbing, innovation, willingness to express themselves unexpectedly, vividly, provocatively.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_14

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_15

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_16

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_17

Style application in the interior

Kitchevo can not only dress, the style began to be used in the design of interiors. This is a strange and chaotic mix, it seems to unite what can be found nearby. This is a combination of incompatible, challenge taste and the concept of beautiful. No wonder this style prefer those who want to express an internal protest.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_18

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_19

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_20

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_21

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_22

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_23

By the way, People who believe that only artists and other representatives of Bohemia prefer to be mistaken in the interior. No, styles have a lot of fans, but the fact remains: usually these are people with good knowledge in the field of art. They see the content of this strange design, thought, the essence, which is important to them.

It can be both a challenge standard and typical solutions and a message that the content is always more important than the shell.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_24

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_25

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_26

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_27

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_28

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_29

There are no strict rules in Kitche. Violate and break again - as if it says the adherents of the style, rejoicing that they managed to achieve a new aesthetic shock. But in itself the merger of cheap plastic, religious attributes and, for example, the mesh embroidery in retroram in one space is a completely new product. And it has an eclectic worldview that style lovers recognize and respect. They take the world in all its diversity and urge it to do others.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_30

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_31

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_32

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_33

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_34

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_35

Finish and colors

The room decoration will depend only on the fantasy of the owners. Here you can combine expensive materials with actual trash: for example, an array of wood and journal sheets. Natural parquet on the floor is amazing, but will complement the plastic panels on the wall. In the same room there may be floral wallpapers in English style and graffiti. Another "chip" kitche is the imitation materials that will look as expensive as possible.

Examples of finishing:

  • Floor facing laminate, linoleum, tiled under a tree, stone or parquet;
  • coating walls with decorative plaster of any colors and combinations, wallpaper, including vinyl, imitating, for example, silk and marble;
  • The accent zone can be isolated by panels from eco-tree, gypsum with a bulk pattern;
  • The ceilings are different - both multi-level suspended and stretch, where stucco can calmly coherent with the photo printing.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_36

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_37

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_38

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_39

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_40

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_41

By color variety with this style is unlikely to be compared. Shades acid, aggressive, overlapping each other in it are considered the main choice. But such artistic hooliganism nevertheless makes smile and raises the mood.

The most popular style colors:

  • bright red;
  • lime;
  • Canary yellow;
  • root-pink;
  • golden;
  • fuchsia;
  • indigo;
  • bilberry.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_42

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_43

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_44

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_45

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_46

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_47

Moreover, the colors of these easily can occur in the kitchen, and in the bathroom. Several opposite colors in one room - easily. Contrast ornaments, without any symmetry inscribed into the room, too easy. The central wall should attach attention, and here should be either a bold installation, or the original panel, or somehow the "Kuwark" the sharpened wallpaper.

In any room, even in the living room, there may be a place for a multi-colored tile, non-branded boards. If there is a carpet in the room, then it should also be bright and incomplete, cleared from squares, where, for example, leopard printing is adjacent to the image of an ethnic picture or a photo of Mickey Maus.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_48

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_49

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_50

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_51

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_52

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_53

3D drawings on the ceiling - a frequent move for kitsch. White ceiling is rarely left, it is usually solved in some kind of acidic color or simply make a real colorful vinaigrette. Motion collages, posters and paintings can decorate the rest of the walls, not giving the central, accent wall to enjoy the scenery loneliness.

At the same time, in Kitche, there is still a measure. Even in this color and uniforms, the idea should be, and alien elements of the idea should cut off fearlessly. If, of course, the owner of the apartment refers to Kitch as art.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_54

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_55

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_56

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_57

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_58

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_59


It gets around things that little in which other style could be near. For example, antique furniture and plastic stools. Or the sections of the USSR and the High-Tech style table, to which they were deliberately poured by the jar of acid paint. But the selection of furniture is aimed at the formation of a single image of the housing.

In order for the situation in the house was a solemn and cheerful (such postponement of the owner of the dwelling), use objects, upholstered by velvet or plush, parol. The furniture decoration is welcomed by gilding, blowing forms and carved items. Their high cost is irrelevant, imitation is even better.

However, style lovers often painstakingly and enthusiastically work on the furniture, changing it, according to their requests. For example, a good retrostula can replace the upholstery to acidic or repaint it - and the thing will change markedly. You can add a win-win leopard print instead of acid colors. The legs of the chair can be painted with gold paint.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_60

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_61

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_62

A very good option will be furniture made of MDF with curved legs and encroaching on a high style forms: a little ridiculous cheap furniture with such elements looks in the usual, calm interior styles. But for Kitcha, such things are a find. Only you have to repaint them, change the upholstery, in a word, re-reform. As mentioned above, to issue cheap for expensive is just in the aesthetics of Kitcha.

A courageous sofa with a motley upholstery can be coherent with a vintage dresser, pastoral clips on the wall and a large plasma TV. By the way, Kitcha lovers are not chasing the flea markets and even on the garbage can find a thing that they hurried to throw away the short-sighted owners. A man with artistic taste is able to transform this thing into an art object.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_63

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_64

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_65

Design of openings

It is assumed here a variety of options. Sometimes the doorway does not change, allowing him to remain as he was in the same interior. And if the traces of long life are visible, the better. On such a door, sometimes hanging the calendar for the long-stayed year or lay out the path with a mirror tile, for example.

The window opening is also drawn up as it is convenient to the apartment owner. If there are not enough objects in the style of naive art in the room, then the "grandmother" curtains in the polka dot will complement the image of the room. Can hang on the window and blinds, and painted in some unexpected bright color.

And you can also leave the window as open as possible, and this is also a promise - a person is open to the world, other ideas and thoughts, without closing in his Mirka.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_66

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_67


Textile decor is a powerful tool of a designer, it easily changes the perception of the room, which could seem for kitsch even as low. For example, it is worth noting the sofa with a lime or raspberry coat, and it already changes the visual room. And if you add plush curtains here, satin sofa pillows - and the room becomes more and more sample kitsch.

What will complement space design:

  • stuffed;
  • fakes under masterpieces of painting;
  • deliberate examples of anti-artism and vulgarity in the artistic world;
  • inverted paintings;
  • porcelain, glass, crystal figures of different shapes and eras;
  • busts;
  • All sorts of mirrors;
  • amulets and talismans;
  • Fancy compositions made of artificial colors.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_68

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_69

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_70

One of the walls can be stuck pages from magazines, and from the plates to make photo frames and shelves. The candelabra is chosen in bright colors, stationary phones are covered with a plush, on the tables there are caskets in the style of naive paintings and candles of unexpected, outrageous forms.

Usually in the trifles, the uniqueness of a particular apartment in the style of Kitch manifests itself.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_71

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_72

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_73


In Kitche, there is usually a lot of light, the lighting devices are scattered locally. Neon backlight welcomes. Wall lamps are appropriate, attracted chandeliers with crystal pendants. Sources of light should not be lured against the background of bright surfaces - this is the main requirement for lighting.

The ideal solution will be a major floor turntable with a colored metal ceiling, and better - not one. Crystal chandeliers in Kityche peacefully adjacent to the sconces made in futuristic style. Table lamp with cheap plastic flappon will be cherries on this strange cake.

And, of course, do not give up the "bare" hanging from the ceiling light bulbs, if such an idea initially impresses the owners.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_74

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_75

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_76

Country exterior

At the exterior in the style of Kitch, much less people are solved than the interior. And it's not just in courage: the architecture of the building requires a more serious approach, often expensive. A To seek help from specialists, and even with such a non-standard idea - not everyone under power. But there is a way out: make a house if not sample kitsch, then set the desired mood in the exterior.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_77

To do this, it is enough to choose bright, acidic, too active colors in the design of the house. Not necessarily the whole facade immediately. For example, in a gray house with a white roof make the lime color door. Or highlight the terrace: put an acid pink table and multicolored chairs from different heads.

If there are shutters in the houses on the windows, and their color can be changed to more cheerful.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_78

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_79

In short If the owners have not yet decided to change the exterior in the direction of complete kitsch, then some accents can be arranged, not afraid to surprise the neighbors. Although it is not even in them: there is an opinion that the house can be embarrassed from the total number of buildings by violating the harmony of the architectural picture of this place.

But in any case, compromise solutions remain.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_80

Kitch in clothes

Many stars have become more than once in one moment recognizable or actively quoted media precisely at the expense of kitchers. They are part of the fashion history, the history of show business, cling, remembered, become associations with a star. Denim clothing can be combined with evening dress, sports things - with ethnic outfit, and a lace skirt - with a glued leopard cloak. For stars, it is important to find such a combination of things that will be remembered by everyone and immediately.

Consider Kitcha rules in clothing can be on specific examples.

  • Girl with a wreath, something resembling Frida's hats, in classic glasses whether Harry Potter, or John Lennon and clothes "pull the eye." There is no chance of remembering just not.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_81

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_82

  • The softest example of kitsch, who adore young students around the world. It would seem that the vintage image, everything combines: and takes, and the style of clothing, and accessories. But the colors and materials refer to the kitch and make us turn into such a fashionista.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_83

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_84

  • Different prints, all together in the same image - it always boldly. But for someone there is nothing more organic such courage.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_85

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_86

  • Merry image for those who are only looking at Kitch. To start very modest (relatively, of course), but as the test option is beautiful.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_87

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_88

  • These girls know the sense in the ability to dress up so as to attract all the views. A lot of kites, but everything is surprisingly combined.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_89

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_90

  • Things from different eras and different materials. But if they will help to reflect the originality of the individual, no one has the right to ban such bright outfits. And this combination is really stylish.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_91

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_92

  • Young Madonna knew how to remember and how to generate a whole regiment of imiters. In this image, everything is fine, and he adores him to repeat and modernize new representatives of Kitcha.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_93

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_94

  • Anna Plenev loves not only a classically sexy style of a pop star, sometimes her images attract and admire Kitcha's supporters.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_95

  • For men who think that, a lot of interesting kitchers offers a feshne industry.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_96

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_97

  • Modestly, but newcomers like such images. Subsequently, experiments can become all bolder.

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_98

Kitch (99 photos): This is the highest level of mass culture. Style in the interior of the bathroom and other rooms, in clothes and painting, in architecture and art 3623_99

Kitch is about self-expression. About what you need to be a white crow, if a person feels like that and for him it is organic.

How to create an interior with the style of Kitch, you can learn from the video below.

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