Psychology of lilac color: its meaning for a woman. What symbolizes a lilac shade for a person and what is its characteristics?


What the person feels in the soul is she tries to throw out into the world around. Methods can be different. Artists draw, singers sing. Some individuals do this with a bright appearance and hairstyles, other express their feelings with some other ways. Psychology has long stepped forward and learned to determine the nature of the individual on how it dresses and what colors prefers in his surroundings. Take for example representatives of humanity that love purple or lilac colors.

Psychology of lilac color: its meaning for a woman. What symbolizes a lilac shade for a person and what is its characteristics? 3580_2

Symbol color

If you mix red and blue shades, we will get purple. This color scheme is considered pretty "young", as people relatively recently learned to create it.

We are accustomed to associate purple color with a plant called Lilac. When a more sophisticated shade of purple color appeared, people called him lilac. Psychology claims that this color symbolizes clean and wonderful thoughts and actions. This means that almost all people living on Earth are perceived by almost all people.

Because of the ease and penetration, it can be used when you want to be happy. No wonder the graduation girls choose the outfits of this color gamut. They are so expressing their hopes associated with the future adult life.

If you think well and penetrate this color, you can feel how to perform a variety of intimate desires "knocks" to our door. No wonder the people speak about "lilac dreams".

Psychology of lilac color: its meaning for a woman. What symbolizes a lilac shade for a person and what is its characteristics? 3580_3

How color characterizes personality?

Artists prefer to play with flowers. They are well known how to combine the color gamuts so that the holistic picture is. So psychologists can "draw" the nature of personality, it is worth it only to conduct some studies where different colors will be involved.

Like an artist, a specialist can determine the focus of the human soul. In order to do this, he needs to consider shades, which are close to "in spirit" to the lilac color scheme.

  • Let's start with pink. He is a little lighter red. He is loved by those who feel unprotected from all sides by a person. In most cases, his admirers are sliced ​​from real life people. No wonder this shade adores girls with a vulnerable soul. Note that in the lilac color there is a red color (to one degree or another), and the pink is very close to it.
  • Red Color symbolizes life, health. It is the main component in the formation of purple. The person who impresses the red color, want to get all her benefits from life to the maximum. They are very sociable and passionate. Often this category of people is extremes. Their aspirations and desires are aimed at the future.
  • Blue Color symbolizes cold calculation, conservatism. And without mixing red and blue, we will not get a lilac shade. Blue Koler love those who have a pedantic attitude in their character. Usually such individuals are persistent and reliable. They are distinguished from other wise arguments and complete calm. Among such people there are melancholic and those who cannot do without friendly support. As a result of mixing the blue and red colors, we get completely opposite features of a human character. Therefore, the lilac shade characterizes inconsistency.
  • White Colour. It is able to dilute the lilac and purple shades to the desired consistency. Also exactly "diluted" and the character of a person. If the lilac color is more rich, then the individual will have a brighter temperament. And those who prefer lighter (dilute) tones have some coldness in the character.

Psychology of lilac color: its meaning for a woman. What symbolizes a lilac shade for a person and what is its characteristics? 3580_4

Psychology of lilac color: its meaning for a woman. What symbolizes a lilac shade for a person and what is its characteristics? 3580_5

Purple color and lilac is the brothers, they are (for understandable reasons) are the relatives of the above colors.

Mystical shades prefer those people who are distinguished by their uniqueness both in acts and in their image. Mysterious nature have habits that characterize them as temperamental, gifted and at the same time arrogant. In these people, so many different talents that they immediately do not list. They combined all the features that have identities who prefer red or blue color, as well as pink and white.

Liberal tone lovers can achieve great success. Creative natures associate themselves with different personalities and at the same time try to be unlike others.

Lilac color is a favorite color of actors and artists. He likes everyone without exception, as it denotes the huge and versatile world of the human soul.

The characteristic of the lilac color can say a lot about a woman who prefers him in his wardrobe. For example, what she is interested in mystic or has certain abilities. Other fans of purple shades have a predisposition to the fact that they can naphantize a lot of problems and log in because of this in stress state. By the way, just like lover of pink tones.

The amazing contradiction of purulent and lilac shades is also in the fact that since ancient times, they used their characteristics in order to bring a person from an obsessive state. They did it with meditation. And as is known, lilac color is the main component for carrying out such rituals.

Psychology of lilac color: its meaning for a woman. What symbolizes a lilac shade for a person and what is its characteristics? 3580_6

Does health affect health?

All that surrounds us, one way or another affects the general condition and health. Dark tones worsen the mood, and bright, on the contrary, are considered healing. Lilac color in some nations is considered unnatural, and therefore, he carries negative notes.

But others consider him an exquisite "color of the kings" carrier and positive its owner. And again the lilac color speaks of its contradictions. How are such mysterious and incomprehensible tones, like a purple and purple, affect the psyche and state of a person?

We already know, this controversial flag is able to carry therapeutic properties. This effect occurs by "tickling" brain activity. At the subconscious level, our understanding is trying to divide it into the components, that is, on red and blue colors, and the nervous system is excited. And then our chakras and other feelings of perception of reality are activated.

In the world, color care has long been widely used. So, with the help of lilac shades, experts learned to heal insomnia and nervous arousal. This shade helps reduce the head (dental) pain. It contributes to improving the condition of the liver, kidneys and bladder. It is used for colds.

To do this, some experts recommend keeping a bed linen in the house having an exceptionally lilac color. As soon as someone out of loved ones feels bad, then his bed is decorated with a purple or lilac shade.

Psychology of lilac color: its meaning for a woman. What symbolizes a lilac shade for a person and what is its characteristics? 3580_7

This method has a special influence in sunny weather. Rays, falling on the pillow, reflect the healing flag, and the patient begins to be activated by the immune system.

In addition, when treating lilac, the person is activated by chakras. One of them is Sakhasrara, directly connected with the whole universe. Through it, a person gets the necessary energy for healing and to replenish the forces.

This suggests that there is a gradual establishment of a man's natural defendance. And already behind these actions, the launch of systems of rejuvenation and intensification of vitality begins. The man begins to feel the world and the surrounding nature. It is poured into a common tone, and then its energy abilities rise at times.

There are some more advantages when using a purple (lilac or violet) color. With the help of these shades, you can get rid of shame and indecision. And this will increase your self-esteem and will approve you in society.

For example, if you want to enter the university or find a good job, start actively using the color magic. Lilac color is just what you need. Just surround yourself with things or crystals (amethyst) that will serve you with assistant talismans. Believe me and you will see a positive result.

Remember that it all depends on your desire. As soon as you begin to act, your intuition (it is connected directly with space) will help and herself will tell you in which direction to move.

Psychology of lilac color: its meaning for a woman. What symbolizes a lilac shade for a person and what is its characteristics? 3580_8

What shade means in clothes?

Lilac or lilac wear those people who seek to perfection. These colors were previously considered very rare. They could afford only those who had a great influence in society. Today, every wishes can put on the outfit of this color, which he will like him. However, with a very large assortment, some prefer to choose only that clothing that has many lilac shades.

What does it say about? That these people consider themselves elected. And it is true. Usually, lilac lovers are individuals who consider only their personal opinions faithful. They are not inclined to give up opponents in something. They are difficult to convince in a particular matter. Often they are fond of esotericism and use their clothes and a "lilac environment" as part of a certain ritual. With such equipment, they are protected from the dark forces, the evil eye and envy. Since lilac or purple colors are "heavy", they can absorb someone else's negative energy and redirect it into space. And from there she returns to those who released it out. So in some way to fear those who are constantly wearing clothes having a lilac color.

Women who want to stand out among the general crowd all the time, choose costumes and dresses with these screaming shades. Usually such fashionists get all that will want. And they absolutely no matter what methods all this will be achieved.

Still violet or lilac tones say that their amateur is committed to solitude. In addition, he wants to strengthen his intuitive abilities. Clothes of such colors should be put on various events where monetary issues or issues of further business development will be resolved. In everyday life, lilac color will help you stand out on the street among the "gray mass" and strengthen the attention of the opposite sex.

Psychology of lilac color: its meaning for a woman. What symbolizes a lilac shade for a person and what is its characteristics? 3580_9

Meaning in the interior

A mixture of two colors - blue and red - means the beginning of male and female. If we speak the language of artists, then as a result (depending on the consistency), either lilac or purple or purple shades are obtained.

Psychologists will indicate that the resulting color is the outcome of the merge, which has the focus on the family unification. And this needs to be used. Specialists advise actively promote these color gamuts when finishing a house or apartment.

Therefore, it is very important to add these colors to the interior if you want to get comfort and protection in your home. It is best when one or two rooms have these colors in your home. Lilac color is an attachment color, and if you want your loved ones to always be with you in spiritual and physical plan, then make the places where you spend time with the whole family had a purple or lilac solution.

These shades are alive by their nature. They combine people and make them feel the onset of something new and necessarily good.

The best way to embody the lilac color in its living space is to decorate them with the kitchen.

Psychology of lilac color: its meaning for a woman. What symbolizes a lilac shade for a person and what is its characteristics? 3580_10

If we separate the premises in the style of Provence, then lilac and purple shades are very suitable for it. Furniture should be combined in color with curtains. And it will be the best embodiment of these colors.

It happens that some people do not like "screaming" paints and are very tired of them. But they want to make a little fun and summer heat in their home. Then you should not spend money on expensive repair and repaint walls into a lilac shade. It will be enough to decorate the room with pillows and curtains having a lilac color.

The color of bed linen can play great importance in this matter. His appearance on your bed will be a good stimulus to raise the mood. In addition, lilac color will contribute to the improvement of close relationship between spouses.

Device from a bad eye will also help lilac color. To do this, it is enough to buy in a specialized store finishing materials with an appropriate color and decorate your hallway. The house can also be decorated with the help of extraordinary shades.

Remember that if you consider yourself a stylish person and prefer perfection in the whole environment, you will easily find the right interior to the space in the house.

Psychology of lilac color: its meaning for a woman. What symbolizes a lilac shade for a person and what is its characteristics? 3580_11

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