Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit


Almost all women wear earrings. For everyday socks, earrings made of noble metals, such as gold, silver and platinum.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford products with diamonds, so for those who want the ears look beautiful - there are decorations with fianits. They are not much different from expensive earrings with precious stones, but the price is very different from them. Fianit will give uniqueness to any jewelry.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_2


Fianit is not considered a precious stone, as it is grown by artificially. But it does not make a stone less popular, on the contrary, jewelry with fianits are in demand.

These pebbles are of different colors. With the help of various additives, the color scheme varies from gentle pink shades, to such colors that are not found in nature. For example, you can rarely meet a saturated purple stone in nature. Thanks to modern technologies, transparent stones are easy to turn into color.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_3

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_4

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_5

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_6

Transparent fianits are a budget option, despite this are popular. Colored versions of one and a half, or even twice as expensive. The price depends not only on the color, but also on the size and cut.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_7

Fianit has its own story. It was created to replace diamond. It was assumed that the stone is well suited for laboratory research, but everything went differently and fianit began to be sold along with diamonds. The name of the stone occurred from the name of the Institute - Fian.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_8


Earrings with fianit can be made of gold or silver. Both options will look spectacular.

Earrings with fianits can be in the form:

  • clip;
  • carnations;
  • rings;
  • chains.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_9

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_10

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_11

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_12

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_13



Make a platinum earrings with fianits - a big rarity, since the price difference between the rim and the stone itself is very large. Basically, it is made only to order.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_14

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_15

Decorations with fianits of gold is a stylish solution of each lady. They are suitable for any image, as well as for any occasion. Whether it's just a walk or a secular war. Today, designers offer a variety of options for earrings with fianits that even the most capricious fashionistas.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_16

Silver earrings with fianits today at the peak of popularity. They are chosen for many reasons. They look great on the ear, have a huge number of models, and are also hypoallergenic.

Silver is a disinfecting metal that is actively used in medicine. Silver earrings have such a property as versatility. Therefore, suitable for any woman, with any type and color of the skin. If you chose silver earrings with fianits, then you know - they are with you forever.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_17

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_18

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_19

Up to date are earrings-cloves with fianits. They are suitable for all girls, the main thing is to choose the right shape of the stone and its magnitude. To do this, pay attention to your face form.

If you are a chicken, then boldly buy decorations with a round little pebble. It will fit for girls with a square face. But if you are a girl with an oval face form, then choose earrings with oval fianit. He will emphasize your lines and makes even more beautiful.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_20

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_21

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_22

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_23

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_24



If we talk about gold earrings with fianits, it is especially attracted earrings out of 585 samples, as they have a reddish tint that gives luxury products. In this case, no matter what color stone. However, you can meet both white gold earrings that are perfect for everyday socks.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_25

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_26

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_27

To get into the light, a solemn event, choose earrings with large oval stones. They must harmonize with the color of your dress. If your neck and neckline are open, it is worth paying attention to earrings with stones tracks. Although these earrings are suitable for everyday socks, only earrings should be small

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_28

Earrings with dancing fianits are incredibly beautiful. They are distinguished by their uniqueness because they will move together with you. With each pitch, they overflow and sparkle so that they are "dancing", that is why they are called.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_29

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_30

Color solutions

How do you remember shades in fianita a huge amount. Do not forget that the earrings are very close to the face, so it is important that the color of the stone approached your skin tone.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_31

If you have a warm shade leather, then you will come earrings with fianits:

  • reddish;
  • Yellowish shades.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_32

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_33

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_34

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_35

White-skinned shades:

  • gray;
  • Pink.

When choosing, you need to remember one important rule, correctly selected shade pebble will not only refresh your face, but also make younger.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_36

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_37

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_38

Earrings are selected in the color of the eyes.

Girl with gray eyes will suit shades:

  • pink;
  • lilac;
  • green;
  • yellow;
  • Saturated red.

Ladies with blue eyes are worth paying attention to the earrings with the phyanites of a dark yellow color. Also, your image and earrings with black stones will be emphasized.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_39

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_40

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_41

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_42

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_43



Girls with green eyes to emphasize their depths, earrings are suitable with coral shada fianits . Ladies with older to emphasize the depth of their eyes can choose earrings with green largest stone.

The most popular earrings with transparent phyanites still remain. They are very similar to a diamond and a person who does not understand the jewelry, will not distinguish where which stone.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_44

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_45

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_46

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_47

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_48

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_49

Tips for choosing

Jewelry to choose always difficult and earrings with fianits are no exception. Not only because it is worthwhile to beware of the fakes, but also because the choice is incredibly huge. Gold used red, yellow and white shades.

When buying, adhere to these rules:

  • Carnations will suit any woman and even a child (since the child will not hook it and does not hurt the Ear);
  • The most elegant option is a chain earrings, they visually lengthen your face;
  • The classic is considered earrings-rings, there may be one peasons on them, and maybe several.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_50

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_51

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_52

Fianit is the most popular stone, and most importantly, the jewelry with this pebble can afford almost any woman.

Do not forget about your height. Low girls are better to choose short earrings. On thin high women will excellent ringlets with a path from Fianites.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_53

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_54

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_55

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_56

When choosing, it is necessary first to rely only on your preferences. If you do not like something, then why buy? Therefore, you should carefully look at the details, that is, the shape of a stone, color, as well as to the earrings itself. Pay attention to the castle and the color of gold.

When buying, pay attention to the stone, it must be relatively homogeneous, without chipping. Also count your paws that hold the stone. There must be more than two. If it is a big stone, then there must be more than four, otherwise the stone will fly away.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_57

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_58

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_59

What to wear?

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_60

For women will suit any earrings . The same cloves will look good with a sweater and jeans, bright T-shirt, blouse, sundress.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_61

Long earrings tracks are suitable for both business suit and evening dress.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_62

For evening exit, choose earrings with a large stone, and if you are ready to spend money, then buy with a fianit and diamond.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_63

Earrings with a small stone are suitable for a romantic date. Put the bright dress or pleated skirt with the top and you will collect views on yourself.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_64

Bright earrings Jim with a checkered shirt or with a denim jacket.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_65

Pay attention to other jewelry that you wear. Fianits are harmonized with sapphires and diamonds. You can also put on a metal bracelet, wooden decorations and leather products.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_66

Do not overload the image. If you stopped on earrings with a pattern, various lines or in decoration there are several colors, choose one-photo clothes.

Previously, there was a rule that was necessary to adhere to - do not mix the metals and stones in its image. It was impossible to wear gold and silver, ruby ​​and emerald, a diamond and amethyst. Today this rule disappeared. You can safely combine. Even if you have a strictest dress code at work, you can still wear several metals, and no one will say anything to you.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_67

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_68

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_69

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_70

Today you can meet such a ban, like - large earrings only for evening exit. This is not quite so. If you have a monophonic dress and the whole image is thought out, then big earrings will loosely look.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_71

Care and Storage Rules

For jewelry, it is necessary to take care of properly, otherwise they will quickly ruin. If you perform tips on the right care for earrings with fianit, they will serve you long:

  • Wipe them with alcohol with a soft cloth.
  • Use a soap solution into which sometimes put your earrings.
  • Use a brush for hard-to-reach places.
  • Use various solutions for metal and stone care.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_72

  • You can simply contact the jewelry workshop where you will make your product.
  • Every day we use a different perfume that we send for your ears, and this can not be done. If you get on metal and stone toilet water, they deteriorate. Therefore, either do not spray the perfume in this area, or constantly process earrings with special means.
  • Do not work around the house in jewelry, as household chemicals not only affect your skin, but also the metal itself. It is enough to remove the decorations at the time of cleaning, and then wear back. This simple action will save your earrings.
  • Remove jewelry for the night. First, you will be much more convenient for them, and, secondly, they can break.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_73

And the most important rule is not to leave the earrings just as lying on the bedside table, remove them into the box.

Earrings with fianits (82 photos): Gold and silver, models with dancing fianit 3393_74

If you follow these simple rules, then jewelry will serve you for a long time.

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