Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone?


Taopeit (Other Name Magnesiota Fuffeit-2N2S) is a mineral belonging to the class of oxides. Their most is in the upper layer of the Earth's crust, on the border with the atmosphere, since there is free oxygen. Oxides are also found in swamps, lakes and seas.

History opening

In the fall of 1945, Count Richard Tauffe, who lives in Dublin and studying gems, considered a fellow spinel. Among the placers of these minerals, he unexpectedly discovered an original copy with double beamplan. For a more detailed study, the count sent a stone to the Mineralogical Laboratory of the British Museum.

It has been confirmed that this mineral has unique, not previously recorded, properties. In 1951, the stone was called Tauffeit in honor of his discoverer, But only in 1982, it was officially registered by the International Mineralogical Association IMA.

Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone? 3426_2

Natural fields

In the literal sense of the word of the Taopeitis fields does not exist. It is found in the form of small crystals with chrysoberille and spinel. Therefore, about targeted mining of this mineral can not be speech. This stone is not mined, it can only be found randomly, thoroughly checking the spinel on the effect of double refraction.

After the first case of the unusual finding of this mineral already described, which allegedly fell into Europe from Ceylon Island, the second Tauffeit was found in 1949 on Sri Lanka Island. The third stone was discovered in 1957 in the African state of Tanzania, there after 10 years found the fourth tauffeit among the spinel.

Over the past eight years in Tanzania, a considerable amount of this unique mineral has been found, the largest sample has a weight of 9.31 carats. Cases of thauffeit detection in China among sedimentary rocks together with fluorite and Nigerite are described.

Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone? 3426_3

Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone? 3426_4

Physicochemical properties

This mineral, depending on varieties, can be colorless, greenish or have a pink-lilac shade. The latter points to the traces of iron in the stone. For Taopevitis characteristic glass shine and translucency, as well as double refraction. It is fragile, but has a large hardness - 8-8.5 on the scale of Moos Minerals.

It has a specific gravity of 3.6-3,614. Chemical formula of Tauffeit - MG3AL8BEO16. It has a difficult structure, its composition includes magnesium, aluminum, beryllium, iron, chrome, zinc. The chemical composition of this mineral is similar to the compositions of Spinel and Chrysokerill. The crystals are formed in metamorphism, in the process of changing the structure of rocks together with mica, tourmaline, spinel as a result of temperature and high pressure.

Only a specialist with extensive experience can distinguish the original from the counterfeit. This goal requires special equipment. Therefore, the main thing when buying is to find a qualified professional with a good reputation. Externally distinguish Tauffeit from the spinel like him is extremely difficult.

It should be known that all samples of this rare mineral are fixed, it reduces the risk of buying a fake stone.

Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone? 3426_5

Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone? 3426_6

Scope of application

Taopeit refers to semiprecious stones. Due to the fact that it has a high performance of hardness, it can be used for jewelry processing. This stone is well polished and has an attractive appearance. But the faceted crystals that are put up for sale in the form of jewelry, very little and certainly they have a very high cost. The rim is very carefully selected to this mineral, the gold or platinum is most often used.

Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone? 3426_7

Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone? 3426_8

Therapeutic effects

Taopeit has numerous useful properties for the human body. For example, he:

  • helps with diabetes, normalizing blood sugar levels;
  • has a positive effect on the circulatory system, reduces pressure under hypertension;
  • improves sleep, eliminates insomnia;
  • has a soothing effect on the central nervous system;
  • Promotes faster healing of tissues in injuries.

This stone is able to strengthen the immunity, give strength and endurance during sports and during heavy physical exertion. He helps a person to recover after the protracted diseases.

Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone? 3426_9

Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone? 3426_10

Magic properties

According to the existing belief, Tauffeit eliminates its owner from unfortunately and fears, aggravates intuition and creative abilities. But it is constantly not recommended to wear it, as negative aspects of character can be activated. You can not wear this stone at younger age, because bad habits and apathy can develop.

This mineral is considered a symbol of well-being and family harmony, it enhances the female charm. Women are encouraged to wear a bracelet with a stone on her left hand, and men on the middle finger right hand. It is the opinion that the best amulets are made from the Tauffeit Pink Color.

Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone? 3426_11

Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone? 3426_12

Who will fit?

Most of the whole mineral fits fish, calves, lions and weights, since he himself belongs to the element of fire and land. Emotional fish that can bring themselves to nervous overvoltage, this stone helps to find inner harmony and peace.

Hardworking Taopeit Taopeit gives an understanding of the secret laws of life and helps to get rid of excessive fussiness. Lviv, who are ready for any sacrifices for their loved ones, this mineral charges with its powerful energy, gives financial well-being. Sensual scales with this mineral support their inspiration and ability to concentrate on solving pressing life problems.

Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone? 3426_13

Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone? 3426_14

Mineral care

It should be known that the Tauffeit can lose the brightness from frequent wearing. Therefore, for the energy recreation, the stone needs to be stored in an inaccessible place for sunlight. For this purpose, it is best to purchase a box with a velvet surface inside.

It should be remembered that This mineral is very fragile, because of which it needs to be removed from mechanical damage. Pollution from the stone should be removed, washing it with running water, using a weak soap solution. Decoration with mineral with mild delicate fabrics.

Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone? 3426_15

Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone? 3426_16

Curious information

About Tauffeit known many interesting facts:

  • Taopeit in nature meets a million times less often than diamond;
  • The price for one gram of this mineral varies from 2.5 to 20,000 dollars (from 500 to 4000 dollars per carat);
  • Musghavit, which is a type of Taopeffe, an even more rare stone - there are only 18 of those found specimens in the world;
  • With a huge rarity, colorless tauffeitis, iridescent with bluish or greenish shades, are considered a great random (the double refraction property creates several shades of one color from the mineral).

Taopeit is a unique, which has a greater value of the mineral. Press it as a present is difficult due to inaccessibility. However, the presented stone will tell that the giving His person is ready for everything with the object of his love for everything, and these are not empty words.

Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone? 3426_17

Taopeit (18 photos): Where and how to get a stone? The main properties and interesting facts. Who is suitable for this stone? 3426_18

But do not despair, if no one presented this almighty talisman. It should be remembered that it can be accidentally detected among other gems.

In the next video, you can take a look at the weight of 1 80 kt taopeit.

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