What is a chronograph in wristwatches (22 photos): what is needed and how to use it


Initially, the wristwatch is a device for measuring time. Now it is not only a stylish accessory and a way to identify your own individuality and social status, but also a multifunctional assistant in working with time.

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A little about the clock

It would seem that with the advent of advanced phones and other electronic devices that have a display display on the display, the need for a wrist watch disappears - but it is not. Although now there are many companies that create inexpensive clocks, a huge number of people prefer dear, wanting to show the surrounding social status.

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Some manufacturers of accessories call this device with a product rather for pleasure, and not to observe the time. And often he appears as an expensive gift. But still, we are witnessing more and more improvements, more and more trends, more and more technologies affecting the usefulness of usually usual watches. And now the clock equipped with a chronograph is most popular and discussed.

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What is a chronograph in wristwatches (22 photos): what is needed and how to use it 3524_5

What is a chronograph in wristwatches (22 photos): what is needed and how to use it 3524_6


In a modern understanding of the chronograph (dr. Greek. Chronos "Time" + Grapho "I write") - this is a meter that allows you to accurately measure it, write the length of time and save the data. This intricate device appeared in the first half of the XIX century and was used mainly on the races. At the end of the second arrow of the first device, the ink waste, which made the mark on the dial when the mechanism stopped.

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The frequency of today's chronograph is measured in a unit VPH (VIBTARION PER HOUR - vibrations per hour), and today the most common frequency is 28,800 VPH. Based on this, it becomes easy to find out how much vibrations are obtained in seconds. If you split 28,800 VPH for the total number of seconds per hour, then it turns out 8.

Therefore, the chronograph, the frequency of which is 28,800 VPH, is able to measure the length of time up to 1/8 seconds.

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Use it simply - using the buttons embedded in the watch case. The number of buttons depends on the model - in more modern (split-chronographs) them more. However, the mechanism with one button to use is inconvenient, because the launch, and the stop, and the reset does one.

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Modern split chronographs that have two located one under the other arrow are capable of making several tasks at the same time. The split chronograph becomes easy to measure the duration of several events, which, for example, began at one time, and ended in different ways, or going one after another.

There is another model whose feature is the function of a instant restart, it is called Fly-back and is used to carry out measurements that do not have intervals between the values.

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What is a chronograph in wristwatches (22 photos): what is needed and how to use it 3524_11

Registration in chronographs can also be different. In stores you will find models with a variety of scales (tachiemetric, capable of measuring, at what speed the object is moving, telemetric, measuring the sound of sound, logarithmic scale, and others).

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What is a chronograph in wristwatches (22 photos): what is needed and how to use it 3524_13

What is a chronograph in wristwatches (22 photos): what is needed and how to use it 3524_14

What is a chronograph in wristwatches (22 photos): what is needed and how to use it 3524_15

It is known that the clock with chronograph can be both mechanical and quartz. Quartz can even make a signal when the time comes out if, of course, the interval designation feature is in the chronometer.

There are also combined models that combine, for example, an ordinary chronograph and a tachymmetric scale. This device is very convenient, because it allows you to track the speed of the object and damage the time.

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There is no special difference between male and female clocks - men can be larger and usually dark or gray, and women's lighter and can be decorated with precious stones. When choosing a product color, customer preference most often drops to neutral or delicate, inhabitant paints so that the device approaches any image, complemented it.

In more detail about what a chronograph is and how to use them, tell the following video:

Who uses?

Chronograph is widely used. It is necessary for those people who need control over time. Many buyers, acquiring hours, do not even imagine, for which they need this device, and it is incredibly useful even in everyday life. Most often by them, as stopwalls, sports amateurs use, but in contrast to the stopwatch, the chronograph does not affect the operation of the main device, and is a supplement.

Enjoy them and at business meetings, and waiting for a courier with pizza, and preparing a complicated dish, and riding a bike.

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Often, doing everyday tasks, we are faced with the need to measure time, but do not even think about how the chronograph would be useful at this moment for counting seconds, minutes, hours. Perfectly helps this adaptation in work and military, and the doctor, and the teacher.

Perhaps the clock with a chronograph and will make you refer to this to the device somehow especially and you include them in your daily life on a par with a droplet of cologne. Of course, such hours are a great life assistant and a universal gift.

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Choosing a product, you must first make sure that you will use the mechanism that you have learned so much now, because the dial is equipped with a chronograph, a little more and harder than the usual one.

It is important to note that the repair of such a most expensive and almost eternal mechanism is very expensive.

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So, we learned in general, what a chronograph is how it works and why it is needed in wristwatches, and your task is to choose a suitable model for yourself and enjoy the acquisition! However, be prepared for the increased interest of others around you and do not get carried away by the studies with the chronograph, because who knows, suddenly these light experiences will once turn into a manic idea!

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What is a chronograph in wristwatches (22 photos): what is needed and how to use it 3524_21

What is a chronograph in wristwatches (22 photos): what is needed and how to use it 3524_22

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