Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals


There are stones that rightfully can be called royal. These include Demanthid. This is a subspecies of a pomegranate with a special beauty. Stone is considered rare and expensive. About his features and properties and will be discussed in the article.

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_2

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_3

What it is?

Demantidoid is one of the most valuable representatives of his group. From others it can be distinguished by a saturated green color and an amazing shine. The appearance of Demantoida led his name. Translated, it means "diamond like". Such a comparison is not at all by chance. After detection, the stone immediately became the favorite of the majestic ruling persons. Only rich and influential people could afford such decorations that emphasize their status.

Today, gem is still expensive. He continues to conquer the hearts of wealthy people and inspires jewelers to create exceptional masterpieces. Light playing on the edges of the stone, even surpasses diamonds with brightness and expressiveness. The shade of greenery is explained by iron and chromium impurities.

In different copies, the ratio of these and other elements may vary. Therefore, the mineral tone is changeable.

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_4

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_5

It may be dark emerald, bright herbal or salad, and may have other color nuances. For example, you can meet stones with amber reflections that appeared thanks to Titan. There are exclusive copies that resemble a feline eye. The inclusion of asbestos is given to pebbles an amazing optical effect and a golden shade.

Demantoid is used in the manufacture of various jewelry. These are luxurious brooches, bracelets, necklaces. Insert a stone and in the rings. In the XX century, a collection of Tiffany was appeared with these stones. Highly appreciated green gems and Karl Faberge. Natural outlines of untreated stones are different.

As for the methods of cut, more often the valuable rock is attached to the form of oval or circle.

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_6

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_7

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_8

Where are mined?

The best copies of the mineral are mined in Russia. For the first time he was recognized at the end of the XIX century. Then the amazing breed was discovered in the Urals. Gem immediately caused great interest and received his first name. He was called the Ural Emerald.

Today, the most famous fields in the Urals are Novo-Karkodinskoye and Poldnevsky. Also, the breed is found in Kamchatka and Chukotka. Especially high, stones with the subtlest crystalline fibers of the bissolite are valued. They create special light glare. Such an optical effect was called the "horse tail". For a long time it was believed that only Ural gems could boast such features. However, not so long ago, such stones were found in Italy and Pakistan.

Stone mining is also conducted in Switzerland, Hungary, USA, Zaire. Large deposits are in Madagascar. There are "Green Treasures" and at some other points of the world. Depending on the place of production, the color, texture and quality of minerals varies. However, the standard is still considered the Ural stones.

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_9

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_10


As already mentioned, all demantoids differ in the composition. This affects the color of the mineral and the degree of refraction of rays. This grenade type is characteristic of all shades of greenery. There are also yellowish green tones. All diamond-like stones are transparent. But the effect of "horse-tail" have not all copies. What other signs are distinguished by a true demantide from others, you will learn at the end of the article.

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_11

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_12

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_13



Although the grenade is known to all as a stone of red, Demantoid does not happen. Regardless of the shade, the greens remain in it the main color nuance. Mineral is solid. This indicator is 6.7-7 on the Moos scale. The sizes of copies vary from a pair of millimeters to 1 centimeter. Crystals with large dimensions are extremely rare. Transparency and magic shine stone acquires after processing.

It is the grinding that allows you to reveal the entire depth of the color and expressiveness of light overflows in the edges of the gem.

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_14

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_15


Lithotherapists believe that green pomegranate is able to heal. In this case, in their opinion, the degree of influence of stone on the human body is very extensive.

  • It is believed that decorations with demantide help cure chronic throat and respiratory diseases. For these purposes, products contact with the corresponding part of the body are chosen. This necklace, as well as pendants made of valuable stone.
  • To restore vision, it is proposed to simply consider the mineral daily. Just 2-3 minutes per day.
  • With skin problems, Demantidoid should be placed as close to the source of the problem. For example, if a person is dissatisfied with the condition of the skin on his face, it can be a green suspension.
  • By placing a stone in the area of ​​the heart (for example, in the form of brooches), you can contribute to the normalization of the work of the cardiovascular system, as well as stabilize the blood pressure.
  • Any decoration with gem, according to specialists, helps to neutralize nervousness, solves problems with sleep, reduces fatigue.
  • Mineral is used with such a delicate problem as male impotence. It is believed that the action of the stone increases the rim from gold. The optimal option is the ring that should be put on the left hand. At the same time it is argued that it is better to choose the middle finger.
  • Many believe that the gem helps and in the treatment of infertility. In this case, the silver bracelet is considered preferable with the inclusion of a green grenade into it.
  • If you consider the last two points, it is not surprising that the mineral is attributed to the ability to harmonize sexual life in a pair. The effect of stone applies to strengthening mutual understanding, and on the awakening of the old feelings.

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_16

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_17


People always betrayed green a special meaning. It was believed that the items possessing them (and especially stones) have mystical properties. The sorcerers called a green grenade with a powerful faith. They believed that mineral protects against the negative energy impact, brings peace of mind and harmony. Modern mystics see the ability of the stone more widely. Its main property is considered The ability to promote the development of human skills and talents, as well as find them the best use.

Demantidoid - "business" stone. It helps to concentrate, overcome laziness and speed up the achievement of goals. People who have them become more rational in relation to business, more competently plan their daily affairs. Mineral teaches to appreciate the time, which means faster to achieve success. It helps to solve complex tasks, take wise and judicial decisions. As a result, financial flows are optimized, the financial situation is satisfied. A person acquires stability.

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_18

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_19

However, among the mystical properties of the stone, not only "business" are noted. The scope of love is subject to him. It is believed that decorations with a beautiful green grenade help to meet a suitable partner and form a family. Gem carries peace of mind, strengthens the charm and the natural charm of a person, develops its positive qualities.

In the family, he is also a faithful assistant. Thanks to the magical properties, the stone creates positive energy, strengthens the relationship, establishes the atmosphere of confidence and mutual understanding. As a talisman of a homely focus, you can choose not only decorations, but also souvenirs with Demantidoid. Beautiful vase or another piece of decor, decorated with a stone, will protect the family from quarrels and troubles.

If even a person has no problems in personal life and business, Demantidoid can still come in handy. Mineral will attract successful events, strengthen health and bring well-being in all areas of life. Business people he will cover the path to the goal. Creative personalities he will bring inspiration and strength.

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_20

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_21

Who comes up?

There is an opinion that different stones are suitable for different signs of the zodiac. As for the green grenade, it is in combination with air signs. These are twins, scales, aquarius. They can safely wear products decorated with mineral and improve their lives due to its magical properties. Talisman will give them success, good luck and love. Lion and Sagittarius - signs that the mineral helps in business.

Fish in this sense is not lucky. Demantidoid is not their stone. Despite all its advantages, representatives of this sign, gem can not only help, but also harm. It is believed that the impact of the stone will be destructive and only negative events will bring.

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_22

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_23

As for the rest of the signs, the stone affects them is neutral. His positive magical and therapeutic effect in such cases is not pronounced. Although it cannot harm the decoration with such people.

In addition, astrologers give some additional recommendations for who to choose this stone to assistants. Demantoid does not like fuss. Therefore, it should be used to those who seek a calm, measured life without shake. Decoration with mineral is better to wear on solemn techniques and in other special cases. It will be appropriate in serious business negotiations and excitement dates.

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_24

How to determine the fake?

Demantidoid - rare and expensive mineral. It is not surprising that some unscrupulous manufacturers fake him in order to save and increasing income. Often the stone is replaced by ordinary glass. Sometimes green fianits give out for him. Use as a replacement and tourmalines. The easiest way to identify the authenticity of the mineral is the use of Chelsea Light Filter. Glass in this case remains green. Natural stone When considering it through the device becomes red.

You can determine the fake and using the usual magnifying glass. You need to carefully consider the stone with bright light. Gem has beautiful overflows and color nuances. Many copies have small inclusions. The glass is distinguished by flawless transparency, unity and purity of the shade.

The size of the demanthoid should not be greater. In nature, there are practically no stones of such a breed with a diameter of more than 1 cm. Something you will say and tactile sensations. The glass fake is much faster in hand heated. Another way to understand what is in front of you is to use a magnet. Green grenade is well magnetized.

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_25

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_26

Some believe that the effect of the "horse-tail" is the main proof of the authenticity of Demantoide. However, this is not entirely true. First of all, the inclusions of the bissolite can be in other rocks, for example, in Topazolite . In addition, as already noted, not all instances of Demantoide have this feature. For the Ural Stones, this is quite usually, that is why they are more expensive. Gems mined in other places may not have clearly pronounced inclusions.

The identification of the fake is important not only from the point of view of money spent on the purchase. It should be borne in mind that Artificial stone does not have the properties of natural. It will not have to hope for his help in improving the body or improving the life situation. Doubts should cause the strength of such a product.

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_27

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_28

Recommendations for care

Jewelry with demantide require a special careful relationship. It is not recommended to constantly wear them. Let it be decorations for festive reasons. Do not allow the mineral of chemical compositions. This applies to detergents, perfume.

The care of the product at home is quite simple. Just sometimes wipe it with soapy. This will help remove dust and pollution. Do not forget to carefully wipe the stone after that. You can use both felt fabric, and a paper napkin.

Store the decoration follows in a separate box. Leave it to lie on the sun is not worth it.

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_29

Demantidoid (30 photos): What is it? What does this stone differ from the grenade and what is its properties? Demantoide Deposit in Urals 3418_30

In the next video, you can look at Demantida with the inclusion of Horsetail (horse tail) weighing 2.43 carats.

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